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ryu jaemi

 jamie, 재미  the name she's most known for in the school, only because her romanized name "doesn't seem right" to people. the school knows her as jamie, which causes confusion for people that don't know her since many will think she's american or at least half.
  ariel, 아리엘  because she currently has red-dyed hair as of may 2016, a lot of people see her as the look-a-like of the little mermaid character. not only does she look like her, but jaemi also has the personality of ariel, which makes it twice as scary.
  red riding hood, 빨간 모자  comes from the known fact that she likes hoodies and tends to take hoodies from people she's most comfortable with, plus the fact she has red hair only emphasizes this nickname of hers. usually she's seen with her brother's hoodies or a close male friend's, but never a strangers. a lot of people assume that if she asks you for your hoodie, it means that she likes you; that's not completely true since she only takes it because, a, she's cold and, b, she's comfortable with that person.

  korean, seoul dialect  native language and dialect.
  english  she wanted to learn a new language when she entered high school and, of course, the language that's needed was english. although she didn't want to follow the crowd in taking that, heck she wanted to learn something more difficult, but it's a mandatory language to learn. as of now, she's fluent, but she prefers writing it than speaking it since her pronunciation is a bit off.

jaemi might be one of the few juniors that appears to be on the prettier side. she's not considered popular, but she's definitely well known in the school. born with an oval-shaped face, button nose, healthy pale skin, dark brown eyes that seldom sparkle, and straight teeth— she's indeed one of the fortunate ones. jaemi can be spotted a mile away with her bright red hair that not many thought she could pull off so well. but, she did; and it suits her better than people would have thought. she tends to dye her hair often, or at least when she feels like it. jaemi goes for shades of brown, blonde, red, and whatever other color she's currently obsessing over. however, her natural hair color is jet black, which not many have seen since late elementary school.
 despite her beautiful and flawless exterior that she radiates, she acknowledges that she is the complete opposite of that. she has a horrid scar on her arm from a previous injury that nearly cost her life, however, it's barely visible as she tends to cover it with long-sleeved shirts or a jacket/sweater. jaemi also has terrible eyesight that requires for her to wear a pair of glasses or contacts. her ears are pierced as well with one being on each lobe, not wanting for her parents to beat her senseless over her piercings.

jaemi always goes for the comfortable and, usually, laidback look. she wears casual dresses and tennis skirts during the summer, however, she generally wears t-s with skinny jeans or black tights with the occassional sweaters and hoodies. she's not the typical cheerleader as she doesn't wear makeup as often as the rest, however, her outstanding bare face makes up for it all. she wears her glasses for the most part, but when it comes to physical activities, she would switch it out for her contacts for safety. although her clothes seem more casual, most of it are well-known brands; nike, adidas, and puma to name a few. she pairs everything with vans or converse shoes that she has in almost, if not all, the colors available; black being her go-to color for the most part. she doesn't have a set color scheme, but she tends to go for the more neutral tones along with monochrome.

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ryu jaemi, more known as jamie, joined the cheer team for the sake of maintaining her enthusiasm and dance background through high school. born june eighth in seoul, south korea, she's the youngest of two in her family, but definitely not the youngest of her cheer team. she's part of her own welcome committee and always welcomes people with open arms. go team! or maybe not?

BIRTHDATE: june 8, 1999
BIRTHPLACE: seoul, sk

FACECLAIM: kim yerim, rv
BACKUP: choi yoojung, ioi
HEIGHT: 163cm
WEIGHT: 49.5kg



 positive  observant, enthusiastic, friendly, excellent communicator
independent, overthinker,
stress(ed), emotional  negative 

observant, adj. quick to notice things.
 jaemi is someone who believes that there's no irrelevant actions. they always watch every movement and idea form, trying to piece things together as if they're part of something bigger. she tries to notices the little things, trying not to miss a moment. if, somehow, she does miss a little detail, she immediately feel as if something's missing. jaemi always thinks that the insignificant people and things that others aren't aware of is part of a bigger picture that she's trying to piece together one by one.

enthusiastic, adj. having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
 jaemi's not one to hold her tongue as she's always observing and forming new ideas in her seventeen year-old head of hers. she's always excited about what she finds out and she tends to share it with anyone who's willing to listen, which is usually her brother or doyun through phone calls. because of her enthusiastic behavior, she's able to make more friends than she first thought she would gain. even when the going gets tough, she's always seen with a smile on her face followed by a compliment or laughter of some sort.

