lost in stereo || 권은정 || an artist [131016]


fanfare • ang cheatsheet turn in


remplace with face claim 120*120

birthname권은정, kwon eunjeong
other names


권정 "kwonjeong" a nickname a lot of her friends call her as a 'somewhat' shorter version of her name when in reality it's just her name minus the 'eun'. this is also her name on many of her social media sites.
배신자 " baesinja" korean word for 'traitor', it derived from the fact that eunjeong is close with someone in their rivalling school through previously dating them and still keeping in contact with him. although she's no longer dating him and contacting him less than previous years, there's still a few people who still hold a grudge on her this, even if the boy she dated was part of the same school before transferring.

birthday january 3, 2000 (16 / 17 in korea) ; year 2 student
birthplace incheon, south korea
hometown incheon, south korea
ethnicity korean
languages spoken

• korean native language with a seoul dialect.
fluency? 10 out of 10.
• english because in her school, it was basically mandatory for everyone to learn english some point in their high school career, so she learned it as a senior so she'll have a good grasp of it once she gets into college. she's pretty good at writing it, but speaking it is the problem due to minor grammar mistakes and mispronunciation. 
fluency? 8 out of 10.

face claim 은서, wjsn
back up face claim 나현, sonamoo
height & weight 166cm & 51kg

semi-folded almond eyes, straight brows, pointed nose and thin lips— she's someone that can make someone stop in their tracks to stare just a little bit longer at her to pick up every little detail of her, trying to find a flaw. in school, she was known to have a pretty face. but not only is she pretty on the outside, she's extremely beautiful on the inside as well. people think she's gotten used to the attention, well, she falls in the middle. she's not used to the attention of the opposite gender due to her personality, but you can say she's gotten used to the attention. although she's still growing as a woman, she knows where to draw the line. cleavage and rack flaunting shamelessly? that's not her thing. revealing every inch of her milky, smooth skin to everyone around her? definitely not. eunjeong isn't someone who wants all the attention on her. heck, she doesn't want the attention at all, period. but she gets it anyway by her peers.
picking styles for eunjeong is a simple task for herself and everyone that knows her. she's not fond in dolling up, and finds no need for makeup whatsoever. she tends to go for a lazy, but fashionable and casual appearance. sure, she still looks good with a pair of shorts that fall mid-thigh and oversized sweaters over basic t-shirts, but she's not a fan of bright neon colors, excessive designed patterns, and anything in between. when it comes to fashion, she's a very basic and plain jane at best. for shoes, she'll always go for white or black and never crazy colors like pink or green. if the shoes aren't black or white, she won't buy it or wear it. if she's given shoes that are of color, she'll try to find a way to return it or give it as a gift to another friend to wear. yeah, she's that picky about her shoes. she favors high tops and sneakers the most, but she holds a small liking to sandals and heels she sees in store displays.
when on tv, she'll always try to style herself. if there's a stylist that is needed to put makeup and clothes on her, they'll try to take into consideration of her taste, trying to put her into things that are appropriate and comfortable. she's usually given a plain t-shirt or dress with shoes that fit her taste.


personality traits 

positive charming, passionate, imaginative, artistic
unpredictable, independent, stressed, brooding negative

charming eunjeong is a very relaxed and warm, and has a "live and let live" attitude. because of this, it naturally makes her a fairly liked and popular person towards many of her peers.
passionate behind eunjeong's independency beats an intense-feeling heart. when she's caught up in something exciting and interesting, she usually leaves everything else in the dust and focus on what she loves and enjoys the most.
imaginative eunjeong is very aware of others' emotions, and will use her creativity and insight to craft ideas that speak to people's hearts. although it's hard to explain this quality on a resume or application, this vivid imagination and exploratory spirit helps her in many unexpected ways.
artistic it's not a surprise that eunjeong is a very creative person. she's able to show her creativity in tangible ways and with stunning beauty. whether it's writing, photography, or even presenting a simple project in class, eunjeong has a way of visualizing things that resonates with the audience.

