⊗ THE MEDIC : 비채원, BI CHAEWON [220716]

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//// i'm locked and loaded ////
full name / 비채원, bi chaewon
other names / 
► n/a
birthdate / feb 24, 1996 @ kaesong, north korea
hometown / itaewon, seoul, south korea
ethnicity / korean
nationality / korean
languages / 
korean, seoul dialect — fluent; native language and dialect
► english — fluent; to enter into the medical field, it was needed to learn two languages. therefore, chaewon had decided to learn english since it was more of a universal language
japanese — conversational; wanting to travel to japan to get away, chaewon wanted to learn a bit of japanese to get her by. however, she stopped her japanese studies to learn english in order to get into medical school (since english is more practical)
//// completely focused, my mind is open ////
face claim / 권민아 : aoa
backup / 홍의진 : sonamoo
appearance / 
► chaewon is on the taller side, standing at 167cm with the weight of 52kg. her overall build isn't on the athletic side, however she's stronger than she appears. as of now, her hair color is dyed a dark brown, but her normal hair color is the typical jet black. but because of her choice in not going back into her past, she never dyes her hair black. her eyecolor is the basic dark brown, but her eyesight isn't all that great. so, usually, she wears contacts or her glasses (though usually she wears contacts when she's with her gang while glasses are in broad daylight). chaewon isn't someone who puts makeup on all the time. but the only daily makeup she's willing to put is bb cream or sunblock, depending on the weather that day.
fashion sense / 
► growing up, chaewon was never all that interested in fashion and it's proven through what's in her closet. in addition, chaewon doesn't have a certain type of fashion taste. she usually bases her fashion on her mood or whatever she sees on the streets/magazines. usually, she wears clothes that aren't too revealing, like a normal t-shirt or sweater. some of the clothes can be a bit showy, especially during the summertime, but she makes sure she has something to cover up. chaewon prefers clothes that are comfortable and loose, but not too loose to the point it slips down her shoulders 24/7.
► as for accessories, chaewon is mostly seen in caps or beanies, with the occassional sunglasses when she wants to stay on the downlow or when the sun is blinding her. sometimes she carries around simple hairties on her wrist(s) when she chooses to tie her hair up. in addition, she wears either her contacts or glasses depending on if she's with the gang or not.
► in regards to her makeup, chaewon doesn't cake her face with makeup. she always goes for a natural look, which usually means she goes bare faced. if it's a special ocassion of some sort, she'll put the basic eyeliner, mascara and bb cream with maybe a touch of lipstick/lip balm.
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note: chaewon is completely different in appearance in the gang and out of the gang/daylight. out of the gang/daylight, she wears her glasses and lighter-colored clothes, which make her look completely different from what she looks like in the gang. in the gang, she wears contacts and darker, usually black, clothing.
//// makes me feel like a dangerous woman ////
character traits /
positive intelligent, resourceful, observant, strong, loyal
humble, overworked, troublesome, stubborn,
undemonstrative negative
elaboration / 
► intelligent — ever since she was young, she was always seen as the "brains", be it in school or with her friends. although she appears cold and can be a handful sometimes, she's actually incredibly smart. she knows how to solve conflicts and her memory is topnotch.
resourceful —stems from her intelligence; she always has the correct procedures and solutions. a lot of people come to her for support or ideas, especially with medical related issues, and she knows what's right and what's wrong.
observant — since her entry into medical school, she picked up the trait of being observant. her teacher always told her that "you need to observe the overall issue before doing anything that can end a patient's life". she kept this in mind ever since she joined the gang, and she always watches over her members. she'll know when you're lying and she'll know when you're upset over something or someone.
strong — not only is she strong physically, but she's strong mentally. she's able to withstand anything that gets in her way, and she knows right from wrong, though usually it ends in a fight of some sort.
loyal — even though she can be able to crack into your darkest thoughts, due to her observant trait, she's someone who will keep all secrets and is trusted with everything. since she's usually behind the scenes taking care of her members, they always converse about things that her members are scared to tell anyone else.

