Hello! We are your Angelz [ 한수은 ] [ PLOTLINE #1 ] [120616]

Who Are You?

Name: Han Sueun (한수은)
× 은 ("eun"): A shorter way in saying her name that her members and friends prefer to call her; this is also her stage name
× 다람쥐 ("dalamjwi"): Means 'chipmunk' in Korean; comes from her eating habits (described in Habits)
× 자물쇠 ("jamulsoe"): Means 'lock' in Korean; it's a nickname only Kihyun calls her (described in Who is He?)
Birthday + Age: July 29, 1991 + 24 years old (25 in Korea)
Place of Birth + Hometown:
× Birthplace: Daejeon, South Korea
× Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Etnicity: Korean
× Korean: (fluency rating: 10/10) Korean native
× English: (fluency rating: 7/10) In the process of learning due to the language being 'universal' as well as her interest towards the language's compexity
What You Look Like?

Persona: 빛 ("bich/beek"): Means 'light' in Korean; she wants to be that light that everyone goes to when they're struggling with their life or a small conflict with no definite solution. She's also the light of the group because of how she brings the girls together, works out problems, and brightens the mood with her unexpected personality. And when she's absent from promotions from either an injury or another schedule, the group would tend to say how "it's darker", referring to Sueun's persona.
— inspiration, which is also her 'theme song'
Face Claim:
× Lee Sojung of Ladies' Code — tumblr
× (backup) Kim Ahyoung, Yura, of Girl's Day — tumblr
Idol Twin:
× Singing: Bae Joohyun, Irene of Red Velvet — video
× Dancing: Lee Sojung of Ladies' Code — video (black/blue hair)
× Talking: Lee Sojung of Ladies' Code — video
× Height: 167cm (5ft 4in)
× Weight: 52kg (114lbs)
× Bloodtype: B
× Eyecolor: Dark Brown
× Haircolor: Natural black; tends to dye it solid colors or black + a unique ombré
At just a single glance, she's someone you'd least expect to be a Korean citizen due to her foreign-like appearance. From her large nose to her plump lips, you'd think she was born in America. However, once you learn that she's both a full Korean and the older sister of VIXX's Hyuk, you'd give her a double take.
Even though she's twenty-four, her facial features and healthy habits make her seem younger than she truly is. Sueun is the shortest of her family and the one whose features are more on the more larger side (besides her nose which runs in the family). She's not someone who people see as 'thin' or 'beautiful', but she doesn't let this bother her.
As for her overall facial features, she has no idea where she inherits her unique appearance. Many say when she smiles, she looks like her mother, but Sueun doesn't quite see the resemblance. Yet, a few of her friends and even some idols admire her doe-like eyes, her plumped lips, her evenly tanned skin— basically her overall facial features that make her seem more foreign. Koreans like that foreign style, which makes Sueun smile a bit to herself.
Fashion style:
To put it in simpler terms, Sueun is someone who goes with the trend yet keeps it simplistic. Her style usually consists of a simple color scheme that matches both the current season/weather and her personality, but tries to look 'aesthetically pleasing' to those around her. Sueun's go-to clothing choices would either be her favorite pair of jeans or possibly a pair of comfortable joggers/running pants, but she won't say no to a skirt if needed. Her favorite colors to wear? She says she looks most good in red, white or black, but many say she suits any color. However, Sueun says those three colors match her more than any other.
Her accessories are nothing unique nor are they outrageous like those who have piercings in every part of their face or body tattoos. Sueun has the basic piercings (x3) in addition to double cartilage piercings. The reason behind it? She just loves the different piercings that stores have available. Piercings, to her, balances out her simple outfits with some cute/unique piercing(s).
Sueun also has a small tattoo on her right inner wrist that she got on her twentieth birthday. The story behind her tattoo is very deep and detailed, but can all be read in her background.
Who You in the Inside?

