rayna kim
warning: abuse is evident in background.

username  fanfare
nickname  ang
activity rate  eight out of ten
name  rayna kim
jeon ryung × this was her actual birth name before being legally changing her name to rayna kim when she got married due to not wanting to hold onto her father's surname anymore. she hasn't used this name since then and she's even forced herself to completely forget that she was born as jeon ryung.
kira × in the red lily secret society, this is what she wants everyone to call her. basically, kira is her codename in order to maintain her secrecy towards outsiders.
ray, rayn, ayna × just some typical generic nicknames that people she's close with call her from time to time. ayna, however, is mostly reserved for those she sees fit (i.e. family, extremely close friends, etc.).
birthdate  november 10, 1991 (25/26 in korea)
birthplace  daegu, south korea
hometown  seoul, south korea
ethnicity  south korean
native korean × born and raised in korea, rayna's korean is practically flawless. she's very eloquent in her speech and understands the language inside and out. she sometimes slips into formal talk when around people she's not close with, but with people she's comfortable with, she'll talk more casually.
fluent english × rayna learned english while in school and through her mother-in-law as she thought it was crucial to learn the said universal language. her skills are pretty impressive and flawless to the point that many assume her to be a true american woman. the only problem is the fact that sometimes her native tongue gets in the way when she's angered, so she'll slip in some korean cuss words here and there.
looks can take you places
face claim  ulzzang lee dasom
gallery  here
BACK UP face claim  clc seungyeon
gallery  here
rayna stands at 173cm (roughly 5ft 8in) with a weight of 57kg (roughly 126lbs), owning up to long legs and a muscular body. her eyes are a very rich and dark brown that are wider than a typical korean's and a slight tan that is evident to many. at first glance, she looks almost foreign, yet still remains under korean standards of a clear complexion, small nose and thin lips. all that aside, she does have a small scar on her right arm that she got from a fight with her father which, since then, was covered up with a tattoo. not many people out of her family and close friends know about her scar due to her tattoo covering the majority of it, but, if she were to be asked, she's not afraid to tell them about it. she doesn't have any body modifications besides her tattoo, but she does dye her hair ever-so often (although she does keep it dark).
fashion style
rayna tries not to attract attention when outside of the company, so she tends to wear very basic clothes with a very monochromatic color scheme of black, white and gray, black being her favorite go-to color. she does mix a bit of the darker shades of colors, especially dark red and dark blue, but the majority is mostly consisted of black on black. she dresses a bit like she's actually a gang member, a biker gang member to be exact, during the night. probably a good portion of her closet is skinny jeans, bomber/leather jackets and shirts while the rest is more formal and business-esque for morning clothes alongside her gym clothes. skirts, heels and a bit of jewelry has a place in her room/closet, but not as much as her sneakers and bandanas. as for around the house, rayna tends to stay in cotton shorts and sweatpants with baggy shirts that are almost four times bigger than the size she actually wears.
rayna wears makeup almost everyday, minus night hours. she mostly uses base makeup in order to cover up the bruises and scrapes she gets on her face from fighting and whatnot. during the morning hours that consist of formal and business events and her working hours at the company, she'll wear her usual base makeup along with subtle lipstick, subtle eyeliner, and a bit of eyeshadow to top it off. however, at night when it comes to gang and fighting involvment, she rarely wears makeup as she doesn't really care for the fact that she has scrapes and bruises when she's going to go get more. so, she's very open in her natural skin during the night, unless she plans to go to a bar/nightclub.
MORNING: EVERYDAY, FORMAL/business                MORNING: GYM, WORKING OUT         
         NIGHT: RED LILY MATTERS, FIGHTING                                NIGHT: BAR, CLUB
                               MISC: SLEEP                                                         MISC: SHOES
(see rihanna and kendall jenner for inspo.)
every person is the same in the beginning
plotline  the black widow.
positive × strong, protective, intelligent, social
risk taker, violent, devious, troublesome × negative

