≈LIKE I'M ON TV.º 성나리, SONG NARI || #10 [040716]


나리, NARI : 성나리, song nari
fanfare : ang : 8-9
full name : 성나리, song nari
other NAME(s) : 
♚ 典子浜崎 ("noriko hamasaki") — japanese name; given name
nickname(s) : 
♚ 典 ("nori"—  this is what her parents would call her since her given name is noriko hamasaki, but she preferred to have a korean name in order to fit in with korea and to never be found by her parents; this is where she thought of her name 'nari'
♚ 리 ("ri"— those that she would deem 'close friends' are the ones who call her this, though it's rare since many would just end up calling her 'nari'
birthdate : may 12, 1997; 19 years old (20 in korea)
birthplace : seoul, south korea
hometown : incheon, south korea
ethnicity : korean-japanese
languages : 
♚ korean (10/10) — native language
♚ japanese (9/10) — though she's still working on her pronunciation, she's quite fluent due to her father's japanese heritage
♚ english (7/10)
 — because of it being a universal language, her father thought it would be a good idea for her to study up on her english for any potential meetings overseas when she runs the family business, however she's only conversational
what makes me beautiful
faceclaim : 名井 南  of twice ; tumblr
backup : 손나은 of apink ; tumblr
height & weight : 169cm & 53kg
bloodtype : a
style : although before she left her parents would put her into business casual clothes, once she reached 18 (in korean age) she began to wear simple clothes. nari would tend to wear jeans and a plain-colored t-shirt, sometimes wearing a sweater/hoodie, when she's not in school.

this is me
traits : 
♚ positive — elegant, loving, intelligent, protective
♚ negative — insecure, perfectionist, emotional, anxious
personality : 
elegant — since a very young age, she was told to always act graceful and mature no matter what she did, and she still continues to do so. although she's only 18/19, she's sophisticated and graceful.
loving — no matter who it is, even her parents, nari is loving and cares for those around her, be it through simple tasks or simple smiles.
— not only does she rank top ten in her class, she always makes wise decisions that get her going.
protective — stems from being loving; she always watches out for those around her and tries her best to keep others safe from harm, even if it means risking her own life.

insecure — nari doesn't have a ton of confidence when it comes to herself, and this sets her back. her insecurity gets the best of her sometimes and she believes this is why she doesn't want to enter financing/business (she's not confident in handling the business on her own).
perfectionist — stems from her elegance; she wants to be someone who doesn't carry a ton of flaws. however this is one of her flaws; her negative traits. she wants to do everything correctly and wants to live the life that she wants— her perfect life.
emotional — because of the amount of stress her parents put on her as a child, she would always get overly stressed to the point she gets emotional. this isn't something that sets her back all too much, but when worse comes to shove, she'll stay quiet and become sensitive towards everyone.

