I want to be with him

Warm Ice

I want to be with him








 Yunho smiled meeting the other’s eyes, whom was thinking about the reason why Yunho and Jessica broke up. 






Jaejoong looked at the other, whom was standing right in front of him holding his cheek. 


“You ok?" 


“Y-yes... sorry, I was just thinking, it must have been hard for you... I’ll get dinner ready...” 


Jaejoong said blushing, stepping back, heading fast to the kitchen... 





‘Calm down!... Just think about making dinner... like no one is there in your living room... it’s going to be alright...’ 


Jaejoong tried to calm himself, Yunho said he won’t push him and he believes him... why? he doesn’t know... and right now he doesn’t care.... he needs to focus on making a decent dinner. 


Taking a deep breath, pulling the beef out, marinating it, cutting the vegetables, before putting them in the oven, turning the rice cooker on. 



“Upht! Finally, done..." 


He mumbled setting the timer on the oven before walking back to the living room, Jaejoong was going to ask if the other needs anything, when his feet were stoned there, he didn’t expect to find the other asleep... Yunho was lying on the couch, eyes closed, his right hand was still holding the empty lemonade glass near the floor, while the other was on his chest. 


Even like that, he looked handsome... strong and manly. 


Swallowing hard, before walking towards the other, Jaejoong's heart was beating fast... as he reached the couch, he sat down on his knees next to the sleeping man. 


‘I shouldn’t watch him while he’s asleep like that... I would hate it if I was in his place... but... I can’t look away’ 


The strong almond eyes were closed, the sharp lines of the handsome face softened making Yunho look more approachable and defenseless, his lips were slightly open, and his strong jaw was relaxed, he was always clean shaven, but now he has some stubbles showing... probably, not having time after being in the surgery room for long. 


‘Can I....’ 


Jaejoong thought, as he felt a strong urge to touch the other’s face, to feel his unshaved face. 


‘No... you came near, to take the empty glass off his hand... don’t do anything stupid...' 


a voice in his head said. 


Jaejoong swallowed hard then, inched near the other, taking the empty glass slowly from his hand, putting aside, yet his eyes couldn’t look away from sleeping face. 


‘Maybe... Just a little...’ 


He thought, leaning towards him, his hand caressing the warm cheek, feeling the rough stubbles of his unshaven beard...  


‘He smells amazing... even after working for so long...’ 


Jaejoong thought, swallowing hard, closing his eyes knowing that this is dangerous... his heart is going crazy in his chest, he needs to back off... this is not right... however, when he opened his eyes, a pair of sharp almond eyes were staring back at him cloudily. 


Jaejoung took a sharp breath in, opened his mouth to apologize but nothing came out, looking at the other in shock, not able to move, seeing the bow shaped lips smile gently, feeling his frozen body held by Yunho‘s arms, pulling him towards his chest. 


“Hmm... This is good...” 


Yunho mumbled, feeling the smaller man respond to his hug, as his arms moved to wrap around his neck. 


‘God... my heart is going to break out of my chest... why do I feel like that in his arms... it feels so warm... so good... I want to stay in his arms... I want to be held by him...  I want to be with him...’ 


Jaejoong’s head was a mess, his body responding to the other’s hug, like crazy... 


‘I want to be with him... I want to be with him... I want him... Wait... What?!’ 


That thought woke up the pale man from his turmoil, he gasped, terrified of what he was thinking, he pushed himself away from the other’s hug, but Yunho kept holding him, yet loosening the hold a little. 


“Hey... calm down, Jae baby... I won’t do anything you don’t want... relax...” 


‘Jae baby?’ 


Jaejoong stopped resisting, looking at the other with wide eyes, his cheeks turning bright red. 


“I... I... I... I... I got go check on dinner!” 


Jaejoong stuttered slipping from the other’s hold, almost running on one foot back to the kitchen. 




Yunho whispered with a lazy smile on his lips... it won’t be easy to concur Jaejoong’s heart and full trust, but he will... with time he will. 




‘What the hell was I thinking!!!’  


Jaejoong thought gripping hard on the kitchen counter. 