strong × rayna's not only strong physically, but she's strong mentally. when something terribly happens to her, she tries her best to fight off whatever's in her way, be it people who want to stop her when they realize what she's trying to do or if it's her own inner demons trying to get to her. even so, rayna's a strong individual that always tries her best to stay so as she wants to set a good example for the younger red lily members.
protective × when it comes to people she loves and those she works with, she's always protective over them. when something happens to someone, she'll always try to comfort them or help them when it comes to physical pain or emotional pain. rayna assumes she's like this since she didn't receive the same love and care as a child, so she's trying to make up for it as many of them are still young.
intelligent × it's a given to a lot of people that she's intelligent, especially since she graduated as a pre-med student. not only that, but she knows ways in getting what she wants, being able to come up with tricks on the spot and knowing the right words to say to them. rayna also knows that intelligence is an important aspect when it comes to red lily.
social × as a conwoman, it's important to be social and be able to hold a conversation, so, rayna has grown to become very social through her loved ones and those that she surrounds herself with. she's able to keep a conversation going and expresses herself through her words and actions well enough to get their attention.

risk taker × because of her fighting background and her love for adventure, it's not a surprise that she's prone to risks and danger. when it comes to red lily she's one of the few conwomen of the group that isn't afraid to take risks to get what they need.
violent × also because of her fighting background, she tends to get violent when she needs to. to rayna, she doesn't mind if those that she's trying to fool get violent as she'll most likely get violent as well. however, this causes a lot of problem towards red lily as violence is mainly the hitgirl's job and it sometimes gets out of hand.
devious × her devious nature stems from her intelligence and sociability as she's able to devise things in a matter of seconds and trick people in getting what she needs, a trait that's needed for being a conwoman. however, she sometimes take her deceitful ways can get out of hand as a lot of people are on the edge with her as they don't know if she's lying or not unless she states she isn't.
troublesome × rayna tends to always causes problems, especially when she causes problems during missions because the other person gets violent towards her or because of her deceitful nature. rayna assumes she became troublesome after she joined red lily or met her husband, but she was actually always a troublemaker as she took that trait from her father as a child. even so, rayna gains a sort of trill from her mischief, especially since she never/rarely gets caught doing them.
rayna kim, born as jeon ryung, was born into a small family of just two parents. however, as a child, her mother had died from a hit and run accident when she was seven and, ever since, her life was basically hell. her father always beat her and abused her, even going as far as ually because rayna always talked about her mother growing up as she thought that her mother went on a trip ("when's mom coming home?", "is mom here?", etc.). and, because of her constant want and need for her mother, her father was fed up with all her questions, taking out all his anger out on her. so, unlike many of the people she went to school with, her childhood was a terrible one that she wishes she could forget.
but, even with all the abuse she received as a child, she resorted to staying over a friend's house: kim [chaeryung] also known as kim taehyung's little sister. rayna doesn't known why she always went over [chaeryung]'s, maybe it was because she felt safe as her father was a police officer(?) or maybe because [chaeryung] was her best friend, but she was always over [chaeryung] to the point she considers her family a true family to rayna. but, because of her constant sleeping over and going over [chaeryung]'s house, [chaeryung]'s family began to question her state as she always came in looking tired and bruised. there was even one instance where rayna came to their house asking to be "treated" because of a large cut on her arm that she said she got from "a bike ride coming here [to their house]". so, they began to psychologically figure out if there's something going on with rayna. soon enough, they found out that she was uncomfortable with touching from the opposite gender, even if it was just a pat on the back, and how she always says that her father was "busy at work" almost every day in the afternoon (they know he works as a security guard at a nightclub, which is only needed for the night hours). so, when rayna was just twelve, her father was placed under arrest for child abuse as a felony.
when rayna was thirteen, that was the year thae [chaeyrung] had disappeared, but, around this time, rayna had left to seoul to stay with a relative of hers. [chaeryung]'s disappearance was something that no one really saw coming and doesn't know why/what happened, doing a search for over two weeks all over busan and the surrounding areas, but, the one person who knew the true reason behind [chaeryung]'s disappearance was rayna as they talked on the phone the night before [chaeryung] vanished and [chaeryung] told her everything. to this day, rayna hasn't told anyone of this secret and has continuously lied about knowing anything.

