[ㅤS H O W T I M E 쇼타임]ㅤ 김채령 [281116]

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birth name  김채령, kim chaeryeong
 슬리핑 뷰티  chaeryeong is known as sleeping beauty due to the fact she's known to sleep pretty often throughout the day due to her tough background with insomnia and her fairly beautiful face while she sleeps (she's known to sleep with a smile and, somehow, she wakes up with little to no bed head). 
— most of her friends call her this and, soon enough, her members started to call her this.
 김-일  because she's the eldest of five, she's known as kim-one, especially when that person knows of her four other siblings. it slowly caught on once her closest-to-age sister became an idol and she debuted as well. — as of now, relatives, friends of her family, and almost all the trainees she trained with call her this, especially considering she's the eldest of her large family.
 아버지  chaeryeong is known to make dad jokes, thus causing her to gain the nickname of father. she can be very sensible, knowing most, if not all, the different kinds of puns that make people cringe in embarrassment, but it's humor that chaeryeong is most known for. on top of that, chaeryeong is known to be more of a "father" to her friends and members as she's seen as more of the athletically capable of things and usually acts more fatherly to the others in terms of personality and actions. — her family, friends and members call her this every time she tells one of her many dad jokes.
 대통령  people call her president only because she's more fit to be president if she truly wanted to. although she's not quite the leader type, she supports so many various causes and helps out others to the point that people no longer mess around with her family. chaeryeong comments a lot about how she supports causes for the sake of making the future ahead brighter, which many see is inspiring. — everyone that knows of her, be it personally or through media, calls her this as she's known to support so many causes and do so many things for her country.

BIRTHDAY november 16, 1997
AGE 20 (21 in korea)

BIRTH PLACE seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN  seoul, south korea


OCCUPATION  current sm idol in ioa

 한국어  100%
 native language with a gyeonggi/seoul dialect.
 영어  55%
 sm was allowing their trainees to learn other languages such as japanese, chinese, english, etc., however, she chose to learn english as it's a universal language and her friends were learning it as well; she's able to speak the language, however, she makes major mistakes with grammar and pronunciation, especially towards letters/words that sound almost exactly the same.

APPEARANCE  now owning up to mocha-colored hair that falls just below her chest and a light complection, chaeryeong is nowhere different than her siblings and other koreans out there. standing at 167cm and weighing in at 51kg, she believes that she embodies a healthy-enough body type that many wish to have. although she's not one to show off her body to others, unless outfits call for revealing a bit of skin, chaeryeong still, somehow, is able to show off her height due to her long limbs. her cheeks are on the chubbier side, especially when she smiles with one of her hundred watt smiles and half-crescent moon eyes, and a slightly upturned nose.

STYLE her fashion taste isn't one that people can truly comprehend as she's one that bases her outfits off of her mood at the time. if she's feeling lazy, it's a fact that you'll spot her in baggy clothes. if she's feeling extremely happy, she'll wear brighter colors than usual. if she's upset or angered, she'll wear dark colors. everything depends on her mood at that moment, however, she's known to wear jewelry and style her hair. she tends to go for rings and necklaces whilst her hair is curled, braided, up— you name it, and she'll most likely have done, or will do, that hairstyle. as long as it isn't outrageous or hideous, or maybe even both, then chaeryeong will definitely like the style.
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"beauty is not in the face;
beauty is a light in the heart."
FACECLAIM 신혜정, aoa
BACKUP  손나은, apink
 pos  social, disciplinary, assiduous, HUMOROUS (some see it as 'sensible')
overthinker, overly sensitive, restless, perfectionistic  neg 
chaeryeong is someone who emodies a "father", making horrible jokes that only dads would think is funny, being able to talk to others, disciplined to the core— chaeryeong always acted like the father of her friends and family. however, under such a father-like aura lies a kindhearted and caring girl that would do anything for those she loves. always going by the motto of "take a bullet for those dear to you", chaeryeong would, indeed, sacrifice her own life to save the ones she loves the most. she's very kind and supportive, no matter how crazy or out of the ordinary something may be. chaeryeong always thinks that she's humorous, though many say it's just her being "sensible", whilst her social butterfly self allows her to open up to others.
with all the good in chaeryeong, there's indeed some bad in her. chaeryeong tends to overthink even the smallest of things. she always thinks too much into subjects that shouldn't have much thought put into it, yet chaeryeong still does so. on top of that, she's sensitive and always on edge with everything. it's not that she's too sensitive to the point she'll cry at anything, but she's sensitive when it comes to the feelings of others and the words said to those she loves, including herself. when she reads hate online, she'll automatically feel terrible and try to resolve whatever situation it is. yet, sometimes, this can lead her to being so anxious as she won't be able to rest until a problem is put to rest. not only problems, but her work as well, which only emphasizes the fact she's a perfectionist at heart.
more description to be added as this is just a rundown :))
— "[insert a very bad pun that only chaeryeong finds funny here]"
— *is at a nice place* "wow, i wish i could go here with my boyfriend... but i don't have one."
— "win? lose? it doesn't really matter because, at the end of the day, i still have this face, so who's the real winner here?"
— "happiness isn't something that's necessary to achieve. you can still feel happy even when you're still achieving something."
— *on ioa* "sometimes i wonder what it'd be like to not be an idol, to not be apart of ioa, but it's hard to think about because i can't imagine my life without them."
— *on family* "my family's received a lot of hate, especially my sister, and it saddens me to think that and get backlashed for... just being us."
— *to haters* "if you hurt any of my friends or family in any shape or form, i will find you and i will put some cute stickers on your rotting corpse."