anxious — stems from being protective; since nari is protective over those around her, she always worries for them. sometimes, even, she worries over herself, whether she made the right choice with her family.
background : 
nari was born into a wealthy family in south korea's capital. her father being a ceo and chairman of his own company whilst your mother was vice chairman. nari? nari actually didn't see what all the hustle and bustle about working in the company was. at a very young age, her parents would push her, their only child, into entering the business and soon taking over when her father passes. but nari didn't want to live the 'fancy and rich' lifestyle that she was born into. heck, she wasn't even interested in running the company let alone being in the business and financial field.
at 17 (which would be 18 in korea), she left her humble abode and moved into her own apartment. the worst part? she had taken half her money from her bank account and didn't tell her parents of her whereabouts. nari wanted to start a new life without her parents urging her to run the business. she wanted to get away from it all; from the mayhem and forceful tasks provided to her. she wanted to earn her way into college that she wants, not buy her way into the college provided by her parents. she still goes to the same school, yes, but she moved hours away from her parents; incheon, to be precise. she got a new hairstyle, she got tanner— she completely changed so her parents wouldn't find her.
as a child in school, kids would look at her like some kind of monster. why? because they know of her family's background— wealthy. she was also the quiet one in school and had only a small amount of friends, though her friends were part of the popular group while nari was just at the right place and the right time. because of her high status and quiet persona in school, students would tend to make way for her and not bother talking to her. being the heir of a company and having the label 'ice queen/heiress' was what caused her to dislike her parents, the family business, and even herself.
likes : 
♚ perfection
♚ studying, especially literature
♚ bringing joy to others, even if she can't give it to herself
♚ ice cream, especially vanilla bc basic af
♚ animals, especially rabbits
♚ ice skating, though she's only intermediate at it
dislikes : 
♚ the family business, though this may possibly change
♚ being treated like an outcast
♚ isolation
♚ imperfection
♚ insects (suffers from entomophobia)
hobbies : 
♚ walks around seoul, though avoiding her parents as best she can, and incheon (mostly incheon)
♚ studying (which is the complete opposite of me oml)
♚ photography, though she rarely takes ones of herself
♚ reading
♚ cooking and baking
habits : 
♚ she hums, especially on her walks and when she's cooking
♚ she plays with her nails when she's sitting and bored, usually happens in classes that she dislikes
♚ when she's upset, she usually stays quiet or takes solitary walks
trivia : 
♚ she plans to go back on her parents's wishes to become either a journalist or writer
♚ she lives in an apartment with her best friend, nayeon
♚ she works two part-time jobs in incheon; a librarian helper and a waitress
♚ she's the next in line to run her father's company (heiress), however she doesn't want to run it [by herself]
♚ she doesn't use her given name ('noriko hamasaki'), but rather her chosen name 'song nari' and people don't know about this since she paid for her birth certificate to say 'song nari' (we gotta rebel over here!!!), her school knows her as 'song nari', etc.

