❝ㅤ°⚫° 유영지 is applying for jeju's disney world! ❞ [120117]


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yoo youngji



eight out of ten

!!! moana !!!

who are you

(full name ) : yoo youngji, 유영지

( nicknames )

 늙은지, "neungeunji"/"oldji"  just a typical play on words with her name, only because of her old-fashioned dad jokes that no one seems to get but her and people who take pity on her enjoy her sense of humor. — she gets called this when she tells her lame jokes, which is practically every minute of every day.
 봉지, "bongji"  it's not that she does drugs (she doesn't and she swears on her life she doesn't), but it's the fact that, when people encounter her, she always seems to appear... high. she's always active and running around during break time, and she always looks dead tired because of the fact she juggles school, work and her insomnia. because of this, her coworkers gave her this nickname after the vaping instrument. — only her coworkers call her this as an inside joke.
 변태, "byuntae"/"ert"  just because she likes abs and butts, and will sometimes make jokes and send inappropriate typos to people, doesn't give everyone the right to call her this. actually, no, scratch that. it does. — every time she makes inappropriate remarks or talks about someone's abs/, people will automatically call her a "ert".
  바보, "pabo"/"idiot", "fool"  youngji can sometimes be seen as a complete idiot, especially when it comes to the pictures she sends to friends and the way she acts. however, her "byuntae" nickname overpowers this one. — her coworkers and friends call her this, and sometimes even her older brother as well.

  달링, "darling"  because of her being the mascot for wendy darling from peter pan, she gets called darling on occassion whenever she's in her costume. — her coworkers call her this from time to time whenever she's in her wendy darling costume. sometimes even visitors call her this.

( dob / age ) : feb 29, 1996 + 20 (21 in korea)

( birthplace ) : jeju-do, south korea
( hometown ) : jeju city, south korea
( ethnicity ) : 100% kimchi korean

( height ) : 165cm
( weight ) : 51kg

( languages )

 KOREAN (JEJU LANGUAGE & JEJU SATOORI), 100%  native language as she's a pure kimchi korean and never really travelled outside of korea, or even jeju for that matter; as for satoori, she picked it up from her coworkers and friends in college.

to the beautiful you

( faceclaim ) : yoo jiae of lovelyz
( back up ) : seo jisoo of lovelyz

( appearance )

 youngji has big brown and expressive eyes along with long and straight brown hair. for someone of her age and background, she's a fairly tall girl standing at 165cm and weighing in at 51kg. youngji is someone who fits the typical korean standards for sure, but she's someone who struggled to have the appearance she has today. because of her weight back then, since she actually was quite chubbier, she had spent a whole summer in junior high trying to fix herself up before the end of her high school career so people won't judge her when prom came around. lucky enough, she was able to get a healthy weight with small amont of stretchmarks (you go, glen coco!!1); and, on the bright side, people started to view her as "smoking hot" and, in return she'd say "middle finger to you, mf". holding a cream complection, small button nose with thin lips that always form a wide smile, it's no wonder people fall in love with her appearance all the time no matter how much of an idiot she can look.
— the only major difference between jiae and youngji is the fact that youngji has double helix piercings on both ears along with her standard lobe piercings that she doesn't usually put her lobe piercings on because she likes her helixes more.

( tattoo )

 youngji's tattoo is located on her inner ring finger on her right hand while the tallies are on her right wrist. the reason they're on her right is because that's her dominant hand so, whenever she's getting something or writing, she'll always see the tattoos.

( style )

 despite people thinking that youngji would wear something extremely outrageous or dark to match her personality, she's actually someone who dresses like every other korean out there: simple clothes, simple accessories, and a pretty aesthetically pleasing fashion style. youngji usually ends up wearing single/simple colors and rarely wears vibrant, neon colors unless she's forced to wear it or she wears a darker shade/jacket over it. she likes wearing baggy shirts that look like it came from the men's sections (which is true 80% of the time) because, a, it's comfortable af and, b, it's roomy, you gotta admit. this is why she's usually seen wearing clothes of a slightly larger size when she gets the chance to. as for her bottoms, youngji tends to go for either shorts or jeans, depending on the weather and (may god bless her soul) "satan's sacraficial waterfall" as she likes to call it. her typical hairstyle is usually down or in a ponytail (one or two, it all depends on her mood), rarely curling or braiding it unless someone wants to style her hair or you give her a two-hour heads up as she's not a queen at braiding and curling. this also includes her piercings and tattoo as well.