chaeryeong was born in a fairly large family, having four younger sisters, a mother and a father, in downtown seoul. for most of her life, it was a time that chaeryeong enjoyed the most. she was free to do whatever her heart desired and would spend a lot of time hanging outside of her home. however, once her family increased in number and her father becoming more busier with work, chaeryeong had no choice but to stay put at home to take care of her sisters, only going out for emergencies or for school. not even being ten at the time, she was looked up to by her sisters. so, chaeryeong did her best to showcase the better side of herself compared to when she only had one sister to look after.
timelapse to primary and middle school, and chaeryeong was practically doing, well, everything. she took up chorus/choir in primary school, she spent time with her family and, on top of everything, she began training in sm in 2009 followed by her sister the following year. chaeryeong, for the most part, seemed pretty content with her life. but, deep down, she was struggling to even handle her busy schedules of school and training. she would stay up long nights to do homework and projects, and crash at nearly four in the morning, only to wake up two hours later for school. because of her sleep schedule becoming extremely chaotic, chaeryeong suffered from severe insomnia, something that no one else in her family had gone through. chaeryeong, at that moment, felt as if she hit her breaking point. she couldn't deal with the stress of school piled up with her dream of becoming a singer getting the best of her. heck, she even contemplated on dropping school altogether, but a voice in her head said not to. why? because of her sisters. she wanted to set a good example for her siblings and, if she were to drop school, she knew for a fact that her siblings would follow suit, thinking that it's the best thing in the entire world to do. but her father always encouraged his children to get a good education and be able to make a living for themselves. so, that's what chaeryeong had to go through until her final year of high school.
shockingly, chaeryeong's insomnia was fixed during her freshman year as a university student. because she took up night classes, she was able to get enough sleep and still be able to continue her training. on top of that, she started to live a healthier lifestyle as she saw the middle child of her siblings struggling in school and through life. because of this one sister, chaeryeong made it a life goal to show to this sister that it's possible to get through tough situations and enjoy every minute of it, especially since chaeryeong saw her old self in her sister. so, chaeryeong started to eat healithier and spend more time out doing good deeds. surprisingly, her middle sister followed suit, seeing as chaeryeong started to become more happier with her life. although, from time to time, the middle sister of the kim family was still a mischievious little nut, at least she was slowly pulling through and become happier bit by bit.
 JOKES  chaeryeong has this humor that people will either find terrible or embarrassing, unless you actually like horrible humor like hers. she thinks that she's funny when others just think she's very sensible with her dad jokes. she was once told by her siblings, when she told a joke to them, that "the exit's over there; please leave, unnie".
 caffeine  anything with caffeine is the way to her heart as she loves coffee and soda— basically anything with caffeine, she'll consume at least once every two days.
 music  she's a fan of kpop, ballad, indie, and even american music. see fandom in trivia for more information.
 salad  unlike most of her friends, she actually really likes salad with either ranch or lemon dressing. sometimes, even, she'll eat a salad in the morning for breakfast if she has time to eat them.
 gifts  she's someone who likes getting gifts when it's a special occassion. sometimes, when she feels as if she doesn't have any use of it, she'll gift it to a friend of hers or one of her sisters. but, usually, she'll use the gifts as often as she can, especially when it's from her fans and family.

