FOURGEE ▫▫ 주연 [021116]

fanfare ang eight out of ten
name 이주연, lee juyeon
주언 (lit. "juon") the brother of the main character in the ring; derived from the fact that her name sounds oddly similar to 'juon', plus the fact that she actually loves anything horror related (i.e. movies, games, etc.).
댄싱 머신 (lit. "dancing machine") see 'trivia' for explanation
요리사  (lit. "chef yeon") juyeon is known to be a good cook, taking after her parents and always cooking at home with her older brother; she can cook any dish that people request, as long as there's a recipe or she remembers the recipe herself (she also remembers every single dish and dessert she's cooked and can mimic every dish, a reason why she's known to be the "cookbook" as well).
BIRTHDAY september 16, 1996 / 20 (21 in korea)
birthplace busan, gyeongnam, south korea
hometown busan, gyeongnam, south korea
ethnicity korean
languageS SPOKEN
한국어 (gyeongsang dialect) 100% native language and dialect; juyeon will sometimes slip into her dialect naturally either when asked to speak in her dialect, when she's comfortable with that person, if that person also has the same dialect, or if she's angry.
영어 (no specific dialect) 90% english was a language option in school along with other asian languages, however, english was the language that intrigued juyeon the most as it was a universal language that many understand, so, she took the liberty in learning the language; she's still a bit rusty with her pronunciation and makes grammatical errors here and there, but, overall, she can comprehend everything and be able to speak it.
FACECLAIM 최유진, clc
BACK-UP FACECLAIM 정은비, gfriend
looks juyeon is always seen to the public as a pretty looking woman; standing at 166cm and weighing 53kg, she has a healthy body type and is known to have the "golden proportions" (see trivia for more information). although she's thin, juyeon can gain weight easily if she doesn't exercise (which happens often when she doesn't have a schedule so,, rip.). however, having her older brother be a good influence on her, juyeon tries to work out often in order to maintain a healthy body weight, yet, she doesn't have abs like her brother (rip x2). when compared to her older brother, she has the palest skin of the lee family, but that's only because juyeon wasn't known to go out often and play sports like her brother. but, hey, juyeon liked her slight tan and glowing complection, so she's not complaining one bit. she doesn't have a face full of acne and rarely wears makeup besides what stylists put on her (and even that makeup is light since juyeon hATES a caked face). regarding her delusions, she has a pretty small oval-shaped face with a a sharp jawline. juyeon has a sharp nose that she complains too much about as she feels like her nose sets her too far out of her family, seeing that her family (besides her mother, but even her mother's nose isn't as sharp as hers) has flat and large noses. she has prominent monolid eyes that can curve into a cute-esque eyesmile that many seem to take account of when they see her in person. her eyebrows are on the thinner side and are a very light shade of black, something she's proud of as they're naturally nicely shaped and not too hairy. as for her lips, they're thin but soft with a light tint of pink, taking after the rest of her family. her ears are pierced with the standard piercing and are fairly large, but that's only because her family is a bunch of elephants (an inside joke with her family because they all call each other elephants because of the ears,, rip x3). to finalize her looks, juyeon is pretty tall and thin-looking with pretty features (heck, even her feet and hands are delicate af, like goddamn #goals). however, juyeon just sees her as an average korean citizen in every aspect and doesn't acknowledge her beauty herself.
fashion juyeon comes from a family who wasn't big on fashion, but when it comes to hanging out with her brother on his off days, he always drags her to go window shopping. because of that, juyeon immediately got into fashion and would always look up the latest fashion trends of south korea and mimic the clothes to the best of her abilities. always going for a monochrome palette, as she hates neon colors with a burning pasion, she'll tend to settle for either jeans, shorts or a skirt, depending on the weather of her current location. her closet isn't full of dresses like most girls, but she'll tend to steer towards long, a-line dresses when it comes to going to formal locations. besides that, juyeon is just another follower of the mainstream looks and will tend to only buy new clothes when she's out shopping with her brother.
being your own kind of beautiful
is the greatest kind of beautiful to be.
