백우신 × is searching for × STARLIGHT [100916]

× searching for starlight
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"art washes away, from the soul, the dust of everyday life." — pablo picasso


full name // 백우신, baek wooshin
other names //
× bwshoutk — username on sirius.
wooshout — a play on his name; since his name includes 'in', his friends started to call him wooshout just for fun, however, in the end, that nickname became his username for practically everything.
nine lives — because he's a huge cat lover and is even a leo, he often gets teased about how he "has nine lives, why aren't you wasting them and spending time out", "this event won't ruin your nine lives streak", etc.; although he gets annoyed by this, he's come to terms with this nickname; due to that myth of cats having only nine lives and him not taking a ton of adventure-esque trips, despite being able to drive, he gets called this nickname often.

birthdate + age // july 28, 1995 + 21 (22 in korea)
zodiac sign // leo (pussycat type)
hometown // ulsan, south korea
ethnicity // korean
languages //
× korean (gyeongsang dialect) — fluent; native language and dialect
english — semi-fluent; he wants to learn english in order to communicate since he wishes to work overseas, however, he's still in the process of perfecting his grammar and pronunciation
face claim // BTS 박지민
backup // MONSTAX 신호석
appearance // 
× wooshin is the type of guy that doesn't like to be the center of attention, but, at the same time, craves attention when it comes to his strengths. he's on the shorter side, standing at 176cm, and weighing in at 61kg, but that just helps him blend in with the crowd. he has slender fingers that he always runs through his recently-dyed ash-blonde hair that's naturally black. his lips are plump and fairly small and ontop of that, a button nose with cat-like brown eyes that curves into crescents when his lips form a wide smile.
fashion sense // 
× his color scheme is very bland and neutral-toned, but he enjoys simplicity. his clothes are very basic that consists of t-shirts, sweaters and other necessary clothes that fit his current environment. he'll accessorize a bit with beanies and scarves, but they, too, are very neutral-toned. he'll never wear outrageous clothes that reveal a ton of skin, but he enjoys it loose and comfortable, which is why he's usually seen in a sweater.

positive artistic, pasionate, charming
reserved, unpredictable, competitive 
× wooshin is a very artistic person; being creative in tangible ways and with stunning beauty. whether it's through painting his emotions or drawing scenery, it's done in a stunning way that makes him resonate with others through visual interpretations. he's also very passionate in everything he does with his whole heart. when he's doing something exciting or interesting to him, he'll leave everything else behind just to follow his passions; his heart. not only that, but to everyone he ;'encounters one way or another, he's known to be a very charming person both inside and out. although he's not one to talk a whole lot, he's still known to everyone as a charming and considerate person. wooshin is very warm and relaxed most of the time, even when he's angry he's extremely relaxed. he goes with a "live and let live" kind of attitude, which makes him naturally likable and somewhat popular without even trying to.
× but with every horrible thing, there's always those downsides in someone that makes it harder for them to be approachable. wooshin tends to be independent most of the time since he believes that a freedom of expression and individuality is a number one priority. he'll follow rules in school, yes, but he tends to steer away from most traditions and rules set forth for him as a child. wooshin thinks such things just oppress the person more than needed, so he'll break rules when he feels as if it's necessary for himself. wooshin's also unpredictable and he has trouble making and keeping long-term relationships and plans. this has caused him trouble with friendships and relationships, which is why his few friends are basically just his group of friends he met on sirius and his sibling. he tends to not hit deadlines when they're set, which is an important aspect of an art major, but he tries to fix that habit of his. although he's very independent, he knows that, in the future, he'll have to find someone that matches him. although it's not totally evident since he doesn't show emotions, besides the typical happy and content, he's extremely competitive, a reason why he tends to turn down long-term success in order to search for glory in the moment. however, when he loses, he can become unhappy with the results. the worst part, though? he won't show it.
× wooshin remembers clearly meeting his group of friends back in school. the first person he met was STARLIGHT, but wooshin knows the username as a young girl that goes by the name of im yewon. he remembers that it was his first time on sirius and the first thing he did was update his profile and post a picture of a drawing he did once in his art class. he got a lot of recognition for his artwork and gained a lot of attention even off the site for it since it was reuploaded on various different sites. and that's when he got into contact with yewon. she complimented him on his work and, ever since then, they've gotten close. although they're two completely different people in terms of what they want to become in the future, they got along well. they were each other's backbones and had always stuck by each other through rough times, especially considering that wooshin had gone through a lot. but, of course, the rest of the group was equally as helpful for him. but yewon. yewon was another case for wooshin. she was special to him and he couldn't have asked for a greater person to be his rock.
× years passed and the group was still intact, however, wooshin lost contact with a few of them. because of differences in career paths and going away for college, wooshin began to focus a lot more on finishing college and opening his own art studio and become a storyboard artist in america. he had big plans for himself in terms of his career, even hoping to go live abroad if he's able to. but because of the fact he's focusing more on art, he steered away from the site and his friends a bit. the only time he checks sirius and contacts his group of friends is either when he's free or when they contact him themselves. but he still considers them all his friends; his first real friends, actually.
× back in school he was a popular person, yes, but he didn't have any friends besides his older brother by one year. wonjun, his older brother, was practically his only friend back in high school. but they were complete opposites. while wooshin was more into art, wonjun was a sports fanatic. while wooshin was on the quiet side, wonjun was the party animal. the reason why people knew about wooshin? his brother. without his brother, he wouldn't be known in school and he wouldn't have gotten recognition for his art. but being the younger brother of a student athlete, has its downsides. because wooshin is far from a sports fanatic, he gets compared to wonjun frequently. but everyone knows that the baek siblings are talented one way or another, and wooshin is amazing at art. despite different interests and personalities, they're probably the closest to each other in their family and wooshin loves him nevertheless.