 harrassment, bullying, etc.  because she's the eldest and has seen the hate surrounding one of her younger siblings, she started to become extremely sensitive to such poor behaviors. when she sees videos or articles online about bullying, harrassment, hate, abuse, etc., she'll immediately speak out about this issue either with fans on sns or to her family members. she's someone who only wants others to be happy rather than be viewed poorly because of a small amount of inconsiderate people, a reason why she hates netizens and people who gossip.
 aegyo  it's not that she dislikes people doing it to her, but it's the fact that she personally hates doing it herself. she's not someone who's willing to do aegyo, but people say that it mostly comes natural to her through her smiles.
 simulations  whether it's real life simulations or gaming simulations, she just doesn't see what's so great about them. she's tried playing phone simulation games, but she just doesn't find them entertaining.
 smoke  whether it's smoke coming from a chimney or smoke from a cigar/drug, chaeryeong will immediately cover her nose and mouth or, if she can, she'll leave the premises as soon as she can. she's not someone who wants her fans to live an unhealthy lifestyle as well, so she's always warning fans to "stay healthy".
 insects and spiders  see fears.

 sleep  when she sleeps, she has a tendency to smile, or at least that's what her family and members say. she doesn't know why that happens when she's sleeping, but people find it "cute" and "pretty" since not many people have that kind of habit.
 earphones  chaeryeong always has her earphones in and listening to music practically 24/7. when it's breaktime or in the car doing nothing, her go-to is her earphones and listening to music.
 cheeks  she has this habit of puffing her cheeks out when she's focused on a certain object or subject.

 singing  chaeryeong enjoys singing and finds it calming for herself. she has loved singing since a young age and has been doing it for as long as she can remember. singing is a passion of hers and especially enjoys singing ballad songs.
 listening to music  pretty self explanatory, but she's always seen listening to music when it comes to travelling and inbetween schedules.

