❛ BLOSSOM ❜ 초코 / CHOCO ⋮ THE PRANKSTER ♡ [200616]

FAnfare. ang. 8. 積読本.
— 浜崎蝶子 —
hamasaki chouko
"more wife material than your next girlfriend"
FULL NAME — 浜崎蝶子 ("hamasaki chouko")
하마사키 초코: ("hamasaki choco") korean name; anyone and everyone who's korean tends to call her this
• 나비: ("nabi") korean word for 'butterfly'; since her name 蝶子 means 'butterfly child', she was automatically nicknamed 'butterfly' by her peers
ドジっ子: ("dojikko") back in japan, her friends would usually call ドジっ子 which refers to a clumsy female aka heR
wife: ever since she became an idol, she would try to get her fans to call her wife since she would say that her fans are her life partners and therefore they're married
UALITY — identifies as straight, but isn't afraid to swing
DOB + AGE — 12 • 24 • 1997 (18) (korean age : 19)
BIRTHPLACE — miyazaki, japan
HOMETOWN — busan, south korea
ETHNICITY — japanese-korean
日本語: (10/10) when you're born in japan and your dad's japanese you gotta know
• 한국: (9/10) when you're raised in korea and your mom's korean you gotta know part two
: (5/10) she thinks she's good, but she can only curse people out and say "wife is me. i'm wife." or "wassup e'rbody!??"
FACE CLAIM — kim doyeon of ioi
BACKUP — kim sihyeon of produce 101
• chouko is someone who fits the typical korean standards: she's tall. she's pretty. she's slim. she's every man's dream girl. however, you can never judge a book by its cover so quickly. she may seem healthy with a fitting height and weight, but she actually was quite chubbier back then. when she was still in japan, she was a few kilograms above the average weight, and she actually spent the whole summer before she moved trying to loose that extra weight. luckily enough she was able to get to a healthy weight without any stretchmarks (you go glen coco!!). as for her facial appearance, it fits the japanese standards for girls; thin lips, doe-like eyes, a large but decent-sized nose, a cream-colored complection— everything about her face just screams "i'm from japan" while her body screams "i'm also korean".
OTHER — the only major difference between doyeon and chouko is that chouko tends to dye her hair different shades of brown. even though she loves her natural black hair, like doyeon, she prefers to dye it either dark brown or a hazel brown.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 171cm & 55kg
• even though most people think that chouko would wear something outrageous to match her personality, she's actually someone who dresses like every other korean out there; simple clothes, simple accessories, and a fairly aesthetically pleasing style. chouko usually ends up wearing single/simple colors. she rarely wears vibrant colors, like blinding neon, unless she's told to by a stylist or she's wearing something of a darker shade over it. she likes wearing baggy shirts and the reason being is because, a, it's comfortable and, b, it's roomy af you gotta admit. this is why she's usually seen wearing clothes of a larger size when she gets the chance to (usually in the dorm, rehearsals/practices and when she's just hanging with friends). as for her bottoms, she usually wears shorts or jeans. if she's having a lazy day or (bless her soul) on her period, she would wear sweatpants or joggers. her typical hairstyle is usually down or in a ponytail. she rarely curls it or braids it unless she's told to or a member of hers plays with her hair. so, basically, chouko is a simple girl when it comes to her overall style and she chooses to keep it like that.
• as for her accessories, chouko is all about that bling bling. she has the basic piercings (x2) as well as double cartilage. chouko just... really likes piercings. but she says that's the amount of piercings she's willing to have.
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positive traits: intelligent, humorous, cute/childish, friendly
negative traits: rebellious/troublesome, self-blame, easily bored, clumsy
• most similar mbti type: "esfp" aka "the entertainer"
• even though she's a troublemaker, she's actually super intelligent. i mean, how does she get herself out of going into detention after pulling a prank on a student, huh? besides getting herself out of trouble, she is also someone who would ace almost every test despite being a new student. chouko is also someone who is immensely friendly and would befriend each and every person she would cross paths with (even teachers so they don't put her into detention for doing something stupid). growing up, she was always that kid who had a cute/childish side to them along with being funny. her aim was to please everyone since she always says she couldn't please her parents. but it was never to late for her to please those that stayed with her to the best of her abilities.