 #family born in ulsan; family consists of one older brother by a year, mother, and father
 #artistry got into art at six after getting compliments on his drawing of a cat
 #alias known as the artistwonjun's artsy brother, and just wooshin throughout school
 #sirius joined months after it's official release; first post is a drawing based on the zodiac signs
 #milkyway a group of friends that met on sirius; meet up every now and then
#starlight im yewon aka his backbone, his rock, and his greatest friend
 #pohang travelled to pohang university and got his own apartment to be closer to the squad
 #america wishes to go to america to open his own art studio and become a storyboard artist
 #feline later known as nine lives, later is compared to cats, and later even owns one
#sorry left his parents in a crital point in life, causing him to feel unwanted and "the problem"
 #embark yewon, where'd you go?
× older brother — baek wonjun february 15, 1994 (23; 24 in korea) while wooshin was more based on aristry, wonjun was all about being active. wooshin was always compared to his brother in the sense that his brother was more popular and "successful" than wooshin. having a brother who was a star athlete with killer looks was all it took for people to compare the not-as-amazing, not-as-popular, younger brother to the eldest. while wooshin would stay at home, wonjun was the party animal. while wooshin would do art in his room, wonjun would be doing his sports. they're completely opposite in terms of interest and even personality, but the two are always seen with each other in and out of school. because wooshin is not fairly known and doesn't have his own 'clique' to stick with, besides his friends on sirius, wonjun would always have wooshin join him during lunch or when they both have free periods. usually wooshin declines his offers during free period, but for lunch, he's all for it. they would help each other with their individual school work and would always bounce ideas off of one another. although wonjun is older than wooshin, wooshin tends to do his brother's homework and projects, especially when it came to art. it surprises wooshin that his brother was never caught for it, but that was how the two communicated and interacted most of the time. sure, they would have their differences, especially since they're opposites, but their sibling bond overpowers anything, which is why they would always have each other's backs.
best friend — im yewon december 12, 1996 (21; 22 in korea) out of all the people in the milkyway squad, yewon is the one person wooshin is closest to. he always goes to her when he needs advice or just someone to talk to about, well... anything. yewon is someone he trusts with everything, and even more than his own brother. wooshin doesn't know why he goes to yewon for advice and help when she's hours away from him. however, thanks to sirius, they're able to talk online when needed. to wooshin, yewon is practically his backbone as she's able to keep everything together and going smoothly, especially in his own life. to him, yewon is a strong rock for him that keeps him from doing anything that can cost him his life (i.e. lead him to an impending doom of some sort, etc.). however, besides talking on sirius, they try to meet with the rest of the group, even despite the travel time for him being nearly two hours long. besides, he'll do anything for his one and only group of friends, even if it meant travelling long distances to meet up. however, wooshin tends to cling onto yewon the most out of the group, only out of trust and comfort since he's more comfortable with yewon. wooshin tends to initiate skinship with her, like hugging and allowing her to link arms or casually rest her head on her shoulder; basically, any kind of skinship is okay with him. but because of the amount of skinship wooshin allows, he doesn't know his true feelings for her. however, he doesn't imagine him being in a relationship with her. it's just that he sees her as a younger sister that he can go to for anything and everything. and once he heard that yewon went m.i.a. from sirius and the group, he chooses to drop everything to try and find her.
 — art; especially loves sketching, painting, and photography
 — nature-esque places, especially the beach and lakes
 — cats
 — astrology