 entomophobia  (fear of insects) she has a fear of insects and extremely dislikes wasps and houseflies.
 arachnophobia  (fear of spiders) next to insects, chaeryeong extremely dislikes spiders. she even hates the toy spiders and will hate you for an eternity if you prank her with a spider of any kind.
 insomnia  chaeryeong has suffered with years of insomnia since the beginning of middle school up until her second year of high school. she was given medication and seeked psychological treatment in order to cure her insomnia and, surprisingly, it worked for her. however, now, she sleeps for longer periods at a time.
 supportive  she's someone who supports various rights and communities, and is seen as an idol who is "one with the people". she's most known for being a huge supporter of the lgbtq community, saying that people have the "right to love whoever they want, no matter the age, size, race, gender— love is love, and it's a beautiful thing and, as long as they're happy, it shouldn't matter what others think". she also supports the efforts in helping global warming and providing for the poor/hungry. chaeryeong is known to be one of the more active k-idols as she continuously supports causes and even sometimes volunteers her break hours and donates to charities in order to help others that need it most (you go girl!!!).
 extracurricular  when she was in primary school, she participated in various musicals and had even done choir once she entered high school. she usually played the lead in her musicals, minus her first three years where she was simply an extra, and was one of the top singers in choir.
 sns  chaeryeong has only an instagram (kchryngm) and a twitter (kchrynm) that she updates often with selcas and tumblr-esque photos. a lot of pictures consists of sceneries, her family, her friends, and herself. she owns an iphone 7 in black.
 school  she's currently in her  second year  seoul national university majoring in vocal performance and minoring in composition as she wants to continue in the entertainment industry as a singer-songwriter.
 role model  when asked who she looks up to, she's mentioned countless of times that she looks up to exid's solji. the reason being is because, even despite being under a small company and going through many struggles to get to where she is now, solji was able to overcome all her obstacles and become an amazing singer. chaeryeong also is a huge fan of solji's singing and personality, hoping to meet her in the near future. as for those within her company, she looks up to taeyeon.
 fandom  she's a huge fan of her sunbae taemin and is usually seen listening to his songs, her favorite being さよならひとり (both korean and japanese). she also mentions that she's fans of 2pm, nct, and bts, though she says "taemin tops all". she's also a fan of alessia cara, sam smith, and demi lovato.
 dating, mid-2016  about a year after kyungsoo was involved in a dating scandal with sojin of girl's day, he was yet again involved in another scandal, but this time, with chaeryeong. the two were spotted together at her mother's coffee shop in downtown seoul and spent quite some time there before speedily leaving back to the company. netizens believed that the two were meeting up with her mother, though there was no picture of her mother being present it was only assumed, and then went back to the company in order to not be caught. soon, fans began to bash chaeryeong for "dating their d.o oppa" and many started to notice how close they were. the two had once had "matching couple rings" before kyungsoo stopped wearing it (2015~early 2016) while chaeryeong continued to wear it until mid-2016. sm then responded saying: "kyungsoo and chaeryeong are not dating and are only good friends. their rings are symbolic for their long friendship as they trained alongside one another. please do not misunderstand and please continue to support their individual and group schedules. thank you." chaeryeong had also posted onto ioa's fancafé an apology saying: "i apologize for those that i've hurt, especially those that supported my dear friend who was dragged into this problem with me. i apologize to everyone and i just want to say, personally, that i'm not dating anyone nor have i ever dated. i'm just a single potato who only means well. please do not misunderstand and please don't hate me for being honest about the situation. i would like for everyone to know that i didn't intend for my friendship with him to become a full-fledged scandal. i apologize, once again. thank you and have a great day." her apology is one that not many idols would post after a silly rumor, so, ioa gained a lot of positive feedback because of this.
 anger issues, 201x  it's not an uncommon thing for chaeryeong to become angered when others don't support causes that she does or makes her loved ones feel hurt in any shape or form. who is she backing up? why was she so angry? is it because someone called began to body-shame someone or bully someone? was someone getting to her sister(s)'s head(s)? whatever it is (author's choice!), chaeryeong was fuming, causing netizens to believe that she should visit a psychologist to correct her "anger issues".
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 mom  kim yebin 42 (43 in korea) coffee shop owner @ bau café
"if i know what love is, it's because of you."
out of her parents, she's the most closest to her mother. why? simple: because her father was always busy with work as his schedules always seemed to clash with chaeryeong's. so, whenever chaeryeong has time off, she's always seen in her mother's coffee shop spending quality mother-daughter time, sometimes with yeri and the rest of her sisters whenever they're free or when they don't have school. her mother is a very caring and nurturing person, always lending a shoulder to cry on for her children. and, in return, her five daughters would do the same.
 dad  kim dongshin 44 (45 in korea) chief police officer @ smpa
"family always comes first, and i'd do anything to protect them."
raising five daughters with no sons was pretty gruesome for chaeryeong's father, especially when it came to their children reaching a legal age and being able to drink and date to their hearts' content. yet, their children obeyed the father despite all the problems and "sketchy spying" he would do (he sometimes would follow their daughters out late at night when they're hanging out with friends, in fear that a boy would be there, too). chaeryeong's father is the definition of "over-protective", sometimes going way over than needed. yet, he means well and only does this because of his job getting the best of him.
side note: chaeryeong always calls her parents "relationship goals" because, when they were each other's first loves and would always take aesthetically pleasing pictures whenever they went on small vacations whenever their children were busy (view pictures above because that's exactly how her parents would take pictures, even despite their age). she also calls them "skin goals" because they don't look a day over twenty,,
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 sister  kim yerim, yeri 17 (18 in korea) idol and maknae @ red velvet
"you were born to be real — not to be perfect."
chaeryeong and yeri were the closest out of their siblings, probably because yeri was only about two years younger than her. they would always hang out whenever they can and would always spend as much time together as possible, especially considering they're under the same company so it makes it easier to meet up. chaeryeong always has yeri's back, especially considering the fact that yeri gets a lot of sh*t for doing absolutely nothing. when yeri was being bullied online, chaeryeong treated yeri to a dinner and personally published a lengthy paragraph on her twitter towards those hurting her sister mentally and physically. in return, yeri would always keep her older sister smiling as much as possible, especially considering what her sister went through as a trainee. they always look after one another and would be nothing but loving whenever they interact.
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 SISTER  kim yurim 16 (17 in korea) tenth grade student @ hanlim arts
"i am the designer of my own catastrophy."
the middle child of the family, however, chaeryeong still sees her as a child. out of everyone, yurim causes the most mischief, always getting on her eldest sisters' nerves and always yapping about how "school is a pain" and how she "wants out of school". yurim may not be the most successful out of her family, but she tries her hardest to set a good example for the younger two since she's considered the eldest in the house as chaeryeong and yeri only visit occassionally.
 SISTER  kim yeeun 7 (8 in korea) first grade student @ seoul mia
"plant your hope with good seeds."
yeeun is someone who was always the happy virus of the family, keeping everyone happy and always smiling whenever you encounter her. despite her young age, she's probably the smartest of her family and learned quickly what's right and what's wrong. yeeun is the one who keeps yurim in line and sometimes does the same to the chaeryeong and yeri for the heck of it.
 SISTER  kim chaeeun 4 (5 in korea) kindergarten student @ eclc
"happiness is being confidently weird."
the baby of the family and the other happy virus. chaeeun always sought out happiness even in the dullest moments, but that's due to her young age. chaeeun can be a bit weird sometimes, but she always means well and tries her best to stick out from the rest of her sisters. chaeryeong was the one who raised chaeeun and acted like the father-figure whenever her father was off to work so, in the words of chaeeun, chaeryeong was the "father-sister" she loves with all her " because my is bigger than my heart" (she also learned these terrible jokes from chaeryeong,,).
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 trainee and best friend  do kyungsoo, d.o 23 (24 in korea) idol and singer @ exo
"we can't help but to be human and get hurt."
kyungsoo and chaeryeong were one of the closest out of the other trainees around their time. although chaeryeong came a few months before kyungsoo, they still somehow got the same same schedule and vocal coaches as trainees. so, it was bound to happen that the two would get close. kyungsoo and chaeryeong always looked after one another and always, and still do, cheer each other on either through sns or on the sidelines of their promotions. they text often and they try to meet up as much as they can, though it's difficult since kyungsoo is the busier of the two with his acting career taking off and exo's busy schedules. however, they still try to take care of one another and text, which caused a lot of rumors for the two since the two vowed to always get something to eat together when both of their schedules are open ever since they were trainees.
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"nothing worth having
ever comes easy."
채령, chaeryeong — she didn't want to be known with a stage name, so she decided to not have one.
대변자, the advocate — because of her personality and always being supportive, always helping out charities and causes, she's known as the advocate in the group. she's a complete advocate and this is the type of persona she's known for in the company. at first, it was going to be "father", but chaeryeong personally thought that a kind of persona like that didn't fit with the group.
taeil + main vocalist

