☪ 하선 dreamt of A RIVER. [100916]

Dreamt of A RIVER
ASSUMED AGE : 20 (21 in korea)
HEIGHT : 167cm
WEIGHT : 52kg
WING COLOR : white with a blue tint
  her looks contradicts who she really is, as she's more boyish than anyone she encounters. she's very open and free, but puts a lot of stress on herself as she works a large amount of part-time and full-time jobs. haseon is the opposite of what people make her out to be. so a lesson to take about her? just... don't get on her bad side.
PLOTLINE : tough as nails type
FACECLAIM : 김지호, oh my girl
  haseon is on the taller side, standing at 167cm with the healthy weight of 52kg. her overall build isn't on the athletic side, but she's stronger than she appears all due to the fact she works difficult jobs and her personality. her hair color is a dark brown with her roots slowly turning into black as the day goes by. her eyecolor is the basic dark brown. haseon isn't someone who puts makeup on, but she's willing to put bb cream or sunblock when the weather doesn't suit her skin due to work, especially when she's working as a blacksmith.

 positive  free-spirited, lively, resourceful, hardworking, intelligent, boyish
sensitive, hot-headed, tactless, brazen, troublesome, overworker 

   free-spirited  haseon is someone who is relaxed, cultivated and free. she's a very independent individual, and would usually be bound to only her own will power or desire to continue. although she, yes, has rules to stand by, she usually does what her mind tells her rather than what's right and wrong. this is seen as a horrible trait of hers, but being free is what all angels strive to accomplish... right?
   lively  she's full of energy and life, and is always the most active and outgoing person of the bunch. she can make any place feel like a party, even despite what others' first thoughts on her are.
   resourceful  with all the brains she can possibly muster up, she's able to find quick and clever ways to overcome any, if not all, obstacles that stand in her way. this trait of hers is helpful when the girls are in a problematic situation and even her own work area.
   hardworking  haseon is very committed, and when she has her mind set on something, she'll do anything to accomplish that goal of her's.
   intelligent  riding on her resourcefulness, her intelligence is what gets her through situations and pending conflicts. but, the only problem is, is that she's only street smart rather than book smart, and some of her decisions can lead to problematic things.
   boyish  out of all the other girls, haseon is seen as the one closest to that of a boy. she enjoys working hard occupations that tend to be more for men, her sitting and standing positions is similar to a male's— she's the official boy of the group, even when she's never hung out with one before.

   sensitive  it's not that she can't deal with difficult situations, she can, but when it doesn't go the way she wants it, she'll stay quiet and automatically feel like she failed that person. that's why she always tries her best to solve things and works harder at her jobs— she just doesn't want to be yelled or called upon by others for wrongdoings.
   hot-headed  haseon has a quick temper to those that want to start a fight, which always ends up being with the opposite or someone she truly despises. although she's a free spirit, her temper is something that can lead to her own self destruction.
   tactless  although her actions show her sensitivity, her words are the complete opposite. she's not at all tactful when in comes to problems, but when push comes to shove, she'll try to fight back with her words, deeming her words insensitive. but her emotional state? her sensitivity gets the best of her all the time.
   brazen  coming from someone so lively and bold, she has no shame whatsoever. if it's something crazy, she'll do it. if it's something that's out of the ordinary, she'll do it. this trait of hers is a reason why people will usually not hang out with her, because her friends are shameful of her actions while she has none.
   troublesome  it's not that she's a troublemaker, it's just that she can be difficult at times. although, yes, she's helpful to others, but she never thinks of what her own actions can lead to. because of her shameless personality, haseon is known to do things that are considered annoying.
   overworker  because of her hardworking nature, she tends to overwork herself until she feel tired. but even when she feels tired, she'll only sleep when she's free and immediately go to work when she has it. some people who know her think she works too much for someone of her age, but that's only just her nature.
  all i could remember was sitting alongside the river, basking in the sun that hid behind the clouds. i was wearing a white sweater and blue jeans, and i vaguely remember my hair being tied up. i don't know why, but it was. then, when i closed by eyes, i felt myself being pushed. the feeling was like being pushed off a cliff and you were dangling by a rope that was around your waist, and your only means of getting back up was... no one. when i opened my eyes back up, i felt as if i was drowning. like i said early, with the rope around one's waist, yeah. it had the same feeling; struggling to breathe because of the rope and no means to get out. i felt as if i was dying, and the worst part? it felt all too real to be a dream. but i should've known something was bound to happen. i saw a crow just looking at me from across the river and it flew away, and a few seconds after, the river turned into a raging one. but, of course, in my dream, i didn't care one bit about it. minutes later, i felt myself being constricted under water, and i should've known that devil of a crow was a sign. that's why i have a fear of open water, of drowning, and that's why i hate crows as well. but, in the end, someone saved me. i don't know who it was or what pulled me out of the water, but... someone saved me. and i'm determined to find out who it was.
   sweet but geeky type  (age) out of all the other girls, haseon is the most closest to the sweet but geeky type. when people see them together, they can instantly tell that they're polar opposites. why? because the way they act, the way they dress and even their personality that leaks through just shows that they're two different people with two different goals in life. but they're as close as ever. they act as each other's backbones and vowed to always be there for one another when the going gets tough. even though they're complete opposites, heck, opposites attract.
   unni type  (age) the unni type is someone haseon relies on for support and a shoulder to cry on, only because the unni type has been here the longest and, most likely, experienced almost everything there is.
   everyone's little sister type  (age) haseon can't particularly relate to the everyone's little sister type as much as the new girl type, only because haseon is the complete opposite of her. while she's petite and cute, haseon is tough and large in stature. but she treats her and the new girl type as her own sisters.
   new girl type  (age) despite her being the new girl, haseon is still pretty close to her. although the new girl type hangs around jangmi and the everyone's little sister type the most, haseon accepts the new girl type with open arms and a lively atmosphere.
   jangmi  (20/21 in korea) out of the girls, jangmi is the most mysterious, which causes haseon to feel more distant with her. nevertheless, the two are close but not as close as jangmi with the unni type. jangmi and the unni type were the first people that she met prior to her dream.
   healthy food  especially fruits
   water  ironically, but drinking water of course
   working  it keeps her busy
   astronomy  she's intrigued about how stars are created and how planets align
   ballad and k-indie music  she finds it calming and soothing for her