stairway to heaven

 POSITIVE  loyal, friendly, humorous (or so she thinks), active
explicit, rebellious, childish, easily bored


 youngji is every best friend put into one: loyal, friendly, humorous, and extremely active— she's the kind of girl that you'd want to befriend. not only will she remain by your side through thick and thin, always trying to keep you happy throughout everything, she's someone who's always on her feet practically 24/7. she's a people-pleaser and someone who doesn't stop cheering others on whenever they're down. in fact, youngji can be seen as a true moodmaker to many, even despite her life not being a history that others really see in her. a true extrovert and eye-catching individual, she's a loved person by everyone from young children to senior citizens both in and out of the park.
 despite her being a loving character and jokester, she has her rebellious and less-lovable side as well. youngji is known to be a very, to put it nicely, explicit individual whose jokes can be absurd to many. not only that, but she's a complete and utter rebellion when it comes to what she wishes to do with her life. although, yes, she knows her limits, sometimes she just wants to live a free life that she deems fit for herself, a reason why her father actually keeps a very close eye on her. on top of that, she's a very childish being, which is why she can easily interact with children of all ages. some people even say her mental age is that of a five year old, which isn't wrong since youngji thinks the same way, but, at the same time, people find it odd. sure, it makes sense when she's working, but at school? at home? yeah, she's the youngest of the family, but the fact she's a college student and acting extremely childish out of boredom is odd to many. but, hey, not everyone can love youngji for who she is. this is her baggage.

( background )

 yoo youngji was born in jeju-do, south korea on february 29, 1996 to yoo youngmin and chaeyeon. yes, she's, in fact, a leap year baby, but that was a minor fact that not many really cared about though people link her personality to being a leap year baby sometimes,,. she grew up lining a very simple yet casual life with her two parents and older brother, dongjun. her father was, then, a businessman awaiting to land another job, his current job of being a project management director, while her mother, then, was a high school teacher in jeju high school. her brother, on the other hand, was still too young to get a job, but he always looked after youngji whenever both their parents would be too busy during the afternoon.

 she wasn't a spoiled kid at all, and yet no one believed her since her family was fairly well-off when taking into consideration as to what her parents do for a living. the reason behind that is because she was taught to spend only when needed, especially considering that her mother always took care of youngji and dongjun in terms of payments and whatnot. growing up, youngji was always with the crowd and was always a playful, yet somewhat annoying, child. she was always spending time outside, either with her brother or the neighborhood kids, and she rarely did her homework when she deemed them "boring". she always caused trouble, being the biggest troublemaker out of her family and her class, even at such a young age, but that came with her health issue of adhd: hyperactivity, impulsiveness, difficulty with school— but, despite all of this, she was a beloved student for her bright and enthusiastic aura.

 however, youngji's happy family life soon ended in 2009 when she was thirteen years old. youngji was just at home with her brother, waiting for her mother to come home from work when, suddenly, the phone rang. her father, who was at home waiting with them, answered the call to something tragic. her mother was driving home when she was hit from behind by a car going ten times above the speed limit, catapulting her mother nearly six meters, skidding three more meters on the concrete road. the accident took the life of her father who died on the scene. no one saw this event coming, and this event changed youngji's life in ways that people never imagined.

 when youngji was seventeen (2014), and youngji has completely recovered from her mother's passing. however, she had gotten into a lot more trouble after her mother had passed. she has snuck out of the house to party with friends, she drank a year before the legal age limit (lucky for her, she wasn't caught)— she just became a pure rebel. maybe it was because of the fact her mother died, but it was also partly because her father worked longer hours and her brother had moved to seoul to study; that left youngji to fend for herself. however, despite all the trouble she caused after her mother's death, she was able to get accepted into jeju national university to major in teacher education for elementary in memory of her mother with also a bit of partying on campus bc she calls herself the life of the party.