7 years (2009~2016)
chaeryeong had started training under sm during the beginning of middle school (7th grade), making her fourteen at the time of her entrance into sm. chaeryeong, at the time, was already strong in singing despite her age. however, she struggled to get into sm. why? because she had actually failed her audition the first time. she was around twelve when she decided to audition for sm, but was declined due to being inexperience and due to her voice being "completely out of tune". chaeryeong, at such a young age, began to work hard, even entering herself into choir and musicals. with the help of her vocal teachers in her elementary school, she was able to improve her singing abilities by a million. so, she decided to go back and audition two years later and, finally, got in. since then, she began to work hard to show the ceo that she was fit for sm and that her singing improved drastically. her daily schedule consisted of going to school, train for long hours, and go back at late hours to do homework. it was a difficult lifestyle, but chaeryeong was able to juggle her day-to-day schedule to the best of her abilities.
despite what people think, because her younger sister, yeri, had a pretty good trainee life, chaeryeong had the complete opposite. because of how hard she worked, people saw her as a tryhard that badly wanted to be noticed by everyone and called her out for it. she was continuously mocked for just working hard, which wasn't something that most people were called out for withinthe trainee circle(s). yet, chaeryeong was a target for it. she didn't do anything wrong besides trying to please everyone, yet people just didn't like her as an individual. around this time, three years into training (making her seventeen), she started to do volunteer work and participated with local charities. this was seen by the company as "pleasing", yet the trainees continued to call her out for trying too hard and going out of her way to do "sh*t like this", or so they would call it. some even thought she was lying about volunteering and helping charities. chaeryeong struggled as a trainee, but, with the help of her sister, who at the time was there, she pulled through and was able to debut with ioa in 2016, a year after her younger sister, with one of the longest training periods in her group.

