❀ B.GALAXY ✿ Plotline 4 ❀ 조 / Jo (박주현 / Park Joohyun) [180616]

replace with face claim or anything you want 500*240
✿ 조 / Jo 
replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80
BIRTHNAME : park joohyun (박주현)
▸ 樸柱炫: ("Pǔ zhù xuàn") chinese name
▸ パクジュヒョン: ("pakujuhyon") japanese name
조: ("jo") a sweet and simple way to say her name since a lot of people have the name of 'joohyun'; is also her stage name
조요미: ("joyomi") her stage name + the korean word for 'cute' since her actions are fairly cute in the eyes of her members, fans, and the public even though she doesn't realize she's acting that way
▸ 엷은 갈색: ("yeolb-eun galsaeg") means 'hazel' in korean; derives from her eye color being hazel rather than the normal brown color
DATE OF BIRTH : september 21, 1997
BIRTHPLACE : jinhae-gu, south korea

HOMETOWN : seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY : korean
한글: 10/10; korean is her native tongue
english: 7/10; even though she knows the basics, can sing english, and can converse for a few minutes, her pronunciation is something she's working on through self-teaching
FACE CLAIM : choi yuna, yuju, of gfriend / tumblr & tumblr
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : ulzzang baek sumin / tumblr
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 171cm & 54kg
▸ compared to the rest of her family, she's more on the pale side. her parents and brother have a slight tan, but since joohyun rarely goes out, she stays the typical shade of cream. even though her skintone doesn't match her family, at least she has a smile to show she's part of the family. joohyun has a smile of a thousand watts, alike to her mother. and whenever she smiles, that eyesmile of hers is alike to her older brother. she has a slightly smaller noise, though it's not pointed, it emphasizes her 'cuteness' factor by a dozen. she has a perfect set of eyebrows and cheekbones that make her look like she's more on the chubbier side. when people first see her, they automatically know she's korean. why? because she fits that typical korean standard of being tall, thin, and having a pale complection. what makes her even more beautiful to the public eye is the fact that her eyes aren't the usual brown color that most koreans have. she doesn't know why, and neither do her parents, but she was born with hazel-colored eyes (here). people think that she's wearing colored contacts because of the lightness of her eyes when, in fact, those are just her natural eyecolor. it's a pretty typical color to see, but due to the lightness, it makes joohyun the unique girl she is.
▸ joohyun's not someone who would style themself in outrageous clothes or anything too revealing, though if she was told to she would. her style is fairly simple and a fairly monochromatic color combination. she usually ends up wearing single colors that are either black, white, or inbetween (with the occassional brown). she rarely wears vibrant colors like pink or yellow, unless she's told to by a stylist. she likes wearing baggy shirts and it's not because it's comfy, but because there's more room to move. which is why she tends to wear baggy shirts/sweaters when she gets the chance to (usually in the dorm or during rehearsals/practices). as for her bottoms, she tends to wear shorts or jeans, however she rarely wears sweatpants. unless she's having a lazy dar or is on her period, she stays clear from sweatpants and joggers. her typical hairstyle is quite simple as well. joohyun usually has her hair down or either up in a ponytail when the weather is unbearable. so, basically, joohyun is a simple girl when it comes to her overall style and she chooses to keep it this way.
▸ joohyun's accessories are nothing unique nor outrageous like having piercings in every indent on her face or a body tattoo. nope. joohyun's not about that risk. she has the basic piercings (x2) because she thinks that piercings balance out her simple outfits, even if not many see her piercings because her hair's always down. but even if her hair's down or up, she always has her peircings in (but never in the dorm, only when she's out). joohyun also has an obsession with wearing a simple band around her left ring finger. this caused problems presently and after she becomes an idol because people would think she's in a relationship or even engaged when in reality it's just a purity ring. later on, she moves the ring to her right ring finger, which only makes a small difference in people's thoughts of her love life.
▸ positive traits: diligent, kindhearted, comical/humorous, energetic, thoughtful
▸ negative traits: vague, apprehensive, overthinker, over-protective, emotional
▸ most similar archetype: "the lover"
▸ most similar mbti type: "isfj"
PERSONALITY : joohyun is almost, if not completely, alike to her brother when it comes to their personality. when it comes to her work, she's always diligent in everything she does, even when she's completely drained from it. she always puts 110% into what she loves doing, which is singing, dancing, rapping, and writing music. not only is she hard-working, but she's also kindhearted and thoughtful, which is always a good thing. no matter what is said about her, she always tries to stay positive and always shows a warm heart to others. along with being that young adult with a warm heart, she tends to be very humorous and always makes sure that everyone is smiling and happy. though sometimes her jokes can go a bit too far, people still laugh at her silly puns and various faces. a reason why she's always energetic around people.