friendly, adj. kind and pleasant.
 because jaemi's such a spontaneous person who adapts to her surroundings quicker than others, she appears approachable, interesting and exciting. not only that, but she's also someone who's cooperative and friendly with a altruistic spirit that everyone wants in their lives. jaemi gets along with pretty much everyone, however, her circle of people she considers "close friends" are quite small. but everyone knows of her one way or the other. even to those that are deemed "unpopular" or are a "target for bullying", jaemi's kind and friendly nature overpowers any force and she'll immediately go to your aid. sometimes this can be seen as something terrible, considering that someone with such a high status in the school is helping someone of a lower rank, but jaemi can't help it; she's just too kind for her own good.

excellent communicator, n. someone able to speak in an outstanding manner.
 based on jaemi's strong people skills, she's able to express her own ideas. she enjoys both small talks and deep, meaningful conversations. she's able to steer conversations towards their desired subjects in a way that makes it feel natural and unforced. jaemi's someone that many go to if they want to talk to someone about something or are just needing someone to talk to. heck, even if you're someone who goes unnoticed in school, jaemi will surely say hi and ask how you are in the hallway on her way to class.

independent, adj. not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence.
 jaemi hates being held down by heavy-handed rules and wants to be seen as a highly independent person of their own fates. she wants to go by her own wisdom and own rules and hates being restrained by things that don't suit her fancy. she's had her handful of skipping classes and constant talking back to her parents, but they were all for the sake of her wanting it the way she wanted it to. she hates being stuck in a class she dislikes for too long, so she tends to fake a sickness or would just skip it altogether. and with her parents. her parents have a set plan for their children to either go into accounting or business in order to work alongside them, but jaemi has her mind set on dance. the most challenging thing for her is that she lives in a world full of checks and balances, something that doesn't suit jaemi's fancy.

overthinker, n. someone who thinks about something too much or for too long.
 jaemi looks for underlying motives in the smallest and simplest of things, so she rarely takes things at face value. she tends to lose some sleep, asking herself why someone did what they did, why they did that, and sometimes just about random thoughts that come into mind. once she overthought a problem on a test to the point that she had no time to finish two others (however, she passed that test... somehow). jaemi enjoys daydreaming and staying up late just to think about her day.

stress(ed), v. subject to pressure or tension.
 all this overthinking isn't just for her own benefit, as she's very sensitive and cares deeply about other people's thoughts and feelings. because of her friendliness and her "popularily", others often look to her for guidance and help. of course, jaemi doesn't mind helping them when they need it most, but it takes time and it's easy for her to get overwhelmed, especially when it's something that triggers her emotions too.

emotional, adj. arousing or characterized by intense feeling.
 emotional expression is healthy and natural, which jaemi views as a core part of her identity. however, her emotions can come out strong enough to cause problems for her. when she's under stress, criticism or conflict, jaemi tends to fake her emotions, but when she gets home, she immediately throws an emotional outburst that's counter-productive. sometimes, she takes the dark route of harming herself when she's exceptionally upset over something, which caused her the scar on her arm. yep. she lied about the scar being from an accident, but only for the sake of not showing people her weak side.

serein, n. fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky, sunset or in the early hours of night.
 june 8, 1999. weather forcast? cloudy with an 80% chance of rain. however, just hours before the rain was about to begin, the clouds vanished and that 80 took off it's belt and became 0% chance. as if nature was calling out to a married couple with an already four year-old son, they were blessed with a girl at 12:57p.m., the time of when the sun decided to make an appearance after days of rain. ryu jaemi, most known by the english name of jamie, was born successfully in downtown seoul, south korea just minutes away from their home. because of that day, her parents had always thought that she was a blessing from above because her birth is said to have made the sun appear and the horrid rain to stop. however, the thought of her being a blessing suddenly took a toll when she entered elementary school.

appetence, n. an eager desire, an instinctive inclination; an attraction or a natural bond.
 when jaemi was in elementary school, she found a love for dancing. how? no one but jaemi herself knows. however, she always says that she had gotten into it after she watched youtube videos when she was six, along with her mother putting her into ballet at the age of three just for the sake of her daughter being able to do something fun. ever since she was three, she had fallen in love with dance of any genre. starting with ballet at the age of three, jazz at the age of six, and finally self-teaching herself of many other genres at the age of ten. with the help of her dance background, she was able to become extremely flexible and is able to make good acquaintances. along with that, she was able to enter into a competitive activity in high school— cheerleading.