• chouko didn't become a troubled kid until she moved to korea when she was ten. who changed her, you might ask? well, a certain neighbor did. that neighbor was known for being a rebel in the neighborhood, but chouko thought he was being 'cool'. so, she followed in his footsteps. since then she was always rebellious/troublesome, causing trouble left and right in her neighborhood and even in school. her mother was worried over this sudden change, even thinking about moving to another place in seoul, but then she realized that the two grew fond of each other. so,, they stayed in busan. seeing her mother only for a few hours in a day, chouko would blame herself for everything. it all started with her seperation from her father all the way up to her mother's personality change. for someone who causes trouble, she actually has a heart for her parents. however, chouko is someone who gets easily bored. it's not that she doesn't do anything fun, it's that she basically did everything she could. the only thng she doesn't get bored of is skating and eating; that's basically it. but the ironic thing is with her being an ice skater is that she's actually a klutz. she doesn't know how she got into ice skating despite her many incidents of dropping something or tripping on air, but she succeeded in skating. she also succeeded in dancing since, unlike most clumsy people, she doesn't have two left feet.
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^ wife material since '97
• hamasaki chouko. born december twenty-four, nineteen ninety seven in miyazaki, japan; a place known for surfing, golf, tennis, parks, and concerts. living there was the peak of her her life. she enjoyed it there. she played tennis, even though she was at it; she played golf, again she was at that too. what she wasn't bad in was taekwondo, but that's only because her father was a parttime taekwondo teacher. all in all, she felt free and herself with her friends back home. however, a family problem arose that chouko didn't know of. because of her parents' indifferences, they decided to file for a divorce. but chouko was too young to understand what a 'divorce' was since she was only about eight years old. like, what can you understand about feuding parents when you're only eight? once chouko had turn ten, that was when her mother claimed full custody over her and decided to move back to the place she always said she belonged in— korea.
mother: we're going to korea, chouko
chouko: what about dad?
mother: he... has to sort out his life
chouko: ... okay.
• now living in busan in a small house in a small neighborhood, chouko had noticed a difference in her mother. her mother wasn't the always smiling, always cheerful person she grew up with. at nights, she could hear weeping from her mother's room. in the morning, her mother would be gone to find a job and come back only to cook for chouko. she always grew up thinking that she was at fault for their parents' constant arguing back in japan and now... she thinks she's at fault for her mother's sudden change. back then, she would depend on her neighbor and friend, jimin, to get her back on her feet. of course jimin was a troublemaker back then, only making chouko one too. but this troublemaker had a sweet heart. at the age of eleven, jimin brought her to an ice skating rink. why? because chouko had seen kim yuna ice skating and said "damn. she's got skills and is elegant af. i wanna do that." from then on, chouko was always at the ice rink after school to relieve her heavy shoulders into skating. she was there so often, the owner offered her a parttime job at thirteen of cleaning up the place. in addition, the owner let her skate for free, only increasing her love for skating and also increasing her mood.
chouko: wait are you serious? i'm only thirteen. is this legal??
owner: you're always here. and i feel like you need money... so...
owner: ... okay? you start tomorrow.
• when she started working at the rink, that was when jimin had gone to seoul to pursue a career in the enertainment industry. even though they would see each other when jimin was done (and drained) from training and would text often, they rarely talked. jimin was busy with his own career and chouko was busy at the ice rink after school. but, you know that saying of when two people are meant for each other, no distance is too far? or something cheesy like that? well, fate wanted to say 'hi' by giving hamasaki mama a job in seoul as a restaurant owner. that's when chouko began to get intrigued over what jimin does when he's not being her neighbor.