she's happy. she's kind. she's funny. but deep down inside, she holds these internal struggles that not many but her close friends and members realize. joohyun tends to be vague with her words, and that causes people to become confused over what she says. unlike her brother who thinks before he speaks, joohyun does the complete opposite. she tends to say whatever comes to mind first and that could potenionally be dangerous. she's usually unfocused and imprecise both mentally and verbally, but at least she's honest? though joohyun thinks she truly isn't. her trait of being apprehensive and emotional stems from her middle school years, which is explained in the background section. because of that incident with a boy, she was always tense and fearful towards men/boys, minus got7 and bts since she's gotten used to their presence. little by little, the two groups are trying to change her view of them. speaking of these two groups, she tends to be over-protective of them, in addition to her family (she calls b.galaxy her second family whilst got7 is her third) and friends, to the point a fear of her loved ones getting hurt happened. this also stems from her middle school experience since she doesn't want anything bad happening to those she loves. the worst trait she could possibly have is that joohyun thinks more than she should; an overthinker. joohyun is definitely a perfectionist, but she is very hard on both herself and her group. she holds high expectations so she rarely compliments their achievements and even her own. joohyun always sees where she needs to improve and would try to do so the best she can, even if others think she's doing completely fine. although this can be a great motivation, joohyun gives herself way too much pressure. her brother is also an overthinking, so they tend to bounce things off of one another when they need it.
birth: joohyun was the last born into the family, but she was still a true gem in the eyes of her parents. she lived a fairly normal life with her brother and parents in a small house in jinhae-gu, south korea. however, her parents were rarely home due to their busy working lives. the restaurant of her mother's was gaining a lot of visitors. her father was busy working overttime at the animal clinic. so, usually her and her brother would either be left at their neighbor's house or they would be dragged to spend some time at their mother's restaurant. however, once they got older, they were allowed to stay at home alone.
elementary to college: elementary school was the highlight of joohyun's life. why? because she got to learn new things and got to meet new people. the one thing she learned was that, well, she loved learning. she was passionate about it and would always come home to study, even if it was only about her spelling. and speaking of spelling, she learned that she also loved writing. at a young age, her parents always knew that she would grow up to become something great. and when they found out that her writing skills were above the average elementary school student, they thought she'd become a writer of some sort.
once she got into secondary/middle school, that's where everything went downhill for her. at just fourteen, she started dating boys. because of her popularity being high and her appearance being on the 'pretty' side, boys began to fall for her. one boy in particular was so obsessed with her, he started to follow her around school. this made joohyun feel uncomfortable, however they did date. but that boy was the last person she dated. why? because he was someone that just wanted her for her body. yes. his hormones were acting up and... things happened. 'things' meaning ual harrassment. but who cared back then? they were young and whenever joohyun told on him, he would just say she's lying or it was his hormones acting up. because of that traumatic experience with that boy, she had no more interest in dating. no one knows about this besides her brother because back then, her brother was the only guy she trusted.
once high school rolled in was when she transfered away from jinhae-gu to seoul. the reason being because her and her brother had decided to audition for the music industry, though deep down joohyun just wanted to get away from everyone in jinhae-gu. you would think that they both would audition for jyp, but no. joohyun decided to start small; with big hit. and to their luck, they both got accepted into their respective companies. on the side, joohyun had done sports (running and archery). even though her daily schedule at a young age was quite hectic, she was able to balance everything; school, training, sports, eat, sleep — she did it all with ease. it wasn't a vicious cycle she hated. in fact, she loved it for the sole reason of being occupied. to her, high school was her most favorite time of her life.
▸ a love for music: as mentioned previously, joohyun had found a love for music during her late middle school years into her early high school ones. once she moved to seoul, she went ahead to pursue a career along with her brother. during her middle school years, she would always listen to ballad music. hearing the lyrics herself, she loved the fact that it was something relatable and empowering. because of this, she pushed to become someone who writes music that can have the same everlasting affect towards listeners. through this, she hoped that she would become big and her feelings, thoughts, and even her story will be put to song and heard of. her inspiration for beginning such a career was because of a group called 4men whose music was always calming and soothing to her ears in addition to there always being a back story of some sort; her favorite songs being 'baby baby' and '못해 (i can't)'.
▸ music, especially kpop, kballad, kindie, and a few american solo artists (charlie puth, ed sheeran, and birdy being her top three)
▸ coffee or basically anything that has caffeine in it

