28 - Fear

Forced To Say I Do

Ugh last night was pretty much a disaster. 

"Jong In, I know you were lying to me this morning. Tell me what really happened," his mother confronted. I had to admit she was making my hands go sweaty. 
"I can't tell you," he replied nervously. Oh you idiot, if you don't want to die just tell her already. 
"And why not?" she raised her eyebrow.
"Because it'll get me angry again if I tell you and the doctor clearly said no stress for the next couple of days."
She glared at him for a few seconds before replying, "well make sure whatever happened doesn't happen again." 
"You're the best," Jong In said and pulled his mum into a hug. Aish what an umma's boy. I can't say that I don't find that cute though.
"Aish, you only say that when you get your way," she laughed as she got up. "You two stay for dinner."
I stared at Jong In for a second and he just shrugged.
"She's not going to let us leave until we eat dinner," he leaned in and whispered in my ear..
I sighed and followed his mum into the kitchen. 
"Did you need any help, umma?" I asked.
"Not really. I've already done everything but you can help me bring those bowls to the table," she replied.
I carefully brought the plates to the table, trying hard not to drop them. I really don't need the reputation of a bad daughter-in-law.
"Jong In, come sit," she commanded as she took a seat across from Jong In's father.Woah, where did he come from? Not wanting to be rude I bowed and greeted him before taking my seat. 
"Are you feeling better, Jong In?" his father asked. 
Jong In nodded with a mouth full of rice. It was kind of getting awkward. I mean I couldn't keep up a conversation.
I kept on glancing at Jong In, who was busily eating like a pig, to try to get him to make it less awkward but he obviously didn't get the message. Without any further ado, I realised I just had to put up with this for another half an hour and I could leave. 
"So when have you two decided to start a family?" his mum asked abruptly causing me to choke on my rice.
I was coughing like a mad woman whilst Jong In was hitting my back to try and calm me down but of course it didn't work.
"Seriously mum, stop asking us," he groaned. "Look what you did to my wife. You caught her off guard." 
"I'm serious. I want to see my grandchildren."
"We're working on it, mum." My eyes widened. What is that boy talking about? Why give them hope when we obviously aren't going to have children any time soon. Aish! 
-end of flashback-
And that was one of the reasons I actually hated meeting up with our parents. They always brought up the topic of children and it was beginning to stress me out. It's such a burden and I felt so pressured. I mean it hasn't even been a year since we met and they want us to have kids? 
"TAE HEE!" an annoying voice called and interrupted my thoughts.
"WHAT?!" I yelled back. Aish this boy! He's always interrupting my little internal rants.
Groaning, I trudged up the stairs to our room.
"What?" I hissed, hands on my hips.
"So you know that performance we were suppose to do at SHINee's concert?" he asked without taking his eyes off of the tv screen.
"Yeah? What about it?"
"Well Baekhyun and Hae Ri are going to do it now."
"Why Baekhyun? And why her out of all people?" He really can't forget about her can he? Why does he have to bring her up even when he's around me? It's pissing me off.
"Well because you didn't want to do it with me, I asked Hae Ri to do it and because I'm not allowed to work for the next few days it means I can't do it so Hae Ri asked if she could do it with Baekhyun."
"And why are you telling me this again?" I sighed.
"Because I thought you wanted to know," he shrugged. "OH! High score baby!" he yelled abruptly causing me to jump.
"YAH! Why the hell are you yelling? It's just a stupid game! And that Baekhyun and Hae Ri thing is irrelevant to me so I don't really care. Now if you don't mind I actually have work to do unlike you," I replied and turned around, heading for the door.
"Wait!" he called. 
"What do you want now?" I groaned.
"You know you're suppose to be looking after me right?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I am looking after you," I replied calmly.
"No you're not. I'm hungry," he pouted. My face cringed at the disturbing sight. 
"If I get you food don't ever make that face again," I couldn't help but chuckle and walked back downstairs. Thank god, his mum had packed some food from last night otherwise we would both be doomed since I can't cook and neither can he.
I heated the containers of food and put them in bowls. Carefully I placed them on a tray I found in the cupboard. Gosh was I serving a king of some sort? Even the tray looked so elegant. I wonder where we even got that. 
Taking little steps up the stairs, I tried my best not to tilt the tray. 
I kicked the door open since both my hands were occupied. That probably suprised the lazy on the bed since he was frowning at me as I entered. "You didn't have to kick the door that hard, you know?" he complained. 
"Oh act like a man for goodness sake," I rolled my eyes and placed the tray of food in front of him. "If there are crumbs, stains or whatever on the bed you're seriously dead," I warned and began walking towards the door.
"Wait where are you going?" 
"To fold the clothes."
"Bring it up here and fold them. I need company," he ordered.
"The TV can keep you company," I sighed.
"No I need a human being," he whined.
"Aish you're seriously like a little kid!"
"Please?" he pouted again.
"Fine," I groaned. God, why do I always have to give in to him? Stupid pabo! 
I carried the basket of mostly Jong In's clothes up to our room. He immediately patted the bed, indicating that I should sit next to him, as I entered. I realised that he had turned off the TV. Well that's a first.
"I don't know why you want me to be right next to you," I stated as I sat crossed legged on the bed next to him.
"I'm bored. You expect me to stay in my room all day without any company. It's boring, okay?"
"Now you know how I feel everyday," I muttered.
"Nothing," I mumbled back, folding his faded blue jeans. He stared at me suspiciously. "I didn't say anything!"
"Sure you didn't," he replied sarcastically. "Here have some," he said as he shoved a spoonful of rice in my face. Yes in my face not in my mouth. He stared at me for a millisecond before he erupted into laughter.
"Yah! What is wrong with you?" I yelled as I tried taking the sticky rice off of my cheeks. He didn't respond but instead kept pointing at me and laughing his head off. I got on my knees and picked up the pillows and started hitting him with it.
"Why. Are. You. So. Annoying?" I yelled, hitting him between each word. 
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," he said as he took a hold of both my wrists. 
"Aish, don't touch me," I sulked and tried to break free of his grip.
"Awww wifey I was only trying to feed you," he teased, trying hard not to crack up. Just by one word in that whole sentence he made me feel tingly and mushy inside. Not a good sign. "Don't be mad," he pinched my cheek.
I scrunched my face in disgust. "Am I going to have to deal with this for the rest of the night?" I glared.
"Yeah I better not," I warned as I continued folding the clothes. Oh the feeling of having him under control is priceless. I couldn't help but smile to myself though. I haven't felt like this in a long time. I think the last time might have been on our honeymoon? It's not even the same feeling I got that day I met Taemin oppa at his dorm for the first time. But that didn't really matter because how I'm feeling right now is definately indescribable. It was the feeling of warmth and security. But it wasn't just that. It was more. 
"Hey! Hello! Earth to Tae Hee!" Jong In called whilst waving his hands in my face. 
"Huh? What did you say?" 
"Are you sure you're not hungry? I mean you haven't eaten all day."
"I told you I'm not hungry," I lied. At the same time my stomach let out a growl. Oh great timing, I thought. 
Jong In let out a low chuckle. "You were saying?" he smirked. 
"Oh just give me that," I hissed, trying to snatch the spoon from him. 
"No, I'll feed you," he laughed. I swear I have no idea how this guy is 20 years old but acts like a 5 year old.
"I don't get why you always want to do the opposite of what I want to do," I frowned. 
"Didn't I say that in my vows?" he smirked. 
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Let me recap for you. I clearly said that I promised to frustrate and challenge you and someday, if the stars align, I might even let you win an argument. But the stars haven't aligned yet so you can't win this argument," he stuck his tongue out at me. I can't believe he actually remembered the vows.
"Y-you actually remember your vows?" I stuttered.
"Of course. You know how long it took me to write that thing? I thought my brain was going to explode."
I let out a laugh and realised he was smiling at me.
"Nothing. That's just the first time I've heard you laugh in ages." I was taken aback by his sudden remark. 
"Tae Hee, stay still," he whispered. He slowly began leaning in. Oh my god. Oh my god. What is he doing? This is really bad. I mean we're alone in this house and not to mention on the bed. Please don't tell me his hormones are kicking in right now. 
I was about to lean away when he whispered again. "Don't move." He was leaning in. Why is he suddenly acting like this? Our faces were an inch away from each other right now. I could feel his breath on him face. His scent, his eyes, his face. Everything was so mesmerising. "There's something on your lip," he whsipered. Embarrassed, I quickly brought my hand up to wipe it, since there weren't any tissues around, but Jong In had caught it before I could wipe it away. 
He quickly leaned in another inch and caused our lips to come in contact with each other. Was this his excuse to kiss me? My eyes were still wide open from shock but his were close and he was most likely enjoying this. His arms had already made their way to my waist whereas mine were dangling on the side. I wanted to kiss back but something was stopping me. I quickly pulled back and headed for the door. I needed to get away from him. Behind me I could hear him calling my name. I'm sorry, Jong In. 
He'a making me fall for him again, I thought. This is not a good sign. I'm suppose to forget about him but you know what they say 'it's hard to pretend to love someone when you don't but it's harder to pretend you don't love someone when you do.'
If you're wondering why I didn't kiss back but instead ran out the door, it's because I'm scared. We haven't known each other for long and I don't know how my feelings have grown quite strong for him. I'm scared he's just playing with me. He'll act like he likes me one minute and throw me away the next. I've been getting too close with him over the past few months. I think it's time for me keep my distance from now on otherwise it's me who's going to end up with a broken heart. 