× positive: nurturing, active/energetic, hardworking, responsible
nurturing: Growing up with a mother who was, and still is, an advocate and was always willing to help others, this trait comes naturally to Sueun. Whoever it is, be it a stranger or a close friend, she would help them with anything they needed. Growing up, she was always the one that would tend to tutor classmates and help her teachers when they needed it; basically, she was a 'teacher's pet', or so people called her.
active/energetic: Sueun was always out and about either exercising, playing sports or just running quick errands for her family and members. She enjoys being out since it was a time where she would have a moment to herself. However, because of this trait, she was always busy.
hardworking: Whatever she was doing, she would always put 110% into it. This trait was taken from her father who always told her to put all you had into something you want to accomplish or love so dearly. So, she did; everyday she would put 110%.
responsible: Even if she didn't do it, she would always take the blame because she hates seeing others getting in trouble.
× neutral: honest, sensitive, curious
honest: Though honesty is the best policy for Sueun, she tends to be too honest. When someone asks for her opinion with no strings attached, you'll never know what she'll say. Sometimes she'll agree, but sometimes she'll disagree followed by why she thinks so. Some say she's too honest while others say they're glad she's always telling the truth, even if it hurts.
sensitive: Due to her horrible past throughout her high school career, she tends to be sensitive; overly sensitive, you could say. She cries over the pettiest of things from a death in a movie to a broken finger. However, being a highly sensitive person, she thinks deeply and works well. Though she can't stop her emotions from taking the best of her, she's able to weigh different aspects, take other's feelings into account, and would also think of the best possible outcome.
curious: Sueun lives her life with urges to explore, discover and grow as an individual. But, there's a downside to being as curious as she is. Sueun tends to get curious too often and would find out about horrible things said around her. She would eavesdrop conversations if she hears someone's name, especially her own, and this would hurt her inside since she knows something. But, she continues to be an analytical thinker who just wants to know what holds the world together.
× negative: emotionally fragile, apprehensive, dominant
emotionally fragile: This trait is alike to her neutral trait of being sensitive. She cries easily and when she's faced with a problem she can't seem to shake off, she'll keep away from the public eye for a few hours; sometimes even a few days. Even though she can appear tough, you should never judge a book by its cover.
apprehensive: She can thank her high school years for this trait. Sueun is always anxious when around people she's not particularly close to. When she was in high school, she was always the one being teased for not being 'pretty' or being a 'nerd'. Sure, she had her brother to back her up from time to time, but when he's not around, she downgrades herself. After she graduated, she was always worried towards the public eye and what they would think of her. Would they think she's not pretty? Would they think she's a nerd when she talks about her high grades? She's always worrying for the worst when it comes to the public.
dominant: Being someone with this sort of leadership trait only calls for chaos. Why? Because Sueun tends to be slightly above the average of dominancy. Due to her extensive list of sports she plays, she was always competitive. But sometimes a little too competitive. People found her dominant nature too nervewrecking and slightly unbearable. However, Sueun is trying her best to tone it down a notch.
× birth: From the moment she was born, she was seen as a gem to her parents, considering she was their first child after many failed attempts. You see, her mother was told that she would never get pregnant, that she would never be able to give birth besides manually putting to egg within another person. But,  to their surprise, she was able to make it happen without a third person. She was happy, and so was her husband, when she took that pregnancy test.
