Catfish : Episode TEN : 한해인. [220117]

episode ten
The Korean TV Show
instagram @ hnyen.s
kakao @ hanhyens (used only with close friends and family)

"i was never in a relationship." when her and chan first started talking, hyein just recently broke up with someone after dating for two years. chan didn't know about this, and he still believes that he would be her first love.
"yeah, these are all my pictures." she actually gets a lot of her picture ideas from tumblr and lesser-known instagrams, claiming that the setup of her pictures are all her idea. 90% of the time, the poses and pictures are alike to those you'd find on other media sources, but none of her followers notice that she's technically "plagiarizing photos".
"i'm naturally like this." her personality actually differs from her real personality. online, she's more outgoing, happy and emotionally stable. offline, she's the complete opposite; introverted, moody and unhappy with herself. chan only sees the side of her that's positive when, in reality, she's only 30% positive.
Full Name: han hyein, 한해인
Birthdate: 11.19.1998
Current Residence: busan metropolitan city, south korea
Ethnicity: korean

Faceclaim: 김예림, 레드벨벳
Backup Faceclaim: 최예원, 오마이걸

hyein wears circle-brimmed glasses all the time, only trading them for contacts whenever it's a formal event of some sort, because of her terrible eyesight. having naturally black hair that is chest-length and light bangs that fall below her eyebrows, it's usually straightened, tied in a ponytail or braided, only occassionally curling it when she has time to do so. she's not tall when compared to her family, but she's most definitely tall when compared to her friends as she's 166cm and weighing in at 51kg. many who spot her in school see her as a complete nerd who only focuses on school, especially considering she skipped a year, but once you get to know her, you'll see that she's the complete opposite.

hyein likes to keep it simple. she owns a large collection of single-colored sweaters and shirts twice her size, along with jeans and shorts. she mostly wears sneakers, only occassionally wearing heels when it's truly needed. she prefers dresses that either are dark-colored or fitting on her body type, but she'll only wear it when needed.

Personality Traits:
positive intelligent, observant, kindhearted, mature
negative moody, stubborn, introverted, white liar

"instagram? what's that?" hyein actually didn't know about social media until summer of last year when her friend told her to get on it. she's actually the only person that isn't on any form of media besides kakao, something only her close friends and family use with her. but, because of how persistent her friend was, she decided to make an instagram for the heck of it.
"it's not copying, it's flattery." when hyein got used to instagram, she started to see what was trending with others in terms of picture content and captions. that's when she started to mimic other people's pictures and captions, in other words plagiarizing. however, this allowed her to gain more followers than the measly 200 that she started off with. now with 241K, people still don't realize that she's plagiarizing only because it's pictures of her, her friends, and her family.
"i never thought i'd meet someone like you." when chan slid into her dms one day, hyein started to enjoy talking to him online rather than face to face. why? because she always saw herself as being too introverted for people, a reason why her relationship never worked out. in fact, she liked talking to dino rather than her now ex-boyfriend, and she knew that he wouldn't leave him for someone else since she was a completely different person online. she was more outgoing, more emotionally stable— she was the opposite of who she really was in real life. and she liked that, she liked the freedom. but, when chan asks to meet in person, hyein dismisses it by saying she's too busy with college to do so, which isn't a lie since she graduated early and is in her freshman year of college. the reason she does this is out of fear that he wouldn't like her out of her online self, that he'll view her as a lesser being like her ex does.
"it's only white lies. it's nothing big." because of the fact hyein acts the complete opposite and isn't totally creative with her pictures, she tends to lie about her true self. it's her face and her camera taking the pictures, yes, but everything else isn't her. her outgoing personality? nope. her creative and aesthetically-pleasing pictures? not her ideas. but she does this because she wants to be happy, and that's all she wishes for in life. happiness.

"you did... what?" her parents and older sister of five years, jihyeon, actually didn't know that she was talking to someone online. they knew she had an instagram and kakao, in fact her family has a whole kakao chat together, but they never knew that she was talking to someone like chan online. when they found out, they were shocked that the youngest of the family would do something like this. they warned her about the people on the internet and how people shouldn't be trusted, but they never knew the one that was catfishing was their own daughter.
"hey, it's your life. you do you, love." her best friend that she met in college, shin eunyoung (born july 28, 1998), is the only one who accepts and knows of hyein talking to people online. she's very impartial over this fact since she's someone who doesn't judge others for what they choose to do. although, yes, eunyoung knows that it's wrong to talk to strangers online, but, as long as her best friend's happy, eunyoung's happy, too.
"i don't care about you or what you do." her now ex-boyfriend, jeon juheok (born november 12, 1997), actually doesn't know nor does she care that she's talking to someone online. in fact, they don't talk to each other anymore and have cut lines with each other after hyein saw him with another girl at school.

Online Love: lee chan, 이찬
How They Met:
"you like dogs, too?" funny story, but chan actually dmed her on accident rather than commenting on her picture with her pet dog, jaye (pronounced jay). how that happened is completely unknown, but it was the start of their blooming friendship.
"it's nice to talk to someone who gets me." because hyein becomes moody most of the time, she tends to vent to chan. the reason being is because her sister was away in seoul to attend college and her best friend was away on vacation during this time. in return, chan vents to her as well, especially when it comes to the stress of high school and his strict parents. because of this, they started to talk more often and became more open to each other, even despite hyein acting the complete opposite of herself. but it helps that they match each other well in terms of personality.
"nice to meet you, i'm hyein." she never once lied to the kid, but she left out vital information about herself. she didn't tell him of her age, but she told him that she was currently a freshman in college, which chan wasn't phased by. she didn't tell him about her love life or about her true personality. but, still, chan wasn't phased as everything she said was true in his eyes.
"let's talk often, yes?" her and chan talk to each other more often than they do with their own friends. they vent to each other, they help each other— they bring the best out of each other. even though chan has asked to meet her in person, hyein always dismisses it by saying she's busy, which he always accepts. but the only problem is... are chan's parents willing to accept the fact he's talking to her?
              fanfare | ang | eight out of ten
i decided to put up an example of what her instagram would look like below so you have a better picture. so hopefully you don't mind! :") also i honestly love this idea, so that's why i tried getting my app in asap ahaha - gOOD LUCK ON EVERYTHING AND WISH YOU ALL THE BEST. ps. i kind of rushed this (kinda,, sorta,, wheeze s), but hopefully everything's to your liking. ;(

+ also, she attends kyungsung university in busan as a first year as a criminology major. she graduated early from busan high on a scholarship due to her exceptionally high grades. i didn't know where to put this, bUT i thought this would be extremely important. :') if the age doesn't fit, though, i'll change the age if need be.
+ i deleted the name, birthdate, residence, and faceclaim part from the internet persona section as it wasn't necessary for my character.
Pick A Number: 3
Password: dino
"when life knocks you down, roll over and smell the roses." 🌹
˗ˏˋ my future lies in 경성대학교 ˎˊ˗
*hover over pictures for captions




































































































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