STAGE NAME 주연, juyeon
PLOTLINE the visual
POSITION visual, lead vocal
BACK-UP PLOTLINE & POSITION the vocal & main vocal, lead dancer
SINGING TWIN 정은비, gfriend (bu: 최유나, gfriend)
DANCING TWIN 최유진, clc (bu: same)
VARIETY TWIN 최유진, clc (bu: same)
training period early 2012 to late 2016
 when she started training, she was nervous but was determined to do well. surprisingly, she did well, seeing that she was already pretty good in dance and her vocals sounded pleasing. because of her potentional one year into training, she was transferred into a higher class of trainees and was getting set to debut as a solo. however, her training life wasn't as bright as she says it is. because of the fact she had to wake up early and go to school in busan, she was always tired of travelling to seoul in order to complete her training regime. it was a true struggle for juyeon as she had to wake up early, go to school, travel to seoul and train for long hours only to end it with travelling back home to do her school work with only a few hours of sleep before starting her whole schedule again. on top of that, a few of the trainees in the company weren't fond of her because she was favored by the ceo and the trainers for being, what they call, a "model trainee". not only that, but she was also closely related to an idol in 2014 who was making it big as both a person and an idol of a fairly small company. but juyeon didn't listen to those that hated her and only focused on training and school. the reason why she was working hard? to prove to others that she's not only brains, but is also physically talented as well. because she was more academically-declined and on the prettier side, not many noticed her for her talents. so, to show that she's more of a pretty face and intelligent mind, she trained long and hard to prove it to others. a lot of her seniors complimented her for, not only her good looks, but her singing abilities as well. it was strong and soft, and she was able to sing with full emotion; something that their ceo really liked to hear. she especially got compliments from a few of the twice members and 15& as she trained closely with them, especially 15& as juyeon was similar to yerin and jimin was an extremely friendly person. but most of the comments came from wooyoung and taecyeon, as the three were born in busan and would casually talk in their natural dialect/satoori when together. many of the compliments were towards her looks and singing, which only increased her need to train even harder.
wooyoung of 2pm "juyeon's singing is one that can put me to sleep. i mean, it's not bad, but it's just so soothing to the ear so it just makes me want to sleep with her voice playing in my ear. honestly speaking, i bet everyone who hears her voice will think the same thing. disclaimer: i'm not biased as she's from busan too; i'm being extremely honest with her abilities."
yerin of 15& "honestly speaking, i thought that she'd be really cold as she focused a lot with training and school when we were training together in my last few months, but, in reality, she's one of the sweetest and kindest person you'll ever meet. although, at first, her singing was a bit shaky, she improved exceptionally and her singing was on par with my own and jamie. if she wasn't so focused with finishing and attending school, i wouldn't mind putting her in to be a part of 15&, to be honest."
jaebum of got7 "juyeon's dancing is actually pretty good. i mean, it's not that strong compared to the top dancers of her class when i went to visit for the monthly evaluation, but it's actually fairly good for someone who's never danced professionally before. also, her singing is extremely good, especially when you take into consideration that she doesn't have any background on singing either."
g.soul "juyeon's voice is one that i wish to collaborate with; it's soft and she sings with such emotion, and i'm quite a fan of such singing. when i came to see her for her monthly evaluation, i complimented her on the same thing, and i don't regret telling her face-to-face."
istj the logistician neutral alignment
angel wings responsible, dutiful, honest, jack-of-all-trades
stubborn, insensitive, always by the book, self-blame and devil horns
positivity is key
 juyeon always keeps promises, and she's known to always stand by them, as she thinks loyalty is the better policy. a lot of people will tend to try and go to her when they want someone to speak the truth over something that seems like a lie, and sometimes that can be a bad thing since a selected few hate extremely honest people like juyeon, but, the way juyeon portrays her honesty is one that doesn't truly bother others. not only is honesty the best policy, but being responsible is another thing juyeon stands by. many people trust her and follow suit with her opinions and desires just because she'll take responsibility when the going gets tough, a reason she's an obedient and fulfills the wishes of others. again, loyalty is a big thing for juyeon, and she never backs down from it. lastly, juyeon's able to apply herself in many situations, be it good or bad, and she's able to figure her way out of them. she finds it easy to grasp new information and details from the situations.