× school: Elementary school was the highlight of Sueun's life. Why? Because she got to learn new things and got to meet new people. The one thing she learned was that, well, she loved learning. She was passionate about it and would always come home just to study, even if it was only about her alphabet and spelling. Once she got into secondary/middle school, that's where she found a love for playing sports. She first started off as just a preteen who loved the thrill of running, thus joining the track team. But soon enough, she slowly got into more sports, like tennis, and would have the usual schedule of waking up, going to school, practicing/games, homework, and then sleep (of course, with the usual eating and bathroom breaks inbetween). It wasn't a vicious cycle that she hated. In fact, she loved it because she would always have something to keep her occupied. However, high school was her least favorite time in her life. Although she found a love for archery and ice/figure skating from watching it on television, she was the victim of bullying. Right when she got into her second year of high school, she was seen as that 'fake Korean nerd with no friends'. It was true, Sueun didn't have many friends, besides her teammates. But even a few of her teammates disliked her, those being the more 'popular' of the team. And it was true that she was supposedly the nerd of the school due to her high grades and always being in the top ten every year. But fake Korean? That was something that boggled her mind everyday. Yes, she doesn't have the typical Korean beauty and yes, she may look foreign at first glance, but she really wasn't. Her time in high school were the years that she wish never happened. She was bullied and beaten, both physically and mentally, but no one knew of this except her brother. She wouldn't talk to her parents about this matter because she knows they would say something along the lines of 'Oh, just continue being you'. She hated being herself. Sueun thought of going through plastic surgery during her college years, but her classmate and seatmate, Suho, told her something that she never forget, even till this day: "You're beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise because being you is beautiful."
× do what you love: It was not until Sueun graduated from college that she went ahead to pursue a career in the music industry. During her high school years, or as she calls them 'hell school years', she would always listen to ballad music. Hearing the lyrics for herself, she loved the fact that it was something relatable and empowering. Because of this, she pushed to become someone who writes music that can have the same effect towards those listening to it. Through this, she hoped that when she becomes big, her story will be put to song and heard of. Her inspiration for beginning such a career was because of a group called 4Men whose music was always calming and soothing to her ears in addition to there always being some sort of back story; her favorite songs being 'Baby Baby' and '못해 (I Can't)'.
Likes, Dislike, Habit, Hobbies, Trivia. 
× likes being in the kitchen either baking or cooking
× learning new things
× staying in shape, which includes eating healthy and only drinking water
× music composition
× taking long showers
× superheroes (DC and Marvel), especially Iron Man
× solo artists of all nationalities, especially DEAN and Charlie Puth
× ballad music
× dangerous situations like bullying, harrassment, etc.
× so-called "fans", which includes saesang fans, crazy fans, and absurd fans
× insects
× her loved ones getting hurt either verbally or physically
× doing aegyo, though some people say she's naturally cute
× Upset: She tends to look down every few minutes and remains quiet while fiddling with her fingers and puffing out her cheeks from time to time.
× Angry/Frustrated: She usually tries to go for a run and if not, hit the gym. If neither can be done, she takes advantage of her music writing abilities and puts her anger into song lyrics.
× Chilly: She has this habit of bringing a small blanket with her everywhere she goes. It's kind of childish considering she's the eldest and most mature, but you never know when it'll be cold or not. The blanket was first Hyuk's, but Soeun took it for herself because she "like the way the fabric feels".
× Chipmunk: Despite her healthy eating, she tends to stuff her cheeks to the point she resembles a chipmunk. Eating fruit? She tends to cut them up into smaller bites to shove into . Eating meat? Does the same. Basically eating anything, even candy, she tries to fill her whole mouth not thinking of the choking hazards that could happen. Sueun already having slightly chubby cheeks only emphasizes her nickname.