once rayna entered college, you can say that she was already a skilled fighter. while in seoul, she took up karate and always watched mma on television as she said that she'll "fight my father the way he did with me when i see his face again". around this time, sophomore/second year of college (2011), was the year she had met her husband. she's had a number of boyfriends, even one girlfriend that she kept a secret from her relatives she previously lived with (this girlfriend was also the one who taught her that it was okay to be touched and that there's people who love her, allowing rayna to forget about the abuse she received as a child), but this one fresh-out-of-college boy that she met at a local bar she used to work at and, somehow, he managed to get to her heart.
they began to date a few months after getting to know each other, and that was when she found out what he does for a living. rayna learned that adrian kim, also known as andy, was a conman and that was his way in getting more money alongside his job as a songwriter in a small music company. at first, rayna didn't want to believe that her then-boyfriend was a con-artist that got people to give him money, but when she learned that he did it to support himself and his family, she started to take interest in his work. so, once they got married a month after rayna graduated from college (2012), they began to fool people in giving them money for the better good of their separate families. besides rayna and andy, the only person who knows what they're doing is dongbin and his mother (his parents got divorced back in 2002), but, even though being a con-artist was dirty work, dongbin and andy's mother, abigale kim/abi, learned to accept it as that was their own means in getting more money towards good.
in 2015, just about two years ago, was when andy had died from a car chase that ended in him dying on the scene. the story of what happened goes like this: andy was caught by someone for being a conman and, because that person didn't know he had good intentions for the money, that started the car chase. in andy's car, they didn't find any leads towards him being a conman so, luckily, rayna was never questioned about this but rather the one who was chasing andy's car was sentenced to prison for possible harrassment and murder. but, because rayna was actually truly in love with andy and even saw them possibly starting a family in the near future, she began to lose purpose in living as everyone she ever loved had disappeared. however, she still continued to con people for the group (mentioned below). to this day, she's never been caught in the act.