‘He isn’t even to blame! He was exhausted and peacefully sleeping until I stupidly decided to touch his face... and he woke up to see me in his face... I’m so stupid!... I told him I want to be friends, then I go touching him while he was asleep and hugging him back!! Speaking of mixed signals! GoD! I must be crazy!’ 


Feeling frustrated of himself, Jaejoong grabbed the salad ingredients and started chopping the cucumbers a little too harsh... the memory of the hug playing fresh in his head. 


‘Jae baby? … Does he call all his friends with baby?... Augh! Whatever!' 


Jaejoong shook his head, taking a deep breath, trying to relax, seeing what he did to the poor cucumbers. 


“Do you need any help?" 


Startled, hearing the other’s voice, he turned to see him leaning on the kitchen door frame, still smiling lazily at him. 


“No... I’m good...” 


Turning back to finish the salad... he couldn’t face the other while he said: 



“Um... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up... I..." 


He didn’t know what to say... with what excuse... 


“I’m glad you did..." 


Jaejoong could feel the other’s eyes on him, making him nervous, he needs to keep the other away. 


“Um... since you’re awake, can you help set up the table?... the plates and the utensils are in there.” 


He said pointing at the cupboard at the corner changing his mind, wanting the others eyes away from him.




10 minutes later, Jaejoong carried the hot tray with the roasted beef chunk with various cooked vegetables around it, seeing the other’s face lighten with a big smile. 



“Woah! This looks delicious!” 


“Go ahead, help yourself...” 


Jaejoong said, smiling at Yunho, he was apparently as famished as he was exhausted, filling the rice bowls for both of them before sitting in front of the other seeing him take a big bite of the meat, before smiling at him happily. 


“This is really good...” 


“I’m glad you like it...” 


Jaejoong smiled at the other, relieved that he did a good job with dinner, listening to Yunho talk about his awful experiences in cooking, when he first lived at the med school dorms, saying he gave up learning to cook and he owes it now for Jiyoon-ssi.   


Dinner was fun, Jaejoong had to admit that Yunho has a charming personality, he can never get enough of... he was surprised to see that it was almost midnight. 


“I think I should be going now... let you rest...” 


Jaejoong nodded shyly at the other seeing him wear his coat smiling tiredly at him. 


“Thank you for today... I had a great time...” 


Yunho said, his eyes adoring the other’s blushing cheeks, seeing him nod to him again, his fingers holding the hem of his long sweater. 


“Me too...” 


Jaejoong said smiling, limping with his guest to the door. 


“Um... I want to thank you for the food...” 


Yunho turned as soon as he reached the door, meeting the doe eyes. 


“Would you go out to dinner with me, tomorrow night?” 




Jaejoong didn’t expect the other to ask him out, feeling his heart beat fast, as the taller man was looking at him waiting for an answer. 


“I... um... yes...” 




Yunho said smiling wide, his hand caressing Jaejoong’s soft hair. 


“I’ll come and pick you up tomorrow, at eight?” 


Jaejoong nodded, as he couldn’t trust his voice, his heart was beating crazily feeling how gently the other was caressing his hair, feeling the big hand slip to hold his cheek, making him swallow hard. 


“Ok then... See you tomorrow, honey...” 


Yunho said closing the door before leaving. 




Jaejoong stuttered palming his cheek with his hand, feeling his lips smiling and his heart beating harder. Yunho never fails to make him on his toes. 

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hopefully u r going to continue this....
Shubha #2
Chapter 37: Am rereading it....waiting for update
Shubha #3
Chapter 37: Continue pld
Chapter 37: Yunho is relentless, such a determination to capture Jae's heart.
On the other hand, I completely sympathize with Jae's reluctance towards starting something new with Yunho. He just got out of a committed relationship that left some deep wounds that need time to heal.
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 37: I wish it ll be a tv drama.love it.
springmiya #6
Chapter 6: i love this story
Chapter 37: so romantic, love it :D
NinePlusOne #8
Chapter 37: Be kind to Yunnie JJ!
springmiya #9
Chapter 37: They'll get together soon
Chapter 37: Yunho's charms, irresistible. With Jae so smitten, it's only a matter of time before he accepts his feelings.
Have to hand it to Yunho, he's giving it his all, not holding back, just going for it. I'm rooting for you Yunho!
Thanks for the update!