 now twenty (2017), and youngji has been slowly coming back to her old self of being just a hyperactive and enthusiastic student. she still gets in trouble from time to time, but it isn't as drastic as when she was still a growing teen. she's been getting better both physically and mentally, slowly building up her education under jeju national university, however, because she's at an age where she needs to learn to be an adult, youngji's father had asked her to work in disney jeju in order to get some experience with working and being around children, considering her major. at first, youngji was hesitant since she didn't really want to work just yet, but then the idea of getting an employees discount and $$$ she thought that, yes, it would give her experience and also learn how to make money on her own. so, she decided to turn in an application and schedule an interview with disney jeju. and the rest is history -

one percent of something


 dad jokes that no one gets but her and a few others who pity her find her humor amazING; also jokes, but those are usually reserved for extremely close pals of hers
 six packs and butts as she's quite the ert, but has no homo feelings whatsoever; she just likes the sight of them and admires a lot of people if they have nice abs/butts (she calls them "/ab-spirations")
 sleeping, and it's her favorite hobby of all time
 eating, her second favorite hobby next to sleeping
 r&b and indie music as she likes connecting and feeling the music
 shoes, and she'll cloose a good pair of sneakers over high heels any day
 children, and not in the creepy way, no. she actually sincerely loves being around children of all ages



 hard rock, metallic and electronic music since all she hears are abnoxious screaming
 politics because of the fact she doesn't completely get it and sees everyone as hypocrites
 those lifelike porcelian dolls with the gigantic eyes creep her tf out
 smoke as she doesn't find it healthy and hates the smell; she'll distance herself from people who smoke
 when people wall too slow in front of her, it makes her want to push them and tell them to "hurry tf up mf"
 shopping for extensive hours at a time because why waste your time when the outfit you want is only in your mind?? siGh



 youngji suffers from adhd, so she takes daily pills (stimulants) to reduce her hyperactivity, impulsivity and improve her focus throughout the day, especially at work and school; she takes it early in the morning when she wakes up, and she's never forgotten to take it. never.
 she actually loves going to parties, especially when they're on campus or with her group of friends; she's known to be a crazy person party animal
 youngji actually wears glasses because of the fact she has myopia, and she's usually seen in her glasses in school or walking around; she'll wear contacts during work, parties or formal events
 youngji spam texts her close friends and coworkers just to bug them or start a conversation; she has a iphone7 in matte black
 youngji is the ultimate master at typos as she makes a lot of mistakes when typing and makes her texts end up meaning the opposite of what she truly means (sometimes she'll type out a curse word when she probably means something extremely innocent, a reason why people see her as a ert)
 youngji actually can't swim because she has a fear of drowning, especially after that time her friend pulled her down for fun... ten times
 if she's extremely close and comfortable with someone, she'll initiate skinship immediately (i.e. hold hands, hugging, sitting on their laps, etc.) no matter the gender
 people assume she's bi because of the fact she likes abs and butts, but she identifies herself as straight
 she majors in teacher education for elementary in jeju national university

the gu family book


project management director in disney jeju  48 (49 in korea)

 because of youngji's rebellious towards others, her father thought it'd be a good idea that she would work under his supervision at disney. at first, youngji wasn't all for it and just wanted to be free and not worry about working, but, because of employee discounts, she thought "why not?". her and her father get along pretty well, despite what people think goes on in the yoo household. however, it might've come from the fact that youngji grew up without a mother for a good chunk of her life and her brother was rarely home. so, youngji had no choice, but to apply for disney jeju in order to work alongside her father until she had a steady job to help the family. her father knows how to take care of her and even spoils her to the fullest, staying alert in his daughter's well-being and whereabouts (though that sometimes backfires as youngji tends to dismiss the fact she's partying or drinking by saying she's sleeping over a friend's house). when youngji is away from school and can't meet up with her father, they contact as much as they can and tells each other jokes to get through the day.



business major in seoul national university  22 (23 in korea)

 it's not something new to everyone that youngji has an older brother. in fact, a lot of people know her through her brother and sometimes get the two mixed up one way or another. the two are extremely close and, although he moved out in order to live closer to his university, they still talk to each other practically all day e'ry day. they send each other pictures and screenshots of memes because that's what their relationship has come down to,, memes,, and they always look out for one another even when there's over two hours away. he visits home whenever he can, usually during breaks/off-days, and youngji sometimes even does the same as he has his own studio apartment. just like any other big brother, he's extremely overprotective of his little sister, and stalks checks her social media and whereabouts as she's the type to run around causing mischief and plus he doesn't want her sister to date yet bc he still sees her as a baBY, so he always checks up every morning and night to ask if she still isn't dating.




