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//// let's get to the basics ////
full name / 변은영, byun eunyoung
other names / (all are nicknames)
jinx — def: a person or thing that brings bad luck; she has horrible luck when it comes to, well, everything in general. she's clumsy and when she thinks she's doing something right, it's the complete opposite. the only luck she has is the fact that she did, and is still doing, remarkably well in school.
► eun — a shorthand version of her name that only junyoung (love interest) calls her.
birthdate / 10.13.1995
age / 20 (21 in korea)
birthplace / suwon, south korea
ethnicity / korean
nationality / korean
plotline / one: "you haven't found the right one, yet?"
languages /
korean, seoul dialect — native language
occupation / second-year student at chung-ang university (major: social sciences, psychology) and parttime animal shelter worker
//// it's just physical ////
face claim / 15& park jimin
backup / apink son naeun
appearance /
► as a child, she was always on the chubbier side. however, she was able to fix her image through a harsh diet she put herself on and now she stands 167cm with the weight of 53kg; a healthy image in her eyes. eunyoung has cream-colored skin and dyed golden blonde hair (naturally black hair), she can be seen as a repunzel-esque person. eunyoung has fairly large eyes with medium-length eyelashes, and once she smiles, her eyes form a cutesy eyesmile that can melt anyone's heart. to top off her cutesy facial appearance, she has a button nose and lips that are soft and plump. despite her weight loss, she has fairly large cheeks that makes anyone want to pinch them to death. however, those dumpling cheeks of hers are slowly disappearing as she continues her diet.
fashion sense /
► eunyoung will wear anything and everything that she likes; all but dresses, that is. it's not that she won't wear it, because she will if she truly needs to, she just doesn't have an interest in wearing them. however, she's perfectly fine with wearing a skirt if her top is a baggy shirt of some kind. despite all this, eunyoung was never completely into fashion. she doesn't like shopping, but when she goes shopping, she always reaches out towards the most boyish clothing, sometimes even going into the boy's/men's section. she tends to wear a lot of denim jeans and sweaters, but when she feels like it, she'll wear a skirt with a simple shirt and possibly a hat of some sort. she prefers loose clothing and if she's wearing something revealing, even if it's just her shoulders revealing, she'll wear either a cardigan, jacket or hoodie.
► as for accessories, eunyoung is most into caps and beanies. eunyoung never wears things like tiaras or flower crowns, unless her friend makes her for special events, so she's usually seen wearing a cap, beanie, or nothing at all.
► lastly, her makeup. eunyoung doesn't put as much makeup as her best friend and she always goes for a natural look. usually, she goes bare face everywhere she goes, but if she has a formal event or possibly is going out to meet someone/people, she'll put on eyeliner, mascara and bb cream with the occassional lipstick/lip balm. however, her best friend is usually in charge of her makeup since eunyoung can never do it properly.
//// what really matters ////
character traits /
positive caring, considerate, intelligent, wary
unlucky, clumsy, quiet, insecure negative
elaboration /
► despite what many people would think of eunyoung, she's actually a pure sweetheart to those she's close to. no matter who it is, even those that she hates (minus daeyong since he's another story), she'll turn into a mother-like figure. she's very caring and considerate over those that she loves and, even if it puts her in danger, she'll protect them at all costs. she keeps in mind other people's thoughts and feelings, taking into consideration that they may be doing it for a reason. she always believes that everything happens for a reason, even if the reason isn't so clear. despite her luck, the only thing eunyoung can do properly is school. she's very intelligent and is known to many as the "bright star", or what bullies say the "nerd", of the school. she always somehow comes on top for academics, and everyone goes to her when they need help/tutoring. although this can be seen as a bad thing, eunyoung is a very wary person. to eunyoung, she sees this as a good trait. she's able to pick up on danger and she's always hesitant over the things she does, especially if it could cost her her life or career. the thing she's most wary about is relationships, and it's all because of one guy.