chouko: hold tf up, ma wha -
mother: i got a job in seoul. i heard you talking to jimin about being an idol or something so -
mother: have faith in me
• ever since her mom had enough money to own her own restaurant and buy an apartment nearby, chouko had quit her job at the rink to audition for companies in her area. the upside of all of this is that her mother was slowly turning into her normal self (even though she still blames her rebel for everything). the downside is that she actually didn't know what company jimin was in since he never told her. heck, he doesn't even know that she moved to seoul since that little nugget didn't look at his text. either way, she auditioned for a small company called big hit since they were holding auditions a month after she moved. to her luck, she was accepted with her skating skills she changed into an actual dance. the following month she started school in seoul of performing arts, there meeting jungkook, and little did he know that he was sitting beside one of his good friend's childhood crush FRIEND.
jungkook: ??? you're in big hit ???
chouko: yeah, i mean. i kinda followed in one of my friend's footsteps just to see its worth
jungkook: ??? who's your friend ???
chouko: park jimin. haven't seen him in over a year. i guess he's bus -
jungkook: ?!? PARK JIMIN ?!? MY BRO!11
• mama, #1 jiko (jiminxchouko) shipper.. literally - 박슬기, park seulgi (45/46 in korea) - restaurant owner - affectionate, loving, supportive - being a single parent of a troublemaker gives her such a headache, but she's learned to live with it. when chouko goes home to her mother's cooking after a long day at either school or that trainee life, they always talk about their day and if they're doing alright. however, her mother isn't afraid of even asking about her relationship with their previous neighbor, jimin. she's one of those mothers who likes to tease their kids about their love life, but chouko's mother takes it to a whole other level.
seulgi: so, when are you and jimin getting married?
chouko: mom..
seulgi: i'd like a grandson and a granddaughter
chouko: *physically chokes* mOM WHY
• classmate, the haku to her chihiro - 전정국, jeon jungkook (18/19 in korea) - idol, bts - caring, humorous, goofy, full-on meme - it's complete and utter chaos when these two are together. even though chouko isn't considered the maknae, though she does label herself as troubled, her and jungkook get along fairly well. yes, they're classmate and, yes, they're both from busan, so it's a must to be friends since they have to see each other's faces practically everyday. however, once they both graduated, they parted ways but they contact each other often to either chill or just spam each other with memes of some sort. the haku to her chihiro, jungkook and chouko tend to spend the most time together and he always looks after her, be it from afar or upclose. (insp.)
chouko: HAKU!!
jungkook: CHIHIRO!!1
chouko and jungkook: AAAH
• "dad", mentor - 이창민, lee changmin (30/31 in korea) - idol, homme/2am - kindhearted, helpful, comforting - you might be wondering how these two got so close despite that twelve year . and the easy answer is because chouko is friendly as hell. when they first met, chouko praised him for his vocals and hotness and would usually ask him for help, be it with variety, singing— anything, really, since what can't changmin do? in return, changmin went to her for a shoulder to cry on or just to get a good laugh to brighten his day. soon enough, chouku began to call him dad because of everything he did for her. though reluctant, changmin would call her 'child'.
chouko: dAD
changmin: chouko why -
chouko: DAD
changmin: ... hi child
• j-trinity - 平井もも/momo, 湊崎紗夏/sana,名井南/mina (18-19/19-20 in korea) - idols, twice - goofy, bright, varied personality between girls - because of them being japanese, or in chouko's case japanese-korean, they tend to talk in japanese when they're together, but when with their members they talk in korean. chouko became part of the j-trinity when they meet on a tv show or something when they mention she was born in japan. this perks the j-trinity's interest and soon initiate her into the squad due to a lack of japanese idols in kpop. they always hug and say hi, sana saying hi in the most cheerful way possible, before talking about everything and anything. when they don't meet for awhile, they text in their groupchat called 'j-trinity mimosako'.
chouko: 愛してる (i love you)!! all of you!!
momo: girl, you're the bomb dot com
sana: i thought i was???
mina: you're just a bomb... that explodes my heart!!