 — plants, especially cacti and ferns
 — being the center of attention
 — loosing close friends/relatives and competitions
 — being pitied or unloved
 — being compared to his brother
 — has a hard time saying "no" to people
 — he has a habit of running his fingers through his hair, and there's no serious reason behind it
 — has his own apartment in pohang; the reason he chose to live in pohang is to be in the same general area of his friends
 — has a pet cat named 차이 ("chai")
 — when he's angry, he'll stay calm which makes it extremely scary for people around him
 — is enrolled in pohang university, majoring in fine arts
 — has had his driver's license ever since he was 20 (21 in korea) and is usually the designated driver when he goes out with his family; because of this, he travels often from ulsan to pohang
 — his family has a debt of nearly 2,000,000 won because of the fact they had to send wooshin to a school two hours away on no scholarship and provide him an apartment since he didn't want to stay in a dorm; on top of that, her mother is reaching the age of getting dimentia as she's nearing 60 years of life, so they've been taking extra precaution towards her
 — he keeps secrets of feeling lower than everyone since he gets compared to his brother and tends to feel lonely as he doesn't have any other friends out of the squad (reason why he owns a cat; he gets hella lonely at home ;;); wooshin also puts a lot of stress on himself in order to make his parents proud for his accomplishments since his goal is aiming too high (moving to america to open an art studio and become a storyboard artist) and he feels unwanted in the family as he believes to be the cause of his family's debt

final words // honestly love this story plot and just - wOW OMF. if there's anything that needs fixing or needs to be added, i'll do just that!! :')
 + i tried fixing up the layout so it was easier to read, but the portion above was difficult to fix so ;(
 + it's still kind of under construction, especially in the trivia and relationships sO yeah!!1
 + loosely inspired by papertowns by john green, zodiac sign of a leo, and jimin's artistic skills
 + note: dates and ages are up to the present time of the story (june 2017)
scene reqs //
× although love doesn't play a huge part in the story, maybe one of the character's starts to fall in love with one of the others or even yewon herself (if it's yewon, they can possibly be heartbroken by the fact she has a boyfriend) (maybe it can be wooshin???)
× i can picture wooshin taking pictures or drawing practically everyone and everything around him (ex. friends sleeping, rest stops, beaches, etc.)
× someone ends up getting injured or sick one way or another, and they just tell everyone that they'll "wait until they find yewon" (since yewon is a medicine major); unless someone in the group is also a medicine/medical student?
× a fight over something simple/small (ex. what music to play, what food to eat, etc.)
more to be added

× search party by sam bruno
× falling by haim
× lost it to trying (paper towns mix) by son lux
× younger (kygo remix) by seinabo sey
more to be added
 — wooshin let out a soft chuckle through a smile. he's never been on a roadtrip before, nor has he thought that this moment would be his first experience. he folded his hands together as his eyes formed small crescents, his smile remaining, as he bowed only slightly, "hello, i'm baek wooshin, and thank you for the warm welcoming!"

 — his lips pursed together into a puckered pair as he continued to reminisce about when he joined sirius years ago. he vaguely remembers the friends he made and that little squad he's kept near and dear to his heart; a reason why he didn't let go of his love for astrology, "i joined a few months after the site was released. it was the talk of my school and my curiosity just kicked in. not only that, but back then i loved the concept of horoscopes and other zodiac signs." wooshin nodded his head with a small, yet cutesy, grin whilst running his hand through his hair out of habit.

