⌈ Spice ⌋ → 전아미 → Nutmeg [030616]

jeon ami

fanfare — ang — 8 overall

basic profile.

name — 전아미 / jeon ami

nickname(s) — 

× 하이천 ("hai cheon") : a combination of the korean words for 'hyper' (하이퍼) and 'angel' (천사) due to her energetic and pure personality.

× 미 ("mi") : a simplistic and shorter version of her name that her friends tend to usually call her.
× 왕 ("wang") : a nickname only jimin is allowed to call her, but later on it becomes an inside joke between jimin, taehyung and her.
× 亜美 ("ah mee") : her japanese name, so basically her full name 
전아미 is a mix between korean and japanese as requested by her mother who wanted a daughter with a japanese name; means "asian beauty".

birthday & age

december 24, 1996

20 years old (21 years old in korea)

birthplace & hometown —

× birthplace : daegu, south korea
× hometown : seoul, south korea

ethnicity — korean-japanese


× fluent in korean : takes after her father

× fluent in japanese : takes after her mother
× semi fluent in english (conversational) : she's teaching herself

face claim & backup

× faceclaim : sana minatozaki of twice: tumblr


Height and weight 

× height : 169cm (5ft 5in)

× weight : 53kg (116lbs)

Blood Type — AB

me, me, and me. 

ami is someone who goes with the trend, but keeps it simplistic. usually her style consists of a simple color scheme that matches the current season and her personality, but looks almost 'aesthetically pleasing' to the eye. ami's go to clothing choice would either be her favorite pair of jeans or a skirt when she's feeling extremely lazy to slip into some skinny jeans. Her favorite colors to wear? The basic black and white and whatever colors are in between. She finds those colors to match her more better than some of the girlier colors, though she won't turn down a good jacket if it's pink.
she's a simple girl who enjoys the aesthetics; what more can you say?
her accessories are nothing unique nor are they outrageous like those who have piercings in every part of their face or tattoos everywhere. ami has the basic piercings (x2) in addition to double cartilage piercings. the reason behind it? because she loves the different piercings stores have available for her. piercings, to her, balances out her simple outfits with some cute or unique piercing(s). ami also has an obsession with wearing a simple band around her left ring finger. this caused problems because people would think that she's in a relationship when in reality it's just a purity ring. later on, she moves the ring to her right ring finger.

one look at her and you would think that she's a full korean because she fits that 'beauty standard' that everyone aims for. however, once you find out she's half japanese, you'd give her a double take.
this nineteen year old girl is young, however she can become someone who slays any dark concept in an instant. ami is quite tall for her age and thanks to her height, her proportions look 'normal' and 'thin', or whatever most people think is 'beautiful'. as for her facial appearance, she inherits most of her looks from her mother; the doe eyes, the pale skin, the oval-shaped face — she appears more like her mother each passing day. what did she gain from her father? just the ears and tall height. that was all. however, she doesn't complain about not looking completely like her father. to her, it's more of a blessing that she was able to look the way she does, even if she inherited 98% of her looks from her mother.



× positive : intelligent, hardworking, energetic/active, caring, youthful; 4d

ami is someone who is forever a child at heart, always appearing youthful and pure despite her interests in certain sports, dance styles, and making a complete personality change on stage. however, she enjoyed having that '4d' personality, even if others hated it. as a child, she was always smart and hardworking, and that's evident to everyone who knows of her or heard of her. she was an ideal student and even an ideal trainee around the company. her amount of energy, her playful appearance— how could anyone dislike her?

× neutral : pure, sensitive, whimsical, can't be understood at times

ah, right. with every positive trait, there's always those traits that seem okay to others, but annoying to some. growing up, ami had gone through about one hundred mental breakdowns, especially in high school, but she tried her best to keep it on the downlow. even if it meant that she had to suffer through it all by herself. in addition, people don't understand her, but this isn't a major downfall in the eyes of the people around her. she just has to interpret things in another way for it to make sense.