but you can't live without a little negativity
 because juyeon is someone who goes by the rules, when someone comes in with a new idea, she'll tend to dismiss it as it's difficult for her to accept that she may have been wrong. when new ideas come, she rarely supports them until you give her a lengthy reason as to why your idea is better than hers. not only is juyeon stubborn, but she's also completely insensitive towards the feelings of others. because of her honesty getting the best of her, it can sometimes ruin close bonds as juyeon is able to hurt the feelings of the extremely sensitive types. even though juyeon does take emotions into consideration, she doesn't know how far her honesty can take her in an alliance, let alone a friendship. juyeon, because she always follows the rules, she's one to never bend them or try new things. unless someone she's close with tries it, she'll say no to doing things out of her comfort zone. because she grew up in such a household where she would abide her family's rules and traditions, her comfort zone is fairly small and has never grown out into new sights. finally, and the worst trait of hers, juyeon always blames herself over things, no matter how small or big they are; no matter if there's a reason or not. because she believes she's the only one who reliably sees things, she loads herself with work and responsibilities that is hard to carry on her shoulders alone. it's easy for her to hit a tipping point that causes them to break down completely; causing her to think that even failure is only hers to take responsibility for.
leadership and learning,
 juyeon, unlike her brother who had to audition, was scouted in late 2011 when (funny story) she went to the bathroom at her parttime job and was singing while taking a piss. why? juyeon doesn't know why, but she assumes because that was the same day she working and was tired since she sings when she's tired or bored. when she came out and was washing her clothes, juyeon didn't notice that there was another person coming out of another stall and immediately gave her a card for jyp with no other comments but "i like you're singing, you should train with jyp". juyeon's comment? "um, you forgot to wash your hands,,," yeah, juyeon was an extreme clean freak, even back in the day. but, nevertheless, juyeon accepted the offer and quickly became a jyp trainee in january 2012.
 before that, she never thought of being a singer or a performer, even. she wanted to complete school and help her parents earn money. alike to her brother, who wanted to become a professional judo competitor, juyeon had a dream for herself, too; to become a lawyer. because she had such high expectations for herself, she focused mainly on school and getting into a good college. not once did she ever think of singing as an occupation, but, juyeon decided to become a trainee along with her brother who, at that time, was trying find a company to enter in prior to his injury that ruined his dream in becoming a judo competitor. so, once jota got into j.tune, juyeon followed suit in accepting the offer to train under jyp.
are indispensible with each other.
 coming from a family of only a mother who is a retired lawyer and a current housewife, a father who is a gym teacher in dong ji high school, and an older brother who is an idol, she was bound to end up being successful someway, somehow. because she was mainly influenced by her mother as she saw her more than her father, even if he worked in the same school as his kids, juyeon had the thought of being a lawyer based on her mother's stories. so, she began to study hard and continue her schooling in order to get into a good school. even while she was training under jyp, she entered into college to pursue a career in law. although that kind of major isn't known for idols to get into, it's a dream that juyeon had always wanted to accomplish. because her brother wasn't able to pursue his dream, because of him, juyeon wanted to pursue her own dream.
the overprotective older brother
이종화 aka 조타 22 (23 in korea) idol in madtown
jota and juyeon are honestly one of the most protective, most loving pair of siblings that you'll ever encounter on the face of planet earth. they rarely bicker with one another, but when they do, it's utter chaos and will last for days (it'll constantly end with jota apologizing, even if it's not his fault, only because juyeon is stubborn af and jota doesn't want to hold grudges). the two get along well and rarely fight, trying to talk to one another as often as they can, even when their schedules are extremely packed. their conversations are usually heart to heart conversations along with some pretty dark conversations as well. in addition, jota always tries to hang out with his one and only younger sister as much as possible, even if it means dragging her away from studying to go shopping. in a way, jota wants to be there for her when she needs him and will always try to see eye-to-eye as much as possible, no matter how stubborn juyeon is. jota is always the one that she goes to when she wants something, only because jota likes to spoil his little sister sometimes in order to make him happy, a reason why they go shopping as much as they can.
— portrayed by 조타 of madtown —
the pretty rapstar unbae (unnie + sunbae)
王嘉温 aka 재스민 21 (22 in korea) idol in fourgee
being the person she is, you'd be lying to yourself if you say you don't know her if you're in jyp. being the sister of jackson and being the vibrant character she is, she's someone that you want to befriend. they first began by having short talks as they were introduced to one another during the monthly evaluations. and from there, jasmine and juyeon immediately became close enough to be on texting terms. since jasmine was the first to train under jyp, jasmine was immediately called "unbae" by juyeon, a combination of unnie and sunbae. and, because of her amazing rapping skills in her eyes (especially since juyeon is graded a -1000 on rapping,,,), juyeon playfully called her a "pretty rapstar" as a play on the show "unpretty rapstar". they continue to text often and support one another through their endevours in and out of the company.