humble — chaewon was never fully proud of herself ever since she was little. she always lowers her importance to the point she hates herself, even when others say she's doing an amazing job just being herself. however, she's slowly learning that being yourself is all that matters.
overworked — she always keeps herself busy. be it working in the broad daylight or occupying herself with the gang at night, she's always on her feet 24/7. some people think that she never rests or that she's turning herself into a robot, but chaewon doesn't mind the workload. sleeping ten hours a week is enough for chaewon, but the more work she puts on herself can possibly be damaging to her well being.
 troublesome — never judge a book by its cover, because chaewon is the opposite of good. sure, she'll smile at her friends and members, but she's actually a girl who causes problems quite often. chaewon assumes she became troublesome when she met sohyun, but she was actually always a troublemaker. however, she's only causing trouble when the sun goes down. causing fights in a bar, running from the police— there's a sort of thrill that chaewon gained from her mischief (however, she rarely gets caught).
stubborn — stems from being troublesome; she always feels the need to go with whatever she decides. since she was a born leader in the medical field, a doctor to be exact, she always think that she's right when it comes to medicine and wounds. co-medic always seems to follow whatever chaewon says, however there are times where the two will disagree with one another, but they still maintain their closeness.
undemonstrative — chaewon is someone who doesn't know how to express her feelings towards others, even if she's extremely close to them. "i love you". "i miss you". none of those types of phrases ever escaped chaewon's lips. she won't hug or kiss others, unless the other will initiate the skinship. but even when the other will hug or kiss chaewon, she'll stand there in awkwardness. the only way to know that she loves you is if she genuinely smiles because she rarely smiles.
► growing up was a struggle for chaewon. why? because she was born in north korea. living in north korea was one of the worst experiences of her life, however when she turned two her parents decided to flee north korea to go to the south. she really doesn't know as to how they successfully did it, let alone how they were able to even step foot out of north korea, but they were able to do just that. once in south korea, they were able to start up a small family. however, chaewon was still wary about everything. being born in north korea was rough enough, but being raised near a red-light district was even worse. when she turned seventeen her parents were fed up with chaewon. why? because chaewon would be gone from the early hours of five until eleven at night. half of that time, however, was to go to school, but little did they know that chaewon was actually going to a local gym to learn how to box. around this time was when chaewon had began to date minghao, who was the one who brought her to the gym and trained her to fight. when chaewon's parents learned about this, they were outraged. the fact that chaewon had decided to become a fighter rather than staying out to study instead was disgraceful. they wanted to have a child that would later bring fortune, but instead they got a child who turned into a fighter. sure, she still had amazing grades and was top of her class, but all her parents pictures was a fighter. so, they decided to throw her on the streets. the worst part? she had nowhere to go, but minghao's. she stayed at minghao's for quite some time until she was given early admission into a medical school for her high grades/IQ.
► chaewon was only in medical school for about a year or so before leaving. why? because she was given the opportunity to join a gang. being recruited by a fellow friend of hers, sohyun, was probably one of the most life-changing moments in her life. lucky enough, she was left money by her parents and saved up through her job at the café; with the money earned, she was able to get her own place. the catch, though, is that it was near her parents. but, lucky enough, she never ran into them. sohyun had even decided to help chaewon save up for an apartment, even going as far as living with her. during all of this, dropping out of medical school to continue her studies online and sohyun moving in with her, she continued to box for self defense. sohyun had even helped her with some moves along with minghao from time to time. speaking of minghao, sohyun never knew of the fact that a rival gang member of her group was dating her best friend since chaewon never mentioned it at all.