► the most negative trait she can have, and she can't shake it off— eunyoung's a completely unlucky young adult. her mother always emphasizes this when possible, and the fact that she was born on friday the thirteenth only makes it worse on her. sports? eunyoung can't do sports. simple tasks like cleaning? she'll somehow spill water every five minutes. she breaks a lot of things that she's never touched before and she gets called "queen of destruction", which comes with being clumsy, quite a lot by her fellow peers. even in dating, she never seems to get the right guy, the one she seems fit for her. heck, even her ex wasn't the one for her. yeah, she's that unlucky and that much of a klutz. despite all that, she can appear quiet and insecure on multiple, if not most, occassions, especially when it comes to her mother. because of her mother's attitutude towards her daughter, eunyoung tends to be frightful over failing or not being good enough. because she wants to prove her worth to her mother, she tends to get insecure when she does something wrong. this leads her to becoming mute until she redeems herself in some way possible.
background / warning: rejection, body shaming, bullying, and cheating
► ever since eunyoung was born, she was always treated differently by her mother. the reason why? eunyoung never discovered as to why her mother was always trying to put her daughter down. it wasn't like eunyoung did anything wrong. she was just born and she was just being herself. but her mother only saw an unlucky charm in her hands. of course, her mother just continued to care for her only daughter as she was growing up, but she would somehow try to bring her down, even at the young age of five.
► as a child, eunyoung was always on the chubbier side and because of that, she was always teased by her fellow peers about it. the only person that looked past her weight was her neighbor and best friend, sujin. but sujin was one of the populars, so whenever eunyoung was with sujin, people would keep the body shaming to a downlow. but without sujin around, people would shame her for being overweight at such an age like eleven. all through her middle/secondary school years, she was teased and made fun of, all because she wasn't the "perfect weight". because of it, she put herself on a harsh diet of only eating two meals a day that consisted of salad and water. on occassion she would eat meat or junk food, but that was only when she would go to parties or out with sujin. how often was that? not too often. eunyoung missed eating to her heart's content, but as she started loosing weight, the comments regarding her body slowly lessened and she was happy over it.
► in high school, she had gotten a boyfriend when she was in her second/sophomore year— daeyong. however, within two years of dating, they broke up because of daeyong's cheating and lying (see relationships: ex-boyfriend). because of him, eunyoung never wanted to date. when she tried dating because of her best friend, she never liked any of them. why? because she would just be reminded of daeyong when she would go on blind dates or double dates set up by sujin. all because of one stupid boy, eunyoung never was able to enjoy date(s) like before.
► now in a great university on an academic scholarship, eunyoung and sujin share a dorm together and were finally away from all the drama. when the news of eunyoung and daeyong breaking up spread throughout high school, people began to laugh over the fact eunyoung thought that he actually loved and cared for him. daeyong was known as the "popular kid" and "ideal boyfriend/husband", and eunyoung was known as, what many say, a "nerd". they knew that daeyong didn't truly love her, so they would over that. however, she was finally able to get away from all the bullying and teasing with her best friend to a university that she knew not of her classmates would attend— chung-ang university.
► a year into being a university student was a year that eunyoung actually hated. she loved school, yes, but within that year, sujin tried setting her up on blind dates and would bring her on double dates. why? because sujin was scared that eunyoung would "die alone". but eunyoung shrugged that off. she didn't want to date, or at least not yet; she's only halfway done her schooling and she wanted to focus on just school. plus, she knew that luck was never on her side. she has terrible luck when it comes to relationships and she wants to make her mother proud over her academics followed by a fairly well-paid job. but, alas, her best friends wants her to find someone better than daeyong. the solution sujin came up with? online dating. and out of force, eunyoung started up a profile to, a, make her friend happy and, b, to maybe find someone who will accept her for who she is.