alice in wonderland mascot in disney jeju  18 (19 in korea)

 a lot of people who come to the park always mistake wendy darling and alice in wonderland for being doppelgangers, and that's clearly evident in their seperate movies as well and it also didn't help that the voice actor in each movie was the same person, like, wtF. so, to make everyone's dream come to life, the two hit it off and became close friends. they meet up often around the park, especially considering they both tend to roam around in character throughout disney, so, they always somehow end up bumping into each other from time to time. sometimes, even, the two get mistaken for siblings as they both look somewhat alike, and not just in character but also out of character. from their loyal nature to even their facial features, it's no wonder the two were casted to be wendy darling and alice in wonderland, disney's doppelgangers.




peter pan mascot in disney jeju  20 (21 in korea)

 the two met on the job and, surprisingly, got close in an instant. maybe because youngji is an overly friendly person or because they're forced to become partners due to being peter pan and wendy, but they hit it off the moment they were told "you two are partners, 'kay". the two are known to be one of the closest pairs in the park, and one of the more entertaining disney couples. they talk often, both in the park and out, and they always try to hang out whenever they can, especially considering that the two are the same age and have similar interests. they bond over a lot of things and many always assume the two would end up together at some point. many know that jihoon has a thing for youngji, but youngji only sees him as a friend... that is until she finds out about her tally marks and links it directly to her mascot partner. prepare intense love triangle ohohO.




workers in disney jeju  varied ages ()

 there are some people in the group who youngji's fairly close with and others, well, she isn't so close with them. wen junhui (she calls him june july), kwon soonyoung (she calls him goof), jeon wonwoo (she calls him brother as he's alike to her brother), and lee jihoon (she calls him hoon or peter) are the four that she's the most closest with as they're all born in the same year and call themselves the "96 SQUAD", along with any other girl(s) that is/are born in 1996. she's met lee seokmin (she calls him donald or seok), xu minghao (she calls him mingming or just ming), and choi hansol (she calls him hansolo or just hansol) around the park whenever she's doing her job and casually walks around as wendy darling, however, she's only talked to them to say "hey" or hold a small 3-minute conversation whenever she's bored. lee chan is someone she knows and says "hi" to whenever she goes into his store to look at stuff to either buy later or for fun, so they're acquainted with each other. however, choi seungcheolyoon jeonghanhong jisookim mingyu, and boo seungkwan are the six people out of the boys she's not particularly close with nor has she spoken to them before, only because she's never gone into any of the restaurants as she tends to pack her own food for the day or hit up wen junhui at his food stand for free food because of a lowkey friend discount.

 as for the girls, it ranges. if they're a mascot, she's most likely to know them through meeting up when walking around and, lowkey highkey, it's a known fact that all the mascots are on a friend basis with each other. if they're a janitor, she'll most likely known them too as she she's them around the park and is always happy enough to start a conversation with them. if they're a ride operator or clerk, she'll most likely know you on an acquaintance level with small conversations, but that's probably all. but if they're a waiter or cook, she won't know you as much as the rest, and you're lucky if she even knows your name since she's rarely seen in restaurants.

— hover over gifs for faceclaim

 fated to love you 

image should be 95*95

c. seungcheol


image should be 95*95

l. jihoon

mascot partner

 POSITIVE  kindhearted, hardworking, reliable
naturally fragile, strict, mischievious


 seungcheol's the type of guy that mother's want their daughter's to bring home, the type that every father dreams of their daughter to marry. he's a loving soul that, not only is genuine and productive, but he's also extremely hardworking and trustworthy. he puts his whole heart and soul into the things he loves to do, remaining diligent and impartial with his job of waiting tables. seungcheol is naturally soft and kind to those he meets as he doesn't see a reason why to be so aloof, thus providing a smile with everyone he encounters.
 although seungcheol is every mother and father's dream son-in-law, he has his negative side to him. seungcheol is usually emotionally fragile, only because he tends to just bottle up his emotions to himself, which is a reason why he tends to never showcase his feelings so easily to those he likes. because he takes his work seriously, he'll only focus on work and only work, trying not to mix it up with anything else. which is why he's always so strict with his coworkers and others around him. however, once youngji comes rolling in and giving seungcheol butterflies in his stomach, his mischievious demeanor comes about and all he can really focus on his that one girl: yoo youngji.