× negative : quirky, childish, moody, overly emotional, anxious

alike to the 'neutral' traits, the negative traits are the same. childish and moody; something that ami could never control. as a kid, no one taught her that being too childish can irk some people. she never stopped acting like a child, from whining when someone takes something from her to doing things only a five year old would. she would always be questioned and looked down on for this by her fellow collegues and even parents. as for her mood, it only came when she was completely and utterly drained both physically and mentally. she would tend to stay quiet and not talk to anyone, which some people found odd considering she was usually active and playful. because of this, because of being the victim, she begins to get distressed and think lowly of herself. i guess that was why people despised her.


× learning new things : from learning new recipes to learning new dances, she's someone who wishes to learn and expand her knowledge, a reason why she's usually moving around.
× the smell and taste of tea : coming from a mother who's fully Japanese makes this liking of hers pretty self explanatory, though in the beginning she hated the taste of it. now, however, she drinks at least one cup when she's stressed over work or when she worries over her 'hormonal acne'.
× out and about : during her training years, she was always going out with friends or sometimes by herself. she just enjoys getting fresh air and basking in either the rays of the sun or the light of the moon. the places she frequently goes to are local parks for a run, sushi restaurants for lunch/dinner or sometimes even a downtown dance studio for the sole purpose of just going out.
× wash away : ami loves taking showers, and she's known for taking long showers. however, she has a reason. it refreshes her mind both physically and mentally. she's able to wash away  all the sweat and dirt along with any negative feelings she'd be bottling up down the drain.
× part of the industry : ami enjoys dancing and rapping, so she had decided to try choreographing and writing rap lyrics. she may not be the best at either, since she never tried either of them once, the aomg family believes she has potential in both fields. so, from time to time, you'll see her in either the dance studio working on some new moves or in the dorm jotting down some lyrics.
× all things korean : as many others around her, she's obsessed, and i mean obsessed, with korean dramas. she sometimes stays up watching the latest shows of a new drama or rewatching one for the fiftieth time. not only is she mildly obsessed with korean dramas, even knowing some word for word, she enjoys kpop. she likes all idol groups (esp. bts, monsta x, got7 and day6) and all genres (esp. kindie and ballads).
× the underrated : although she may not understand some of the words since she's in the process of learning english, she enjoys listening to american music that's fairly underrated (esp. charlie puth, gnash, and imaginary friend). her favorite songs being: i knew this would be love, we'll be okay, then there's you, fragile



× i hate you : she has this list of people who she truly hates. obnoxious people. ignorant people. smelly people. people who interrupt her. she hates these specific personality traits. when she meets someone being that way, she'll crinkle her nose— a sure sign she dislikes or even hates you.
× hot weather : despite liking the sunlight, she hates the heat. emphasis on the hate. when she was younger, she was never a fan of hot weather because of the buckets of sweat she'd give off. she hates sweat. she hates heat. period. however, if the temperature is not blazing hot, she'll enjoy her time out. it's a weird relationship; ami and and the sun.

× don't leave : monophobia makes this dislike pretty self explanatory. even though she sometimes goes out for a run or to eat alone, she's usually listening to music to make it feel as if someone's with her. she hates being alone for a long period of time, which is why ami is usually glued to her members, friends, and family whenever she's not locked in her room.
danger : when people are put into a serious situation that causes them to feel so insecure about themselves is something ami hated as a kid. she hated bullies. she hated harrasers. being someone who was a victim herself, she hates seeing others in her position. which is why, whenever she gets a chance, she would try to spread the word to her fans of 'being kind to others' and 'treating them the way you'd treat your family, your friends and even yourself.'
× sca : sca, an acronym, that ami made up, which stands for 'saesang fans, crazy fans, absurd fans'; the top three kinds of fans that get on her nerves. heck, she wouldn't even call them 'fans'. from the things they upload about her to them butting into her personal life, it gets her blood boiling.