× sports:
       Winter: ice/figure skating
       Spring: running/track
       Autumn: tennis, archery
       Summer: usually resting up for the fall season with the occassional runs and practices with her teams/friends
       continues to do the usual sports she does whenever she's free, which is usually over the weekends
× cooking and baking
× writing lyrics based on her mood and/or daily thoughts (usually written in a notebook left on her bedside table that she usually carries around)
× listening to music and tends to repeat the same song over and over until she wishes to change it
× she sometimes studies or learns something new for fun
× her job before becoming an idol was being a baker and co-owner of her mother's bakery
× has a one year old rabbit that was given to her by Kihyun (more information below) that she named 수키 (SuKi), a name combination between Sueun and Kihyun; they both consider themselves as SuKi's 'parents'
× graduate from Hanlim Multi Arts High School as well as graduated from Korea National University of Arts (KNU)'s School of Music (Department of Vocal Music and Department of Composition); she graduated top ten in Hanlim and top five in KNU
× was classmates with Kim Joonmyun, Suho, of EXO in KNU
× her desk is cluttered with super hero action figures, both DC and Marvel, especially of Iron Man
× she won't admit it, but her favorite kpop group is actually Monsta X and her favorite member is actually Kihyun
× claims to be DEAN's number one fan and spreads the love on her SNS from posting screenshots of her music player (is usually a DEAN song) to having a poster of his on her wall
× says 4Men is her inspiration to start singing and writing music
× she doesn't have her license since she claims she was too busy with sports and school to get it, but Sueun wishes to get it before she turns thirty
Family N Friend
× (fc: lee eunrae, lee siyoung) Mother / Shin Mirae / 49 (50 in Korea) / Bakery Owner, Advocate / nurturing, hardworking, caring, honest / closeness rating: 8/10; Growing up, she was always with her mother due to always being around the bakery. Working alongside her mother was something Sueun looked forward to after her busy day at school/sports, and when she's too busy, her mother would always give her wide smile. They had the typical mother-daughter relationship that everyone adores.
× (fc: kim taepyung, hyun bin) Father / Han Joonhyuk / 50 (51 in Korea) / Cardiovascular Surgeon / hardworking, usually busy, modest, determined / closeness rating: 6/10; It's not that she hates her father, it's just that he's never home. And when he is, he's always sleeping from a busy schedule or a pending busy schedule. But, they manage to stay close and he would always ask/talk about the basics with her, i.e. school, work, etc.
× (fc: han sanghyuk, hyuk) Brother / Han Sanghyuk, Hyuk / 20 (21 in Korea) / Idol, VIXX / honest, self confident, witty, protective / closeness rating: 9/10; Of course, a brother and sister are close, but the only difference with these two siblings is that they never fought once in their life. I know, shocking, but they truly never had a reason to hate each other, even at a young age. Hyuk is Sueun's rock and they talk about everything and anything they need to get off their chest. The reason for Hyuk never being mean to Sueun and being her support/rock, is because he wants to protect her from everything. After hearing her story of being bullied, even witnessing it firsthand, he vowed to stay by her side no matter what. He also looked up to her as both a sibling, singer, and songwriter.
× (fc: kim joonmyun, suho) Classmate in KNU and Best friend / Kim Joonmyun, Suho / 24 (25 in Korea) / Idol, EXO / gentleman, responsible, passionate, logical / closeness rating: 9/10; Suho is always the person that Sueun goes to when she just needs someone to talk to when Hyuk's not available (but when neither of them are available she turns to Kihyun, though he usually just tries to make her laugh with silly videos). But even if she doesn't need that shoulder to cry on, Suho is always there giving her words of encouragement on a daily basis by sending her small text messages everyday. He sometimes even visits her at the bakery or her house when he can or when Sueun asks him to.
× her pet rabbit, which is explained above in the Trivia