— portrayed by 하니 of exid —
the busan father
장우영 27 (28 in korea) idol in 2pm
they first met when juyeon entered jyp in the beginning of 2012. while everyone was wondering why someone who was scouted for looks and was immediately accepted into jyp without auditioning, as many of the trainees at that time had auditioned prior to being accepted, wooyoung was the first to approach her without second thoughts and befriended her in order to help when she needed a hand. how they even got close to one another, considering the , is quite unknown to everyone, but wooyoung is the sunbae that she respects the most and wants the successful approval from. both hailing from busan, it made it easy for them to get along and talk in their own dialect comfortably. even though, sometimes, wooyoung can be strict with her to make improvement during her first few months as a trainee, he always brings healthful meals and makes sure she eats and rests properly whenever they're out of the practice room. out of everyone in jyp, besides her love interest and jasmine, they talk often both when they're together and when they're not. he is like a second father to her as he's extremely caring like a family member and someone she doesn't want to disappoint or lose trust from. wooyoung tends to fill the gaps of her brother whenever she's training in jyp.
— portrayed by 우영 of 2pm —
likes books, mind games, horror, skinship, baked goods, chocolate, r&b, hip hop, ballad/classical, dogs, korean dramas, korean variety shows, learning new things, singing.
dislikes early mornings, neon colors, too much makeup/perfume, harrassers, bullies, cliché romance movies, mess/clutter, drinking alcoholic beverages.
claustrophobia (fear of small spaces), acrophobia (fear of heights), atychiphobia (specific fear of failure; leads to constricted lifestyle and is particularly devestating for its effects on on person's willingness to attempt certain activities).
reading, watching movies esp. horror, watching kdramas and variety shows, listening to music, singing, yoga, window shopping.
alcohol she has a low alcohol tolerance level and can get drunk easily after the third alcoholic beverage given to her. however, when she's in a drunken state she'll become even more honest than she already is. if she's with her brother, she'll have an emotional talk with him until she's knocked out with sleep. if she's with a close friend of hers, she'll talk about people that she likes, and not in a platonic way either, along with those she hates. the worst one: when she's with the person she likes, she'll tell them she likes them when she truly doesn't want to admit it. because of how easily she can admit and say things and will forget about everything the following morning, she rarely goes out to drink (unless she's forced to) and hates it.
academic juyeon has an iq of 158 and is ranked number seven out of her whole school; she had gone to dong ji high school and is currently enrolled in busan national university majoring in law; she hopes to become a lawyer when she feels as if it's the right time to quite the idol/trainee scene thus why she doesn't major in any art major as singing is more of a hobby for her.
ideal type she doesn't have a specific ideal type as she doesn't judge people by their visuals, but rather she loves them for their personality; however, the most important thing is, is that her brother has to approve of you beforehand.
social twitter and instagram: juynlee; snapchat and kakao that is only used between friends and her brother: ynjuleek
predebut juyeon was the leading girl in madtown's 빈칸, which caused speculations because many thought that the girl was "jota's lover" when, in reality, it was actually jota's younger sibling; after word got out about how it was jota's sister, many began to view it poorly as they almost kissed in one scene and were "too intimate to be siblings", but, to be honest, madtown had no other girls to be their lead, and juyeon was the only one free to do so.
dancing machine juyeon is known to many for the fact she can dance to four kinds of genres (walking, belly, popping and rock) even despite not being only a dancer (bc: lead dancer) — here; this is the only reason some people call her a "dancing machine", for the sole purpose of the fact she can do four different kinds of dances in one go. what's funny, though, is the fact that she doesn't see herself as a true dancing machine, especially when they have their main dancer around.
wedding dress not only does she like the song titled wedding dress (lowkey a huge taeyang fan at heart), but she also enjoys wearing wedding dresses as formal attires. she tends to go for dresses that are long and flowing with a light color, the only time she actually will wear a bright-colored dress, that mimics that of a wedding dress. a lot of times, people about this because it appears as if she wants to get married or she will get married, especially when you see her large stash of "wedding dresses" locked up in her room with her parents.
