12 - The Past

Forced To Say I Do

*1 month later*

*Kai's POV*


"Aish Jong In! The wedding's in a few weeks and we have NOTHING planned!" Tae Hee panicked. 

"Chill, our parents have got everything planned. All we need to get was the dress, my suit, the invitations and the rings."


I smirked. She's kinda cute when she's all panicky.

 "Look the invitations are already done and sent," I said trying to calm her down. "Anyway I'm going out."

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"Out. I'll be back in about half an hour."


*Tae Hee's POV* 


"Out. I'll be back in about half an hour," he said and left. Aish! He can't even give me a straight forward answer. 

I decided to go downstairs and see if any of the boys were home.  I found Baek Hyun lying on the couch. 

"Baek Hyun oppa," I called shaking him. 

"Hmmm?" he replied sleepily.

"Where's everyone else?" 

"Mmmm," he replied.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I dragged him up so he was now sitting. 

"Tae Hee-ah let me sleep," he groaned and slumped back down onto the couch. 

"What are you guys doing?" I turned my head to see Chanyeol staring at us. 

"Well I was trying to ask him a question but he wouldn't wake up!" 

Chanyeol chuckled and started walkling towards me.  "Where's your hubby? Why don't you go annoy him?" Chanyeol smirked. 

"I don't know, the pabo just said he was going out and then left."

"Awww do you miss him?" he teased.  

"Aish. Why are you guys all the same?" I groaned. "Anyway I was wondering if you knew about Jong In's ex girlfriend, Lee Hae Ri?" 

He suddenly went quiet.  "I don't think that's any of my business. You should ask Jong In about it."

"But that's the problem. He won't tell me anything. If I even bring up the topic he'll just get angry. Please oppa?" I pouted. 

He sighed and took a seat on the couch. I sat next to him to listen.  "First of all don't ever call Hae Ri as his ex girlfriend. He hates it. They never really broke up. They sort of just separated without officially saying that it's over. He was never really this cold or emotionless when she was still here. It all started when she told him she was going to study abroad for 3 years. He really loved her and he's only cold because he's scared of falling for someone else besides Hae Ri. She was everything to him and when she left he went into depression for a few months. He almost got kicked out of SM for not training properly. None of us knew what to do but then one day he suddenly walked into the company and was training like nothing had happened. We were all surprised. He never told any of us what happened or what changed his mind about training again but we were all estatic that he was back to normal, or so we thought. As the months went by, nobody knew if he still kept in contact with Hae Ri or not but the more time that went by, we noticed the change in his personality. He became distant and very closed about everything. He became colder and colder, not opening his heart to anyone. It surprised us that he's actually agreeing to the whole arranged marriage thing. So please be patient with him. I know he's a jerk and an idiot most of the time but remember it's only because he's afraid he'll get hurt if he begins to fall again. But all thanks to you, he's beginning to open up again and Lee Tae Hee, EXO are relying on you to bring back the Jong In we knew from 4 years ago. Make him smile again."

  I sat there like a statue as Chan Yeol was telling me the story. 

"I'll try my best," I smiled.  "Yah, what are you guys talking about?"  I turned my heads towrds the door to realise Jong In was home. Great timing, I thought.

"Nothing. Where did you go?" I asked, following him upstairs. 

He didn't answer. 

He entered the room and sat down onto the bed. I closed the door behind me and sat down next to him. 

"So where did you go?" I asked calmly.

"Shopping centre."

"Why didn't you let me come then?" I whined. 

"Because I told you I hate shopping with you!" he chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes at him. "So why did you go then?"

"To pick this up," he said whilst pulling a box out of his jacket pocket.

"Omo! Is it what I think it is?" I slowly opened the wooden box and inside sat a set of wedding rings. The ones I wanted from the store to be precise. 


 "When did u order it?" 

"Well remember when we were about to go home after shopping and I said I needed to use the bathroom, well I didn't really need to. I went back to the ring store to order it," he smiled.

I sighed out of happiness. That damn smile gets me everytime but hey I'm not complaining. I love it when he smiles. 

I don't know what got into me but I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thanks," I whispered.

Surprisingly he didn't pull away but instead hugged me back. Mmm it feels good to be in his embrace. That safe and secure kind of feeling. We stayed in the same position for about 30 seconds when I realised how awkward this was going to get if I didn't pull away. 

"Give me your hand," he said whilst taking the female ring out of the box. 

He took a hold of my hand and gently slid the ring onto my finger.


My heart's racing again. God why does he always make me feel like this?

I think I really have fallen for Jong In, the idiot. 

"Fits perfectly," he smiled. "I guess I am pretty good at approximating."

"Do you compliment yourself on a regular basis?" I laughed.

I took off the ring and placed it back into the box.  I opened up the drawer next to the bed and placed the box inside. 

"Now let's go out before I have a schedule tonight," Jong In smiled. 

"Why are you so cheerful today?"  

"Why? Is it wrong for me to spend time with my future wife?" 


*20 minutes later*


"Yah! Are you done yet?" Jong In whined and continuously knocked on the bathroom door. 

"Give me a minute," I chuckled. I heard a groan coming from the other side of the door. 

"You know we're not even going anywhere special? We're just visiting my hyungs."

"Alright, jeez I'm done," I said walking out of the bathroom. 

I was in shorts and a flowy top. 

I always wear shorts but for some odd reason Jong In was staring at me today.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"Your shorts are very short," he commented, still staring. 

"Well that's why they call it shorts, you ert. Stop staring!" 

"Well we're going to my hyungs' dorm which means they will be staring. So go change! I don't want them ing on you." 

"Aish, I'm not getting changed so hurry up and let's go."

"So stubborn," he mumbled under his breath. 

"I heard that, pabo."




"I still can't believe you didn't listen to me and change into some longer pants," he complained whilst shaking his head. 

"Oh you'll get over it and who's house are we at?" I asked and rang the door bell. 

"You'll see," he smiled and took a hold of my hand. 

In a matter of seconds the door flew open.

"Jong In-ah," the guy greeted.  

"HYUNG WHO IS IT?" another voice asked.  Why does that voice sound so familiar? 

"It's Jong In and his wife," he yelled back.

I heard a whole heap of footsteps coming towards the door. 

My eyes widened as he came to the door. 








Hey you! Woooo an update :D 

So who do you guys think this 'oppa' is huh? and Tae Hee finally realises that she's fallen for Kai? Interesting...

Anways don't forget to leave a comment and subscribe xD

Thanks for reading <3 

hottest-shawol xx

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I'll be back in 2 weeks time :) sorry to keep everyone waiting! All I'll say is it'll be worth the wait ;) ok back to studying now :(


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BlurLady #1
Chapter 1: Just read the first chap... Getting interesting..
aufamira #2
Chapter 45: Author-nim I miss your story...but if you need time to Update...please do take your time! Hwaiting ㅋㅋ
krishangel #3
Chapter 1: Hi....the story is intrestng...keep writng fren...hwaiting..!!!
Chapter 45: This is an awesome story! Keep up the great work:)
Chapter 45: pls update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alfhyraawal #6
Chapter 1: :):):) good
snowz28 #7
Chapter 45: Please dont get tae hee pregnant already !
And more fluff please hehehe cute story
priyanka_mahawar #8
Chapter 1: it's great starting ::::::::::;
noelani #9
Chapter 1: It's really interesting.....Kai's first impression is very straightforward cause he suddenly comes to a strangers house and says he's her new boyfriend...imagine that happening to you LOL
Sonalen #10
Chapter 1: Wowwwwwww this is amazing !!! 너무 촣아 !!짱 !!