unpredictable eunjeong dislikes long-term commitments and plans. the tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause stress in her romantic relationships and financial hardship later in life, even though she can sometimes be a hopeless romantic. but when the right people comes in her life, this trait will slowly disappear, as her love towards those people will become her main focus. but, she'll still be unpredictable in a way that her emotions will change when she's triggered.
independent freedom of expression is often her top priority and, anything that interferes with that (i.e. traditions and hard rules), creates a sense of oppression for her. this can make more rigidly structured academics and work a challenge. this is because she's a fairly introverted person to those that she thinks will cause problems with her life in the future, but she'll slowly open up when she feels more comfortable.
stressed eunjeong lives in the present, the present that's full of emotion. when situations get out of control, she can quickly shut down and lose her charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth when she's extremely stressed than most days.
brooding it's demanded that skills are to be quantified, but that's hard to do with her strengths of sensitivity and artistry. her efforts are often dismissed, which is a hurtful and damaging blow, especially early within her mind. eunjeong continuously fights with herself and is always unhappy with outcomes that don't stand in her way, causing her deep unhappiness in thought.


eunjeong grew up in an only child home in incheon, just a few hours from the heart of korea itself— seoul. although she wasn't born and raised in seoul, she spent a lot of time in that city to the point that she considers seoul her hometown. her parents always brought her around korea when she was a child, but, of course, some memories as a child can slowly be forgotten, especially when your schedule is a complete wreck. at a young age of twelve, her parents had decided to put her through intense studying and various different sports. but, of course, she isn't a lover of sports. when she couldn't do sports, her parents would try to get her into instruments, but that turned out to be a complete failure since eunjeong is incapable of playing it. but studying? eunjeong was known to study long hours whilst juggling parttime jobs here and there. why were her parents like this? because her father started to become even more busy with his work, causing his schedule to clash a lot of times with eunjeong's vacations and breaks from school. of course her mother was around, but they rarely go places out of incheon and seoul due to relying on her father more than needed.
eunjeong had thought of quitting school at one point because of the fact that her parents were quite strict on her getting into a good college to take up a good paying job. when she was accepted into hallyu academy, her parents felt uneasy. why? because they thought that their one and only daughter would do something related to medicine or business, something that could be beneficial to the family. but instead, she entered into hallyu academy to study fine arts. sure, some of the jobs in that field were decent, but her parents wanted her to get a high pay in order to care for the family and eunjeong's own children when she was older. but, they didn't want their daughter to feel pressured even more than when she was in middle school, so, they allowed her to continue, even if it wasn't what they wanted for their daughter.
how did eunjeong find the school? easy. her best friend, the one person she can never say no to. eunjeong wasn't the type to transfer to an academy rather than going into a normal high school. heck, she never once thought about focusing more on fine arts than the normal high school classes that her parents wanted her to take. but, because of her friend's wish to go to hallyu academy, eunjeong had no other option but to go as well. she didn't know anything about the academy prior to the first day of school but, hey, at least her parents accepted the fact that their daughter didn't want to do something they wanted and that her friend was by her side most of the time. but, along with taking up fine arts, eunjeong took up a vocal class for the same reason— her best friend she can never say no to. all the decisions she made, and will make, always goes through her best friend for comments or concerns. in other words, being in hallyu and being part of a group where she sings was never on her agenda until her friend said it was.


