✽ Conte de fée ⇢ 나은영; The Wanderer [050816]

NAME. 나은영, na eunyoung
('eun') — a nickname that she tends to go by often. since the nickname is one that can be used for both a male and a female, eunyoung always used this as her name throughout military school (reserve officers' training corps) in 2010
• beauty/
아름다움 ('aleumdaum') — code name for when she was in the military as a surgeon. however, she wasn't really fond of this code name since she hated hearing she was 'beautiful', but it was for the sake of minhyuk since his code name was 'beast'.
• mulan — a nickname that minhyuk's close friend, aeri, calls her due to their similar personalities and boyish feel. (more described in the love story).

BIRTHDATE. september 27, 1990
BIRTHPLACE. damyang county, jeollanam-do, sk
HOMETOWN. gapyeong county, gyeonggi-do, sk


OCCUPATION. coffee shop owner, military surgeon (currently on a maternal leave until her son is of legal age as requested by her)

 seo jisoo of lovelyz
BACK UP. park sojin of girl's day
insp. descendants of the sun (kdrama), doctors (kdrama), mulan (disney)

appearance. although eunyoung enjoys the idea of having tattoos and piercings where they should be, she never had the guts to get any. it's not because she's scared, it's the fact that she was never allowed to get tattoos and piercings growing up. it wasn't something her family was fond of nor did they wish for their only daughter to have tattoos and piercings, so eunyoung never got such things. however, she has a few scars on her arms from all those times people in her school would beat her up for being 'a guy in a girl's body'.
despite all this, eunyoung continues to maintain her atheltic physique for nearly ten years. reaching at a height of 170cm and 52kg, she's always seen as a skyscraper compared to others around her. her dark brown hair falls just below her chest, her skin a nice and creamy color.
although she may look feminine on the outside, she's nowhere near feminine on the inside. everything she wears is masculine, or usually her significant others' clothes. the way she acts is masculine (i.e. sitting with her legs apart, etc.). this may possibly be because she was raised without a mother for half, if not most, of her life along with an older brother. but eunyoung embraces her boyish self, no matter what society thought.

strong (physically and mentally), alert, intelligent, fearless
   negative. impulsive, tenacious, cunning, lacking self-confidence
strong ('able to withstand great force or pressure') being strong both physically and  mentally is what makes people think of eunyoung as more of a boy than a girl. her strength surpasses that of a female, even though she doesn't look like she's physically fit. she's able to handle any, if not all, situations she's put into and she'll fight when it's for her country.
alert ('quick to notice any unusual and potentionally dangerous/difficult situation) because of her training with the military, she became alert in all situations and would continue to be on the lookout even when it wasn't necessary.

intelligent ('having or showing of intelligence, especially of a high level') she was always fond of learning new things, which is why she decided to take up medicine and enter into the military. because of the amount she took in, she would know what to do and how to do it, even formally diagnosing others when it came to her illnesses, wounds, etc. during her military training, she was always the one that people went to when it came down to studying and dianosing.
fearless ('lacking fear') being strong mentally gives this trait away. she was born into a family that was never fearful of others and things, which makes for being a surgeon completely easy for eunyoung.

impulsive ('acting or done without forethought') although this doesn't apply towards her occupations, she''s someone who would do things with little to no thought. this trait usually appears when she's having deep conversations where she tends to say things on the top of her mind, even if it sounds harsh.
tenacious ('tending to keep a firm hold on something') this is a trait that always comes up when it comes to minhyuk. because he's away for long periods of time due to his job, she's always reluctant on letting him go. every time he mentions that he'll be away on what he calls "a business trip", eunyoung will hold him tighter and won't let go until he officially leaves. because minhyuk is away quite often, she's usually seen with her child since her child makes it feel like minhyuk's still with her.
cunning ('having or showing skill in achieving by deceit or evasion') when it comes to her job(s), she's always seen as cunning. eunyoung is someone who can easily manipulate others into buying the most expensive coffees (when it came to her coffee shop) or sometimes even doing something as dangerous as doing a surgery in an open desert (when it came to her previous job as an army surgeon). because she's cunning, she's able to wrap others around her finger in order to achieve what she wants.
lacking self-confidence ('lacks a feeling in one's abilities, qualities, or judgement') because she felt more boyish than most girls around her, she always lacked in confidence and worth. due to society's mistreatment towards her as a child and the pressure it puts on her, she never fully accepted the fact that a woman should wear makeup or wear dresses. however, she's the complete opposite of what most women prefer, and she's always putting herself down.