× 99.9% kid : wherever she goes, she makes sure that she has a stuffed animal and a blanket with her at all times. most of the time, it's her little brown dog in her arms and a blue throw blanket wrapped around her. even at the dorm and her own house, you will see her walking around with at least one stuffed animal taken from her many others laying on her bed. i guess you can call her a child at heart? 99.9%.
× drink to express : she can handle her alcohol well, however after a good amount of them, she tends to express her feelings and show her true colors. with a guy she likes? she'll straight up say 'i like you'. with a good friend? she'll tell them about everything she hates and loves, be it people or things and soon hit the dance floor like a maniac. the worst part? she won't remember saying or doing the things she did the next day.
× it's a habit : when she's upset, she tends stay quiet, fiddle with her fingers and puff out her cheeks before talking it out with a friend or member. when she's angry or frustrated, she goes for a run or dances, sometimes even putting her feelings to rap. when her manager or members try to wake her up, which is a very difficult task for people to do since she doesn't wake up easliy, she pouts in her sleep before groaning and rolling around. people find some of her habits cute, but ami would quickly say otherwise.
× scared? a little : monophobia, which is the fear of being alone either physically or mentally. it's a fear that she never really got over, which is why she's usually hanging out with someone or keeping herself busy. despite her ab bloodtype, she thinks that she's not loved or is being ignored, especially with her parents. however it isn't a fear that overtakes her often to the point it's tearing her to pieces. she's slowly learning that sometimes people need space and that sometimes it's okay to be alone.
× education : she recently graduated from School of Performing Arts (SOPA) in 2015, ranking top ten in her class. soon after taken her college entrance exam following her graduation, she was able to gain a spot in Korea University majoring in Entertainment. ami is also currently part of KU's archery club/team due to her love for the sport. however she rarely competes due to her busy schedule.
× let's stay in contact :
(phone type: iphone 6sami befriends people so easily to the point her phone is full of various people ranging from classmates to idols and even family whom she hasn't seen for years. despite the lengthy amount of contacts she has, she only messages about five of them daily.
× let's stay in contact, sns edition : (phone type: above) ami updates her social networking sites frequently, or at least as often as she can. she like reading the comments and keeping in touch with her fans/friends/family. — ig: ami.jeon, twitter: ami_jeon, snapchat: only given to close friends

× tri-friend goals/jta : 'tri-friend' was a nickname given to the small group consisting of ami, taehyung and jimin, whilst the word 'goals' was added later on. ami would tend to be around taehyung, jimin or both of them and whenever they were busy with their own lives, they would send texts through their group kkt. as someone who updates her sns as often as possible, she would always mention taehyung and jimin through either posting a screenshot of their conversation(s) or posting a picture. she even has '③' placed in all her bios/descriptions to commemorate the trio. after seeing the amount of pictures consisting of jimin, taehyung, and ami, fans came to the conclusion that they were 'friendship goals'.
× already thinking ahead : although it's too early for her to think about the future, she had already done so. when the group splits to part ways or when she becomes 31, whichever comes first, she hopes to already be married with a small house fit for a small family of four. she'll most likely be doing something with dance, most likely choreographing under aomg, or maybe with rap composition. ami isn't quite too sure about her future occupation, but she does know that she'll still be focusing on entertainment. ami also wishes to have a pet rabbit or two. or possibly a dog instead? maybe. she may not know for sure that this would all happen, but hey. a girl can dream, right?

home is where the heart is. 