• music kballad and kindie songs are what she loves the most when asked about her favorite music. she'll usually recommend osts and her ever-so favorite song "alone". she's pretty okay with kpop groups, but that's only because her best friend is obsessed with kpop. she also has a love for american singers like charlie puth, gnash, and alessia cara.
• poetry this isn't something everyone knows about her as she likes to keep this a secret, but eunjeong has a thing for reading poems and haikus, and sometimes writing it when she's feeling inspired. some of her poems are short while an extensive amount of it is a page or so long. she writes in both english and korean, but prefers korean more since she's still perfecting her english. some of her poems turn into full length stories, which is why she enjoys writing.
• art besides writing, eunjeong is an absolute art fanatic. she loves painting, she loves drawing, heck, she even loves graffiti (which is where her small poems shine). she'll sometimes do body paint and randomly draw on her arms, but that's something she keeps hidden by long sleeves and baggy clothes. eunjeong is always seen doing art, which is the reason why she only has one parttime job on the weekends as she dedicates most of her life to art.
• relationships eunjeong puts a lot of effort and dedication into her relationships, be it with a significant other or a close friend of hers. she gives them a lot of affection and will always let them lead the way. on top of that, eunjeong will do anything and everything to keep everyone happy, be it taking care of them when they're sick or giving them a surprise of some sort for a special occassion. because of her artistic skills, she'll always have something new to do when it comes to her significant others and friends.
• cook if she doesn't have a recipe in front of her, eunjeong wouldn't know what to do in the kitchen. heck, she can't even properly cook a decent egg without having directions in front of her for how long it'll take and whatnot. however, if it's for her significant other, she'll actually try her best. does it come out good? well... they can be the judge of that.
• parttime she works parttime as a waitress at a local coffee shop in seoul near her house on saturdays and sundays from 12pm to closing hours.
• travel eunjeong has never travelled outside of korea, but she wants to. she's seen pictures all over the internet of places in europe and america that have amazing sceneries and activities. because of that, she has the desire to travel abroad when she graduates uni and has a decent-paying job. her most desired places she wants to go to are tokyo, singapore, and san francisco.
• horror she's actually completely okay with horror movies, and will casually watch it in any time of the day. however, if it gets into her head, she gets paranoid until she gets over it due to being traumatized. this happens a lot when she decides to watch it at night since she'll have trouble sleeping.
• plants eunjeong is a huge plant fanatic, having her own cactus in her dorm and and extensive amount of ferns in her parents' house. she also loves flowers, especially orchids and red roses, which explains her life quote being "when life knocks you down, roll over and smell the roses". her love for flowers happened when she had a part-time job at a flower shop back when she was in her early teen years.
• future plans eunjeong doesn't know what she wants to do when she grows up, but, knowing her interests, she'll probably major in fine arts.
voice not many know this (besides her parents and her best friend), but eunjeong actually has a decent-sounding voice. it's not the most powerful out of her classmates, but it's not horrible either. she can seldomly hit high notes and can also keep a long note as well. because of her best friend, she was put into the vocal class when they entered hallyu academy when eunjeong didn't really want to enter the class out of fear of embarrassing herself and her strong love for fine arts.


• mom - jeon solbin (38 / 39 in korea) - housewife - loving, enthusiastic, playful
→ her mother is someone eunjeong keeps near and dear to her heart, and not because she sees her more than her father. but her mother was always beside her through thick and thin, cheering her up when she's down and teaching her right from wrong. although her mother doesn't have a job, at least she dedicates her life to her only child. they always hang out and spend quality mother-daughter time when eunjeong has time off from school.
closeness rating? 9 out of 10.

• dad - kwon dowon (40 / 41 in korea) - doctor @ seoul hospital - courageous, kindhearted, busy
→ unlike her mother, her father isn't someone she sees on a daily basis. working long hours in the hospital, her father is rarely home to see her daughter off to school. the only time they meet is when he decides to take a break from work, which is usually only sundays. but even that doesn't suit eunjeong's taste in spending family time with each other. however, she still loves her father no matter what, and will act happy around him, just to see him smile. 
closeness rating? 6 out of 10.

• best friend - cho danbi (16 / 17 in korea) - student @ hallyu academy - social, affectionate, joyful
→ they show their love for one another through their endless texting and late night talks. danbi is always the one that eunjeong would go to when she needs a shoulder to cry on or if she just needs someone to talk to. in return, eunjeong would do the same for her best friend. the two are practically sister, and they sometimes get mistaken for it whenever they're together. because of danmi's personality, she's always the one dragging eunjeong to parties and events. although eunjeong declines, danbi has a way with words that makes eunjeong tag along with no way out of it. but she knows that her friend means well. danbi is also the reason eunjeong had taken a vocal class when, honestly, she loved drawing more. she is also the reason why she accepted the offer to join a six-member group formed by her vocal teacher.
closeness rating? 10 out of 10.
• ex-boyfriend - jun jeonghun (17 / 18 in korea) - student @ rivalling school - hardworking, social, jealous
→ they have been dating since 2014 and, ever since, they've been nothing but good to each other. they do everything together whenever her best friend was busy dating her life away, and they would always pull off some extravagant event whenever it was a special occassion (i.e. birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). jeonghun was the next in line when it came to talking about her feelings, and eunjeong was ever-so thankful for meeting him. however, when he transferred to the rivalling school of hallyu's, their relationship wasn't seen as something good and eunjeong was always called out as a traitor because she was dating someone who transferred to the rivalling school (he, too, was seen as a traitor since he moved and went to their rivalling school). so, they mutually broke it off because of the fact that their relationship wasn't seen as something good. they still talk to each other when they can and, since they work at the same café, they find a way to meet over the weekends.
closeness rating? 8 out of 10.

what do you bring to the group? 