▸ long showers
▸ books
▸ all forms of art, especially sketching and photography
▸ fruits, mostly mangoes, oranges, and watermelons

▸ marvel and dc, iron man being her favorite
▸ animals, most specifically rabbits and dogs because she thinks they're "cute af"
▸ walking around by herself, even in broad daylight or in public areas
​▸ knetizens because of the fact they always spread rumors and give idols a bad reputation when, in reality, they never did such a thing

▸ her loved ones getting hurt either physically or verbally
▸ hot weather, and only because of the excessive sweat and horrid smell after, but if it's not too hot out, she enjoys it
▸ insects aka "a spawn of satan", or so she calls them
▸ when joohyun is in deep thought, she tends to bite her bottom lip and fiddle with her fingers, fixing her gaze usually at the floor or ceiling/sky
​▸ she tends to her lips because she always thinks they're dry, yet she also carries around a chapstick that she rarely uses because of her constant lip-

▸ when she's embarrassed she tends to scratches the tip of her nose, and she never realized this until her brother pointed it out
▸ when she's stressed, joohyun usually runs her fingers through her hair with her teeth clenched before taking a deep breath, but if she's stressed at the dorm, she tends to cook/bake while saying nothing (she's a stress cooker/baker ;;)
▸ she tends to play with her members' hands when they're beside her when she's bored; when she's bored with no members around, she's on her phone spamming her brother/playing games
▸ even if she has to fake it, she's always smiling and laughing
▸ playing instruments, especially the piano and guitar
​▸ music composition

▸ reading, and it's usually whatever book her brother had finished (all genres, though she likes romance and educational types more)
▸ art, mostly photography and sketching
▸ listening to music
▸ cooking and baking, usually with jinyoung, her mother or by herself (unless a member wishes to join her)

▸ eating (but who doesn't??)
▸ sports, especially running and archery
▸ she auditioned with a song called '
너 아니면 안돼 (it has to be you)' by super junior's yesung (listen) and had even played the piano herself during her audition
▸ she's usually seen in the recording studio or in her room writing the (potentionally) next song; she keeps a notebook full of her songs and poems