— did backing vocals for red velvet's 7월 7일
— (after debut) was paired with wooyoung in 2pm's promise : people thought IT was hilarious since his virtual wife, park seyoung, looked like the older version of chaeryeong's sister, YERI, and chaeryeong played wooyoung's love interest in promise,,,

최유나, gfriend — for someone her age, chaeryeong has a strong voice that sounds very mature and strong. she can hit high notes and stablize her voice in an instant.
none — she just can't rap whatsoever, even if her life depended on it.
최유나, GFRIEND — chaeryeong may not be the strongest dancer, but she can somehow dance... well... only if it's a comical dance you want...
신혜정, AOA — because chaeryeong is on the more serious side and tends to only watch over others and talk when asked to, she's similar to hyejeong of aoa in the sense that hyejeong only speaks when needed, but is still, somehow, humorous. the only difference, though, is the fact chaeryeong says more "dad jokes" than anyone combined (see bts's jin or apink's hayoung).
"mm," chaeryong hummed, pursing her lips together in a cheeky grin, before speaking up, "i'm actually pretty excited. i mean, this will be the first time i'm on my own variety show with people i've trained alongside. i haven't seen some of the nct sunbaenims in awhile, so it's pleasing to meet them again!"
chaeryeong let out a laugh, followed by a nod, "yep! i'm actually pretty close with a few of them since i've trained with a few of them. hopefully, it won't be awkward between us since we haven't spoken outside of texting. so, you can say, it'll be really refreshing to be with them again!"
chaeryeong shook her head, "no. i try not to have any feuds and be friends with everyone in the group. but i'm not sure if other members dislike me since i wasn't the most liked trainee back then."
"it's probably going to be extremely chaotic," chaeryeong let out a laugh and clapped her hands in the process. "i mean, ioa is pretty chaotic and nct, too, but most of us on the show? now you're just asking for headaches."
"compared to? actually, i've been compared to taeil, actually! it might be because i'm his counterpart, but it might also be because we're both pretty strong in singing. but, besides my nct counterpart, there really isn't anyone else i've been publicly compared to. and, as for rivals, like i said earlier, i want to be friends with everyone and have no feuds. but it doesn't mean that someone doesn't see me as their own rival."
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"you fall in love with the most unexpected people
at the most unexpected time."
문태일, nct
김동영, nct

 pos  passionate, insightful, convincing, decisive
introverted, perfectionistic, sensitive, shy  neg 
explanation to come in the future!

althroughout showtime, taeil and chaeryeong talk ever-so often, but their conversations might be one of the cringiest and most awkward, especially considering the fact that chaeryeong and taeil are polar opposites. while chaeryeong is social and cracking terrible jokes, taeil is more laid-back and quiet around everyone. yet, because chaeryeong is taeil's counterpart in ioa, they have no choice but to talk to each other on the show.
to the two, it could've been worse; they could hate each other and not talk to one another, only talking when needed. but, honestly, chaeryeong slowly pulls taeil out of his shell, making him do things out of his comfort zone and being more open about everything. taeil slowly begins to talk to everyone more often than before, thanking chaeryeong at the end of the show for breaking him out of his shell.
taeil and chaeryeong begin to talk more often, all thanks to chaeryeong being a complete and utter social butterfly. they start to talk about more things, like their training life and their deepest secrets. they begin to get comfortable with one another to the point that they're willing to rest their heads on the latter's shoulder (usually chaeryeong's head on taeil's shoulder) and they would always be spending time together out of the group whenever nct and ioa go out (they're that "couple" chatting by themselves in the background,,).

