17 - Honeymoon Part 1

Forced To Say I Do

"So what do you want to do today, Mrs Kim?"

I chuckled at my new name. "I don't know, you know this place better than me."

"Well there's one place you must go when you'r in St. Lucia."

"Where?" I asked whilst unpacking some things from my suitcase.

"The beach," he smiled. Ugh going to the beach with him? That means exposure of skin...for the both of us. 

"Uhh..ok sure," I replied hesitantly. 

"Make sure you wear that bikini you wore in that picture on my phone," he winked before going to get changed.

"Yah! You're such a byuntae!" Did I even bring that one along? I thought and scavenged through my bag trying to find it.  I pulled it out after about two minutes of digging and went to get changed. 


"Yah are you done?" Jong In called. I walked out of the bathroom trying to fix the dress I was wearing.


Jong In was just staring at me again like I was some freak. 

"What happened to the bikini?" he asked casually. 

"Is that all you think about? Girls in bikinis?"

"Correction, I only think about my wifey in a bikini," he laughed. 

I shuddered. "You're such a creep and you will see it when we get to the beach."


We walked out of the hotel and suddenly Jong In offered me his hand.

I stared at in confusion. "What do you want?"

"Do you realy have to ask that?" he asked. "Like this," he said as he grabbed my hand and interwined our fingers.

First time holding hands like this and feels so...right. 


It wasn't a long walk, the beach was right in front of our hotel.  Surprisingly it was not packed at all. It was pretty much empty besides for a few guys who kind of looked suspiscious. 

I laid our towels on the sand before taking off my dress. Don't worry, I was actually wearing my bikini under it.


I turned back around to see a shirtless Jong In was too busy rummaging through my bag for something to notice. 

"What are you looking for?" I asked as I placed the dress back into my bag. 

"My sunglasses."

"It's in the pocket with the zipper," I told him but ended up getting it for him anyway. 

"Thanks wifey," he smiled and put them on. 

Suddenly he pulled me into a hug. I was astounded by his actions. What's with all the skinship lately? It's kind of getting weird and his personality is changing, not that I'm complaining, but it's just weird. 

"Now you see those guys on the beach? Well they're the paparazzi so we have to watch our actions, okay? And nice bikini by the way," he complimented in a y way as his hands moved down to my waist.

I pushed him away. "YAH!" I yelled. He gave me the look to watch what I say in front of these guys. 

Aish why are they still following us around on our honeymoon? What happened to peace and quiet? I bet you the photos from today are going to end up on the internet tomorrow. 

"Tae Hee," I turned around to where Jong In's voice was coming from. He was running towards me and before I knew it, he had scooped me up into him muscular arms. 

"Yah! Put me down," I yelled whilst kicking my legs up in the air. 

"Let's go in the water," he cheered whilst running down to the seashore.


*Jong In's POV*


"Let's go in the water," I cheered and ran to the water. Those paparazzi wants photos? Oh I'll give them the best photos ever. I'm sorry Tae Hee but that means more skinship. 

I was going to throw her into the water but damn her reactions are quick. She already had her arms wrapped around my neck and she quickle wrapped her legs around my waist, nearly making me stumble in the water. 

She squealed as I let go of her. Haha this is fun, for once she's holding onto me. 

"Come on Tae Hee, you can't just hold onto me the whole time."

"Yes I can. I'm just going to stay like this until you go back on land," she smiled. I felt a rush of some weird feeling throughout my body. It's like a melting feeling. I don't even know how to explain it. Has she really changed me in a short amount of time? It's only been three months but why am I feeling like this? Is it even possible that I let her into my heart without any clue? Aish what is this girl doing to me? 

I don't know any more. Maybe my feelings are just confused right now. I can't jump to conclusions. 

"Hello, Kim Jong In," she called waving her hand in front of me."

"Huh, yeah?"

"What were you thinking about? You were so deep in thought."

"Nah it's nothing," I smiled. 

"You know what I realised? I didn't put sunscreen on. Carry me back up there," she grinned.

"And why would I do that?" 

"If you don't then....then you can sleep on the floor tonight," she grinned evilly.

"Aish you're so evil. Get on my back," I smirked. 

As she was unwrapping her legs to get on my back, I unwrapped her arms causing her to fall into the water.  I couldn't hold in my laughter. I stood there laughing like an idiot and holding my stomach, which was hurting from the amount of laughing I was doing. 

She furrowed her eyebrows and frowned at me.  "You're so evil! I could have like drowned."

"The water only goes up to your hips, I'm sure you would have been fine," I chuckled. 

She stood back up and flicked her drenced hair out of her face.  I kneeled down in the water, my back facing her. 

"Get on. I don't want to sleep on the floor."

Now this might get awkward since I have to hold on to her thighs to make sure she doesn't fall. I don't want to die in her hands today. She hopped on and I pretended to struggle to get up. 