euphoria, n. state of intense happiness and self-confidence.
 once she entered high school, she heard a lot of good things about the cheer squad, how they were all able to compete and do what they love the most. because of that, and because of her love for cheering others up and dance, she decided to take a chance in being part of the team as a freshman. luckily for her, she was able to become part of the team despite being new to the school and the high school atmosphere. after a few weeks with the team and competing alongside them, she was able to make a good amount of friends and acquaintances. although having friends isn't the whole idea of "being happy", jaemi was extremely thrilled to have so many people knowing her and enjoying her company. although some people are annoying for her, especially because of her personality type, she loves every single person she comes across and will never turn down an offer. but happiness always comes with sadness, one way or another.

desolation, n. state of complete emptiness or destruction.
 ever since her brother had entered college, her parents became more and more busy with their seperate jobs. her father started working more hours at the bank, even beginning on-calls with those working at the bank; so, technically, he was able to work at home. her mother became the new owner of the one and only dog café in seoul, which caused her to become busier than when she was a waitress at the said café. her brother, of course, entered college, which limited the amount of sibling bonding time. this is where her emotional stability started to decline and became more independent with herself. she was usually the only one at home ever since her last year of middle/secondary school up until now. no one knows that her parents are usually not home unless jaemi has an important event to either be brought to or attend. but besides that, she only sees her mother when jaemi decides to work at the café and her father when he comes home at late hours. jaemi may seem happy and content with her life, but she has family problems that drop her mood in a split second, which is why she's thankful for the cheer team and many people that knows of her.

atermoiement, n. distraction or hesitation leading to procrastination.
 throughout her freshman year, she had the habit of skipping the last few of her classes, but only because she would hang out with her friend doyun just for the heck of it. usually she would fake a sickness of somesort and, surprisingly, her teachers would allow for her to leave for the nurse's office (in reality, she's actually just leaving the school to meet up with doyun). however, that was only during her freshman year. she wakes up early, she passes her classes with average grades, but will skip classes when she truly doesn't like the lesson or hates the subject overall. but, besides that, she tries to attend most, if not all, her classes once she reached her junior year of high school. why she decided to start attending her classes rather than skipping it? for the sake of staying on the cheer team and in order for her parents to not find out about her endevours.

meraki, n. the soul, creativity, or love put into something.
 jaemi works part-time ever-so often at her mother's café. usually she works more hours during the summer, but she will tend to work over the weekends throughout the school year when her schedule permits it. however, when jaemi isn't working or just doesn't feel like working, she tends to hit up a local dance studio near her place just to dance. she does help run classes there as well for another part-time job, but, because of her hectic schedule and personal life issues, she hasn't been seen in classes.

 dogs she doesn't have a specific breed she likes the most and admits that she works at her mother's café just for the dogs. the dogs at the café make up for not having her own dog at home, especially since it's a lot of work to take care of it by herself.
red her current favorite color, which is why she dyed her hair red. however, her favorite color changes every few years; just two years ago, her favorite color was caramel, so she dyed her hair caramel brown.
hoodies the number of hoodies she has is pretty crazy, and a lot of them come from her brother's closet when he's off at college (he doesn't mind, so it's all okay!); this is where her nickname of "red riding hood" comes from.
coffee although it's not healthy for someone who enjoys cheerleading and dancing, but it's practically a given since her mother owns a café and she learned how to make it from scratch by her mother.
music considering that she dances to various kinds of music, she's all for music of any genre. but not country, only because she just can't pull herself to enjoying it like others. however, she loves edm, pop, hiphop, and r&b, which are the top four genres that she dances to and recommends for cheer.

 romance movies she's not the typical girl who loves the lovey-dovey stories that end in happily ever after, no. jaemi is the complete opposite of that. she enjoys thriller and horror-based movies that get her spine tingling.
peas the one vegetable that she hates with a strong passion, and she honestly doesn't know why.
weak she hates to appear weak in front of others, especially those closest to her. that's why, when she's feeling emotionally unstable, she's usually locked in her room blasting music so no one could hear her, in the shower crying, or dancing away in a dance studio to release her stress.
 insects she just hates insects with a burning passion. she always says that they're the "spawn of satan" and she suffers from extreme entomophobia.
tea it's just something about the taste that makes jaemi want to spit it out immediately. she's okay with the smell and she knows how to make it, but she can never bring herself to actually drink it.