elementary school to middle school : ami was an only child, but this didn't make her feel lonely. she had the company of her friends and her parents, well. a parent, at least. her father was practically gone most of her childhood due to mandatory duties in the army, but at least she had her mother around her. ami was always a good child, a child that most parents wished were theirs. from the very start of her education, she had always gotten good grades; solid a's, played sports, volunteered— she was everyone's ideal 'child'. yet, once she gotten into high school, everything went down hill.
high school to college : once she hit high school, she had no one. by this time, taehyung had already gone to training, her mother had landed her dream job and, of course, her father wasn't there. although she was old enough to be by herself, she hated it. she hated every bit of waking up with only a glimpse of her mother to coming home to no one. her only friend was taehyung, which didn't help her one bit. this is when she found out that she had monophobia, the fear of being alone. and because of this phobia, she was a number one target of bullying. why? she doesn't know. maybe because she was smart, had the looks, but had no one around her? maybe because others disliked her personality? maybe because she was only half korean? she doesn't know. all she knows is that she hated her high school, but she was glad to have graduated with high grades and enter into a top university.
do what you like, like what you do : growing up, her mother had put her into dancing classes at the start of her middle school years. why? ami never truly found out as to why, but she guessed it was because she wanted to keep her busy when she was completing her last few years of her college. yes, her mother had done an online college, but that's besides the point. at the start of her classes, her ballet classes, she hated it. she wasn't someone who enjoyed ballet, be it doing or watching it. however, after a few more classes, she soon began to like it. she assumed her hate was towards the teacher since once she entered her last year of middle school and got a new teacher, she began to think of nothing but ballet. yet, in high school, she put up her ballet shoes for a pair of sneakers. she wanted to experiment with the different types of dancing. so, she began to self-teach herself street dances (esp. hip-hop, popping, locking, breaking) and other performance dances (esp. her continuation of ballet a year after, kpop, acrobatics). because of her self-teaching she gained the need to learn new other things, especially in dance. i guess she should thank her mother for pushing her into those semi-awful ballet classes.


family — 

× (face: kim sungsoo) 전민수 / jeon misoo | father | closeness: 5/10 | it's not that she hates her father or doesn't speak to him. it's just that she rarely sees him. being in a family with a father who is a lieutenant general of the army isn't something like descendants of the sun. the only way ami is able to see her father is when he decides or get a vacation off, which is never a whole year (the longest vacation he ever had was two months). when they finally get to meet, her father tries to patch things up with ami, who forces herself to smile brightly to keep her father happy when in reality, the emptiness left by her father hurts her.

× (face: satomi ishihara) 春美黒澤 / harumi kurosawa | mother | closeness: 7/10 | like her father, ami doesn't talk as frequently as she wishes to with her mother due to her busy schedule as a cardiologist. however, she sees her mother more than her father, which is why she gets along with her mother more than anyone, besides taehyung. when they meet, they always end up talking about the basics; how their day was, if they ate yet— a typical conversation between mother and daughter. sometimes when her mother has a day or two off, they would travel around korea and go sightseeing or shopping. the moments with her mother are ones that are the most memorable to her.


friends — 

× (face: kim taehyung) 김태형 / kim taehyung, v | best friend | closeness: 9/10 | when the two meet, it's almost as if their two five year olds trying to get on each others' nerves, but they still care for one another. the two met back in daegu when taehyung stole her crayon in grade school, which made ami cry. taehyung was shocked that someone would cry over a small crayon, which caused him to panic and giving the crayon back. yes, that's how they met; over a simple crayon. since then, they've somehow gotten close and would hang out often until they both went their seperate ways into different companies. however, they continued to stay in contact and would try to meet whenever they can, casually speaking in satoori from the moment they meet to the very end. some people thought they would get together or had a thing for one another, but that was never the case. taehyung never saw her as more than a friend, a best friend to be precise, and neither did ami. but who knows what the future holds for these two daegu kids?
× (face: park jimin) 박지민 / park jimin | best friend (through taehyung) | closeness: 9/10 | never leave these two alone. period. when jimin and ami are left alone or sit next to each other, all they want to do is tug on each others' faces and talk about their members behind their back (but with kind compliments, which is even weirder). you would think that taehyung needed supervision. no. he's the one supervising these two. yet, they only act like that when either of their members are in the same room. when the two are alone with no one but them, they tend to initiate skinship casually. jimin is someone who enjoys skinship, especially if he's comfortable with that person. so, skinship is a must in this friendship, as ami would think. but jimin may think this 'friendship' is something more.
× 권레나 / kwon lena | "cinnamon", leader, mother figure | closeness: 9/10 | although ami is close to everyone in the group, she enjoys the company of their leader the most. why? because ami tends to stick to someone with a mother-like personality. since she doesn't see her mother as often as she would like to because of her training/debut and her mother's job, she would go to her leader when she needs a shoulder to cry on or just needs that motherly advice she wishes to gain from her own mother.

