♦ Baby Basket | Cherry | 안지혜 ♦ [260616]

《Baby Basket's》 : 안지혜, ahn jihye
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KOREAN NAME: 안지혜 (ahn jihye)
OTHER NAME(S): to be added later maybe??
DATE OF BIRTH: june 28, 1993
• korean (fluent) native language
• english (fluent) she had studied the language in her spare time as well as watching american tv shows. because of her ability to learn things quickly, she was able to pick up the language in an instant
FACECLAIM: 백수민 + tumblr, tumblr
BACKUP: 손나은 + tumblr
HEIGHT AND WEIGHT: 171cm & 55kg
APPEARANCE: just one look at her and you'll automatically know she's korean. how? because she fits that 'beauty standard' that everyone aims  for. tall stature. pretty face. slim body. she's the typical girl with the typical modelling background.
this twenty-two year old is young at heart, but at the same time she can slay any dark concept in an instant. jihye is tall and thanks to her height, her proportions look 'normal' and 'thin', or whatever most people think is 'beautiful'. as for her facial appearance, she has that face that can make any man swoon. unlike her brother, jihye has a pale complection. she has doe-like eyes, plumped lips, and a rounded face. when she smiles, it's one of the cutest expressions, but just one dark concept can alter your view on her.
STYLE: jihye's fashion is the typical style that many see today; simple clothes and simple accessories. jihye is always seen wearing simple colors, be it in shirts or dresses or anything in between. she rarely wears blinding colors, like neon or yellow, unless she's told to by a stylist or she's balancing it out with maybe a denim jacket or dark-colored sweater. even so, her outfits are usually monochromatic. jihye occassionally wears baggy clothes around the dorm or whenever she's lazy. as for her bottoms, she'll wear basically anything; shorts, skirts, leggings, jeans— her wardrobe has a decent amount of everything. however, she tends to wear jeans most of the time. her typical hairstyle is usually down. but, depending on the weather, you can see her with it up or braided.
"how you doin?"
• positive kindhearted, angelic, hardworking, ambitious
• negative stubborn, timid, hotheaded, straightforward
jihye is someone who was born into a family full of kindhearted and angelic people. her mother had always taught her to be nice to others and always complimented her on how she's beautiful both inside and out. she gives back quite a lot and will help anyone that needs it. she's also hardworking and ambitious when it comes to her occupation. when she was first modelling, she took it seriously but also kept it casual. when it came to acting, she always put 110% into her role and would practice often, even if it's inbetween schedules. as for singing, again, she would put her all and sing as if it was her last. no matter what, jihye would always do her best no matter what others think of her.
with every good quality, there's some (semi) negative ones around the corner. because she's the youngest of her family, she was born stubborn, especially towards her brother. in addition to being stubborn, she's also someone who's hotheaded and straightforward. some people can argue that being straightforward is a good thing, but in jihye's case, it isn't all too grand. since she's straightforward, she always speaks what comes to her mind first, even if she knows it's something that's not nice. as for being hotheaded, she has a temper that people don't want to mess with. the least negative trait of hers is her timidness. despite being someone who's ambitious and hardworking, she's not someone who's completely confident in her works. she always finds a flaw in things she does, even if others think she did perfectly fine.
jihye comes from a very well-known family due to their wealthy background and their beautiful/handsome faces. nothing had ever gone wrong in her life that made her hate everyone and everything, however this 'amazing family' was actually broken. jihye had never noticed it growing up, probably because she was rarely home due to school and part-time jobs, but her parents would constantly fight. why? because her father would always leave in the middle of the night, saying it's for 'work'. the worst part? it wasn't for work. in fact, he went to meet up with another woman; a woman of a more richer background and, as her father says, 'prettier'. her brother had already known about this, but since he was rarely home because of his busy schedule, he didn't mind. jihye, on the other hand, had to find out when she saw her father coming out of another house, his clothes ed and hair a mess. but jihye didn't question it, and she regrets not doing so.
later on, her father had divorced her mother, but jihye was actually happy about it. now, her mother was free from suffering and wasn't left with pain from him. though it wasn't physical, it was mentally painful. when jihye was around fifteen, she started doing modelling. following in her brother's footsteps, she would model for small brands or sometimes even brands that her brother was apart of. basically, jaehyun and jihye were inseperable most of their life. when jihye was twenty-one, she started acting; again, alike to her brother. basically, her brother was her role model and someone she looked up to. since she didn't have the right father figure in her life, it was always jaehyun.
in 2016, jaehyun got married. jihye was thrilled over this, however, their sibling bond soon started to fade. jaehyun's eyes were only on his wife and his career, never his family. sure he would go visit every now and then, but it was always with his wife. however, jihye was upset, yes, but she kept herself occupied by singing, acting, modelling— she did everything she could to keep herself from thinking about her brother.
• older brother 안재현, ahn jaehyun : 28 (29 in korea) : actor, model
→ as children, they were the ideal siblings. they got along well, they would come home with amazing grades— they were the ideal children of their neightborhood. however, once her brother had gotten married, they haven't been spending as much time together. sure, she would occassionally visit him, but he always brings along his wife which basically defeats the whole purpose of 'sibling bonding time'. but when they do happen to get some alone time together, they act like the star siblings they always were. but now his wife and career come before her, so when do they even spend time together?
• best friend 김민재, kim minjae : 19 (20 in korea) : actor
→ they first met on the set of '두번째 스무살 (twenty again)', which was jihye's first time acting. since jihye was still new to acting, minjae would help and practice their lines together. and ever since then, the two became super close. so close that they would contact each other daily, even when they have busy schedules to attend. when they have time to meet, they always start with the usual 'how are you', 'it's been awhile', etc. talks.
• "little sister" orange of the group (main rapper, sub-vocalist)
→ for someone who's part of the maknae line and also korean-puerto rican, it's hard to imagine how jihye and her got so close. but because jihye was slowly working on her english back then, jihye and her were able to converse, her even helping her with her english. jihye always thought of her as a younger sister; always caring her her members, always brightening the mood— an ideal sister. and ever since her brother got married, she would act like a sister towards jihye just so she wouldn't get upset over jaehyun.
• "baby baby" peach of the group (sub-vocalist, maknae)
→ the maknae always went to jihye for advice or help whenever she needed it. jihye would help her with her homework, with relationship issues— anything that she needed, jihye would be there for her. jihye always saw her as a 'child/baby', even though she rarely acts like one. but the way she talks to jihye is too adorable for words and for her heart, which earned their little peach the nickname of 'baby' from jihye.
• "miss europe" strawberry of the group (main vocalist, lead dancer)
→ since they're both the main vocalists of the group, they always spend time together in the recording studio to practice and warm up their voices. since this member was born in europe, jihye would always by saying 'miss europe' and clapping afterwards whenever she walked into a room, as if it were a beauty pageant.
• "sweetie" lime of the group (lead vocalist)
→ the sweeter twin of their group, jihye would always call her 'sweetie'. pretty self explanatory as to why, so i won't go too much into detail. however, when they interact, nothing much happens. why? because she was always with her twin rather than talking to the rest of the group. but jihye doesn't mind it. she gets jealous sometimes since they have each other while she's rarely been around her brother, but it's always cute when her and her sister interact. but when jihye and her do get the chance to talk, it's usually about the group or if she needs help with something.
• "sour" lemon of the group (sub-vocalist, face of the group)
→ because she's the meaner one of the twins, jihye would always comment about how she's 'sour' sometimes. in return, she would give jihye a glare. but it's a glare that says 'i love you and all, but please stop'. they don't have any bad blood with one another, but they rarely talk to each other.
• "leader unnie" apple of the group (leader, main dancer, lead vocalist)
→ at first, there was some tension between the two since jihye was the original leader before she came. however, as they got used to each other, they became close. jihye would always help her with leading the group and working out problems, but they also eat out with each other when they can.