LOVE INTEREST 김원필 of day6
DATE OF BIRTH april 28, 1994 (bu: september 17, 1996)
infp the mediator chaotic neutral alignment
angel wings open-minded, creative, energetic, hardworking
idealistic, altruistic, impractical, dislike dealing with data and devil horns
 wonpil dislikes being constrained by rules and, though he'll give the benefit of the doubt, he'll only do so if his views and ideas are not challenged. wonpil also combines his instinctive nature with his open-mindedness to see things from other perspective as well as being able to connect dots into a one theme. when something captures his imagination and speaks to him on a somewhat spiritual and mindful way, he'll go all in and dedicate his time, energy, thoughts and emotions towards any project that stands in his way. his shyness, however, keeps him from accomplishing what he wants, but he's the first to lend a helping hand whenever it's needed. lastly, while others focus on the challenge of the moment and can give up when the moment may give up when the going gets tough, wonpil actually has the benefit of his vision to help him get through the day especially since he knows that the things he does is meaningful and give him and others a sense of purpose and courage to accomplish anything.
 however, with every positive, there's always some negativity roaming around. for wonpil, he's a very idealistic person. because of this, he can take his idealism a bit too far, causing him to set himself up for disappointment as evil things tend to happen in this world. this is true on a personal level as well since wonpil may not just idealize his partners, but idolize himself. this causes him to forget that no one is perfect, which is something seen as both a good and bad thing. in addition, wonpil can sometimes be seen as selfish, but only because he wants to give so much more than what he's able to. this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as wonpil tries to push himself in order to commit to a chosen cause or person, forgetting to take care of the needs of others in their lives and even himself. when wonpil's imagination captures something, he tends to neglect practical matters, like day-to-day maintenance and simple pleasures. sometimes, even, he will take this self-discipline and avoidance so far, neglecting to eat and drink as he pursues his passion or cause. finally, he can become so focused on the bigger picture to the point he can forget that the big picture contains smaller elements. wonpil is usually in tune with emotions and morality, but when the facts and data contradicts his ideals, it can be a real challenge for him.
loving you was like listening to my favorite song,
 juyeon and wonpil first met as trainees as they had the same vocal coach and were constantly seeing one another around the company. because of wonpil's energetic personality, wonpil would always greet juyeon with the brightest smile and longest wave. juyeon, being the complete opposite of wonpil, would just say a quick "hi" with a sublt wave before heading out to go somewhere. in other words, wonpil was the first to approach juyeon every time they meet up in the hallways of jyp.
 how they became friends is the interesting part of their relationship. juyeon was sick one day, but had taken it upon herself to go to the company to continue training, even though it was looked down upon in the company for trainees to come when ill. but juyeon didn't care, as she didn't have anything else to do that day, considering she skipped school and was extremely bored at home while her brother was out and about. so, on the faithful day of may 29, 2014, that was the first time juyeon and wonpil did something together: throw up. yes, the two simultaneously threw up in front of each other. because juyeon wasn't feeling well, she had a stomach virus and had eaten a good amount of food. like always, wonpil greeted juyeon in the hallway and, in return, juyeon replied with a large pile of what she had eaten for lunch. because wonpil had a light stomach that day, he gagged and immediately threw up as well. lucky for them, though, a janitor was around and told the two "this simultaneous throw up is once in a lifetime". the two just looked at one another and wondered what the janitor even meant by that. however, they didn't know that the janitor was speaking about their future.
 a few days after the incident, and being scolded by the ceo for throwing up on "a beautiful floor made by god himself" (his words exactly), the two started to talk and hang out as often as possible. "hello's" turned into "how are you's" and into "i missed you's". and, surely enough, the two became more than friends after two months of getting to know each other (july 25, 2014). why did they choose to date? because they were completely and utterly infatuated with one another; simple as that.
and knowing it would be my favorite.