mother / 변민하, byun minha / 48 (49 in korea) / housewife, works occassionally at the animal shelter / hardworking, perfectionist; stubborn, strict / when the two meet, there's always something off between them. eunyoung loves and respects her mother as much as any daughter does towards their own, but whatever eunyoung does never pleases her mother. she constantly gets compared to her friend's children, saying that they luck is more on their side than eunyoung's. eunyoung is never sure whether or not her mother truly loves her, considering that her mother never acknowledges the good things eunyoung does for both herself and her parents. her mother is someone who'll say one thing, but will immediately change it; something that eunyoung is annoyed with. sometimes she thinks her mother is like this to spite her or go against her. her mother is so stubborn to the point that if eunyoung is crying, her mother will only bring her down more instead of supporting her decisions. her mother always brings up how eunyoung is at fault for her own misfortunes whenever there's no other person around but them. her mother will act all sweet and innocent around others when, in fact, she's a pure devil to her own daughter. it's as if she never sees how hard eunyoung tries in practically everything. as a matter of fact, eunyoung just wants to be seen as a lovable and caring daughter, but how can she when her mother is on her tail 24/7? — fc: kim mikyung
father / 변정민, byun jeongmin / 51 (52 in korea) / animal shelter owner / hardworking, social; tense, can get stressed easily / unlike her mother, her father is the one that shows complete and utter love towards his only child. he knows how to show his true feelings and thoughts, and his outlook is always positive. being the kindhearted father who is always on the lookout for his daughter's well-being, he tends to spoil her ever chance he gets. in need of money? her father will always give her a little bit of his own, even if it means taking out a loan. they contact each other often whenever eunyoung is busy at school. sometimes eunyoung complains about her mother to him, but he always dismisses it, saying that she doesn't mean the things she says. eunyoung can only sigh in defeat over this because she knows that her mother overrules her father in everything. but her father always tells her she's perfect the way she is and that he loves her no matter what. — fc: jang hyuk
relationships /
best friend / 박수진, park sujin / 20 (21 in korea) / student at chung-ang university (major: arts, music composition and voice) & parttime coffee shop singer / loving, social; uptight, bossy / they show their love for one another through their endless texting and late night talks. sujin is always the one that eunyoung goes to when she needs a shoulder to cry on or if she needs someone to talk to. in return, eunyoung would do the same for her best friend. the two are practically sisters, and they sometimes get mistaken as sisters when they walk around together. because of sujin's social personality, she's always the one dragging eunyoung to parties or double dates, since sujin is known to date quite a lot. eunyoung always declines, but because of sujin's bossy personality, eunyoung has no way in getting out of it. but she knows that her friend means well. sujin is also the reason that eunyoung had made an account for okcupid. because of sujin's personality, she basically was forced to make an account, however, eunyoung knew that she had to try because she has had no luck in dating ever since her last boyfriend from nearly four years ago. / like any other best friends meet, the two met as children; they were, in fact, neighbors and now they're dormmates in chung-ang university. they were always with each other practically half the day, everday, and eunyoung is always thankful over the fact that she befriended someone like sujin. — fc: baek yerin
ex-boyfriend / 조대용, jo daeyong / 22 (23 in korea) / student at stanford university (major: business) & heir to family business / confident, charming; serious, liar / nearly six years ago, they were the best of friends. they had done everything together whenever her best friend was busy dating her life away. daeyong was the next in line when it came to talking about her feelings, and eunyoung was ever-so thankful for meeting him. however, that suddenly changed in 2012 when the two had broken up. why? eunyoung found out that he was a liar; he lied to her about practically everything. daeyoung said that there was nobody else that he loved. he lied, he had another girlfriend while dating eunyoung. he said that he would never leave her. he lied, he was going to go to america to study business. he said that he loved and cared for her. he lied, he never loved and cared for her. because of him, she lost faith in dating again and ever date she was set up with would just remind her of daeyong. despite all this, daeyoung still tries to contact eunyoung through text (mostly on kakao; how he got it is