sana: *flips everything* sINCE WHEN WERE YOU CHEESY
• ex boyfriend - 박승준, park seungjun (22/23 in korea) - idol, knk - nice, quiet, talks only when he wants to - alas. the ex boyfriend chouko never wants to talk about for as long as she lives. they met back when he was still a trainee under bighit. when it wasn't jimin or jungkook with her, seungjun would always tend to her needs. they would eat out, go to parks, heck. he even would watch her ice skate for the sake of being with her. they started dating a month before he left big hit. why did they break up? well. because he left without a trace. he didn't tell chouko that he was leaving until a year after his disappearance. although she enjoyed that one month of dating him, she was so fed up with the sudden disappearance and not contacting her at all. but when they meet up, since both are now idols, they act as if nothing happens. the awkward thing, though? he's friends with bts, especially jungkook and jimin.. your two closest friends.
chouko: hey
seungjun: hi
chouko: ... um -
seungjun: i'll see you around *walks away*
chouko: mm *in whisper*
• pulling pranks and joking around with everyone
• watching movies, esp thouse that were just released and marvel/dc
• music, esp kballad and dean bc dean is honestly daddy material and is just hot af putting out good music

• long showers
• anime and manga, a reason why her friends back in japan would call her ドジっ子
• art, especially sketching and photography
• knetizens and saesangs because all they wanna do is ruin an idol's reputation
• insects aka the "spawns of satan" because she has entomophobia that's as bad as shinee's taemin
• sweat and just everything about it; it's smell, it's feeling, it's taste (don't ask oml). even though she knows it's a cycle of the body, she wouldn't hesitate about getting surgery to stop it if she could

• those porcelian dolls with the huge eyes irks her bc why tf do they need to look so lifelike??
• despite her name being 'choco' she actually doesn't like chocolate. she's not allergic to it or anything, she just doesn't like chocolate by itself
• spam texting her close friends because she likes bugging people
• pranking and joking around
• going to movie theaters
• listening to music
• she says fangirling over artists, like got7 and dean, is a hobby
• art, esp photography and sketching
• ice skating
• eating, but honestly who doesn't???
• she her lips whenever she thinks they're dry, which is about every two minutes for chouko, but she carries around a chapstick???
• when she's embarrassed she scratches the tip of her nose and she didn't realize this until jungkook told her one day in class
• fixes her hair constantly, like,, every five minutes
• she initiates skinship with her members often, like playing with their hands, sitting on their laps, etc.
• she prefers sneakers over heels aka "the demon's shoes", but when she's told to wear them, she will and quickly take them off when she's done
• she recently graduated from seoul of performing arts (sopa) and is planning on doing her college entrance exams in november, aiming to get into korea national university of arts (knua) because of jimin's request (bc that little er is in knua)
• when she was in japan, she did karate, but she never got her black belt since she had to move
• when she moved to korea, she did ice skating when she turned eleven because she watched kim yuna ice skating and thought she was amazing af.
• she disappears a lot and it's not because she's cuddling with jimin (sike... maybe), but it's because she's usually plotting another one of her pranks. so people get scared when she's not in the room. either that or she had to go to the bathroom
• even though her mother is the owner of a restaurant and cooks at home, chouko is at cooking and baking. the only thing she can make is ramen
• claims to be dean's number one fan and even has his picture as her homescreen
• wherever she goes, even if it's to a shooting, she carries around her stuffed animal for comfort and a pillow
• chouko befriends people so easily, her phone is full of contact numbers ranging from classmates to idols, however she only contacts a selected few (iphone 6s)
• her phone ringtone is 'butterfly' by bts because,, her name literally means 'butterfly child',,
• her only sns is twitter (@hmsko97)
• she wants people to call her 'wife' because she always says that she's more wife material than anyone (jfc chouko..)
• does charity/volunteer work on the side or whenever she's free bc this troublemaker actually has a heart w0w
• chouko is actually a light sleeper and is usually the first one up
• [in korean, japanese and english] wife is me. i am wife.
• 大丈夫!! it's alright!!