► when chaewon officially joined the gang, she was extremely thrilled. she always heard about gangs in south korea and was curious about it, but now that she's a member of a top gang, she sees the thrill of it. however, trouble began to happen with the relationship of minghao and chaewon's, causing them to break up around their third year of dating. this causes chaewon to lose her smile and become cold towards those she's not familiar with. all in all, chaewon became someone who would help her fellow gang members when needed, be it to bandage them or just to talk to them.
relationships / 
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"sonnie", unnie / 맹소이, maeng soyi / mirage / sep 26, 1995 + 20 years old
the first in command and leader of mirage, soyi is always someone who chaewon depends on when she can't even depend on herself. since they're quite close in age, with a five month , they would talk often about practically everything. since soyi's the leader, she would always be the one who gets hurt both physically and mentally. whenever she gets hurt, chaewon is always there to pick up the pieces (i.e. comforting her, fighting whoever hurt her, etc.).— "sonnie" is a nickname that combines both soyi's name and the word 'unnie'.
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"devil", dongsaeng천사, maeng cheonsa / mirage / feb 13, 1999 + 17 years old
being the closest to soyi, cheonsa and chaewon rarely talk. however, cheonsa would tend to go to chaewon whenever she had something to say that she didn't want to talk about with her older sister. since chaewon is both loyal and resourceful, cheonsa would trust her with everything. — "devil" is just a nickname that meant the opposite of the meaning of cheonsa's name. even though cheonsa is someone who is the complete opposite of a devil, chaewon has seen her fight. that's when and where the devil comes out of cheonsa.
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"kwonso", best friend / 권소현, kwon sohyun / 4minute / aug 30, 1994 + 21 years old
sohyun and chaewon were like two peas in a pod even before chaewon's entrance into mirage. despite sohyun wanting to get chaewon out of the gang life, sohyun always visits chaewon when she can. but putting these two together is the ultimate mess. no matter how stupid something is, these two will always be seen doing it. once, they robbed a candy shop while drunk in the middle of the night when chaewon turned twenty as a 'birthday present'. these two always cause mischief, but deep down they mean well. — "kwonso" is a nickname that derived from sohyun's surname and the first sylable of her name. since chaewon didn't really wish to call her sohyun, she decided upon calling her kwonso.
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"right/left hand", partner in crime / co-medic / mirage / -
the two are always together when it comes to the gang. co-medic is most definitely the closest to chaewon in regards that they work together to help their members and each other. even out in broad daylight co-medic and chaewon would always seem to find a way to hang out, be it at chaewon's job or in the early hours of the day (1am-5am). even though they can disagree with each other at times, the two will always find a way to make amends and continue on their friendship. — "right/left hand" comes from how they're always helping one another out, be it with just the two of them or with the rest of the gang.
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► "code red", ex & 'friend' / 徐明浩, xu minghao / seventeen / nov 7, 1997 + 18 years old
the two were previously acquainted through their parents (chaewon's parents worked under minghao's parents for awhile), chaewon even staying at his place for a few months, and they soon became a lovers. back when they were dating, they would always spend time together and would do everything, despite the year . however, they decided to break up. why? because minghao found out that chaewon was part of mirage, seventeen's rival gang. because he didn't want chaewon to possibly get beat up by her members nor get hurt himself by his own members, they seperated. the shocking part of this all? they still contact each other. but because of how hurt chaewon was, since minghao broke up with her harshly, she would only contact him when it was about her parents since she moved out of her house. when seventeen and mirage meet, minghao would always look out for chaewon. even though minghao broke up with her in a harsh manner, he still cared for her nevertheless. but chaewon never returned the same feelings. — "code red" is a nickname that chaewon gave to minghao to represent the anger and resent he left behind. she never calls him this, but when she does, minghao doesn't hear it as a bad thing.

trivia / 
► wants to become a surgeon and even immediately went to a medical school at the age of eighteen due to her grades in high school (IQ of 160); once she entered the gang, she left the school and began online schooling in order to graduate on time while still being a part of mirage
► she previously worked at a café up until she joined mirage
► she rarely, if not never, smiles; those that she likes and cares for will receive a genuine smile
► chaewon is actually an incredible fighter since she grew up boxing and learned a few moves from sohyun and minghao, but no one sees her as a fighter
► she keeps the secret of being north korean from everyone, including her closest friends and mirage
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//// somethin bout you ////
love interest / 문일성, moon ilseung : oc*
backup / 徐明浩, xu minghao : seventeen
personality / 
positive hardworking, kindhearted, good natured
competitive, indecisive, passive negative
► hardworking — especially in his job, he's always working with 110%. alike to chaewon, he tends to work a ton, but he also works to the best of his abilities. he's committed to his work and it shows through everything he does.