a mystery), but eunyoung would just readzone him. / they met back in their first year of high school, although at the time daeyong was in his second year. the two met through actually having a class together, which was math. the reason he was in her class is unknown, but many say it's because he didn't do too well in math as a freshman, so he had to take the course again. because eunyoung is one of the smartest of her class, she offered to tutor daeyong, and after a few tutor sessions, they became the best of friends. skip ahead a year, and the two began to date. it wasn't uncommon for someone a year older to date, but no one would have guessed that daeyong, the ideal husband, and eunyoung, the smartest girl in her class, would date. to eunyoung, it was like a fairtale; daeyong would pick her up from class to go to lunch together, he would visit her at the animal shelter, they would have a few dates— she loved it and him. however, after two year of dating, they broke up because of him cheating on her. since then, eunyoung never talked to him again, but daeyong always tries to talk to her through her kakao. fun fact: daeyong actually broke up with his girlfriend he cheated on eunyoung with and realizes too late that he's actually in love with her (eunyoung), which is why he keeps trying to get her to talk to him. — fc: lee hyunwoo
trivIa /
► night, because it's when everyone's sleeping, everything's quiet and her worries/stress suddenly fades away
► red, because it's her favorite color
► studying, because she always says that if she focuses on something else (studying), she forgets every single bad thing that happened to her that day
► coffee, and she won't leave her house or go to class without having at least one cup of coffee
► animals, however this is a given because her father owns an animal shelter that she works at parttime; she especially likes cats

​► being sick, especially on school days because she would hate to miss out on something
​► dating, but if sujin forces her to go on a double date or go to meet someone, she'll do it to make her friend happy
​► politics, but it's only because she doesn't get it and thinks that everyone is just a bunch of hypocrites
​► her mother's personality, ironic? i think not; she loves her mother, but not her personality
► shopping, especially if it's dress shopping because she hates dresses just as much as shopping for hours


​​► studying (see likes)
​► singing, however, only sujin knows that she can sing (voice: 15& park jimin)
​► stargazing, and she does it to relieve her stress and worries at night
​► eating, but who doesn't?
► drawing, although she's not amazingly good at it, she does it when she's bored on the margins of her notebook/s

​​► she her lips whenever they're dry
​► before taking a test or sending something important online, she always lets out a deep breath with closed eyes before taking/sending it
​► sticks her tongue out whenever she says something embarrassing

​► she was actually born on friday, and because of this, her mother tends to emphasize the fact that she's even more unlucky because she was born on friday the thirteenth (friday the thirteenth is considered an unlucky day in western superstition)
​► in high school, she graduated top of her class and in college she is currently number five out of her class
​► she's scared of failing because of her mother, so she always tries her best in everything she does
​► she's ambidextrous, but she chooses to write with her right hand most of the time
//// online personality ////
instagram / @yongnbn / 6 out of 10 — usually she's active for the sake of liking people's pictures; she rarely posts on it, and her last post is almost five months old
twitter / @yongnbn / 9 out of 10 — she's mostly on her twitter because it's where she sometimes types out her feelings and post pictures, usually when she's in a good mood, and it's where a lot of her classmates and friends are so she technically followed the crowd
SNAPCHAT / @yongnbn / 8 out of 10 — not many know she has a snapchat, but those that know (mostly close friends), will see the true colors of eunyoung; the crazy, entertaining eunyoung
KAKAOTALK / @bnyongn / 9 out of 10 — eunyoung uses her kakaotalk to chat with her friends and classmates, only because she likes the stickers that are available; this is also the place where eunyoung's ex, daeyong, tries to contact her through (how he got her id is still a mystery)
//// the one ////
love interest / 이준영, lee junyoung
FACECLAIM / ukiss lee junyoung
backup / 조승연, cho seungyeon
BACKUP FACECLAIM / uniq cho seungyeon

birthdate / 01.22.1993
age / 23 (24 in korea)
occupation / photographer (travels around korea)
personality /
► if you put him with his friends, he's the humorous and most innocent one of the group. junyoung loves cracking jokes and is able to become friends with anyone and everyone because of how friendly he is. he's someone who cares for those dearest to his heart and will do anything to make those around him happy.
