

Story title- Little Emperor

Reviewer: BaoziXEveryoneX 

Note- Words that are red are places where there are changed that can be made and the changes that would fit in better. Bold text, is the part from the story.

"To him he spends money like it is water. In other words, he's a filthy rich and obnoxious emperor." Change "it is" to it's. "Filthy rich and obnoxious emperor" can be changed to Filthy, rich, obnoxious emperor. 

"Mother, I want a new car", Suho says nonchalantly while playing with his expensive and latest phone." The comma should be placed before the quotation mark, change the commas to ,". "Expensive and latest phone" can be changed to latest, new, expensive phone.

"Suho has showed a bit promise way back at grade school but after his mother's remarriage; things have changed." I'm confused about the "a bit promise" part, I don't know what you're implying or saying, not to be rude. "At" can be changed to in grade school.  The semicolon is not needed, but can be replaced with a comma, and instead of "things has changed" you should change it to "things have changed".

"The two goes to spend their parent's money like they do every day of the week." Goes should be changed to go.

"Hyunsik eyes gleams brightly, mouth grinning at the new car which was now his." The red, should be changed to Hyunsik's eyes gleam brightly.

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