"Ugh I think my back is going to break," I complained in a joking manner. 

"Well at least I'm helping you get some muscle. Be grateful," she chuckled. Nice, she doesn't get pissed when I pull fat jokes on her. 

Damn it is so hard to run in the sand. I don't even know why I bother. 

As we reached our spot, I collapsed onto the sand with my arms and legs spread out.  I flipped onto my stomach as I watched her apply her sunscreen. I feel erted but her the way she was applying the cream on was so...so seductive. Damn this girl, my hormones are raging because of her. You can't deny the fact that she's got a pretty good looking body right there. 

Aish what the hell am I saying? I shouldn't be attracted to her in this way otherwise our parents' wish would come earlier than expected.  I shivered as she started applying her legs. Stupid girl is freaking teasing me. 

"Yah why are you smirking like that?" she asked in the midst of applying.

"Like what?" . Was I smirking while staring at her? 

"I don't know, I can't imitate you. It's like the y smirk you do at times."

"I think I was just smiling." Phew, at least she didn't question me further. 


"Yah, did you bring any food? I'm like starving."

"I only brought fruit," she replied pulling out a plastic box. 

"Feed me," I demanded.

"I didn't get married to you to become your personal slave. Feed yourself."

"Either feed me or I'll tell umma that you don't want children yet. You have no idea what she would do."

"Tell her then. I don't care," she said shakily.

"I swear if I tell her, she'll like send us to the doctor or something. Now we wouldn't want that to happen now do we?" I chuckled. 

"Aish," she groaned. "What do you want?" 


She slowly approached me with the strawberry. She quickly shoved it in my mouth and backed away. 

"I think you poked my tongue with the fork," I complained. "So romantic," I said sarcastically. 

"When were you into the romance, corny crap?"

"Ever since I saw you," I winked. 

"Ew. Don't use corny pick up lines on me. It doesn't work." I just chuckled. Her personality is not girly at all. Don't let her looks confuse you. 

"Give me more strawberry," I demanded.

"Are you in love with strawberries or something?"

I nodded after she placed the strawberry in my mouth. 

I pulled out my phone out of her bag when she wasn't watching.

"Hey Tae Hee, look here," I called.


Hahaha she fell into my trap.

"Thanks for the photo, wifey," I grinned.

"Yah delete it! I wasn't even ready," she complained.

"But you look cute so no I will not delete it," I smiled throwing my phone back into her bag.


"Want to go back in the water?" she suggested. 

"Sure, first one to the seaside gets a wish," I smirked as I bolted to the water. She was a pretty fast runner, not far behind me. If I hadn't gotten the head start she might have been me. Scary girl. 

"Ha! I won so I get a wish," I grinned shamelessly. 

"That's...cause...you cheated," she panted. 

"But I still won," I stuck my tongue at her. 

"Fine, what's your wish?" her breathing slightly going back to normal now.

"I'll tell you tomorrow," I winked and started splashing water at her. 


We seemed like two little kids frolicking in the water for hours but it was the most fun I've had ever since my trainee days. The world seemed to be blocked out for those few hours spent with her. It didn't matter that the paparazzi were there, at least they didn't interrupt us. 

And because of today, I now hold sommething over her. I'll put this one wish into good use *inserts evil laughter*......







Hey there! So I promised for an update today right? Well I kept my promise :D 

Okay so I was reading over this chapter and I was contemplating whether or not I should update since it was so corny...*shudders* but in the end I did anyway :) So what did you think of it? cheesy? corny? cute?  Post your comments below :) And what is Jong In planning, aye? ;)

Thanks to all my new subscribers and to everyone who commented! I love you guys <3

Thanks for reading <3

hottest-shawol xx

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I'll be back in 2 weeks time :) sorry to keep everyone waiting! All I'll say is it'll be worth the wait ;) ok back to studying now :(


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BlurLady #1
Chapter 1: Just read the first chap... Getting interesting..
aufamira #2
Chapter 45: Author-nim I miss your story...but if you need time to Update...please do take your time! Hwaiting ㅋㅋ
krishangel #3
Chapter 1: Hi....the story is intrestng...keep writng fren...hwaiting..!!!
Chapter 45: This is an awesome story! Keep up the great work:)
Chapter 45: pls update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alfhyraawal #6
Chapter 1: :):):) good
snowz28 #7
Chapter 45: Please dont get tae hee pregnant already !
And more fluff please hehehe cute story
priyanka_mahawar #8
Chapter 1: it's great starting ::::::::::;
noelani #9
Chapter 1: It's really interesting.....Kai's first impression is very straightforward cause he suddenly comes to a strangers house and says he's her new boyfriend...imagine that happening to you LOL
Sonalen #10
Chapter 1: Wowwwwwww this is amazing !!! 너무 촣아 !!짱 !!