► junyoung is the type of person to fall in love pretty quickly, however, it's never true love. when he falls in love with someone, it's always for a short moment; it's a "crush at first sight" as he likes to call it. he doesn't like the good girls or the bad girls; he goes for those inbetween. the people that don't like to be the center of attention, that is smart on their own, and he especially likes those that play hard to get. you can say that he's fallen in love multiple times, but he's actually more shy on how to approach girl/s that he truly likes. however, there are a lot of girls that fall in love with him and his cute demeanor, but if he doesn't find them interesting enough, he'll only consider them as a friend. when he does get a girlfriend that he'll actually care for, he'll treat her like a princess. he'll make sure she's happy and is able to deal with his possessiveness over her.
trivia /
► his classmates and friends know him as 'jun', which is a nickname that derived from his name; he later allowed eunyoung to call him 'jun' as long as he could call her 'eun' (considering that they both have 'young' in their name, so calling each other 'young' would be a bit confusing)
► he has his own apartment in incheon; however, he travels a lot throughout the day due to his job, so he's usually on to talk to eunyoung during the night hours (6pm-12/1am)
► he graduated from chung-ang university (major: arts, photography and related media) two years ago/2014
► when he realizes that he's fallen for eunyoung, he always tries to get her attention by usually taking pictures of her favorite things, sending those pictures to her and giving her compliments
► when eunyoung and junyoung met on the website, eunyoung just complained about how her best friend actually forced her to make a profile. junyoung thought that it was funny how she basically started the conversation off with complaing, but he couldn't help but agree with her. technically her friends told him to make a profile because he's getting no where with the different girls he's been going out with. heck, the longest relationship he's ever had was for two weeks. because he's busy with his occupation, he never has time to date. so, of course, he'll make a profile for fun.
► the two continued to talk online and they immediately became good friends. eunyoung talks to him about almost everything and in return, junyoung does the same. sure eunyoung had sujin, but she sometimes feel as if she pesters sujin too much. she's pretty glad to have met junyoung, but at the same time she was wary about the fact she's easily giving information to someone she's never met in person. sure, they've videochatted a couple of times, but it still felt somewhat sketchy for eunyoung. junyoung, on the other hand, saw this as a way in gaining a true girlfriend that can [possibly] last longer than two weeks.
► timelapse to a few weeks to a few months, and junyoung finds himself falling in love with eunyoung. how? her personality and beauty is something that he fell in love with. however, eunyoung only sees him as a good friend she's made online, not thinking about the fact that they talk through a dating site. junyoung's asked her if she liked him, trying to make it sound like a joke so it wouldn't be completely awkward, and she said that she liked him, but as a friend. junyoung felt heartbroken, frowning at the screen in front of him. but at that moment, he found himself loving her more because she wasn't like the previous girls he's dated. she was different, and junyoung liked that about her.
→ one-sided love (junyoung)

► in the end, junyoung completely comes clean and confesses to eunyoung (how he does it is completely up to you!). however, because of eunyoung's tragic past with daeyong and her horrible luck with having a steady relationship, she doesn't accept him. but this doesn't mean he'll stop trying. from that day on, he tries his hardest to change her view on dating. he'll continue to video chat with her as much as possible, he'll continue to talk to her (both through text, online and through phone calls), he'll take her out on dates— he'll do everything it takes to show eunyoung that he's the one, that dating him won't be as horrible as daeyong. but eunyoung's still wary about dating, but will she turn over a new leaf just for a guy she met online?
→ ending is completely up to you!
//// time to log off ////
final words / i've been loving 15&'s park jimin and ukiss lately, and i also love your story's plot so this happened. :')
+ i might add more to the trivia and relationships since i feel like it's lacking ;; but for now, i hope this suffices!
scene reqs /
► junyoung and eunyoung meet in person (either by accident or they plan a date of some sort)
► daeyong comes back and bumps into eunyoung (rec: when she's on a date with junyoung)
► more to be added(?)
password / 다시, try


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