( love story )

 seungcheol and youngji never came to terms with each other's existence. besides being coworkers and both being fairly close with jihoon, the two never once spoken to each other outside of work. heck, they didn't even know that they were even in the same general area and had the same general schedule. so, at first, their love story is fairly bland. however, it picks up speed once they acknowledge each other's existence.
 after the two start talking and hold a casual conversation (see the tallies portion for more details), they begin to talk more often than people would believe. they exchange numbers and begin to video call and even text each other more than youngji texts and calls jihoon. in fact, jihoon, at this time, comes clean about his feelings for a fellow colleague of theirs (the applicant who chooses jihoon as their soulmate) and, in fact, youngji accepts this as she tells him that the tallies didn't add up to being with him. although, at first, it was awkward since there was a brief moment where jihoon had liked her (and maybe even dated then broke up?? up to you ohoh o), they still remain the best of friends and a great pair at disney. seungcheol and youngji begin to hang out often either by themselves when they're free or with jihoon and his soulmate. when it's just seungcheol and youngji, they begin to grow on one another, slowly getting used to each other's presence. this, then, slowly evolves into a blooming... friendship. :')





( interaction )

 after they got to know each other a bit more, they slowly became comfortable with each other to the point their interactions are deemed "weirdly cute" to those around them. they always punch playfully hit each other when they talk and joke around. because they're both naturally mischievious, they always do things out of the ordinary, like meeting during work hours somewhere private to... talk. yes, talk. :') they often get in trouble for this, but, hey, that's just their rebellious selves coming out into the limelight.
 soon enough, seungcheol starts to get youngji cute little presents by hooking up the goods (and by goods i mean little toys and stationaries that youngji likes that chan always sees her looking at when she goes into the gift shop) with chan whenever it's a special occassion of hers (e.g. birthday, xx days/months working with disney, etc.). in return, youngji always tries to brighten up seungcheol's day by saying her signature dad jokes or even explicit jokes when worse comes to shove. their relationship is very... odd, but, hey, they lowkey-highkey like each other. :')




( tallies )

  TALLY ONE  funny story, but youngji was with jihoon, walking around and minding her own business while in character. that's when she passed by the restaurant seungcheol works at and, to her surprise, she immediately started to go crazy. why? because a sudden tally mark appeared on her wrist. at the same time, she noticed the small tattoo of unrecognizable letters on her right ring finger. she asked jihoon "wtf is going on" and showed him her right arm and jihoon just looks at her dumbfounded while saying, "wdym there's nothing there". at that moment, youngji knew something was wrong so, she did a little bit of research through others around the park and found out that more tallies would appear the more she's around her soulmate. there was no clarification as to what each tally meant since she was told they appear in a random order, but youngji began to question it since the only person she was with at that very moment was jihoon... was jihoon her soulmate?? ?
  TALLY TWO  it was after working hours and youngji was ready to blast back home to sleep. that's when she noticed another tally form. she raised a brow, trying to piece together how this came about. it turned out that youngji saw seungcheol as she was heading out since, at the same time, everyone was leaving. but, still, youngji kept thinking it was jihoon since the only person she talked to before she left was him and not seungcheol. heck, she doesn't even know who seungcheol is let alone knows it's actually him.
  TALLY THREE  this happened accidentally when youngji had decided to go into the restaurant seungcheol works at since jun was sick and couldn't come to work. since someone else was running the food stand and youngji didn't pack a lunch for that day, she decided to hit up the restaurant that she's passed by countless of times. that's when she met eye-to-eye with seungcheol. while youngji was waiting for her food, she started watching seungcheol as he was waiting for a separate order to be prepped. that's when he looked up and saw her staring. youngji's eyes immediately widened before she looked up towards the menu in order to not look like a crazy stalker of some sort you can't blame her though,, he was just standing their nonchalantlY,, and seungcheol just let out a chuckle before being handed an order to bring out to a customer. however, youngji didn't notice this tally appearing until after she ate and went back to change into her costume.
  TALLY FOUR  this also happened accidentally when youngji and seungcheol were heading out. jihoon was talking to youngji when, suddenly, seungcheol's arm brushed against youngji while walking out. youngji turned to see who touched her so suddenly and was only met with the back of seungcheol's head as he continued to talk to jeonghan. youngji shrugged it off and just continued to talk to jihoon. she finds out that she got this tally when she gets home after jihoon dropped her off.
  TALLY FIVE  by tally five, that's when she realizes that seungcheol was her soulmate and not jihoon. the two had their breaks around the same time, so, coincidentally, they both headed to the bathroom in the same area. once they both got out of the restrooms, they met eye-to-eye again and that's when they exchanged a few words. the typical "hey" and "how are you" came out of both of their mouths. although they know nothing about each other, they started a small conversation with one another as they started to walk back to their positions, youngji going to meet jihoon as she was actually still in costume and seungcheol going back to the restaurant. at the same time, children started to say "hi" to youngji as she was still in character and then the two parted ways. that's when she looked down at her wrist to see that there was five total tallies. she knows for a fact that she didn't have five before she talked to seungcheol. she started to piece together her previous tallies and realized that it wasn't jihoon. it was seungcheol this whole time.