 — "getting close to my friends was part of my reason for joining, yes. but i thought that since i'm intrigued with astrology, why not join in on the fun, no," he playfully tilted his head to the side as he let out a soft simper which quickly turned into a fit of laughter. wooshin knew that the sole reason was personally to get close to friends and possibly make more since he's a very reserved person. but it's also true that he got into astrology through sirius. yes, he loved reading horoscopes every now and then, but that was pretty much all he knew about astrology. he didn't know it had a deeper meaning and purpose behind it, but with the help of the site, he got to know both astrology and others on the website.

 — "mm," he looked up at the plant hanging from his ceiling, trying to think of a good enough response to tell the anonymous user through the video chat. wooshin, in all honesty, wasn't doing too well. he's been stressing in his final year of college and, on top of that, his family hasn't been doing too great. but how is wooshin so sure that he should trust this person? he doesn't know who it is. the anonymous user spoke aloud, asking him his response, before wooshin snapped back into reality. "o-oh, well, i've just been stressing over school. it's my final year in college, but besides that, i've been doing alright. and secrets? i... really don't have any. i'm pretty open about things if i'm close to them." that was a complete lie, and only wooshin knew that. he always tells his friends he's doing good when, in reality, he isn't. to know what he's really like, what he's really feeling, he showcases it to what he does best; art.

 — "ah," wooshin let out a soft chuckle as he remembered yewon. the two are complete opposites, but they somehow got along with each other. they met on the site, obviously, but yewon had complimented wooshin on a drawing based on astrology that he posted onto sirius. practically that drawing gained attention from almost everyone on the site, but he was glad to have gotten to know yewon because she was honestly a gem. wooshin smiled to the camera, "she's extremely important to me. when i was feeling down, i always went to her for advice and help. although she's significantly younger than me, i'm not all that intelligent. but, yewon. yewon was always there for me so, of course, she was, and still is, an important part in my life."

 — "honestly speaking, i don't know," wooshin shook his head. ever since yewon stopped contacting him, he felt abandoned and upset. she stopped sending messages to practically everyone and wooshin didn't know why. he thought it was because of him; because he always asked her for advice or help. he thought it was all because of him. but he's not that much of an idiot to know that it might not be about him. it might be about her own life. "i mean, we talked about everything and we were each other's backbones. knowing her, possibly, she was hiding something and felt the need to escape? because when people are hiding something, they tend to drop everything and leave. i know we talked about everything and i possibly told her all about my life, but i felt as if when she talked about herself to me, there was something missing. but i'm not quite sure what that 'something' is."

 — "if i had to choose," wooshin wasn't all that big into fairy-tales since he was more of a nonfictional reader, but he recalls hearing about fairy-tales in school and even in college as a sort of 'inspiration' to create pieces of art. wooshin continued, "i'd probably pick peter pan. it's just something about the story that intrigues me. the fact that it's about two worlds that share the same sky and only seperated by flying; the world of what we're a part of and the other world of where we wish to be. i just love that concept of the story. and to relate it?" wooshin didn't know how to connect it to sirius or even his group of friends he made on the site. he couldn't say they were childish like the kids in the story because not all of them were childish. he could say they were facing problems like peter pan to captain hook, but that's not a good thing to link to everyone since he didn't know what their problems were. wooshin didn't know what to say, but he would hate to leave the anonymous user hanging, so, he spoke, "honestly, i can't pinpoint an exact way to connect peter pan to sirius or my friends. i mean, we go through a lot like the kids in the story. we're all different, but, in a way, similar like the characters. we do share the same sky, the same stars, like the story. but besides all that, that's pretty much it, really."

 — "this roadtrip," he pursed his lips together before emitting a soft chuckle and smiling to the anonymous user. "knowing the group, i'll probably end up being the main driver since i'm one of the eldest of our group and, well, that's my role most of the time. if i'm not driving, i'll probably end up taking pictures or drawing out scenes because... i don't know. i feel like a roadtrip like this deserves to be remembered one way or another. with that being said, i'll probably either be the driver or, what i like to call, the 'memory box'."

 — "no, thank you," wooshin smiled to the camera for, probably, the millionth time in one sitting. although he didn't know who the user was, but he allowed him to remember about the good times in high school. it was good to reminisce about them, especially when he was stressing over his final year in kyunghee. he was grateful, but also worried. where really was yewon?


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