✩  hobbies 
 cheerleading pretty much a given since she's someone who's full of "pep" and enjoys cheering others on.
dance she's been dancing ever since she was four and can dance pretty much any genre, however, she's more comfortable with hiphop, and r&b; ex: one, two, three, four.
listening to music this is pretty much a given in itself.

✩  habits 
 help she can never say no to someone when they're asking for help or advice on something. even when others say she should just tell them no, she has the need to help that person, even if it puts a bad reputation on her.
thumb jaemi tends to bite the tip of her thumb when she's figuring out something, whether it's what to improve on or a question on a test.
positivity no matter what, jaemi's always seen smiling and laughing. she's always happy and excited about what's to come, even despite the fact she's actually broken inside.

✩  misc 
 café during the summer, she works at her mother's café from sunday to wednesday; she'll work occassionally over the weekends when school starts, but that's only if her schedule allows it
sns she only has an instagram (@jmie.ryu) that she updates when she's travelling,  during someone's birthday, or with her friends/family
college she doesn't know which school she wants to go to yet, however, she hopes to go into the dance department, even if her parents don't approve of it. but she's willing to help her mother at the café, just as long as she's able to enter into the major that she wants.
 anemia jaemi suffers from anemia, but she takes iron supplements and vitamin b daily so she won't get any of the symptoms (fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, etc.) when she's dancing, cheering, or in extremely hot weather. the last time she fainted from her anemia and was rushed to the hospital for blood transfusion was back when she was six. since then, she makes sure she takes the needed medication in order to not let that happen again.
myopia she's nearsighted, so whenever she's far away from something she needs to read, she'll always whip out her glasses and put it on. however, she's usually seen with her glasses on during school and work hours, but when it comes to any physical stuff, she'll trade in her glasses for contacts.

 mother  ryu minjeong (46; 47 in korea) / owner @ bau house dog café, seoul location / supportive, curious, impulsive / 9 out of 10
 → out of her mother and father, jaemi is most closest with her mother. why? because jaemi is always with her mother practically 24/7 ever since she came out of the womb. she works alongside her mother and in return her mother helps her with schoolwork and getting her places. her mother is very supportive of jaemi's love for dance and cheer, and always makes sure that she's healthy. jaemi does the same in terms of health and would always watch after her mother, especially since she's reaching the age when her body's beginning to slow down and her health is declining. however, her mother wants her to become successful in the future, which means that she wants her daughter to end up either in business or accounting with her brother. but that's the opposite of what jaemi wants in life.

  father  ryu wongyu (49; 50 in korea) / head manager @ bank of korea, seoul location / reliable, direct, over-suspicious / 8 out of 10
 → although she's not the closest with her father, she still loves him regardless of his busy schedules and always being on-call. her father is a very reliable person when it comes to remembering important times and dates as well as important events in his children's lives. however, he becomes over-suspicious, especially considering that both his children are at the age of dating. that why he's always asking jaemi and her brother as to whether or not they found someone they like. he's more wary about jaemi dating since she's both the youngest and only daughter. but besides all that, he still cares and loves both his children and wishes for them to be successful in the future.

  older brother  ryu jungki (21; 22 in korea) / accounting major @ kyunghee university / intelligent, childish, annoying at times / 9.5 out of 10
 → even though there's a four year age difference between the two, her brother's personality is almost the equivalence to jaemi. although her brother is extremely intelligent, and you could even say he's more intelligent than jaemi in practically every subject, he's also extremely childish and can be annoying (in a good way, of course). before he left for college, he would always bug jaemi when she did her homework and about what she does in school. he's even about doyun when he overheard from a friend that goes to jaemi's school that his one and only sister, a freshman, was hooking up with a jock. he can be a little over-protective at times, but that's just because jaemi is basically the baby of the family; of course you'd keep an eye on the last born. the two try to hang out when they can, be it during holidays or when he has some time off to watch his little sister cheer or dance. as children, they did practically everything together; well, everything but homework. her brother was more of the child nerd of the two and would always end up doing her homework along with his own. it's not that jaemi was incapable of doing it, she was, but it was just because her brother enjoyed the extra workload. even to this day, her brother would ask about if she needs help with her homework and would either help her or do it all.


  Jaemi let out a sigh. She didn't know what to think of the team because there were so many downfalls and mishaps that happened between everyone, but she just had to pull off a smile for the sake of maintaining her cheerful aura, "The state is pretty good. I mean, it's better than I initially thought it would be, but we're making improvements and trying to put a little pep in our step, y'know?" That was a complete lie, but who said that she wasn't known to lie? Everyone believed a word she would say.

