XXX: Sister Part One

Call to the Sea

The man in front of her who held her captive was absolutely stunning to look at. She supposed it was in part why he was regarded as a “magnificent and magical creature”. His dark hair was perfect, not a single strand unintentionally out of place and his body was like that of a god, perfectly sculpted and tanned just enough. The tattoos she knew were under his perfect clothes and littering his perfect skin only made the thought of his body feel worse. His eyes, dark and mysterious, sparkled like the ocean on a clear day as they peered into the water that surrounded the two of them. His lips twitched upwards when he noticed she was staring. “Enjoying the view?”


Well, being tied up here I sure can see a lot.” she replied.


His smirk was absolutely devilish. He tapped his fingers together and suddenly the large gate she was tied to was too quickly dropped halfway into the water. It was freezing, but it was hardly enough to be even slightly intimidating. He looked up at her and raised an eyebrow, wordlessly repeating the question he's been asking for the past hour. She kept her lips shut and simply sent a challenging smirk his way. He shrugged and turned away. There was a suddenly splash and when she looked down she could see what looked like eels swimming towards her bare feet in the water. The nasty creatures wrapped their bodies around the bars underneath the water and seconds later there was shock. It wasn't enough to force a sound past her lips, but it hurt like hell nevertheless. After a few moments of the electricity flowing through her everything died down and faded into nothing. He turned back to her, smiling as she strained some to catch her breath. He hummed in approval of his work and she looked up, directly into his eyes. “That all you got?” she snarled.


Very well.” he replied, nodding his head towards the ground.


Just as quickly as it had ceased it began again, this time far more excruciating than the last. It lasted longer too, maybe only by a few seconds, but it was enough to send a scream of pain past her lips. This time when the eels ceased their assault, she was panting and sweating and hurting more than ever. “Listen,” he said, his voice flowed like silk. She found it annoying. His entire being was annoying. “All you have to do is tell me where she is and I will release you.”


Um, the whole point of her running away is because you're an . I'm not just going to give up her location.”


You will. In time, it may take hours, days, even weeks, but you will tell me everything I want to know.” his words were laced with two things; seriousness and sincerity. “What was it you used to say? Sing like a bird?”


You're a fish, what would you know about singing birds.” she growled.


I know a lot. I walk two worlds, land and sea, so does Dara. The sea will call to her like it does to all of us, and when it will only get louder the farther she runs from it. She will give-in and return just to feel the water, to calm to call, and when she does,” he was suddenly there, right in front of her face, “I'll be there to take her back.” he smiled that killer smile once again. “And there's nothing you can do to stop me Chaelin.”


Believe me Mr. Park,” she spit out the words as venomously as she could, “there's a lot, I could do.” 


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Passerby127 #1
Chapter 39: oh so it was a indeed dream ! ok ok ok ok ...
Kaiho attract me more than it should ... sorry channie but you're slow take all your time XD
anyway I wonder of they gonna do it or suho will ask for chanyeol head on a silver plate to Kai or maybe both ! Please update very soon ><
Chapter 39: I like the kaiho dynamic even though it's so wrong.
Chapter 38: Good action scene. I imagine it's a dream.
Passerby127 #4
Chapter 38: welcome back and happy new year !
Aaaah well I am excited XD
Can't wait for the next chapter !
Passerby127 #5
Chapter 37: oh and sukai relationship too ! how will channie react ? please update very soon >u<
Passerby127 #6
Chapter 37: oooh so exciting! I can't wait for channie to meet Kai !
Passerby127 #7
Chapter 36: omg where did Jongin go !? I seriously can't wait to know !
Passerby127 #8
Chapter 35: Aye stuck between 2 bastards ... poor Nini .
Zico story is so freakin horrible T_T