╪⌠Mysteries of Valzia High⌡╪ — 오시라. [230916]


username: fanfare / nickname: ang / activeness: 8 )

mysteries of valzia high


Name: 오시라, oh sira
  rose 로제 sira's personality is the same with the main character of one of her favorite movies, titanic, rose bukater, and also has a love for roses. because of this, her best friend would call her "rose" while in return, she would call him "jack" just for fun.

Birthdate: february 11, 1998
Birthplace: daejeon, south korea
Hometown: daejeon, south korea
Ethnicity: korean

Language(s) you speak:
 ➳ korean (chuncheong dialect) native language and dialect. fluency? 10 out of 10.
 ➳ thai she had taken a class outside of school over the summer just for the sake of learning a new language and also wanting to visit thailand one day. as of now, she's pretty fluent in the language, however, she chooses to speak it rather than write it. fluency? 9 out of 10.

positive insightful, honest, creative, altruistic
private, perfectionistic, always need a cause, burned out negative
 ➳ insightful sira always sees past the dishonesty and disingenuous motives, past manipulation and sales tactics. instead, she goes for a more honest discussion and sees things as just the judgement of others. she sees how people and events are linked together and is able to get the heart of the matter through her own insight.
 ➳ honest it's as if sira has no backbone whatsoever. she's honest to everyone and will rarely say a lie in fear of getting too into it because of the extensive freedom she could receive. although this could be seen as a bad thing, to sira this is what shapes her to have a positive outlook on life.
 ➳ creative when combining a vivid imagination and a strong sense of compassion, sira uses her creativity not only through her art, but through her mind as well. with her creative juices inside her, she's able to resolve both technical and human challenges that come her way. sira enjoys finding the perfection solution for someone they care about.
 ➳ altruistic even though being altruistic can seem like a bad trait, but this is actually seen as something good in sira. she has strong beliefs and takes the actions she does, not because she's trying to advance herself, but because she's trying to advance an idea that she thinks can benefit others and the world itself.

 ➳ private sira tends to present herself as the culmination of an idea, partly because they believe in the said idea, but also because she's an extremely private person when it comes to their personal lives. they use this image to keep themselves from having to truly open up, even to close friends. trusting a new friend can be extremely challenging for her, which is why she only has one good friend while everyone else is just "acquaintances" to her.
 ➳ perfectionistic sira's defined by her pursuit of ideals. although this can be a wonderful quality to some, an ideal situation is not always possible for her, be it in politics, business or even romance. she often drops or ignores healthy and productive situations, and relationships since she believes there might be a better option down the road for her. in addition, she tries to keep everything in tip-top shape, always trying to do everything in a way that's perfect in the eyes of others, just so she could get recognition for it.
 ➳ always need a cause she gets so caught up in the passion of her pursuits that any of the administrative or maintenance work that comes between her and the ideal she sees is extremely unwelcome. she likes to know that she's taking concrete steps towards her goals, and if routine tasks feel like they're getting in her way, or even worse, there's no goal at all, she'll feel restless and disappointed in herself. this is why many tend to feel bad for her because when she fails, even if it's just one question on a test, she'll always be saddened about it until she gets a better grade.
 ➳ burned out her passion, poor patience for routine maintenance, tendency to present herself as 'ideal', and extreme privacy tends to leave her with few options for letting off steam. she exhausts herself in short order if she doesn't find a way to balance her ideals with realistic day-to-day living. but she always strives to be better and do more things, for the sake of her mother's wishes.
Family Background:
 ➳ growing up, sira was always busy with activities and travelling with her mother. because she couldn't see her father as often, activities and travelling was a gateway out of the missing family member. although she was only five at that time, she understood as to why her father was always gone for long periods at a time, which is the reason why she disliked the army at a young age; because they took her father away from her for months and sometimes even years. she understood that it was something her father loved to do, serve for their country, but for so long? heck, he wasn't even there for the birth of their child and mark's parents, who were extremely close with the family at that time, were there to support her mother.
 ➳ as sira reached the age of ten, she was put into various activities and competitions. although she's far from being competitive, it was for something that she fel in love with— art. her mother had decided for her daughter to enter into various art competitions around seoul and even in school, which was something that her mother forbid her of doing. however, when sira began to show her mother the countless of awards and medals she received from those said competitions, she encouraged for her daughter to continue her passion. on the side, her mother put her into sports that were popular during that time. archery? sira did that at eleven. ice skating? she was decent at the age of twelve. badminton? she was okay at it at thirteen. each year was a new sport, only because sira didn't enjoy it as much as art. although, yes, she does do these sports every once in awhile with her family and friends, but her only passion was towards art. however, her mother wasn't pleased at the fact that her daughter was too focused on something that doesn't have a steady occupation when she grew older.
 ➳ when sira turned fifteen, she began working at her mother's coffee shop a few miles down from their house. that coffee shop was fairly popular for a location that was out of the city, but she was extremely proud to be working alongside her mother. however, she didn't know that her mother had done this for sira to be preoccupied and not focus on art as much as before. there, she fell in love with singing. how? her mother had hired many accoustic singers, even letting them invite fans through sns, that would sing from opening to closing on sundays. because of the countless of singers her mother hired, they were slowly decreasing in wealth, which is where the idea of her singing came into play. at the young age of sixteen, she began to sing for her mother's shop from friday to sunday. her mother didn't know that sira had such a magnificent voice; heck, no one in her family had any singing abilities. sira taught herself at fifteen and had even gotten help from her valzia high's choir teacher, who allowed for her to join the choir as a freshman. since then, sira would always come from school to her mother's coffee shop to do homework when she's free and sing when there's a good amount of customers. no one in the school knows that she sings. sure she's in choir, but not many could hear her voice since it mixes in with the other students. besides her best friend finding out when he went to the coffee shop to get a job, which he got with the help of being a family friend, no one else knows. and she wants to keep it this way for as long as possible.