• i'm not clumsy wys?? *falls flat on her face*
• language isn't a barrier when you're as cute as me!! (
• if i could be reborn as a man, i'd definitely go to the bathroom first
• tbh. i'm a total angel. *burst out laughing a minute later*
• walking to the fridge and back is already a workout
• *sings got7 songs in front of bts*
• you gotta fail to succeed. [in english] boY.
• i know karate and i won't hesitate to chop your balls off. oh wait... you got nONE OOOOH
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^ when that predebut life is just too perfect,, it's unfair
STAGE NAME — 초코 ("choco")
TRAINEE YEARS — 4 years, 3 months
• unlike most trainees, she actually enjoyed her time. there were moments where she wanted to slap her vocal coach across the face because she would always criticize her for having an 'accent' when in reality it was because she was born in another place. vocal training was her worst moments as a trainee, but she was able to improve and get better. she didn't like rapping at all. period. she wasn't born to be a rapper and she never planned on being one. but what she did like as a trainee under big hit was dancing. she loved being around the dancing coach to the point her peers would think that they're 'dating'. but like, seriously, their coach is like thirty plus and she's still considered a fetus. but she truly loved dancing because it felt like she was being brought back to her roots of ice skating, even though she was still skating in her free time. chouko made a lot of friends as a trainee because of her friendly personality. the other reason for her long list of friends is because a lot of them go to school with her, especially jungkook who was technically her senior in big hit. but she did enjoy her life there. it was gruesome, tiring and would physically drain her completely, but she enjoyed the thrill and entertainment.
• singing : kim doyeon of ioi + chrysalis
• dancing : kim doyeon of ioi + bang bang
• rapping : gfriend (mostly sinb) in general bc she can't rap for + karaoke (also how she is in a karaoke room)
bullying: because of her troublesome personality, there would be classmates of hers that would spread rumors of her being a bully. they would say that she would curse other students out because she was 'prettier' and 'more liked' than everyone along with pulling pranks that went to far (i.e. making out with their significant other/s, putting gum in girls' hair/s, etc.). however, that wasn't the case. she had to send a lengthy apology letter, typed in her notes, to her fans through her twitter to those that she may have hurt in the past and emphasize the fact that she never bullied her peers and never pulled such pranks. — false
nationality: because of her facial appearance and her body shape, many thought that she was lying about being half-japanese. this stemmed from how prior to her debut her fluency with korean is as good as a normal citizen. she had to prove herself by showing a picture of her old family pictures from when she was still in japan, clearly showing that her father was indeed of japanese descent. — false
• dating: after their second, third or even forth comeback (depending on how long their dating ban is, if they have one, or whatever floats your boat), allkpop, koreaboo, soompi and all those international kpop article pages noticed that chouko's oversized sweatshirts/sweaters look a lot like jimin's old ones that they haven't seen him wear in awhile. from this silly indication, they say that the two are secretly dating. some armies, especially those that love jimin to pieces, were outraged and even went as far as threatening chouko. but after a fanmeet where someone asked him how much he loved her, he replied "more than jungkook and taeyang combined". this is when fans began to realize that he really truly cared for her. like, jfc, he said more than jungkook and taeyang combined. — true
i salute with a wink before giving you a wide grin, "ayo! i'm hamasaki chouko, choco, aka everyone's next wife." a laughter escapes my lips and into the palm of my hand before i calm myself down, a soft simper following.
i tap my chin before giving you a smug grin, "the members are alright. i don't have any problems with them, but i'm pretty sure they have problems with me because (insert l'oréal hairflip) i'm a... tro-uh-uh-uh-uh-ble trouble trou-troublemaker." whistles alike to troublemaker's debut song. [plays troublemaker in the bg]
"twenty years from now? oh gosh. i hope i'll still be with blossom and we'll still be on stage together. if that doesn't happen, i'll probably be married with two kids because hamasaki mama wants kids before she becomes wrinkled and old."
i emit a soft sigh, gripping my hands on the edge of my seat, "ever since i was eleven, i was always ice skating after school. so, i guess if i weren't an idol, i'd probably do something with ice skating. maybe you can see me in the olympics?? ohohoh"
i shook my head before looking at you with a toothy smile, "i don't really believe in ideal types, but i guess if i had to give a description... it's basically someone who i can be myself around. so basically..." i kiss my hand before gesturing it outwards with a wink. "it's my fans."