 "honestly speaking," eunjeong began to hesitate before replying back, "i don't know what i bring to the group. i mean, sure, i have a good sounding voice, but besides that? i'm not too sure. i guess since i'm a pretty artistic person and i'm good at writing, i'm able to write song-worthy lyrics or at least be able to understand what fits well with everyone. but, honestly, i really don't know what else i bring to the group besides that."

Who would you say is your rival in the group?

 eunjeong let out a laugh before shaking her head, "in my opinion, i don't have any rivals in the group. but i guess, since i have the nickname of being a 'traitor' since i have an ex that goes to the rivalling school, i assume no one has any good blood with me. but personally? i personally don't have any."


 "that's... actually a good question," eunjeong let out a soft chuckle, tapping her chin before thinking about places that she frequently visits to be alone. "when i want to be alone, i'm usually in one of the fine art rooms or i stay home with my mom. but, most of the time, i'm all over incheon, walking and blasting music through my phone. but that's usually when i don't want anyone to come find me."

when you are upset where can the girls find you?

 "like i mentioned eariler, i'm all over incheon. you just have to be extremely lucky to find me since tend to leave my phone at home and just carry around my ipod, blasting the music and walking around my hometown. the girls... the girls just have to be extremely lucky to find me. oh, and asking my friends won't be of much help since i don't tell them about my whereabouts either."


 vocals: 은하, gfriend (bu: 은서, wjsn)


i really hate you
but i also really love you


love interest 유기현, yoo kihyun (monsta x)
back up love interest 최영재, choi youngjae (got7)


positive enthusiastic, loyal, hardworking, good practical skills
humble, repressive, take things personally, altruistic negative
• enthusiastic when the goal is right, kihyun will take all this support, reliability and imagination and then apply it to something they believe will make a difference in people's lives.
• loyal given a little time, his enthusiasm will grow into loyalty since they often form an emotional attachment to the ideals and organizations they've dedicated themselves to.
• hardworking just like his loyalty, kihyun tries to never fall short in fear that he'll fail his own expectations for himself. no matter what it is, he'll put his whole heart and soul, and will strive to do what he loves.
• good practical skills the best part is, kihyun has the practical sense to actually do something with his altruism. if dull, routine tasks are what needs to be done, kihyun can see the beauty and harmony that he creates, because they know that it helps him care for his friends, family and anyone else who needs it.

• humble the meek shall inherit the earth, but it's a long and winding road if he receives no recognition at all, just like eunjeong. this is possibly his biggest challenge because he's concerned with the feelings of others, causing him to refuse to make his thoughts known or to take any duly earned credit for his own contributions. his standards for himself are also so high that, knowing they could have done some minor aspect of a  better task, kihyun often downplays his successes entirely.
• repressive kihyun is the type that's private and sensitive, internalizing their feelings a great deal. much in the way that they protect others' feelings, they must protect their own. because of this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to a lot of stress and frustration for him. however, he's great at hiding that in his own system.
• take things personally kihyun has trouble in seperating personal and impersonal situations, since any situation, to him, is still an interaction between two people. and because of this, negativity that comes from conflict or criticism can carry over from his professional lives to his personal lives and circles back around again and again.
• altruistic this is all compounded and reinforced by his, otherwise, wonderful quality of altruism. since he's a warm, good-natured person, he's willing to let things slide, believing that things will get better soon in order to not burden others by accepting their offers of help, while their troubles mount unassisted.