growing up, eunyoung was never a crowd favor nor a crowd pleasure. she was always seen as an outcast ever since she was five. why? because she was different, and she knew for a fact that she wasn't like the rest. she grew up with no mother, nor a mother figure. all that she had was her father and her brother, which never helped when it came to her awkward puberty stage. being raised with only a father caused her to grow up as a boy. all her clothes were hand-me-downs from her brother. all her interests were either sports like basketball and boxing. her posture is always slouching or legs spread. she doesn't hates bright colors and hates dresses even more. she was never properly raised to be a 'proper woman' that society wanted to see. this caused her stress when she started high school; a time in her life that she doesn't want to relive due to physical and mental bullying both on and offline.
however, she left her humble abode to enroll into the korean military academy in 2010 (the year women were being accepted). why the military? because she wanted to start a new life and feel accepted. besides, the military didn't encourage women to act girly or wear girly clothes. it was the perfect place for eunyoung, and she enjoyed every minute of it.
a few years later, she graduated first in her class and had even completed her last few years of medical school (medicine and cardiovascular surgery). because of her interest in surgery, she was trained to become a military surgeon, and enjoyed every minute of it. she loved the military life, and she never once had second thoughts of it.

LOVE INTEREST. lee minhyuk of btob
BACKUP. im jaebum of got7

이민혁, lee minhyuk
• beast/
짐승 ('jimseung') — code name for when he's in the military or when he's being called into action by officials. derived from the fact that he appears like a beast when on the battlefield and later soon meant that he was a couple with eunyoung.
• shang — a nickname that his close friend, aeri, calls him since she reminds him of shang from mulan due to their similar personalities and occupation (more described in the love story).

BIRTHDATE. november 29, 1987
BIRTHPLACE. seoul capital area, sk
HOMETOWN. gapyeong county, gyeonggi-do, sk

OCCUPATION. captain in south korea special forces unit


   positive. social butterfly, thoughtful, intelligent, loyal
   negative. perfectionist, short-tempered, liar, confidential
social butterfly ('social and/or friendly with everyone') no matter who it is, be it an enemy or a close friend, minhyuk is always the one to talk. he's a very social person and this gains him a few, if not a ton of, friends and allies. he's not scared to speak up for those that wish not to, and this helps him as being the captain of his unit.
thoughtful ('showing consideration for the needs of other people') usually towards his close friends and eunyoung, he always takes care of those he truly loves. towards his close friends, he always pays for meals and would encourage them to do what they want. towards eunyoung, he's always doing kind gestures (i.e. giving flowers when he comes home after long periods of time, hugs, etc.) and would make her feel loved.
intelligent ('having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level') just like eunyoung, he always enjoyed gaining knowledge and this is most evident on the battle field. he always knows the right tactics to get him through a fight, and he remembers every single detail from his training. his intelligence is what gained his position as a captain.
loyal ('giving or showing firm and constant support or allegience') minhyuk is loyal when it comes to protecting both his country and his loved ones. he always does what's right and would rarely do something if he knows it's wrong and can cost him his job, although if it comes down to saving his family he'll do what's wrong for something right. however, eunyoung is a bit wary as to whether or not minhyuk is genuinely loyal to her.

perfectionist ('a person who refuses to accept any standard short of perfection') he strives for being perfect, and that shows when he's around his unit and military officials. he wants to do things the right way and doesn't want his unit to have any faults. it's quite tiresome to his unit, however they learned to live with minhyuk's need of perfection.
short-tempered ('quick to lose one's temper') because he's a complete perfectionist, he has a temper that no one should mess with. his unit witnessed his temper first-hand when they continued to do something wrong, at which minhyuk had no choice but to scream and pull the ends of his hair. eunyoung has witnessed this before they dated and has never seen his short-tempered self since then.
liar ('a person who tells lies') this is a trait that only eunyoung is able to see. because he's gone for long periods at a time, minhyuk would always say he's going on a 'business trip' that will only take a few weeks. however, those weeks would turn into months, sometimes even a whole year. eunyoung would get angry at such lies, however this isn't the only time he lies. he usually lies about if he got hurt or not when in battle, about what he actually does (this was before they dated), etc. he's known to lie to eunyoung, however it's only to protect her. how would it protect her? eunyoung doesn't know, but minhyuk always said it was to protect her from harm's way.
confidential ('intended to be kept secret') this stems from his lying, and he's known to carry around a lot of secrets, which he usually only hides from eunyoung. again, he holds secrets in order to protect eunyoung from danger.