we're all here to help
family :
♚ 遥斗浜崎 ("haruto hamasaki") — father (insp. n/a)
53 : chairman and ceo of hsk company (business company)
→ the two are not on the best terms. sure, nari would smile and say 'hello' to her father, but because of the fact nari is being forced to run the family business herself, they're not necessarily on speaking terms or always on the same page. as of now, nari doesn't speak with her father. when their paths do cross in the future, however, she vows to tell him of her wishes.
♚ 성아라 ("song ahra"— mother (insp. n/a)
49 : vice chairwoman of hsk company (business company)
→ unlike her father, her mother always wished for the best. the catch? she wanted nari to do whatever she wanted as a side job while being the new ceo/chairwoman was her main priority. since then, they don't talk to one another. in the future, she also wants to tell her mother of her wishes.
friends : 
♚ 임나연 ("im nayeon"— best friend, 'sister' (insp. anna)
19 : high school student, barista
→ although nayeon is only younger by a few months and is nowhere near blood related to nari, it's as if the two are practically sisters; twins, even. they always help each other when they need it, though it turns out to be nayeon helping nari 80% of the time. they even live in the same apartment just so they'll always be around each other. the only downside is that nayeon goes to a different high school, so nari is usually left to fend for herself in school. she didn't tell nayeon about the rude comments she recieves in school. instead, she tells her about the good things that happened, only because nari knows nayeon will kill someone off.
♚ 유기현 ("yoo kihyun"— close friend, co-worker (insp. olaf)
21 : college student at snu, waiter
→ the only time the two interact is at work, but sometimes they find time in each other's busy schedules to hang out (though that's rare because of nari's two part-time jobs and schooling). kihyun is a really outgoing and optimistic person, so when nayeon's at work, nari would contact kihyun for either a shoulder to cry on or just someone to make her laugh, and kihyun would always know what to say to do just that.
PLOTlines : 
♚ plotline #1, barbie — classmate, 'beauty queen' vs. 'ice queen'
18/19 : high school student
→ out of all the others in her school, she most relates to barbie. since both have the personality trait of being 'perfect', they would talk to each other about their struggles of this trait. but it's only when no one's around that barbie talks to her. why? because nari is seen as an 'ice queen' while barbie is seen as a 'beauty queen'; two opposites than never go together in public.
♚ plotline #2, noddy — classmate, acquaintance
18/19 : high school student
→ the two were once paired for a writing assignment, but whatever nari would say, noddy would just.. nod. they rarely talk unless they're paired with each other for a project or assignment, but when they do interact it's quite awkward due to their clashing personalities and quiet aura.
♚ plotline #3, george — schoolmate, 'stalker'
18/19 : high school student
→ nari is a fairly quiet person in school which gives her that mysterious outlook. this causes george to become curious over her (what she's like, who she is, etc.). they don't know of one another since they don't have any classes together, but george would always seem to find a way to cross paths with her. but nari would notice george and think of george as something more than 'curious'; a stalker, to be exact.
♚ 박미나 ("park mina"— locker neighbor, 'ballerina'
18/19 : high school student
→ mina and nari would always bond over their love for ballet and ice skating. why? because the two tend to always match with one another. nari had always wanted to try ballet, but never did due to her parents not wanting her to try something 'mainstream'. so, they enrolled nari into ice skating, the closest thing to ballet that she can get. mina, on the other hand, would be fascinated with nari's stories of being on the ice. sometimes, when mina and nari would meet (which is only at their lockers), they would always see if they're free on certain days to either go to the dance studio or the ice skating rink (though it usually only happens on weekends because of nari's work).
♚ plotline #5, mickey mouse — schoolmate
18/19 : high school student
→ the popular guy of the school had always fancied nari for her mischievious and quiet personality. mickey had always tried hooking up with nari, but she isn't dumb enough to see that he's the biggest rebel/player in the school. they rarely talk and meet, but when their paths do cross, expect mickey to try and flirt with her, even when he knows for a fact that she's dating someone.
♚ plotline #6, gumball — classmate, 'child'
18/19 : high school student
→ out of all the people she would be stuck with in a good portion of her classes, gumball is the destined one to be nari's classmate. they rarely talk, unless they're partnered for a project or assignment, but their interactions are one like a mother towards her child. because of gumball's immaturity, nari would always watch after gumball in class, making sure gumball doesn't do anything stupid to harm him or others.
♚ plotline #7, kim — schoolmate, 'bathroom red string'
18/19 : high school student
→ the only time they interact is when they go to the bathroom because, somehow, fate decided that they go to the bathroom at the same time everyday. it would happen so often to the point that kim and nari decided to think of it as a 'bathroom red string of fate'. when they converse, it's always for short periods, so they would always talk about each other's days, how they are, etc. all while washing their hands or sometimes even doing their.. number one duties.
♚ plotline #8, dora — schoolmate, 'animal lover'
18/19 : high school student
→ because of their similar liking towards animals, they would converse over that. but usually, it's only over that. they would bump into each other at nari's work (most preferred: library bc, like, imagine them conversing over an animal book oh god,,) and would tend to talk about different animals, even looking up pictures of them to squeal in excitement.
♚ plotline #9, b1 and b2 — schoolmate
18/19 : high school student
→ these are two people that nari would barely interact with. she knows of them because they're considered the duo that would always be together, but because of nari's clashing personality with them, b1 and b2 never got to know nari behind the 'ice queen/monster' title.
♚ 박정수 ("park jeongsu"— boss, 'father' (insp. grand pabbie)
34 : owner of restaurant
→ he's someone that's both wise, gentle and caring towards his workers and those he cares about. although nari isn't particularly close with jeongsu, she relies on him for advice that only a father could give. in return, nari would always do her best at her job, which makes jeongsu proud like a true father should be.

getting to know you more
character quote : "i put the past behind me."
plotline : plotline #10, free ; elsa, snow queen of arendelle
progress : nari slowly learns that things will happen for a reason and being more open is not a huge problem. however, she struggles with trying to make her life as perfect as can be and that holding insecurities will only make things worse. but with the help of her friends and love interest, she begins to realize these things are what brings her down.
conclusion : she'll become someone who accepts her fate and insecurities. she may still be a perfectionist at times, but she learns that some things need to be imperfect to work out. she throws away that perfect lifestyle for an imperfect one. but, the real question is, will she realize her wrongs in time for graduation? (author's choice!)