► kindhearted — ilseung is always thinking of others before himself. in every situation, he tries to think of other people's perspectives rather than just his own. he doens't like it when people are left out, so he always tries to get everyone involved during good times. ilseung always encourages those around him, giving them confidence and supporting them. he also tends to worry a lot, but it's all the better of the other(s).
► good natured — stems from being kindhearted; he's really kind, and everyone around him sees him as a very understanding individual. during an argument, he'll look at the story from the other person's perspective and try to understand why they did what they did. ilseung is a really fun and entertaining person to be with, thus the reason why his colleagues and friends would say he "brightens up the room".

► competitive — being someone who enjoys sports, his competitiveness level is through the roof. no matter what it is, be it sports or even his occupation alone, he'll continue to be competitive. all ilseung wants to do is succeed in life so his parents will see him as more than a shadow of his older brother.
 indecisive — not a total downfall of his, but he really at making decisions. it's not that he can't make decisions for himself, since he actually can, it's just that sometimes he'll think he's making the wrong one. his indecisiveness is a reason why he just follows the pack rather than leading others.
passive — ilseung usually goes with the flow. he's very obedient, so if someone tells him to do something, he'll do it no matter how crazy it is. whatever happens, he'll just let it happen and go along with it.
love story / 
► the two met through working at the same café and were always talking about their similar interest in the medical field. people around them, co-workers and customers, would think they were dating because of how they would always talk to one each other often and the fact that their work hours are always on the same days. however, they learned that they were both seeing different people when their significant others suddenly made an appearance at the café (at different times, ofc).
► timelapse to 1+ year(s), ilseung had broken up with his girlfriend under mutual terms of both of them being busy with school. but the real reason was because ilseung was slowly falling in love with chaewon. but chaewon, at that time, was still dating minghao and was happily in love. ilseung kept his feelings to himself, but would slowly try to pry chaewon away from minghao.
► once ilseung turned twenty (meaning chaewon was nineteen, around the time she joined the gang), she suddenly disappered from the café. asking around, he found out that she quit her job due to personal issues. ilseung was devistated to hear that she no longer worked with him. he was never able to tell her how he feels and ask her on a date. he tried calling her number, but her number was no longer in service, meaning she changed both her phone and her number. however, he was determined to find her. he was determined to tell her how he feels, even if minghao was still sticking around.
ending / can be anything from them dating, someone dying, ending up with minghao instead of ilseung, etc. — surprise me :')
relationship status / ex-coworkers
TRIVIA / (for ilseung since he's an oc)
► born august 17, 1995 in incheon, south korea
► currently a psychology major in seoul national university
► has been working with chaewon ever since she started working there (about a year after he started)
*fc — 남주혁 : ygkplus, actor
//// bad girls underneath like that ////
final words / the story idea makes me want to cry because it's so goOD OH MY GOD. also my character is kind of inspired by park shinhye's character in 'doctors' :')
+ i might add more trivia and possibly more people in the relationships section since this is kind of a rush since i'll be away for awhile bUT i just wanted to apply asap bc that plot tho :"))
scene reqs / 
► minghao vs ilseung over chaewon :')
► mirage finds out that chaewon is actually north korean through finding her birth certificate, or some other way (anything but her saying so, js)
► mirage, up10tion and/or 4minute finding out that she's linked to seventeen through minghao
► a fight in mirage either with mirage itself or with one of their ally gangs
+ more to be added in the future
password / i couldn't find the password, but if there's a password, just shoot me a notification! :')


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