a father who was a sergeant major. a mother who was a first lieutenant. it was a given that minhyuk was going to go into the military some point in his life. he was raised with discipline and was always taught that the duty of a korean is to protect the nation and those in it. he's always lived by this motto, and never once backed out of a fight because of it.
later on, when he turned 18, minhyuk had gone to the korean military academy. once there, he was the star; number one in his class and number one in every officer's heart. once he turned 23, he started to serve the republic of korea as a captain. how he got the position so quickly is still unknown to everyone, including minhyuk himself. but i guess it's because of how he topped everyone in the academy and not once backed out like most of his acquaintances did.

their first meeting wasn't all too magical. as a matter of fact, they hated each other's guts from the moment they laid eyes on each other. why? no one exactly knew, but people figured it had to do with the fact that they were exactly alike in terms of personality and class rank. although this sounded like a good thing, but to the two of them it seemed more like a threat. minhyuk saw eunyoung as one, and soon enough she did as well. whenever they had to talk, just because there were some days high ranking officers surveyed classes, they would always seem to argue over the pettiest of things (but minhyuk always had the upperhand due to his rank).
how they got together is a mystery to their collegues, and only the two of them know the real story. it was one night in september 2011, around the time of eunyoung's birthday, where minhyuk had decided to invite her out to eat. she thought it was some kind of prank, but it actually turned out to be some sort of date, or 'hangout' as eunyoung would like to call it (since she believes that you have to be a couple to call it a date). since that day, they had continued to go on these 'hangouts' before december 2011 where they actually became a couple. since then, they've been spending time with one another, be it around the academy or outside. sometimes, even, minhyuk would pick eunyoung up from the academy when she finishes up. ever since they began to date, they were all smiles and laughter, not once arguing over a petty thing like they did practically a year ago. they were two different people from when they first met.
may 2014, the month the two had gotten engaged. it's one of the cutest engagement proposals that one could ever hear. they were both on a short leave for their military duty when they decided to go a local cherry blossom festival. it was quite odd since, well, eunyoung wasn't completely fond of that kind of date (since she was more of a watching sports or doing extreme sports as a date, which they've done on numerous ocassions), however, it was all part of minhyuk's engagement plan. they spent a few good hours taking pictures and watching the parade before heading to the mountains where, there, they would be doing ziplining (something that eunyoung favor more than the festival itself). minhyuk had told eunyoung that she should go first and to make sure she scanned the area for surprises. of course, eunyoung was confused as to what he meant, but she thought it was just his silly mind making up stories. once in flight, she did as she was told and looked around for surprises. not seeing any, she decided to zipline back, as told to by the employee on the other side. once she got back to the platform, she noticed that there were candles lighting the way down the stairs. once getting out of her harness, the employee told her to follow the trail of candles. skip ahead to a long way into the middle of a forest, minhyuk was waiting for her in front of a campfire and tent. long story short, minhyuk had proposed to her and they later spent the night camping, something that eunyoung always wanted to do ever since they started dating. in october 2, 2014, that's when they were officially a married couple, having their wedding with a mountainview (meaning: the place they had their wedding, a resort, was located near a mountain). following their marriage, in july 2015, they had their first child; a son they named byungho.
it wasn't until august 2015, a month after the birth of their first child, where they began having problems. since eunyoung was on a maternity leave, requesting a lengthy 18 years (how she got it to be so long is a mystery), she opened a coffee shop in order to make money so minhyuk isn't the only breadwinner of the family. however, since minhyuk continued his military service, he was always away for long periods at a time. however, he would always say he'd be back in a few weeks or so when in reality it would be almost two months. this happened quite often, where he'd be gone for longer than he says (he was even absent when she was preparing for their wedding and didn't come back until the week of their wedding). it was his lies that always got eunyoung angry since she would always believe minhyuk. always. flowers and hugs never fully solved this problem, however eunyoung still loved minhyuk regardless and minhyuk always thought of eunyoung while he's away.