now in 2017, she's working alongside other females in the, now, red lily secret society that she joined back in 2012, the year she started becoming a conwoman. although she joined the latest out of all the other girls, she was still a great addition to the group as she studied pre-med, has experience in fighting and (obviously) has experience in fooling others to get what she needs. although she was still a bit rusty in being a conwoman for both the group and her husband, her husband heing the most important in getting money, it's almost as if being a conwoman was the right fit for her. however, once her husband had died in 2015, she began to focus more on the girls rather than herself as she felt as if she owed a lot to everyone, especially nami for taking her in and helping her get through the rough patch of losing her husband.
likes  alcohol, coffee, fruit, animals, warm weather, books (action, gore, horror being the top three), meat, music (hiphop, rap and pop being the top three), flowers, adventure
dislikeS  hypocrites, losing a fight, things not going her way, wasting time, being put down by others
hobbieS  fighting, mma, boxing, working out, reading, listening to music
habits  will become serious when annoyed and stare blankly at the person, cusses in either korean or english when angered, rolls her eyes she disagrees with someone with a tsk sound
× she has a high alcohol tolerance and, out of the girls, is the most likely one to be found at a nightclub or bar after hours or when upset. she also is one of the few members who goes to the gym or, at least, works out in her free time. typically, she'll go with friends to these places, but she doesn't mind going alone.
× rayna's known to be an amazing fighter, learning from her husband, learning karate as a teen and then watching mma on television. she usually wins, but the only time she doesn't win is if she has a verbal argument/fight against her mother because her mother has a way in making rayna agree with her. in terms of ranking, however, the hitgirl is the better fighter while rayna is a close second/third.
× she was accepted into seoul national university after graduating a private high school in seoul, entering the university to major in pre-med studies. she successfully graduated back in 2015, but, because she got married to her husband in 2014 and began to become a conwoman, she never really got a job towards her major. however, she's very skilled with treating medical needs (i.e. wounds, bruises, etc.), so she's a big help to the society when someone gets hurt in action.
× she got both her driver's license and motorcycle license once she turned 21. as of now, she owns a car (2017 renault clio iv in burgundy) and uses her husband's motorcycle (2017 victory octane in gloss black). however, she only uses her motorcycle during the night and whenever it's needed towards the society and for quick getaways.
× throughout her life, she's beaten up a number of people to the point rayna ended up sending them to the hospital. the total of people she's physically fought with is 87 and counting whilst the number of verbal fights can't be counted. luckily, no one knows about this record she keeps besides those in the society (but, even so, she doesn't admit to it).
where the starting line begins
(hover for fc!)
abigale "abi" kim
mother-in-law (kor-am) × 53/54 years old
chairwoman and ceo of seoul hospital
confident, reliable, headstrong, stubborn
adrian "andy" kim
husband (kor-am) × would be 29/30 years old
deceased (age of death: 27/28 years old)
sociable, intelligent, serious, prone to risk
jeon jaeseok
father (kor) × 48/49 years old
currently in prison for child abuse (felony)
was always abusive to rayna
where the loyalty lies
(hover for fc!)
lily "nami" yakuza
member + friend (jap-kor) × 22/23 years old
yakuza leader of the red lily secret society
(personality to be edited)
kim [chaeryung]
best friend (kor) × would be 25/26 years old
missing (age of disappearance: 13/14)
loving, artistic, straightforward, devious
(hover for basic info!)
love is a powerful thing, it will strengthen or weaken you
love interest  officer kim taehyung
backup love interest  none or author's choice (?)
positive × social, observant, open-minded
risk taker, emotional, overthinker × negative
to be elaborated!
at first, taehyung and rayna weren't the best of friends. coming from completely different backgrounds in regards to how they were raised and where they came from, they weren't necessarily on the best terms with each other when they first met. they both had different thoughts on certain aspects of missions and even back with the society members, especially since taehyung didn't trust anyone at first due to their accusations in regards to his sister, even if they were true. however, as time went on and they got to learn more about each other, taehyung found out that rayna was a close friend of his sister, being classmates since elementary school and all, so taehyung always ended up talking to rayna about the situation. to the two of them, their only link was taehyung's sister, but, because rayna promised to keep his younger sister's secrets, she wouldn't tell him anything about her disappearance. but, even so, rayna may possibly be the only person who knows about his sister's disappearance (the true story could be that she was assassinated or ran away with someone, whichever you see fit).
as time went on, the two got closer, not because of their relationship with taehyung's sister, but because of their similar struggles with losing someone and being treat poorly by others, only trusting a selected few. slowly, taehyung began to develop feelings for rayna because of her charisma and strength when it came to dire situations. she always helped where it was needed and did things for the better good of society, even if the way she did things wasn't good. but, when taehyung and rayna are on a mission together and seeing rayna seduce other men, taehyung began to feel odd, almost jealous over what rayna does. telling her to "tone it down", rayna doesn't listen and just continues to do it her way, even if it was by seducing or pretending to be "in love" with the person. this gets taehyung's blood boiling, which suddenly causes taehyung to continuously disagree with rayna, even when she was obviously right.
taehyung may be a prude at times when he's jealous/in love, but rayna may possibly not want to be in a relationship just yet. as she lost her husband only a few years ago, it's understandable that she doesn't want to rush into being serious with someone. but what happens when she finds out that taehyung actually does love her? will she accept him or leave him in the dark? (author's choice on the ending!)

fun fact: taehyung and rayna knew each other and were actually good friends growing up since rayna was always over his house because she was extremely close with his sister and hated being home, but, because of her name change and both of them moving away, taehyung doesn't recognize her at all when they first meet. he does get an odd feeling as if he knows her, but, for rayna, she doesn't totally recognize him until he tells her about his sister.
end of the line
asdfg - i didn't know if you wanted interactions in the family/friends section since it wasn't stated, so i left it out. ;( if you need them for further information, i'll surely add them when i can! also, i put 'chaeryung' in parenthesis because i'm not sure of taehyung's sister's name that you've given her. so, it can be changed if need be! (i also apologize if this is a bit messyy,, i kept coming up with ideas as i went, so,, yea qq).
lowkey highkey actually pretty pumped for this story because i've been in love with gang!aus lately and just - ugh bless. anyway, if i need to add/fix anything, i'll definitely do so! gl :")
scene requests
× fights?? either with gangs or within the group of girls or maybe even with the boys.
× rayna actually loses a fight and either blames it on herself (which will then cause her to keep to herself and possibly drink her feelings away) or blames it on someone else (either someone in the group or her love interest).
× rayna runs into one of her exes, especially since one works for the government (to which hyesu doesn't know she's in red lily) and another works in a law firm (also doesn't know rayna's in red lily).
+ more to be added!


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