 ➳ art, especially photography and painting
 ➳ creative writing
 ➳ reading of any genre minus si-fi
 ➳ singing
 ➳ music
 ➳ romantic films/movies
 ➳ flowers, especially roses
 ➳ travelling

 ➳ insects, especially since she has entomophobia
 ➳ people who don't appreciate art
 ➳ extremely hot weather
 ➳ distrustful and judgemental people
 ➳ cigarettes and smokers

 ➳ is left-handed
 ➳ when she's angered, annoyed, or pissed at someone, sira will will call them by their full name.
 ➳ she sleeps with a ton of pillows on her bed, even though she'll only use one pillow and hug another
 ➳ when she's doing homework, she'll always have classical music playing in the background in order to concentrate
 ➳ she usually places top five in various art shows for painting and photography, but mostly for painting
 ➳ she works part-time as a coffee shop singer at her mother's restaurant over the weekend from opening to closing
 ➳ when she gets the chance to in later years, she wants to travel to thailand

Persona in school: "the art perfectionist", "the perfectionist"

Best Subject: literature/language arts, art
Worst Subject: history
Grades: high to low A

Part of School Student Council?: no, however, she was asked by a teacher if she wanted to join the student council, but declined due to her various amount of clubs she's in.
Clubs you are in:
 ➳ yearkbook club
 ➳ photography club
 ➳ art club
 ➳ choir

Face-claim: baek yerin, 15&
Back-up Face-claim: kim jiyeon, wjsn

Family Members: 
 ➳ "mama" 오애정, oh aejeong / owner @ coffee bean coffee shop / as a child, sira was always attached to her mother, even when she was busy at the coffee shop. but that was only because her father wasn't around most of the time due to his occupation. sira would always go to her mother whenever worst comes to shove or if she needed advice about something. the only downside is that her mother always pushed her to keep her grades up to the best of her abilities and encouraged her to do various activities on the side. although that's a typical parent for her stereotype, sira followed along with her words, only because she wants her mother to be proud of her, even if she was tired over her busy schedule. closeness rate? 9 out of 10.
 ➳ "papa" 오신우, oh shinwoo / lieutenant @ republic of korea's military / sira doesn't speak to him as much as she wants. it's not because she hates her father, but it's the fact that she rarely sees him. being in a family with a father who is a lietenant of the army isn't something like descendants of the sun. the only way sira is able to see her father is when he decides or gets a vacation off, which is never a whole year (the longest vacation he's had since she was born was for two months). when they finally get to meet, her father tries to patch things up with sira, who forces herself to smile brightly to keep her father happen when in reality, the emptiness left by her father hurts her. closeness rate? 5 out of 10.

 ➳ "jack" 段宜恩, mark yien tuan / 4th year student, part of the dance club/team @ valzia high / never leave these two alone whatsoever. when mark and sira are left alone or sit next to each other, all they want to do is tug on each others' faces and play fight with each other, even in public. when the two are alone with no one around them, however, they tend to initiate skinship casually. mark is someone who enjoys skinship, especially if he's comfortable with that person. so, you'll usually see them hugging or linking arms together, but never kissing. people who see them together would think that they're either in a relationship or are slowly taking interest to each other. but they're just very comfortable with each other and say that they don't see each other dating themselves. plus, their practically family, considering that their parents have been friends for years. but the thing about that is, is that she tends to get called upon for the fact that she's "dating a senior" who's "out of her league". because of the school's reputation for specials and dating, mark and sira would tend to keep their distance away from each other. but how can they when they're like magnets and will always, always, end up near each other in some shape or form? for fun, mark would call her "rose" and sira would call him "jack", only because the two were extremely close with each other and will do anything for one other (not because of their love relationship in titanic. closeness rate? 10 out of 10.