× 배하늘 / bae haneul | "sugar", visual, sunshine | closeness: 8/10 | when their leader is never available to ami to talk to, she would be seen in the presence of their sweetheart. she makes sure that ami is always happy and smiling. she's the literal sunshine to ami's day, and she even tells her that when they're together.
× 이세린 / lee serin | "cocoa", main vocal, face | closeness: 7/10; she's the one member that she isn't completely close to, and the reason for that is because she has the busiest schedule out of all the members. however, when she comes home from a busy day, ami doesn't hesitate to give her a tight embrace and a bright smile, followed by the words "I'm glad you're back, kid!" it's a typical thing for ami to do, and their maknae has slowly grown to liking her returns for ami's affection.
임지호 / im jiho | "chili", main rapper, not-unpretty rapstar | closeness: 8.5/10; despite her being the oldest of the group, ami still seems to find a way to make her feel like a kid again. how, you may ask? well, the two are the rappers of the group and both have that pretty face. which leads them to creating a rendition of unpretty rapster - scratch that. not-unpretty rapstar. they joke and play around by either copying sayings from the famous rap battle show or create their own version of it. and sometimes, ami would try to get their not-so good dancer going by dancing, only to end in a big thud.
× even if she doesn't talk to most of them, everyone that she exchanged numbers with is considered a friend to her.



IM ReAdy to be a star.

STage name ami : she wants to be known by her true name, rather than something that's not to her liking, plus, it's sweet and to the point.


Trainee Life 

august 12, 2012; the day she entered aomg. she remembers that day all too clearly, and she never regrets entering. although many of the other trainees thought she had the face for sm and the dance skill for jyp, she loves aomg. why? because it was small; it was a company that only a few know of.

her life under aomg are one of the more memorable moments of her high school years. she would constantly go straight from school to the company in order to practice and train. that was her daily schedule: wake up, go to school, practice, go back home, and of course the usual eating and bathroom breaks inbetween. nothing too special happened as a trainee, though ami did make a few friends years later. however, those friends of hers soon left the to other companies because of the need to debut sooner. ami never understood why people wished to debut so soon into the training life. she always thought that people needed to train longer and truly earn their spot. and that's what ami did. from the day her friends abandoned her, she began to work harder in what she loves to do.

TRAINEE YEARS — 4 years, 2 months (as of jan 1, 2017)


Fanclub + Color 

blue heaven : goes along with her persona of 'hyper angel'; blue symbolizes loyalty, trust, and calmness, which are three things that ami hopes to gain despite her energetic personality in addition to heaven being a place where angels roam.



plotline — nutmeg

Talent twins 

× speaking : sana minatozaki of twice: no link available
× dancing : hirai momo of twice: dance compilation

× rapping : choi yoonsun of sonamoo: rap compilation

× (optional) singing : bae joohyun of red velvet: icc singing parts


PERSONA —하이천 / hyper angel



"Hello, Hello," She waves both her hands before placing them against her cheeks, showcasing a flowerlike appearance. "Spice's 하이천 ("hai cheon"), Ami here!" She emphasizes her '하이천' by creating a halo out of her hands above her head. It may be a weird sight to see for everyone watching, but she never fails to stand out.

Pre-debut activities? 

× 안무영상/solo : was featured in jay park's choreograph version of 'solo' as well as helped with the choreography

× like you : was the girl dancing throughout hoody's 'like you' music video


× we're just friends : a couple of months after taehyung's debut, ami had gone to see him at a nearby restaurant to celebrate. they both thought that since his name wasn't as big as it is now, they wouldn't have any problems with walking around. however, someone had recognized him and posted pictures of the two's platonic date. taehyung had to go to their official fan cafe to reassure his fans that he's not in a committed relationship, explaining that it was one of his childhood friends whom invited him to celebrate his debut. yet, some 'fans' never really let this slide, causing trouble once ami had debuted.