▸ when she has downtime to herself and she's not feeling inspired, she goes to the park or even walks around aimlessly with a friend or member to get herself some inspiration, occassionally stopping by her mother's restaurant to grab something to eat and say 'hi'
​▸ she doesn't have any social networking sites (twitter, instagram, etc.), so her fans usually look out for jinyoung's, bts's, or her other members's updates for joohyun (though usually there's none of her except for an embarrassing school picture of joohyun on jinyoung's instagram congratulating her on her debut)
▸ unlike her brother, she's left-handed
▸ she prefers sneakers rather than heels, though she'll wear heels when she's told to but she'll take it off right after she's done
▸ she recently graduated from seoul of performing arts (sopa) and is currently enrolled in seoul national university (snu) majoring in vocal performance (previously was enrolled in music composition, but she found the classes too easy, so she switched to give herself a challenge)
▸ she calls 4men her inspiration whenever they talk about how they got into music/who their inspiration is
▸ her ideal type is someone who's taller than her, can take care of her, and has similar interests or a similar personality as her; she also mentions that her ideal type is someone who her brother approves of
▸ (fc: yoon yoosun) mother — 정은효; jung eunhyo / restaurant owner / respectful, generous, kind; narrow-minded, acquisitive / 8 out of 10
→ as a youngster, joohyun was always attached to her mother, even when she was super busy at the restaurant. she was always called 'mother's favorite' since her mother would always praise joohyun rather than jinyoung who would tend to only get 'good job' while joohyun gets lengthy speeches. that even still applies now, though jinyoung gets about five more words in every text he gets from their mother.
▸ (fc: sung dongil) father — 박민우; park minwoo / veterinarian / hardworking, humorous, friendly; fastidious / 8 out of 10
→ even though joohyun was 'mother's favorite', she was 'daddy's little girl' on the side. when they meet, they always tell each other jokes and laugh at the pettiest of things. one time, they laughed about two birds fighting for a fry at the park. joohyun is most like her father in the sense that they're both hardworking, humorous, and friendly. so whenever they interact, they tend to act like children.
▸ (fc: park jinyoung) older brother — 박진영; park jinyoung, junior / idol, got7 / humorous, affectionate; overthinker, apprehensive / 10.5 out of 10
→ because of joohyun being the favorite child of the family, only in his eyes, they would always be praising each other for their hardwork as an idol/making their dreams a reality. when they meet, they're always smiling and laughing. there's not one moment in their life where they never smiled at each other, even when they fight they tend to smile right after making amends a few minutes later. they would always try to hang out with each other when they can and if they can't, they always text/spam one another when they have free time on their hands. sometimes they even video chat, but that rarely happens.
▸ (fc: jeon jungkook) best friend, classmate — 전정국; jeon jungkook / idol, bts / friendly, supportive, a gentleman; reserved, unexpected, bottles up his thoughts / 9 out of 10
the two met back in their freshman year of high school. surprisingly, they had all the same classes and were partnered together a lot for projects, though they weren't seatmates. when they first met, however, joohyun made sure that they both focused on their education before becoming friends. however, jungkook wanted to befriend his partner from the moment they were assigned to each other. joohyun played hard to get because of her fear of guys in general. but once they continued to be in the same classes every year followed to their first, they slowly became closer. besides, joohyun had no way in getting away from him since they would see each other around school and around big hit. they contact as often as she does with jinyoung and she would always help him with his school work whenever.
▸ (fc: mark tuan) 'father', close friend — 段宜恩; mark yien tuan (마크; mark) / idol, got7 / kind, supportive, fatherly; reserved, quiet, keeps his feelings to himself / 9 out of 10
→ see love interest
▸ (fc: kim seukhye) close friend, classmate — 문은비; moon eunbi / student (OC) / humorous, intelligent, helpful; stubborn, sensitive, picky / 8.5 out of 10
→ eunbi was the one girl joohyun trusted with her life and soul, even mentioning on her 'will': "if i die, i give my phone to moon eunbi" (her phone has her whole life on it, so giving it to eunbi would mean she's giving her life to her). because of joohyun's busy schedule, they rarely meet up. however, when they do, they do what all friends do; talk for hours about nonsense while enjoying a good meal of some sort. and in order to stay together, the two made sure that they were accepted into the same university and, to their luck, they were both accepted into seoul national university. so now when they hang around the campus, they always link arms and walk around aimlessly before class begins. she's someone that joohyun trusts with everything, and they tend to always talk about their life (joohyun had even mentioned about her incident in middle school when eunbi tried hooking her up with someone).
▸ n/a
STAGE NAME : 조 (jo)
STAGE PERSONA : there's no difference in joohyun either on stage or off. however, the only difference is that she takes performing quite seriously. even though she's someone who's always playful and cheerful 24/7, she's someone who performs with all that she has. on stage, she's someone who radiates with charisma. you can say that she has that 4d personality when on-stage and off.
POSITION : lead vocalist, sub-dancer, sub-rapper/composer, songwriter (plotline four)
BACK-UP POSITION : main vocalist, rapper, visual/songwriter (plotline six)
