#허세미 #GOODIE_GOODIE [310816]

fanfare - ang - 8-9 out of 10


HEO SEMI // 허세미

name 허세미, heo semi
셈 ("sem"/"sam") a nickname that many call her, only because it rolls off the tongue better than her actual name despite it actually just being the first syllable of it; this can also be interpreted as her 'english name' since it's the equivalence to "sam".

birthdate april 29, 1992 (24/25 in korea)
birthplace suncheon, south korea
hometown incheon, south korea
ethnicity korean

faceclaim 송지은 of secret
backup 박초롱 of apink

plotline "the goodie goodie"

book's cover

appearance and looks semi is someone who tends to go natural with her makeup and hair, having the basic bb cream, eyeliner and a bit of mascara most of the time. her brown hair (naturally black, but now dyed brown) falls slightly past her shoulders. she also has light fringes that she rolls up every morning; on some days they'll hang above her eyebrows, and other times they'll blend in with her hair to the side. she has doe-shaped, dark brown eyes with a button nosed. although her height is on the fairly shorter side, 164cm, she's happy with herself since her weight of 50kg; a healthy body for her. semi is happy with her appearance and looks, even despite what others said as a child.

fashion and style starting from her early high school years, semi's style became one to give people a good first impression. before she entered high school, she always went for comfort rather than style, but because high school is a place where first impressions are important, she began to do just that. from that point on, it became a rare sight that you'll see her dressed down or lazy and if she does, she's probably just pulling off a sporty look. but whenever she's at home or going to bed, she looks her worst. at those times, she's never bothered to dress nicely, but who cares? the public won't see her at home or heading to bed. but if she's going out, of course, she'll try to look her very best.


positive perfectionist, intelligent, responsible, kindhearted
negative deceitful, cunning, quick-tempered, indecisive

semi is the kind of girl that almost every mother wants as either their own daughter or their daughter-in-law. she's the ultimate wife and daughter material: kind, smart, caring— she screams perfection. she always cares for others, even if they're significantly older or significantly younger, and is someone who's willing to risk her own life to protect those people from harm. she's also someone who's super intelligent, and it's evident when she teaches. she always knows what to say and knows the answer to almost every question asked to her, especially when it's related to the subject she's most confident in (psychology and neurology). she does everything prim and proper, and tries not to leave flaws in the things she does.
although she's seen as the 'goody two shoes', once you get to know her, she's the complete opposite of what you'd think. semi is able to get people to think she's right and is able to get people to do anything she wants, all because she's cunning and deceitful. although she uses this for good benefits, this is always seen as bad traits of hers since she tends to go overboard with such a skill. and when things aren't in favor of semi, an complete beast appears and her temper rises quickly in anger. because she's a perfectionist, she wants things done with, well, perfection. so when someone messes with that or her in general, she's quick to get angered. to top it all off, she can be super indecisive, depending on the question or task at hand. although, yes, she makes a decision in the end, she tends to spend too much time balancing out the reasons why she should do one thing over the other. but, hey, people still love semi, even with her flaws.

flipping pages

semi was born in a middle-class family in suncheon followed by her brother about a decade later. growing up, she loved her life. she was free to do what she wanted, when she wanted, and she played around with the neighborhood kids and her brother often. she just lived her life to the fullest and didn't care about what the public thought of her, however, it all changed once she hit high school.
at fifteen, semi started high school. she thought that she would love it just like how she loved middle/secondary and elementary, however, high school was completely different from her expectations. because she was fond of wearing baggy jeans and baggy shirts, she was teased for what she wears. yes, high school for her was a game of "who looks prettier" or "who looks more handsome". it was like a beauty pageant, and semi only found out about it a week after she started high school.
a month or so after high school began, she threw away practically all her clothes for new ones. she kept a few plain shirts and skirts, but anything that she deemed "unpleasant", she threw away for new ones. she didn't want to be teased for looking like a homeless person, so she completely changed her fashion style and began to take first impressions seriously.
a few months after that, she began dating a third year student by the name of jaeho. no one thought of those two dating, or knowing each other for that matter. semi was someone who was prim and proper, intelligent and a good girl. jaeho, on the other hand, was the total opposite of her; a go with the flow guy with average grades and a complete bad boy. no one saw this coming, but jaeho and semi fell in love someway, somehow. the two knew each other through mutual friends, and had began to take a liking for one another from that point on. however, two years later, jaeho graduated from high school. not wanting to deal with the heartache of doing a long distance relationship (jaeho was heading to seoul to study), they broke it off on mutual terms. despite being complete opposites, everyone thought that they'd last longer than two years; they brought the best out of each other, they sincerely cared for each other— everyone admired their love life, despite being in different grades. but, alas, they broke up due to studies and distance, even if it wasn't that far.
because of her dating a bad boy who was fond of tattoos, having a tattoo on his shoulder at the time of their one-year together, her mother completely disapproved of him. why? because she wanted her daughter to date and marry someone with a good background and image. although she never spoke out about it, it was evident that she wasn't fond of jaeho. and when she found out from semi that they broke up on mutual terms, her mother told her straight up "that's upsetting, but now you can meet someone of a good background, yes?" since she began dating jaeho, her mother did nothing but bring her down. however, semi pulled through high school and was able to finally move out in order to go to college.