the one and only.

love interest — 박지민 / park jimin

backup(s)  — 김태형 / kim taehyung, v

personality — although he can be charismatic on stage, he is completely different when it comes to the simplest of interviews or around the dorm. according to s, he's someone who's friendly, gentle, and extremely kind. he's someone that wants others to be happy rather than keeping himself happy, though he's usually smiling like an idiot 24/7. alike to ami, he can sometimes be childish, but his fans find it the cutest thing ever; his childish side is one that gets his fans going 'aw'. however, this adoring side always has downfalls though they aren't major ones. his temper is one that you wouldn't want to mess with and whatever he likes, he aims to keep it for him and only him.

relationship  — closeness: 9/10; status: best friends, currently not dating; although a-types and ab-types aren't as compatible as a's with o's and ab's with ab's, jimin, taehyung and ami say otherwise. ami and jimin met through taehyung back in 2014 when it was taehyung's first birthday as an idol. to jimin, that meeting with ami was love at first sight. but for ami, it was more a... good friend at first sight. ami wasn't as close to jimin back then, so their relationship never fully blossomed. however, after a few meetups with taehyung tagging along, ami and jimin soon grew fond of each other's company. the two occassionally hung out with each other when they could and would send messages back and forth often. their relationship is one that's full of skinship and entertainment, which both seem to be quite fond of and used to. (see 'friends' section for more information.)

× cringe worthy texts : jimin tends to send late night, texts to ami that make her go 'ew' and 'aw' at the same time — one, two, three

× spare some clothes : ami would usually ask jimin for a sweater, jacket or even a hat when she desperately needs one and taehyung wouldn't offer to give his up. she doesn't know where this 'taking of jimin's clothes' came from; most likely because she may have wanted something of the sane fashion. but jimin never complained about it. just as long as ami gives him food in exchange for taking his '', they were even — him to her, him to her, him to her

× only i can call you that : jimin and ami have these nicknames that only the two of them call each other. and even taehyung isn't allowed to call either of them it. jimin's nickname is 女王 (joō), which means 'queen' in japanese, and ami's nickname is 왕 (wang), which means 'king' in korean. these nicknames came from ami, who was trying her best to find a word in japanese that started with the 'j' sound and the first word that came up was 'queen'. at first jimin didn't like being the queen while ami was the king, but he began to get used to it. eventually, he started to like it.

    → later on, they allow taehyung to be part of this by calling him 農民 (nōmin), which

    means 'peasant' in japanese. however ami tells him that it means 'prince' and he

    quickly accepts it/falls for it.


last messages.

COMMENTS/suggestions — 

× comments : i think i explained everything? i'm not sure. so if there's anything missing or doesn't make sense, since i did a lot of this late at night, please let me know and i'll fix them as soon as possible. also, if any of these are too long, since i tend to ramble and go in depth, i can certainly shorten it for you. showers you with all the luck with your story!! xx

    + the bolded words indicate that they're links, just so you know. haha!

    — insp/creds: tumblr for pictures and jimin personality, dots for father interaction 

    and parents occupation, seoulsync for bloodtype personality and compatibility,

    youtube for music and videos

× suggestions :

    × shows : running man, weekly idol, after school club, wgm, viewable radio show,

    maybe even their own show or mini-drama
    × songs : 첫 사랑니/rum pum pum pum by fx, electric shock by fx, 
red light by fx, 

    싫어/hate by 4minute매일밤/every night by exid, 빛/the light by the ark

    × as a group : subunits/duets/trios, featurings, osts, collaborations
    × as a solo : (can be for any of the girls) dating scandal, solo releases, featurings,

    osts, collaborations


scene request —

× as a group : celebrating each other's birthdays, outing/vacation, maybe a group fight or a fight between two members
× just ami : a childish fight between either taehyung or jimin (or both), her love interest (jimin) sings one of her favorite songs either to her or posts it online, the trio goes on a mini trip to lotte world or some other place where they can be the kids they are

password — 아예/ah yeah by exid (see 'comments/suggessions' for more)

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