"in a world full of wrong,
you're the thing that's right."
love interest : 이태용 of nct
backup love interest : none or,, maybe an applicant? :')
personality : (insp. jack frost)
♚ positive — generous, kind, self-confident
♚ negative — rebellious, prideful, sarcastic (may change in the future)
first meeting : their first meeting was anything but a fairytale. they first met at nari's job at the restaurant. taeyong had gone there to meet up with his friends for a get together after school. nari was working that time, however she was quite tired due to a lack of sleep the previous night. she was waiting on taeyong's table and what does she do? she accidentally spills water on him, causing taeyong to curse in front of everyone.
taeyong: look at what you did!
nari: oh my god, i'm so sorry!
taeyong: yeah, you should be.
a few days later, nari went to school and to her dismay, she bumped into taeyong. he remembered her clearly and only smirked. nari, on the other hand, just shoved him away so she could head to class. what did that smirk mean? it meant that taeyong was going to make nari regret her decisions. how? by making her his girlfriend.
the next time they met was after school at the same restaurant. after that, nari had a gut feeling that taeyong was up to something; something she'll probably hate when she finds out. but, somehow, after a few weeks 'accidentally meeting' at the restaurant everyday, taeyong would watch her every move while she works. suddenly, his heart would race and a smile would form. suddenly, the bad boy began to fall for the good girl.
taeyong: nari, i like you.
nari: um, what?
taeyong: do you like me?
sadly, nari doesn't feel a spark between her and taeyong. but this doesn't stop taeyong from loving the girl he used to mess around with. later in that week, he asks for a month to win her heart. if he can't, then he'll stop chasing after her. nari agrees and within that month of cheesiness and meetups, she soon feels a spark, and soon enough they begin to date.
relationship : they may seem like an odd pair, especially in school because no one thought the bad boy would fall for a quiet "monster" like her, but they prove everyone wrong. they go on dates whenever nari is off from work and their kind of date would either be to taeyong's place to watch a movie or to an amusement park. they would always talk about their worries and their lives with one another, putting full trust in each other for everything.
status : dating (after a gruesome two years of knowing each other ;;)
ending : they continue to go on dates and taeyong completely made a 360 on his personality, going from the bad boy to the boy next door. they soon enter college, however they enter into different ones. (author's choice as to whether or not they'll continue to date despite being in different colleges :'p) or her parents find out that she's dating taeyong due to the accidental meetup at nari's workplace. (again, author's choice on whether they accept it or not)
how he finds out : funny enough, they were talking about what movie they should watch and taeyong suggests 'frozen' since he heard that the second movie comes out soon. suddenly, nari freaks out and suggests something else like 'rise of the guardians' or 'toy story'. then suddenly, taeyong notices the similarities between her and elsa which only makes nari tell him about her true self.

anything else?
comments : when the mention of these tv shows came up, i was like "man, i should apply" but then my childhood hit me hard oh my god :')
+ i tried my best to explain everything to the point some parts are confusing. so if anything's confusing or doesn't fit, then i'll surely fix/delete whatever!
+ i didn't know who to be, but then i saw the free plotline and you mentioned jack frost/elsa and then this app happened. so i hope you like her! if there's anything i need to fix, i'll surely do that asap!
+ since its an au, i gave the idols different jobs rather than their usual 'idol, group, etc', and changed their ages. but if you'd like for them to stay as an idol then that's perfectly alright too!
scene request(s) : 
♚ please! make someone bring up frozen in front of nari! (^ taeyong!!)
♚ nari meets up with her parents at her job and she tells them about her wishes
♚ same as the first— someone out of the group brings up any of the characters's shows (i.e. someone brings up angelina ballerina in front of mina, disney in front of mickey, etc.) and they soon get compared to the characters
♚ it'd be funny if nayeon and kihyun start dating :'~)
+ will add more when i think of good ones ;;
suggestion(s) : n/a as of now
password : shinsun


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