I'M BACK :)) okay let me apologise for not updating in nearly two weeks! I was really lazy! so I'm really sorry :P But I hope the fluff made up for it....it was actually meant to be more fluffy but then I changed my mind and was like 'nah, I'll just save the fluff for later' haha

and poor Tae Hee! Kai really needs to show her he likes her instead of just kissing her all the time! LOL

anyway I hope you liked this chapter and a big thanks to all my new subbies and to all the people who commented! xD 

And oh guess what? IM ON HOLIDAYS! YEAH BABY! so I'll update soon :) 

Thanks for reading <3

hottest-shawol xx


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I'll be back in 2 weeks time :) sorry to keep everyone waiting! All I'll say is it'll be worth the wait ;) ok back to studying now :(


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BlurLady #1
Chapter 1: Just read the first chap... Getting interesting..
aufamira #2
Chapter 45: Author-nim I miss your story...but if you need time to Update...please do take your time! Hwaiting ㅋㅋ
krishangel #3
Chapter 1: Hi....the story is intrestng...keep writng fren...hwaiting..!!!
Chapter 45: This is an awesome story! Keep up the great work:)
Chapter 45: pls update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alfhyraawal #6
Chapter 1: :):):) good
snowz28 #7
Chapter 45: Please dont get tae hee pregnant already !
And more fluff please hehehe cute story
priyanka_mahawar #8
Chapter 1: it's great starting ::::::::::;
noelani #9
Chapter 1: It's really interesting.....Kai's first impression is very straightforward cause he suddenly comes to a strangers house and says he's her new boyfriend...imagine that happening to you LOL
Sonalen #10
Chapter 1: Wowwwwwww this is amazing !!! 너무 촣아 !!짱 !!