tallies two to four happen in a random order.
what the order is, is completely up to you. :")



( ending )

 although there's a moment where they like each other, they're not sure as to whether or not they want to really start a relationship when they've already established a great relationship. however, once they realize that they can't picture themselves without the other and that they're both important in their lives, they learn that maybe it wouldn't be bad to become something more. the only problem is... will it work? — author's choice!


i can hear your voice

( introduce yourself! )

 hello! my name's yooungji. she bows almost immediately after before clasping her hands together with a smile. i'm currently in my working on getting my bachelor's degree in jeju national university and will be turning  twenty-one in the month to come, even though, technically, i was born on a leap year. she shrugged her shoulders a bit before emitting a soft laughter afterwards. please take care of me, and it's a pleasure to meet you!


( ah, nice to meet you! so, what job are you applying for and why? )

 mm, i'm applying to be a mascot, hopefully for wendy darling from peter panshe dips her head in a small nod before clearing before speaking again. i've always loved the movie peter pan, and i've always loved wendy. but, in regards to getting a job, i'm just in this because my father wanted me to get a parttime job, especially considering a (lowkey) blow off a good chunk of my salary just for partying and whatnot. she lets out a small sigh, almost sounding upset, before forcing a smile. but i guess i do need a job, especially since i'm an adult and need to prove my father i'm more of just a spender. plus i love children, and being a mascot is a sure way in showing that side of me off.


( so, what qualities do you think you posses that makes you qualified for this job? )

 like i mentioned before, i love children and have a knack for being around them. i'm also currently studying up teacher education for elementary school, so i'm kind of, sort of, trained to have a job like this. she playfully, yet also proudly, flips her hair with a small 'tsk' escaping her smile. i also have the personality and mindset of a nine year-old, so i can definitely meet the standards for my mascot choice.


( what are you opinions on kids? )

 like i said over and over (sorry not sorry, i like to brag), i love children. from playing with them to teaching them, i just love the little critters. i know people who think children are gross or complete crybabies, but i always see the good side in them. she dips her head in a firm nod, a wide and toothy smile playing across her face, almost ear to ear.


( and why do you need this job? )

 a good way to put it is for the experience to be around children and learn how to maintain a proper job. a bad way to put it, is that i'm broke and my father told me to. she scratches the back of her head, a shy and broken laughter escaping her forced smile, before she snaps back into reality with a simple pull of the corner of her lips.


( okay! thank you! we'll call you back in a few weeks to say if you got the job! thank you! )

 bye felicia, drops the mic okay, thank you so much! she bows a final time with a wide smile before getting up from her chair and exiting.

heart to heart

( questions ) : none :))

( comments )

 hopefully i did everything to your liking!! if not, i'll def change them when i can. :"))

( scene suggestions ) :

  seungcheol x youngji x jihoon (and maybe also the applicant who applies for jihoon) love triangle (,, square??) !!!
 maybe there's that brief moment where youngji and jihoon start to date because jihoon has a thing for youngji and youngji thinks that he's her "soulmate" ??
 youngji's brother comes to her work to see her, but only sees her with either jihoon or seungcheol which only activates overprotective brother mode!! !
  youngji (or another employee, doesn't have to be her) is greeted with a crying child - oH NO, WHAT TO DO
  fight between employees or even employees with customers???
 youngji x roori aka wendy x alice interactions !!!
 she forgets to take her pills one morning ;'(
more to be added



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