soorim had met eunyoung in person at her coffee shop. from there, she noticed a picture of a happy couple in their army uniforms, saluting to the unknown photographer. soorim pieced the face of the woman to eunyoung herself, who at the time was behind the counter talking to another customer. soorim took the liberty in asking her if the one in the said picture was her, causing eunyoung to nod in shock. however, eunyoung didn't want to go into too much detail over it since she was going to head out soon, mentioning that she's free to come back another day if she wants to know more.
since then, soorim was curious and had taken the liberty in searching up about 'lee minhyuk and and na eunyoung' (the only information given to her was their names). lucky enough, there was a ton of articles about lee minhyuk and na eunyoung, but seperately. most of the articles talked about how either lee minhyuk or na eunyoung saved so-and-so during battle. articles that talked about the two together were mostly those of battles that minhyuk was in and eunyoung was in charge of the medical team. nothing really mentioned about their relationship, however there was a blog post from a woman who talked about going to a wedding of a special forces captain and military surgeon who went by the names of lee minhyuk and na eunyoung. the woman went into detail, explaining that she was minhyuk's good friend in high school. she talked about how minhyuk had first complained to her about a girl (eunyoung) getting on his nerves, calling her a tomboy half the time. soorim smiled at the pictures that were posted below the quite lengthy post, realizing that there was something unique about their relationship. it reminded her of a disney fairytale of somesort, but she couldn't clearly piece together what it reminded her of. however, the last few words below the picture caught her eye:
"they're like mulan and shang (disney); two people in the military who first hated one another, later coming to terms and getting married. their story is cute and worth hearing thousands and thousands of times."
 - - - - - - - - -

eunyoung let out a soft chuckle into her hand before folding her hands together with a soft yet genuine smile, "well, minhyuk's good friend aeri, who i assume is the blog that you came across, always calls us mulan and shang when we meet her. she says the fact that i'm more boyish than any girl she's met and my personality matching with the disney princess, it reminds her of mulan. as for minhyuk being shang? she's never went into detail as to how those two line up, but from my own perspective, their personalities are exactly the same. also, they're both high ranking officers of some sort, so that's a plus. as for our love story, i guess it is like the one in mulan. at first, minhyuk and i hated each other's existence, just like shang hated mulan. later on, we began to notice that we're not like what we thought we were and soon began to date on good terms. and now, we're married with a child."

eunyoung sent a light shrug in soorim's direction, "i actually didn't figure out that our love story was like mulan's. aeri was the one that mentioned it since she's a huge disney fan and had always loved the movie, mulan. but i have to admit, i do feel like mulan at times and minhyuk's mentioned how he sees shang in himself. i'm actually quite happy over the fact that we're seen as the modern mulan to her as well as those that have read the blog."

eunyoung tapped her chin, thinking of a lesson of some sort that she's learned while with minhyuk. suddenly, a soft grin played on her face, "no matter what, you'll get through it. currently, i've been missing my husband since he's away for long periods due to his continuing services overseas, but i've come to learn that it's for the best. i suffered a lot because of his trips, but i've faced them and gotten through it. for the younger generations that are having a difficult time, be it in a relationship or not, you'll get through it and you'll learn that it happens so you can continue to grow."
• 병호, lee byunho // 1 year old, july 19, 2015 (here)
• late 2011 to early 2014: dating
• mid 2014 to late 2014: engaged
• late 2014 to present: married

anniversary date oct 2, 2014
• maybe mamamoo's solar, lovelyz's jin, twice jihyo, snsd's taeyeon/seohyun? someone with the looks of either a bookworm or a talkative person (since she's a writer doing interviews).
• a lot of this is explained above in 'the discovery', so i won't go into detail too much. but i picture them meeting at eunyoung's coffee shop and seeing the picture of her and minhyuk in their uniforms. however, it can also work the opposite way (i.e. finding the blog somehow before meeting eunyoung).
• as stated above, the blogger had mentioned it following the whole post. soorim goes through their story a few more times before agreeing that there were a few, if not a lot of, similarities between mulan and their love story. or after reading it a few times, soorim remembers mulan being of a military kind-of love story where they met while serving.



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