  "The previous batch," Jaemi began to reminisce over her previous teammates. "I remember the previous batch as clear as day. I was a freshman back then, so fitting in was difficult, especially since it was for a something that was popular. But they made me feel right at home; like I was part of another family." Suddenly, Jaemi's smile dropped at the mentioning of the current batch. It's not that she hated the new batch, she loved them as much as the previous batches, but she just thought they weren't ready. The upperclassmen were, of course, ready as ever, considering they were a part of the team before 2015. But the new batch. The new batch needed more time. Jaemi faked a smile, which almost looked as sincere as a few minutes ago, "The current batch probably just needs more practice. I try to look towards the more positive side of things, so I don't notice if anyone needs to work on specifics. But with the right amount of practice, we can definitely be amazing."

  "No, not really," Jaemi shook her head, her lips pursed together in a pucker. "I know people who thought of quitting or have decided to quit the team back in 2015, but I never thought of doing so. I love the team regardless as to whether or not we really do anything since they're like my second family. If I just leave the team, then it's like I'm saying I'm leaving my family. I'd never do such a thing, so I never once thought of quitting."

  "Like I said previously, we just need practice," Jaemi dipped her head in a nod before continuing, "Yeah, the team just needs practice and just needs to have faith in themselves. Yep, that's it." Although what Jaemi said was completely true, or at least what many of the upperclassmen cheerleaders thought, but Jaemie could only think of the fact that they're possibily doomed if they don't get their acts together in time for the championships.

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replace with love int


park doyun

FACECLAIM: koo junhoe, ikon
BACKUP: jung yoonoh, nct


 positive  hardworking, passionate, open-minded
altruistic, too idealistic, takes things personally  negative 

hardworking, adj. to work with energy and commitment.
 while others focus on challenges of the moment and just give up when the going gets tough, doyun has the benefit of a far-reaching vision to help them through it. knowing that what he's doing is meaningful, it gives him a sense of purpose and courage when it comes to accomplishing something he believes in. he always puts his whole heart on things that he enjoys and will continue to work hard, even when it's something difficult.

passionate, adj. showing/caused by strong feelings/beliefs
 when someone captures doyun's imagination and speaks to his beliefs, he goes all in. doyun dedicates his time, energy, thoughts and emotions to a project. like what was previously stated, he puts his whole heart and soul into something he believes in and won't stop until he fulfills it completely.

open-minded, adj. willing to consider new ideas.
 doyun has a live-and-let-live attitude, and he dislikes being constrained by rules, just like jaemi. he gives th benefit of the doubt too, and as long as their principles and ideas are not being challenged, they'll support others' right to do what they think is right. doyun also tends to put trust in others quite frequently and, when other people have an idea or thought in mind, he'll take it into consideration and will most likely act upon it.

altruistic, adj. showing a selfless concern for others.
 he sometimes sees himself as selfish, but it's only because he wants to give mcuh more than he's able to. this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as he tries to push himself harder than ever to commit to a chosen cause or person, forgetting to take care of the needs of others in his life, especially himself.

too idealistic, adj. unrealistically aiming for perfection.
 just like any other person with his personality type, he takes his idealism a bit too far. this causes him to set himself up for disappointment as evil things happen in the world. it's not necessarily evident when it comes to sports, since his passion and hardwork overrules his idealism, but it's most evident with his personal life. he may not just idealize their partners, but idolize them, forgetting that no one's perfect.

take things personally, adj. to get upset by others easily.
 doyun takes challenges and criticisms personally rather than as inspiration to reassess their positions. this is why when he plays sports, he tends to be overly competitive to the point that he goes hard and injures himself (which only causes jaemi to be worried over him). he tries to avoid conflict as much as possible, and will put a great deal of time and energy into trying to align their principles and criticisms into a middle ground that satisfies everyone.