Who is He?

Name: Yoo Kihyun (유기현)
× Tiny, Kwihyoni: nicknames given to him by either s and/or his fans. 'Tiny' derives from his height; 'Kwihyoni' derives from the combination of 'kwiyomi' and Kihyun' to form a cuter nickname.
× 키 ("ki"): a shorter form of his name that Sueun would call him. In return, Kihyun would call her 자물쇠 ("jamulsoe") which means 'lock' since her nickname can also be interpreted as 'key'; a cute set of nicknames for their relationship (both as friends and as a couple).
Birthday + Age: November 22, 1993 + 22 years old (23 in Korea)
Who He in the Inside?

Kihyun is that type who's more laid-back compared to his other members. He gets his work done efficiently just so he could have enough time to play around as the kid he's known to be. He's always smiling and joking around with the members and Soeun as well, though at first glance he may seem slightly standoffish. Sometimes he can be a bit shy, but once you get to know him, you'll realize that he's as much of a goofball as the others. He's inbetween being confident and doubting things about himself, which causes him to look for ways to improve or possibly change. He goes along with plans and follows orders when given it to him, even if it's something stupid. In much simpler terms, Kihyun is the calmer mood maker of his
What Happen Between You Two?

First Meeting
Kihyun and Sueun first met through baked goods. Kihyun had wanted to get something sweet for his leader's birthday and a friend of his recommended Sueun's mother's bakery. On that same day, Sueun had decided to take charge while her mother had gone to do some errands. It was a slow day, though every time Sueun works the time seems to get slower and slower than usual. So, Sueun had decided to look for a local pet shop in Seoul because she wanted to get a pet rabbit. Little did she know, Kihyun was looking through the different cakes before landing his eyes on her phone. He let out a chuckle, which caught Sueun's attention. Kihyun didn't know what to do at that moment, though he must admit that he was in awe over her unique appearance. Sueun was actually in utter shock to see that a member of a group she's been keeping up with was right in front of her. However, she was always good at keeping her cool.
"Um, I'll take this," He pointed at a strawberry cheesecake as Sueun proceeded to get the cake boxed before giving it to him.
"Will that be all, Kihyun?"
Kihyun looked at her with a smile, "You know who I am?"
"Who wouldn't? You're pretty popular."
Soon after, the two started to converse about how Sueun had gotten into Monsta X and who her favorite was, though she says she can't choose. She told him about how her brother, Hyuk, had met his group once or twice and even promised to get her to see them in person. This made Kihyun laugh due to the irony of how she finally met a member.
Once an awkward silence fell upon the two, Kihyun looked at her, "Can I possibly pay you in a rabbit?"
Days after, Kihyun had gotten her a pet rabbit, SuKi, which was the start of their long-awaited relationship/friendship.
Interaction / Relationship
When the two meet, they tend to always talk about SuKi for a good few minutes or so. But when they finish they ramble on about random things; for example, when they met up when Sueun went to visit her brother whilst Kihyun was promoting around the time, they talked about how your phone has so many germs. They talk about the most random things, however they enjoy their random talks.
Something you wouldn't expect from Kihyun and Sueun is that they initiate skinship quite a lot, but it's nothing like constant kissing or continuous hand holding. When they meet, they always high five or hug, depending on if they're in a rush or they're in a fairly public place. Usually, it's Kihyun initiating the skinship since Sueun is not the type to do so.
Their relationship is one that's typical, but fairly interesting. Even though they're not dating and haven't had thoughts of dating, people would find their interactions cute. This causes fans to occassionally ship them, even mentioning that their rabbit's name is basically the ship name. However, they hope to keep their close relationship and maintain their friend status as long as possible.
Even though they wish to remain friends, Kihyun slowly begins to fall for Sueun; from her charms to her personality and even her flaws. Every aspect of hers reels Kihyun in even more, and all Kihyun wishes to do is protect her at all costs. After realizing that it's truly love he feels for Sueun, he goes to ask her parents and even her brother for their permission. Heck, he even asks SuKi if it was okay for him to date Sueun and surprisingly SuKi's ears perk up and her nose crinkles, causing Kihyun to laugh, "I'll take that as a 'yes'."
Though Kihyun admits to himself it's love, Sueun still finds him as just a friend and only a friend. But, who knows. Sueun make turn over a new leaf.
What do You Wish for?

Comment: If there's anything possibly wrong or missing from this, please notify me asap and I'll quickly make those changes! Also, I wish you the best of luck with everything! heart heart! + I apologize if my app was long, I tend to ramble a lot and add a lot of detail. So, if you'd like for me to make it shorter, I will certainly do so. :)
Scene Suggestion: none that I could think of, but if I think of any, I'll surely add them when I can
Password: Angelz


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