"if you're thinking of getting a wife, only can be your wife. i'm more wife material then your next girlfriend!" i stomp my foot in my seat, only to let out a laugh afterwards, "kidding. but i mean,, i'm totally wife material, right?? please support me, my crazy schemes and the rest of my fantastic baby,, dance! group!"
LOVE INTEREST박지민, park jimin of bts
BACKUP — 전정국, jeon jungkook (when you can't get the baby daddy, you gotta go for his boo)
PERSONALITY — caring, humorous, overprotective
• although he oozes with charisma on stage, he is completely different when it comes to the simplest of interviews and in the dorm. according to s, he's someone who's friendly, gentle, and extremely kind. he someone that wants others to be happy rather than keeping himself happy, though he's usually smiling like an idiot 24/7. alike to chouko, he can sometimes be childish and troublesome, but his fans find this side of him the cutest little ever; his childish and playful side is one that gets his fans going 'aw' or 'how can this little be hot and act like a five year old???'. however, he has a temper that you wouldn't want to mess with and whatever he likes, he aims to keep it for him and only him.
however, around chouko, he's the most caring, most overprotective guy out there. even though he's like this with s, he cares for chouko more than anything else. he always watches over her, watches every stage she does, and even texts her daily to see what's up.
• once upon a time - haha, no. this ain't no fairytale (though chouko wishes it was). the two met back when chouko was ten and jimin twelve. how you might ask? well, the two were neighbors. because of chouko's overly friendly nature, she was able to befriend this boy who was two years older than her. ever since then, they would always hang around in each other's backyards, even going as far as sneaking into each other's houses just to chill. they were such rebels back then to the point you can say that jimin was the start of her mischievious and troublesome ways.
as for their relationship back as kids, it's what you'd expect. two kids playing around, teasing each other, and even sneaking around just to meet. it's like something out of an anime based on a boy and a girl who casually sneaks around and plays. and how did the ending go? you tell me. ;~)
RELATIONSHIP — they're neighbors back in busan who are currently just the greatest of friends. when they interact, it might be one of the cutest scenes to watch. because of their matching nature and friendliness, they tend to initiate skinship often and quite frequently. but of course they're mindful of public, so they make sure to not hug or hold hands when there's other people around. but you can say that they're comfortable with each other to the point they like holding hands and cuddling and all that cheesy, cringy stuff.
STATUS — for the moment, they're just friends. people think they have a 'some' relationship going on because of all the hand-holding and hugging, but they always deny it all. however in the near future, they might potentionally fall in love. and when they do start dating, chouko knows her mother will squeal and jump with joy.
"i'm scared i'll lose you... butterfly" — jimin in 'butterfly' (listen)
"i'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth" — cc's bubbly (listen)

EXTRA — (because.. why not??)
• these two youngsters are so close to the point that jimin is willing to spare her some of his clothes. why, you may ask? jimin doesn't know. but chouko says it's because since he's a size larger than her and they have similar fashion choices, she tends to take his clothes. also because it's jimin's. who wouldn't want jimin's clothes, like, fr?? — him to her, him to her
• their texts to each other are... something. — one, two, three
jimin: you love me wys??
jimin: you're still a fetus wyd??!
^ get yourself a man who can do both
i honestly got nothing and tbh this was all on the fly. me gusta all the plotlines and me gusta your story idea. bravo, girl!!
• chant s GROUP FIGHT
• that awk moment where your ex comes back to say "wanna get back together??" but you're loving baby jim and hate your ex's guts
• reality/variety tv show(s) either as guests or their own
• holy .. if chouko goes ice skating with any of her friends esp jimin or j-trinity or any of her members... bro
• BTS X BLOSSOM !111!!
• her current man vs her previous man: fight/argument of the century :')
snsd's dear mom


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