their love story dates back all the way to when jaemi was a newly added member to the cheer team. she was trying to settle into the new school, especially since the change from middle/secondary school into high school is a hastle, but immediately she was invited to a party by the team. the party consisted of a lot of upperclassmen and only a few underclassmen, but those that were there were either part of a sport or were one of the populars. jaemi wasn't quite used to the party scene, so she spent a lot of her time clinging onto one of her teammates.
 give or take a few hours later, that was when jaemi's usual energetic side came in. no, she didn't drink and, no, she wasn't on drugs; she just casually got used to the people there and the overall atmosphere. that was when she met doyun.
✩ jaemi knows doyun pretty well, despite him being a grade higher than her. a major jock, he's one of the top starting sophomores of the football team and basketball team. it's not hard to figure out who he was since he's pretty well known within the sports community of kyeonghwa high.
✩ they met at that specific party held in october for halloween and, to jaemi's luck, doyun was familiar with her as well. back then she had her hair dyed a brown color, which not many on the cheer team had. not only that, but she was on the pretty side when compared to other freshman and, plus, she had the enthusiasm of a nine year-old; she was someone that everyone knew.
✩ the way they met was pretty weird, or at least in jaemi's opinion. she was waiting to get a drink (non-alcoholic, of course), when doyun had appeared beside her, asking her where the bathroom was. jaemi, not knowing how to respond, just told him that she didn't know and, out of nowhere, doyun threw up on her shoes. of course, jaemi was mad, but doyun had that apologetic face that no one could ever say no to.
✩ somehow, the two got together that night. weird, right? after the throwing up incident and a billion apologies afterwards, jaemi and doyun became great friends. somehow, their personalities clashed, in a good way, and they spent the rest of the party just playing games on each other's phones and talking about random things.
✩ when the two met back in school, they would always hang out with each other during lunch and whenever they had a free period. once, doyun and jaemi faked being sick just to watch a movie together. yeah, they were complete and utter rebels; skipping the last few classes to hang out and somehow still managing average grades.
✩ the two are so close to the point that a lot of their friends, especially their teammates, would question as to whether or not the two have a "thing" with each other. always denying it, jaemi and doyun would just say they're good friends and nothing more than that. however, deep down inside, the two had feelings for one another. doyun being the first to realize it when they continuously met up in school and out. jaemi realized her love for him when she was invited to watch one of his first basketball game of the season and realized she only had eyes on him alone. from that moment on, the two would say nothing about having feelings for one another, fearing that their friendship would be replaced with an awkward tension. so, they would just act as if they're close friends and nothing more. however, they began to initiate skinship when the two met back for the new year in school.
✩ now that jaemi's a junior and doyun's a senior, they've been prioritizing more towards what their seperate goals are in life. they do still hang out, but not as often as previous years. because college is just around the corner for doyun and jaemi's been focusing on finding a college suitable for her, the only time they hang is over the weekends. but even that isn't suitable since jaemi works every other weekend at her mother's café. however, they still maintain a close relationship that's never blossomed into dating. they both still have feelings for each other, yes, but with college nearing, they've been more distant than before. however, when they meet up in the hallways, they always give each other a 'hi' or 'hey' and a quick hug before heading to their next class.
✩ people assumed that, by now, the two would have at least gotten together as more than friends. but no; that never happened. but everyone knows that they like each other, just... neither of them will admit it.

✩ skinny love, when two people are in love, but are too shy to admit it, but they still show it

 either end up together or just remain friends (my preference is that they end up together since it'd be cute to see their love story unfold since they love each other more than friends, but are shy to admit it, bUT they show it)

 he's currently a senior; born sept 14, 1998 (18; 19 in korea)
 doyun's part of the football team as the team captain and wide receiver/cornerback. he's also a part of the basketball team as a shooting guard.
 will soon attend seoul national university on a football scholarship to major in business administration since he's next in line to his father's job as a manager and owner of a popular hotel.
 going off of that, his father owns the 쉐라톤서울디큐브시티호텔 (sheraton seoul d cube city hotel) while his mother is a housewife.
 when i referred to jaemi taking hoodies from only a few close friends, i was referring to doyun. she constantly asks doyun for his sweaters when she's wearing a t-shirt or her cheer uniform that day and it feels like it's below zero in school. this is what caused people to think that the two have a sort of "relationship" since she's seen around the school wearing his hoodies.


fanfare ✩ ang

COMMENTS: honestly, i don't know where this whole application was going, but i'm pretty content with the final product. :') i hope you like my character! if there's anything that needs to be fixed or added, i'll try to do it as soon as i can.
+ i might add a few more trivia(s) and relationship(s), just so you can get a better understanding of my character. also i'll be adding other hangul to other names that are mentioned in this whole app :")

 honestly just seeing jaemi x doyun interactions :')
jaemi not feeling well because of family issues and/or her anemia
+ more to be added

PASSWORD: human by aquilo




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