 ➳ to sira, everyone else in the school, minus mark, is pretty much just someone she knows. sure, she talks to people in the clubs she's in, but she doesn't label them as "friends" or "best friends", unless she feels comfortable around you. but for now, they're just simply acquaintances to her.




Love Interest: 김유겸, kim yugyeom
Back-up Love Interest: 段宜恩, mark yien tuan

Age: 19 (20 in korea)
Birthdate: november 17, 1997

positive charming, passionate, sensitive towards others, curious
stressed, competitive, unpredictable, flunctuating self-esteem negative
 ➳ charming yugyeom is a very relaxed and warm person as he has a "live and let live" attitude. because of this, it naturally makes him likable and popular throughout the campus.
 ➳ passionate he has an intense feeling in his heart which causes him to be caught up in something exciting and/or interesting. when he's caught up, he can leave everything in the dust, while only focusing on what he loves most.
 ➳ sensitive towards others yugyeom easily relates to others' emotions and is willing to help them to extablish harmony and good will, even trying to minimize conflict(s) to the best of his abilities.
 ➳ curious although many go with ideas, yugyeom, in particular, needs to see and explore for himself as to whether or not their ideas are true. work revolving around the sciences may seem like a poor match for him, but a boldly artistic and humanistic vision is often what research needs to move forward to. this is only when he's given the freedom to do so, at least.

 ➳ stressed because he lives in the present that's full of emotion, when situations get out of control, yugyeom tends to shut down and lose their characteristic charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth.
 ➳ competitive yugyeom can escalate small things into intense competitions, even turning down long-term success in order to continue his search for glory in the moment. however, when he loses, he's unhappy and angry about himself.
 ➳ unpredictable although he can be a hopeless romantic, he's not one to like long-term commitments and plans. the tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause strain in his romantic relationships and financial hardship further into his life. however, when the right person comes, this trait of his will suddenly disappear, as his love and passion towards that person will become his main focus.
 ➳ fluctuating self-esteem it's demanded that skills be quantified, but that's something extremely hard to do with his strong sensitivity. yugyeom's efforts are often dismissed, a hurtful and damaging blow, especially early into their life. he can start to believe the naysayers without strong support.

 ➳ sira isn't all that easy to him and many others, even despite being extremely great friends with mark. yugyeom always wonders as to why she's quiet around him, but comfortable around one of his closest friends, mark tuan. maybe it's because mark has more things in common with her, work at the same place, and are both in the yearbook club. but even so, yugyeom's always wondered about it.
 ➳ the two don't know much about each other besides what he hears through mark, but yugyeom is extremely familiar with her being amazing at singing and is in a number of clubs related to art. as for sira, she only knows yugyeom as the "b-boy from namyangju". she doesn't know much about him besides that, but she's usually curious about who he is as a person only because she just knows him as what his persona throughout the school.
 ➳ when the two's paths ever cross, yugyeom would be the one to say hi to sira. in response, sira would just smile to him, only occassionally saying "hi" back from time to time. however, because yugyeom is a complete and utter hopeless romantic, or as many of his friends say, he tries to get closer to sira as much as possible. but will sira ever notice yugyeom's presence? only time will tell.

Year: 4
Relationship: acquaintance

 ➳ telepathy he uses this in order to check up on sira and is able to read her thoughts, sense her feelings and see the world through her eyes. he'll know when she's feeling sad, angry, upset or happy; because he'll also feel her sadness, anger, pain and happiness as well. and later into learning about his power, he'll be able to put happy and calming thoughts into her head when she's feeling bad. but, of course, there's a price that comes with it. whenever he switches her thoughts with calmness and happiness, he'll absorb the negative feelings and he'll end up becoming like how sira was before while she's happy and smiling. it's tough, yes, but he doesn't particularly care; as long as he's able to see her smiling, it's all okay for him.


Comments: i hope you like my character! there might be stuff being added or edited, so i forwarn you. :")

Expectations: i only have anticipations for the story since the plot seems really good and the teasers are great! :')
 ➳ someone goes to the coffee shop where she works and find out about her singing voice (can be one of the girls or yugyeom)
 ➳ more to be added

Password: red velvet and 15& tbh ;;



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