 after wonpil asking juyeon out on july 25, 2014, he began to get busier and busier with preparing his debut with day6 (who was previously known as 5live). but, even despite his schedules becoming hectic, he continued to do everything and anything in order to protect their relationship. once he debuted, he tried to focus on being an idol and being with juyeon as much as he can in order to not disappoint the guys as all of them knew about their relationship. trying to keep it a secret was a burden he didn't want to give to the rest of s, but it was a burden that he was willing to put on his own shoulders.
 they had been dating in secret for over two years. for those that know them and see them, there's no denying that they're close friends and had always been close friends, not bringing any suspicion towards them since they never lied about their friendship and always mentioned each other as being "best friends". the ones that look at them would say they look like either lovers or siblings, acting closer than friends, only because they're natural and comfortable around one another. sometimes juyeon becomes is too genuine, spontaneous and careless around him and would lay her head on his lap, even if the room is full of other people or is even comfortable with changing her t-shirt's in his presence (but she knows her limits, obvi,,). they are touchy and quite fond of skinship, especially since they're always wanting to be close or, somehow, holding each other. even before they began dating, the two were one of the sweetest duo of jyp at that time. however, they do tease each other often since wonpil likes to see juyeon's flaming eyes of jealousy or stubborness, and the same goes for her as well.
 in the end, they're like every other couple out there: cute, possessive of one another and sometimes irritating and hating on each other for the heck of it. if their friends are planning something, they'll always remember the other is missing. they talk about everything and anything without any awkwardness around them, and they share their secrets with each other. they try to contact everyday if they can't meet in person, which mostly because of conflicting schedules or tours of some sort. everything else that happens, besides kissing since they haven't kissed yet, are done by the two with ease; that's how close and comfortable they are.
starting status they're secretly dating, and that's as simple as that. the reason why they kept it a secret was due to the fact that juyeon was slowly making her way into the kpop industry, and wonpil didn't want to disrupt it by immediately coming out and saying that they were dating. that's something that's looked down upon in the industry as it wasn't typical for a rookie to already be dating someone, especially a sunbae in the industry. so, they decided to just keep it secret for the time being until it felt right to come out cleanly. the only people that knew of the two were day6, 4g and juyeon's older brother. in the beginning, jota was wary over the fact that juyeon was dating wonpil in private since it was a difficult task to do for someone like her. however, seeing as his younger sister is happy, makes him happy, too (aka #brothergoals).
ending status they continue to date, and there's not much to say about that. however, a few months after they reveal their relationship to the public, they break up for a brief moment. neither of them wanted to, but it was juyeon who decided to have some time for themselves. the reason behind it is because she didn't want their seperate fanbases to be mad at them for hiding their relationship for so long, especially after she said that she can "be trusted since she's honest about everything", and the same goes for wonpil who didn't want to cause problems for juyeon's wellbeing as she was nearing her last few years of school and juggling her idol life in the process. they ended it on good terms, despite juyeon being the one to officially end it, but wonpil was quite angry for awhile as it seemed like she didn't want to fight for their relationship and acted like it was okay the following day after they broke up. however, deep down, juyeon was devestated over the breakup and just continued to fake a smile for the cameras. her members started to notice that she wasn't acting the same, and even some fans noticed her smile wasn't the same and that she became more reserved than before, even though she reassured everyone that she was doing okay. it wasn't until one she was at a fanmeeting or stage and just broke down crying afterwards, and many of her fans saw it, causing her members to quickly comfort her. because of this incident, her members made it a goal to get wonpil and juyeon back together as the two brought the best out of one another. heck, even fans had taken the liberty in sending messages to juyeon to make her cheer up, and had even sent some to wonpil through instagram in the process. her members, along with day6, somehow, got them back together (how they do it is completely up to you!), and the two slowly returned to their normal selves.
COMMENTS i hope you like her! :") i kind of included past apps into here, but a lot of it is pretty new so,,, buT i hope everything suits your taste. if not, i'll try to fix/add the things that need to be fixed/added! :)) i also will be adding more trivia and oc relationships when i get the chance (i've just been hella busy to do that ;;).
to be added (when i'm not braindead ;;)
PASSWORD i actually really like ltg since it goes well with 4g. or maybe something like generation or generators as 4g is "fourth generation" so they're like,, the generation?? i don't know, i'm pretty bad with fanclub names otl ;; or maybe something like wires??? or fourths??? or g6?? odg i'm honestly so bad at this,, hahahha rip..


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