♡ for love interest, you can make it anyone that's listed above (minus jaehyun) tbh :')
• she's actually a huge fan of bts and has met taehyung a few times because of minjae
• jihye doesn't like being called cute, but she also can't help it since it just comes out naturally
• she has a pet dog named 
지유 (picture)
• she has a terrible fear of heights, but she'll go on a rollercoaster when she's asked (how does that make any sense jihye??)
• she has an instagram (@anjihy) and updates it frequently or at least when she's out/promoting
• she recently graduated from seoul national university, top twenty of her class, where she majored in psychology and communications; when she completes her idol life, she hopes to go into counseling or anything related to that
• the money she would earn from her job(s) would be split into thirds— to herself, to her mother and to charity
• always refers to herself as a superhero because, a, she's always willing to help others and, b, she really loves marvel and dc
"we were on a break!"
STAGE NAME: 안지 ("anji") — derives from the combination of her surname and name; anji is the italian form for the greek word 'angel' or 'messenger' which relates to her personality of being 'kindhearted' and 'angelic'

PLOTLINE: cherry; supposed to be leader, main vocalist
BU PLOTLINE: apple; leader, main dancer, lead vocalist
SINGING TWIN: 강시라 — compilation
DANCING TWIN: 강시라 — at the same place
VARIETY TWIN: 손나은 — 에이핑크 쇼타임
ACTING TWIN: 손나은 — 두번째 스무살
MCING TWIN: 배주현 — 160610
jihye always saw her trainee life as an escape route from her normal, yet broken family. prior to her entry into the idol world, she was part of the modelling agency. she was there since she was fifteen and had always enjoyed it. yes, it was hard for a fifteen year old to be a model of any sort, but she was able to handle all the stress and all the diets she was put on. once it changed into an entertainment company, she was thrilled. why? because it meant she was going to try something other than modelling. in total, she was in the 'modelling/trainee life' for a good seven, almost eight, years. it seems like a lot, especially since she was still schooling and helping her mother at home, but she enjoyed every second of it.

predebut activity:
• was previously an ulzzang
• acted in '
두번째 스무살 (twenty again)' as 오혜미 (oh hyemi)
"i don't even have a place"
SCENE SUGGESTIONS: which might probably take place??
• rumors of dating in the group!!
• jihye and minjae are spotted out together and that causes rumors
• group fights?? ?
• their own reality tv show or solo concert!! :')
COMMENTS: i may possibly add more trivia and such later on, but for now,, here you go! if there's anyhing wrong or needs to be added, i'll surely fix them asap!
PASSWORD: gfriend (that awk moment i linked you to a different girlgroup ohoho :'))
"Hello! I'm Baby Basket's [안지, ANJI]" 

i let out a soft simper before covering my face with my hands, "not batman. not superman. but..." i soon reveal my face before striking a superhero pose. "ahn jihye here to save the day!" a hysterical laughter escapes my mouth as i shake my head, bowing a full ninety degrees, "hello! i'm baby basket's cherry (or apple) of the group. known for my superhero abilities and powerful vocals, i fight crime and steal your hearts one note at a time" i wink in your direction befote covering my face in oure embarrassment. "ah, what am i even doing with my life anymore?? please just, give love to me and my members."



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