singing twin: jung soojung, krystal, of f(x) / 울컥 (all of a sudden)
▸ rapping twin: jung soojung, krystal, of f(x) / f(x) rap ranking (@2:13)
▸ dancing twin: kim jiho of oh my girl / windy day
 TRAINING PERIOD: 3years, 9 months
TRAINEE LIFE: august 22, 2012; the day she ented into bighit. she remembers that day all too clearly, and she never regrets entering. although many of the other trainees thought she had the face for maybe sm and the vocal/music skill for jyp with her brother, she loved big hit. why? because it was small; it was a company that only a few knew of. because of their small amount of trainees back in 2012, she decided to audition since, to her luck, they were holding auditions around that time.
her life under big hit are ones that were most memorable throughout her high school, even though high school overall was great to joohyun. she would constantly go straight from school with jungkook, since the two were both training at the same time and were classmates, and a few other classmates of hers to the company in order to practice and train. that was her daily schedule: wake up, go to school, practice, go home, and of course the usual eating, bathroom breaks and homework inbetween. nothing too special happened as a trainee, though joohyun did make a few more friends a year into her training period. one friend in particular was mari. joohyun would tend to go to mari for help since she was basically her senior in the company. so, she looked up to mari as both a mentor and a good friend. as for the now everso popular group, bts, she was only close to jungkook. however, she would occassionally see the rest of the members from time to time, but all they would share is a 'hi' or 'hey'.
about a year into her training, a few friends of hers soon left to other companies because of the need to debut sooner. joohyun never clearly understood why people wanted to debut so soon into the training life. she always thought that people needed to train longer and truly earn their spot. it's not something that's automatic when you enter a company. that made no sense to her. but, joohyun just continued the training process. from the day most of her friends abandoned her in big hit, she began to work harder in what she loves to do.
▸ 못하겠어 (Can't): (listen) helped her brother with the music composition, though she wasn't credited in the album, she was credited in his 'thank you' message at the end of the album 
▸ dating: she had hung out with her brother, jinyoung, to celebrate his debut in got7 months after their debut stage. they thought that since he wasn't as famous as he is now, there wouldn't be any problems with eating together. however, a fan recognized him due to his previous jj project and acting debut in dream high 2, and she quickly captured the moment of their night out. the fan had thought it was his secret girlfriend since joohyun and jinyoung didn't look blood related, but little did that fan know, they were just spending some quality sibling bonding time. — false
▸ plastic surgery: months after b.galaxy's debut, knetizens would claim that joohyun had done plastic surgery with her nose since it didn't look anything like the rest of her family. they said that "the bridge of her nose seems more raised and looks slimmer than got7's jr". later on when she was asked, she said that she never got surgery at all, but instead it's inherited by her grandmother (since a lot of her family members say she looks like a good mix of her father, mother and her mother's mother) whilst jr got most of his looks from their father and mother. it's not uncommon that people will end up looking like a younger version of their grandparents, therefore proving joohyun right. — false
▸ dating, pt. 2: also months after b.galaxy's debut, knetizens would also claim that joohyun was in a relationship of some sort because of the same ring she always wears. they began to speculate that it was with jungkook since their predebut pictures (i.e. their pictures together with their friends/classmates, etc.) surfaced. some even began to speculate that she was in a relationship with a got7 member due to her closeness with the group, especially mark. so, she had to explain the whole back story of her ring and the fact that she's just friends with mark and jungkook, along with the rest of got7 and bts. — false
It seems that you are finally debuting? What are your thoughts about it?  
▸ I clapped my hands together with a wide smile forming on my face, "I'm honestly so excited to finally debut! I always thought I'd be stuck in training and debut when I'm in my late twenties, but— bam!— I debut way before I even turn twenty!" I jumped a little in my seat before emitting even more energy, "I'm just super thrilled; that pretty much sums up my feelings and thoughts."
Why did you chose to start the training in order to become an idol? ANd why did you end up in Big hit entertainment?  
▸ "I always had a love for music composition from an early age. So, I first thought of being a songwriter in some kind of entertainment company, but then my brother decided to audition for JYP." I laughed a little to myself as I began to reminisce that time Jinyoung had told me to audition in JYP with him. "So I thought, 'hey, I should audition for a company, too.' I didn't want to follow my brother and enter a big company since that would mean competition to debut, but then I found out about Big Hit having auditions and I thought 'maybe this is the place'. So, here I am." I let out a laugh before scratching the bridge of my nose in embarrassment at my spiel.
Many people has already started to compare your group with your sunbae, BTS . What do you think about them? Are you close with them? : 