way before the show even happened, chaeryeong and taeil were complete and utter strangers. the only times they would talk to each other are when they need to talk to each other since, well, they're each other's counterparts. they talk when they work together, they talk when they collab, but outside of work? they don't really talk as much as the other members with their counterparts. chaeryeong and taeil were probably the only counterparts that didn't talk out of work, until the show happened.
when they debuted, it's the same as before the show happened— complete strangers that only talk when it was needed. when they debuted, they only shared simple greetings and bows. on stage, they'll allow for each other's groups to share the stage whenever there was an encore stage with their sunbaes or themselves, but chaeryeong and taeil were pretty distant with each other, even on stage.
on the show, the two slowly start to open up with each other since it's pretty mandatory for them to talk as they'll see each other more often. they start hanging out more, texting and video calling more often, and the two seem to have a relationship that many view positively as chaeryeong brought out the real taeil behind his quiet blanket. they began to plan for collaborations and duets, hoping that, one day, they'll be able to do so with each other. (more explained above)

as of now, before the show, they're complete strangers, almost acquaintances. however, after being together on showtime, they slowly open up and become great friends.

a surprise ending is totally alright for these two munchkins. however, i'm a er for happy endings. here are some endings that i feel as if suit the two:
— taeil and chaeryeong have a collab of some sort, whether it's on sm station or on stage as they're both the main singers of their group. while they sing together, or possibly after recording, taeil confesses his feelings to her through skinship and a casual, yet heartfelt, "i like you".
— the two are having a casual talk on the show until taeil suddenly opens up about his feelings towards the younger. chaeryeong does the same, but tells him that she'll "text him her answer for the question he has in mind" (the question being: "will you go out with me?" or something along those lines).
— chaeryeong brings out a lie detector test (y'know the game ones that many people have used, especially on youtube and a few times on running man??) and decides to play it with the larger group. it's taeil's turn and someone out of the group asks him the direct question of: "do you like chaeryeong more than a friend?" he responds by saying "no, i only see her as a friend", which only leads to a shock that makes him jolt. a similar question is asked to chaeryeong and she replies with a shaken "no", and the machine quickly shocks her, causing her to jump into the nearest person (preferably taeil).
— a "subtle" text like this would be hilarious, imo.
TRIVIA (bc,,, why not??) 
— taeil's ideal type of girl is "someone kind and caring, but is also sensible and loyal. someone that'll break me out of my shell for the better, but isn't entirely crazy and wild". those that heard of his ideal type say it's most similar to chaeryeong. as for chaeryeong's ideal type, she says it's "someone with a nice smile and a nice voice as i'm a er for singers". those that heard of her ideal type say it's most similar to taeil. in other words, they indirectly pointed out each other as their ideal types.
— chaeryeong saved taeil's name in her phone as "🍯 " (honey pot emoji) in regards to his "honey vocals" while chaeryeong is listed as "🐻 " (bear emoji) in taeil's phone in regard to bears being attracted to honey (he always says chaeryeong is attracted to his voice) and him finding bears, like winnie the pooh, "cute".
— chaeryeong is actually a sunbae to taeil in terms of training, but taeil is her sunbae in terms of debuting. however, there was that awkward period when they would call each other "sunbae" before showtime.
— they send some pretty weird texts to one another, especially after they got ahold of each other's numbers and got closer: one, two, three, four,,,
fanfare  :  ang  :  nine out of ten
it's still under construction in some parts, but i hope you get the gist of everything! for taeil's and chaeryeong's personality, it's still under the works as i actually just wanted to get this app in asap since i'll be busy for awhile. so! i hope you like her and i hope everything's alright!! :))

— should remake each other's music videos (ioa remakes an nct mv and vice versa).
— couple games!!
— more to be added.

 nct  neo-nation??? because nct stands for neo culture technology and culture is like,, nation,,, and,, where am i going with this lmaoo???! but neo-nation or neotion sounds aight and it's the best i can come up with. :))
 ioa  motivators!! or moa (motivators of asia) because ioa is inspirations of asia and then their group motivates them! lmao idk man,,, :))
 both  neo-spirations, maybe?? just a simple combination of their group names would be suiting. :)



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