최용이 is trapped at 1759hrs. [021016]

faceclaim 전정국, bts  backup 라키, astro
BIRTH NAME 최용이, choi yonggi

 "용이 연기" yonggi is an evident smoker, even despite being only seventeen (eighteen in korea). not only that, but he's seen as a "hot bad boy" in the eyes of other girls in the school. sometimes called yeongi alone, which means "smoke" in korean, it's a popular name throughout the school.
NAPPEUN NAMJA "나쁜 남자" because of his background as a complete bad boy and troublemaker at home, yonggi had gotten the nickname of nappeun namja, which is "bad guy" in korean, by many of his peers. even so, girls still find him irresistible.
DOB october 2, 1998
AGE 18 (19 in korea)
HOMETOWN busan, south korea
FLUENT KOREAN native language with a gyeongsang dialect like everyone other busan-borned student and staff in the school.
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< what's the point in going to high school? >
 yonggi actually dreads school ever since his parents had died from that one fatal car accident. he hates high school and he never experiences amazing and great things. everything that happens in school are his worst experiences. he always gets in trouble for skipping class, he always gets caught up in fights— every action he does is seen as bad, even if it was to defend for himself. he skips class due to sickness or wants time to himself. he gets into fights to protect himself or others. but teachers and students don't see him as someone who cares for his well-being. but, even so, he still maintains his grades. heck, he even remains in the top 100 out of his school. how does he do it? no one knows.
< opportunity high? please. a blacklist gets nothing. >
 he doesn't get the opportunity in the name of his school, considering he's immediately blacklisted for every single thing he does. the only way he gets out of things are because of his guardians, but him alone? he can't do sh*t without his guardians helping him. he has no opportunity to tell his side of the story, and that's the only opportunity he truly wants. just one say in his actions; just one and that'll suffice with him. but no. being a blacklist doesn't have those perks.
< everyone suspects it to be me. >
 because of his criminal background, he's the first person that everyone suspects to be the shooter. but how? all he was doing was talking to his friend when the first few gunshots were fired. his hands were in his pockets and nowhere near a firearm. how could it possibly be him? yes, he's done some crazy things, but shooting? in his own school? please. he's not that much of an idiot to do that. shooting is beneath him. but no one is willing to believe him besides his best friend.

01 yonggi is a smoker even despite still being in high school. not only that, but he's also extremely rebellious, always getting himself into trouble for the dumbest of things. he has even gotten gotten arrested for stealing when he was fifteen but - wow - his guardian is dating a police officer, so he was released with a warning.
02 he's extremely in love with violence and gore, which explains his love for rated r movies. he thinks that the things he sees in those movies are "cool", which is a reason why he lives a life of trouble.
 he tends to curse a lot when he's extremely angry or pissed. he especially dislikes it when someone he's not close to or even hates will touch any part of his body. yup, even his hands, which is why he's not fond of committed relationships. if he wants you to touch him, he'll make the first move.
 yonggi is someone who doesn't have a ton of friends, considering that he's part of the blacklist in the school. but even if he's apart of the blacklist, people can't help but check him out for his physique.
 to balance out the fact he smokes, which is usually once or twice a month, he tries to go to the gym and work out. when he's not out partying or hanging with friends, you can find him at a local gym or even the gym at school on his off times.
 even though he doesn't look like it, he's actually pretty smart. overall, he ranks in the 90s in his school and likes the subject of history. he actually has good intentions, but he just can't steer away from bad decisions.
07 yonggi identifies himself as straight and has had a few girlfriends in his life. however, they were just in it for the love making rather than literal love, even at a young teenager age. yonggi is currently crushing on a certain someone, but is afraid to speak out about it because he doesn't want to strain his friendship.
08 he was involved in a car accident with his parents, but he was the only sole survivor. from that point on the go family took him in as their very own, but no one in the school knows about what happened to his parents. all they know is that his guardians are the go family, but don't know the reason why. on top of that, yonggi doesn't call them his parents; rather, he calls them by their titles of "mrs. go" and "mr. go" and calls their daughter by her first name.
more to be added.

history teacher in opportunity high; born january 29, 1968; mother figure of choi yonggi; the one who took in yonggi after the accident that happened with his parents.
chief police officer in seoul national police department; born may 16, 1966; father figure of choi yonggi; the one who helps him get out of sh*tty situations.
barista in a café and business major in seoul national university; born february 27, 1994; sister figure of choi yonggi; the one who taught him to live his life like it's his last day on earth.
student in opportunity high, part of death or glory; born august 30, 1998; best and only friend of choi yonggi; the one who pulled him into a life of crime and bad habits.
fine arts major in seoul national university; born january 12, 1997; best friend's girlfriend and crush of choi yonggi; the one who taught him that bad guys have a bit of good in them.
student in opportunity high, part of adaptable; born april 7, 1998; classmate of choi yonggi; the one who he believes is the perpetrator and leaves the reason why unknown.
tumblr_nuwa4n20aE1sz8qcto5_250.png"choi yonggi? that kid always gets on my nerves, and yet, he still gets a sh*t ton of attention from girls. that's something i don't get. why is someone like him, someone with his kind of background, getting attention left and right when he doesn't deserve it? it's something i don't get."
— unknown.
"honestly, choi yonggi is a pretty decent guy. but he causes a ton of problems that only become worse as time progresses. but he's extremely smart. don't get me wrong, but he doesn't look like the type to be a huge braniac. he's a bad guy. but he's no ordinary bad guy. he's... different."
— unknown

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