First Meeting

the first meeting was probably one of the sweetest interactions known to man. after meeting mutually when eunjeong was working one day, they would casually talk and converse to one another through phone. kihyun would try to meet eunjeong at the café whenever possible, but, because he's a producer, their only means of talking was through text message or video chatting. around this time, however, eunjeong was dating jeonghun, so her relationship with kihyun didn't become anything more than friends. but, nevertheless, they talked as often as she did with jeonghun and danbi combined. sometimes she would invite kihyun over to meet up with her, jeonghun and danbi just to hang out and, eventually, they made a group for themselves. after mutually meeting danbi, kihyun and danbi began to date. the reason? it's unknown to eunjeong, but danbi was completely and utterly in love with kihyun. until one day.
now i hate you.
just one month into dating danbi, kihyun called it quits with her, saying that she was "too young for him". eunjeong couldn't understand as to his reason being that since, well, he was only two years older than the group, but then eunjeong discovered the true reason— he was seeing another girl behind danbi's back. discovering about this fact when she accidentally bumped into him at the mall, eunjeong was infuriated with him and his "new sideh0e", as she likes to call her. from that point on, eunjeong hated kihyun's guts. and after finding about the fact he was a producer of a rivalling group of hers when she started to participate in group competitions, it only increased her need to beat the other school even more.

end game

i hate you,
when it came time for their rivalling groups to compete for a final time, that was the moment kihyun and eunjeong spoke again. of course, still not wanting to talk or have him in her sights, eunjeong just cursed kihyun out for the same thing she was angry at him for. but, at the same time, that was when kihyun finally spoke of the truth as to why he dated danbi in the first place: to get closer to eunjeong. yes, kihyun was in love with the best friend of his ex since day one, since they first spoke at the café. kihyun didn't want to admit it since she was in a relationship back then but, now that she's single, kihyun thought it was the perfect time to tell her. but eunjeong still saw him as a cheater and a liar and didn't want anything to do with him.
and i want to throw you off a cliff.
a few months after kihyun and eunjeong talked for the first time since her best friend's breakup with him, she started to run into him more than before as he started to visit her after her work hours at the café and spam texting her when she wasn't in class. how he knew her schedule is completely unknown, but eunjeong knew she couldn't get rid of him. no matter how many times she told him to stop doing what he's doing and "get a life", kihyun just couldn't come to terms with not making eunjeong his. kihyun became obsessed with the thought of eunjeong, and it wasn't a healthy obsession.
but i also love you,
after kihyun's attempts in getting eunjeong attention, he finally got it. eunjeong allowed one date with kihyun and, if it were successful, eunjeong will date him. but if it were to fail, kihyun was told to never talk to her again. of course, kihyun was thrilled over this fact, but eunjeong wasn't prepared to hear her best friend and ex-boyfriend's rants about this guy. when eunjeong told her best friend about her upcoming date with kihyun, it was the opposite of what she thought would happen. danbi was... smiling? yes, smiling. danbi knew that, since day one, kihyun was madly in love with eunjeong. when kihyun and danbi were together, kihyun would try to bring up eunjeong's name and well-being to danbi. when eunjeong told her ex about this, he laughed, saying "it's about time!". eunjeong, being completely confused, asked him why he thought this way. jeonghun told her about the fact that he told kihyun about her schedule and when it was safe to visit her and text her. yes, jeonghun and kihyun were in cahoots over eunjeong.
and i want to rush to the bottom to catch you.
when it came time for the date, kihyun came clean about everything from how he got into contact with her again to his preparations for this date; basically, everything that she was told by jeonghun and danbi. but, the real question is, will she accept him this time around?
• kihyun is a producer and fellow student that works alongside the rivalling school of hallyu's. he's also known to be an amazing singer, however, he doesn't showcase that side of his as often as he wishes.
• he's born on november 22, 1997 (18/19 in korea), making him a year four in the rivalling school.
• before eunjeong, he dated two other girls; his first being her best friend, danbi, and the other being a girl he dated three weeks into dating danbi.
remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment i hope you like my character! i kind of reused an app that wasn't reviewed at all that i didn't want to go to waste. i hope you don't mind that! ;( if there's anything that needs to be fixed or added, i'll try to do so as soon as i can!

scene requets

— none as of right now, but when i have any in mind, i'll definitely add them when i can! :')

password either red velvet or twice??? a groupd that not many would think would be their rivals (i.e. an innocent-type of group, a groupd that a lot of people love, etc)?



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