▸ "BTS are basically just a bunch of dorks who made it big with great music." I heave a chuckle into the palm of my hand before fixing my bangs, folding my hands together on my lap. "In all seriousness, though, they're great people both on-screen and off-screen. I'm actually pretty close with Jungkook since we were classmates back in SOPA and we trained together. But I do hope to become closer to the rest since, well, sisters have to get along and befriend their brothers, no?"
A lot of new group has debuted recently ? Do you think your group will do well? ACCORDING TO YOU , WHAT IS B.GALAXY CHARM ? : 
▸ "Mm, I heard about the different comments about our debut. Although some of them aren't so great, I do believe that we'll do well. I mean, we have some great choreographers, composers, and songwriters in B.Galaxy, so we'll probably appeal to the public as being that girl group who 'choreographs, composes and writes the music for their albums." I give a quick thumbs up before looking at the ceiling, thinking about each member of B.Galaxy, "Charm? I mean... Aren't we charming enough?" I flip my hair playfully before chuckling, shaking my head, "I'm kidding, but a charm of ours would probably be our musical abilities? Since a few of us can compose and write songs along with choreograph the dances, we're pretty musically oriented. Did that make sense? Heh."
▸ I tapped my chin before emitting an 'ah', "I'm currently enrolled in SNU for vocal performance, so I do want to try musicals in the future. But reality shows and variety shows seem the most common for me since I basically radiate with humor and that 'variety' appeal. Right?" I poke my own cheek as I puff them out, only to end in a fit of laughter.
▸ "None that I can think of on the top of my head, no," I scratch the side of my head as I try to think up a question or comment of some sort, only to think of nothing. I quickly shake my head with puffed cheeks before giving you a quick smile.
replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80
LOVE INTEREST : 段宜恩; mark yien tuan / 마크; mark
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : 전정국; jeon jungkook
▸ positive traits: kind, supportive, fatherly
▸ negative traits: reserved, quiet, keeps his feelings to himself
→ out of all the got7 members, mark is the one that tends to be quiet and shy. he's usually spacing himself away from drama and mayhem when around others he's not familiar with, but when you put him together with just his friends or labelmates, he goes crazy. it's like he would turn into another person in the blink of an eye. even though his personality is reserved, he's someone that everyone can depend on. however, when it comes to relationships, he's not all too great. mark is a 'hard to get' type of guy and isn't one to express himself. but once he does, the girl he confesses to will be both touched and shocked at this reserved adult suddenly confessing his undying love.
LOVE STORY : mark always makes sure that joohyun's doing alright. be it through text, through video call, through jinyoung himself, he always makes sure that she's doing alright. because of his over-protectiveness of her, he earned the nickname 'father' because of how protective and supportive he is; just like a father would be to their kid. when they meet, mark usually pats her head before holding onto her shoulders, staring her right in the eye before saying "are you doing alright? you're not hurt right? park joohyun!" they always start their conversations that way to the point joohyun started to by saying "ah, i'm not doing well." his overprotectiveness stemmed from when jinyoung talked to him about her middle school years without her consent. joohyun found out about this soon after when mark texted her if she was doing alright after the incident. she wasn't mad about it. she was glad that someone else is watching over her.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : the two usually end up meeting whenever jinyoung's around. lately, mark has been clinging onto jinyoung because the likely chance jinyoung would either meet up with joohyun, text her or even call her is high. jinyoung always thought the reason mark's been hanging with him lately was because he's "finally accepted the fact he's in love with him", but no. mark's actually in love with his sister. he doesn't really know as to why he loves her so deeply when she completely friendzoned (or more like 'fatherzoned') him, however when they meet, they always pick things up where they last left off.
when they can, the two would always try to spend time with one another, be it with each other's groups or just the two of them. when it's just the two of them, they usually eat out at a lesser known restaurant to avoid rumors from starting and would be talking for hours. however, it's still a one-sided love for mark since joohyun is still wary about guys and sees him as a 'father figure'. but who knows. she might actually fall for his charms.
→ status: close friends. one-sided. lovers?
LAST WORDS : i wish you all the the best with your story since it's your first applyfic! xoxo!! heart heart!! (in other words, i don't really have any comments or questions, heh.) ps, i may or may not add more stuff in the trivia because so many things to put!!
+ EDIT: i recently saw that another applicant used jungkook as a love interest and i was like "oh ... hahahah... awks..." so i was planning on changing it, but alas. lazy me is super lazy. SO feel free to use mark if you'd like and use his information mentioned in the friends section above since originally i had mark as her main squeeze, but then i was like "that four year tho", so...  yeah hahah :') since you accepted my character and solmi's i took the liberty in changing the love interest to mark!! :')
▸ they celebrate each other's birthdays either monthly or indivually
▸ vacation or maybe an outing with bts

▸ a childish fight between joohyun and her brother or any of her friends
▸ bts and b.galaxy go on tour together
▸ their own reality tv show maybe? or with bts/the rest of big hit; like a big hit tv show with their labelmates
▸ subgroups, featurings, etc.



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