now a psychology teacher at seoul national university and owning her own apartment in incheon, she's loving the life she lives.
on the days she has work, she tends to wake up early between the hours of 5am-6am, since she begins teaching classes at 8:30am. she doesn't do anything physical in the morning besides stretching, eating breakfast, and the occassional showering when she's not totally lazy. from 8:30am to 11:30pm, she's seen at the university, working long and hard hours. this usually happens during the school months of september to june from monday to friday with the occasisonal saturdays when students of hers need the extra help.
one the days she doesn't have work which are sundays, the summer months of late june to august and occassional school breaks, she doesn't do much. she does a lot of baking and reading, with the occassional going out with jaeho, and she sometimes takes vacations to go sightseeing with either her family or herself, but besides that, she's not all too active.
the only time she's super busy and active are when she's working, but besides that, she's basically free.


» can cook and bake, but between the two, she would choose to bake
» knows how to talk her way into things and usually, if not always, in her favor
» teaching others

» shivers when she's cold or frightened
» scratches the tip of her nose often because, for some reason, it's always itchy
» hums songs that are stuck in her head while doing something (i.e. cooking/baking, etc.)

» music, especially ballad
» teaching and learning
» baked goods/pastries
» the colors blue and green
» spicy food

» disrespect, harrassment and everything inbetween
» when people don't like her first impression or her in general
» alcohol, only because of what happens (see trivia)
» unwashed clothes, and if she sees any, she'll immediately put them in the washer and start it, even if it's not her own
» styrofoam rubbing together

» she is a psychology teacher at seoul national university; has a diploma for social sciences/psychology & neurology in addition to a teaching license
» can handle her alcohol fairly well, however after a good amount of them (maybe seven or eight, depending on how much), she tends to express her feelings and show her true colors; for example: if she's with a guy she likes she'll straight up say 'i like you' & if she's with a good friend, she'll talk about everything she hates and loves, be it people or things, and dance on a dance floor of some sort like a true drunkard; the worst part is that she won't remember a thing the following day
» she's lowkey a marvel and dc fan; ironman (marvel) and katana (dc) being her favorite characters
» does charity/volunteer work when she's not busy
» she's actually a heavy sleeper, but wakes up around the hours of 5am-6am

important people

tumblr_o8vts0YKlP1td4w00o1_400.gifmother 허효지, heo hyoji - coffee shop owner - perfectionist, stubborn, strict - many don't know this about semi, but her mother and her didn't have the greatest of relationships. semi loves and respects her mother as much as any daughter, but whatever semi does, it never pleases her mother. because of that, semi is unsure as to what her mother's true feelings are for her, considering that her mother rarely acknowledges the good things and her the fact her mother isn't like this to her brother. sometimes she thinks her mother is like this because she dated a badboy back in high school and is somehow still great friends with him. but if that isn't the case, semi doesn't know what else to think. instead of supporting her decisions, her mother always brings her down by calling out her own misfortunes whenever there's no other person around but the. her mother will act all sweet and innocent around others when, in fact, she's a devil to her own daughter. it's as if she never sees how hard semi tries in almost everything. all eunyoung wants is for her mother to love her, or at least show it, but how can that ever happen if she rarely talks to her mother anymore after she moved out? — fc: n/a