   tea  just something about the taste that irks her
   crows  she links them to bad luck
   open water  she has a fear of drowning
 ☪  occupation  barista (weekends, morning to afternoon, part-time), blacksmith (weekdays, morning to late afternoon, full-time), and bust girl at a restaurant (weekends, night, full-time)
   residence  lives in 'Old Home' in her own dorm-like room by herself
   handwriting  it's on the slightly neater side when she takes her time, but if she's in a rush, her handwriting will change drastically
lee dongmin, eunwoo of astro
BACK UP : moonbin, astro
ASSUMED AGE : 21 (22 in korea)


 positive  kindhearted, supportive, loyal, hardworking, protective
humble, repressive, overloader, bitter, altruistic  negative 

   kindhearted  to his friends, he's known as the kindness person with the most sympathy. he always looks out for those he deems close to him, but to those that he's not very close to? the total opposite.
   supportive  because of his kind nature, he's unknowingly supporting his friends in everything, even if it's something stupid that can possibly get him in trouble.
   loyal  eunwoo is someone with a good heart, and will always stand by his friends when the going gets tough. even if it can sometimes be a problem, he's that friend that you want around because he'll always stand by you.
   hardworking  just like haseon, eunwoo is hardworking by nature. he always puts his heart and soul into his goals, and will stop at nothing until his desires are reached.
   protective  out of habit, eunwoo will be that protective brother that everyone goes to when things aren't going their way. when one of his friends are in a fight, he'll automatically try to stop the fight or even get into it to help his friend(s). yeah, he's extremely protective of his loved ones.
   humble  because he's someone who everyone relies on, eunwoo tends to feel like he's only needed for his kindness and loyalty rather than being an actual friend. because of this, he'll feel meek most of the time, which causes his humbleness to get the best of him.
   repressive  eunwoo tends to keep his feelings and thoughts to himself, which prevents others from getting to know him better. no one knows about his dream, besides that he went east, and no one knows his true feelings towards others unless he shows it. out of his friends, he's the most repressive person.
   overloader  because he's the one who carries all the burden of protecting and helping his loved ones, he always puts too much onto himself. and, on top of that, his friends do the same.
   bitter  when it comes to haseon in particular, he can appear bitter and annoying. always bickering and fighting, haseon is the only person that brought light to eunwoo's bitterness.
   altruistic  being such a warm, good-natured person, eunwoo is willing to let things slide. he believes that things will get better soon, so he tries not to burden those close to him by accepting their offers of help. however, his troubles mount unassisted due to his other negative traits.

  eunwoo woke up in the middle of a field, the sun blinding his eyes as he tried to look for a way out. but, then suddenly, he felt the wind steering him towards a certain direction towards, what appeared to be, a river. he couldn't really recall the direction, but he had an idea as a voice in the wind suddenly spoke to him of 'east'. from that keyword alone, eunwoo had a feeling that his body took him east. the reason? his dream state couldn't really recall. but he had a feeling that the river had something to do with it.

  their relationship consists of blood-boiling conversations and slaps from haseon. people will always comment about how tough they are to one another, but it's just in their nature. you don't mess with eunwoo and you certainly shouldn't mess with haseon.
  besides acting like two bickering kids for people who are young adults, there's nothing to their relationship besides that. when they first me(e)t, they were extremely kind to one another, but the reason behind why they're fighting now? no one knows. but everyone assumes it's because eunwoo triggered something in haseon that made her snap; probably talked about why haseon works so much for someone her age. no one knows and, surprisingly, the two of them don't know either. they just started to fight and be annoying to one another, and that was it.
  the way they end is something no one expected. because most of them didn't know of eunwoo's dream (since he doesn't go by dongmin, and wishes for people to call him eunwoo which has no correlation to his dream), they couldn't piece together that he was brought eastwards towards a river. and, unknowingly, that river was a representation of haseon. yes, their dreams are linked and shockingly? the reason haseon was saved from the river was because of eunwoo. eunwoo walked east and was brought to the river, the same river that haseon was struggling in before being pulled out. who pulled her out? eunwoo, of course, which is why he's kindhearted and caring to this day. but eunwoo towards haseon? no one expected dreams to link in any shape or form. (how they find out about this is totally up to you! oh, and their ending is up to you as well. :'p)
+ her name 'haseon' roughly translates to proclaimed river since 'ha' means 'river, stream' and seon means 'declare, announce, proclaim'
+ dongmin/eunwoo's dream is based off of his birth name since 'dong' means 'east' in korean :")
+ heavily inspired by the anime itself and the character that inspired the tough as nails type; although i've never watched the anime, i was able to find information on it and it seems fascinating!! i might watch it when i get the chance because it seems really interesting! :")
+ if there's anything that i need to fix or add, i'll try to do that as soon as i can!

  all i can picture is eunwoo and haseon fighting and bickering like five year-olds. :")
  more to be added.


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