tumblr_o8vts0YKlP1td4w00o1_400.giffather 허승원, heo seungwon - restaurant shop owner - social, serious, cunning - unlike her mother, her father is someone who shows complete and utter love towards his children.  he knows how to show his true feelings and thoughts, and his outlook is always positive. he's always watching out for his children, no matter how far or how close they are. since semi has her own apartment in incheon while her family is still residing in suncheon, she doesn't get to see her father and brother as often. however, they always talk through phone. but sometimes semi complains about her mother, but he always dismisses it, saying that she doesn't mean the things she says. semi can't do anything about it, and knowing how her mother overrules her father in everything, she knew he couldn't do a thing either. but her father always tells her that she's perfect and loves her no matter what.— fc: n/a

tumblr_o8vts0YKlP1td4w00o1_400.gifbrother 허상우, heo sangwoo - second year high school student - humorous, soft, indecisive - when the two find the time to be together, usually during the summer or school breaks, it's complete and utter chaos. even though semi is super mature and looks like someone who's far from crazy, she's crazy and troublesome when with her brother, despite the . they always play around at arcades, at amusement parks, home— anywhere they think is most suitable for that time. however, because of their seperate schedules, they tend to just contact each other to keep one another up to date with everything that's happening in their life. even if sangwoo is significantly younger than her, he looks after her as if he's the older sibling. — fc: lee mark of nct

tumblr_o8vts0YKlP1td4w00o1_400.gifex-boyfriend and best friend 심재호, shim jaeho - tattoo artist - considerate, serious, pessimistic - back when semi was still in high school, she had dated jaeho who, at the time, was a complete badboy who never followed the rules and always did what he wanted to when he felt like it. how and why they got together is a mystery, but they were seen as one of the sweetest, most loving, couples of the school. however, they suddenly broke it off two years later due to him going into college and her still being in high school. yes, he was older than her; two years older than her, to be exact. however, they remained great friends, even despite the breakup. they contact each other often and hang out as much as any best friends would. although he's a high school drop out who somehow got a job as a tattoo artist with his own parlor, semi doesn't see him as anything less, considering she's the complete opposite of him. and when he heard that his best friend was going to join a dating show, he wasn't all for her doing it. why? because deep down inside, he still loved her more than anything; even tattooing. — fc: bang yongguk of bap


what is your ideal type?
semi laughed a little, her lips forming a faint smile before speaking, "ideal type? i never really thought about what my ideal type would be, but i do like people who can take care of both themselves and myself. someone who's on the taller side and loves me for who i am as a person rather than outer appearance."

out of all the boys in the house, who are you most attracted to?
"um," semi hestitated a bit at the thought of the different boys. she couldn't technically pick out a certain boy that she's attracted to since there's little bits of them she likes, "i mean, all of them are great. i can relate to myungsoo through how we're both teachers, jaebum is smart in his own way, minjun has such a handsome face, daesung is humorous, daejun is actually such a cutie, sangchul also has that pretty face, junho is extremely hardworking, kwangsoo is such an open and free-spirited guy, donghyuk is a talented person, and sungki can be both annoying and pretty open with everything. i'm attracted to each of them through little tidbits, but overall? i actually don't know yet."

do you believe in love at first sight?
semi shook her head with pursed lips, "not really. i mean, i like the idea of it, but i'm not a believer. i'm the kind of girl who wants to get to know them first, and from there, determine if i love them or not. i'll have crushes and such, but love at first sight? no, not really."

how long has it been since your last relationship?
"honestly speaking," semi let out a laugh as she began to reminisce her relationship with jaeho, "about seven, eight years; so around the end of my second year of high school. but, surprisingly, we ended it on good terms and are currently the greatest of friends."


suggestions atm, i don't have any ;; buT WHEN I DO i'll certainly add them :')

comments true story, but i contemplated on whether or not i wanted to apply for this because i thought i wouldn't be able to do the character justice. but i keep finding myself coming back and hERE I AM. hopefully you like my character, and if there's anything that needs fixing, i'll surely do so.

password i actually picture semi with either junho ("the businessman") or sangchul ("the flowerboy").
- junho because their personalities seem to match well together and they're both at that age of finding the "perfect one". plus, their occupations are fairly alike, which makes it an easy pair??
- sangchul because their ideal types are similar, and i can picture them as that odd pair no one would expect? plus, sangchul sounds like someone who wants to keep his career in top shape, and since semi is someone who everyone wants to bring home to their parents and she believes in first impressions, she's a good fit.


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