Enchantress [ 강주연 ]'s Love Lie. [211116]


fanfare • ang cheatsheet turn in

kang jooyeon

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnamekang jooyeon

other names

none applicable.


 sergeant kang  jooyeon takes a lot of pride in her work and always puts 110% into everything whilst trying to keep everything in order. because of this, she gets called "sergeant kang" as she's known to boss others around, take charge in almost everything and is completely honest due to the fact she's an only child and how her mother raised her to be (taking care of others, taking responsibility, etc.). not only that, but her lifestyle is alike to someone from the military as she wakes up early, works out for long periods when she's off, and drinks only when it's necessary or not promoting for a few weeks to a month.

 white angel  because she was never taught about the basics of, well, every single rated material out there (her mother didn't want her to know of it for some unknown reason), jooyeon gained the title of "white angel" (or just "angel") due to the fact that she doesn't know anything about and anything related to that even despite her age. some people don't believe she's 100% pure, but jooyeon begs to differ as, when you mention anything rated r, she'll be completely and utterly confused.

birthday march 16, 1993 (23/24 in korea)
birthplace seoul-si, mapo-gu, south korea
hometown seoul-si, mapo-gu, south korea
ethnicity korean

languages spoken

 korean (seoul dialect)  10/10 : it's her native tongue and dialect ever since she was born.

 english  8/10 : since high school, she decided to learn english as a secondary language just for the sake of being bilingual for occupations and speaking to foreigners. she was fascinated by the complexity after watching american movies and listening to english songs. so, she began to teach herself through an online program and continuously watching/listening to english being spoken/sung, but she still struggles with minor grammatical issues and pronunciation (i.e. l is pronounced like an r, etc.).

face claim moon hyuna, ex-nine muses
back up face claim park kyungri, nine muses

height & weight 170cm & 54kg


• jooyeon is someone who usually goes all natural with her makeup and hair, usually having the basic bb cream, eyeliner, and a bit of mascara most of the time. she has jet black hair that falls slightly below her chest, but, every now and then, she'll dye it various colors that aren't too outrageous (usually brown, ash gray, blonde, etc. though she prefers ash gray as it she finds it to most suit her). she's most proud of her hair as she maintains it with practically her whole life and it's one of the few things she's picky over. but, looking past that, she has cat-like brown eyes with a pointed nose and a long oval-shaped face. her height is on the taller side at 170cm, but she's happy with herself since her weight is a healthy 54kg— a healthy-enough bmi. jooyeon is also happy with her cream-like complection and pink-tinted lips as well as her fit and curvaceous body and long legs.



 angel wings  unadulterated, responsible, hardworking, kindhearted
domineering, overworking, close-minded, idealistic  and devil horns 

• jooyeon is someone who people thought would be the leader-type and quiet. though most of it is true, jooyeon is the opposite of what people think she is. pure, hardworking, kind— that's who jooyeon is as a person. she always puts her whole heart into the things she does and always watches over others, no matter if she hates them or not. she'll always encourage others through struggles and indifferences, and never backs down from a task, even if it's a hard one. on top of that, jooyeon is probably one of the few who's actually unaware of rated material. she's learned of it, but, since she focuses on a lot of other things, she always draws a blank on and anything related to that. when people talk about it, she'll just sit/stand there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say or do. when they talk about kisses and dating, jooyeon is even more unaware of it as she's never experienced such things before even despite being asked out on multiple occassions. however, people see this side of her as "cute" or "funny to think of", as jooyeon focuses on being a hardworker and a kind person above anything else.
• with every good, there's a little bad that comes with it and, for jooyeon, her negative traits are one of the worst to have. because of the fact jooyeon tries her best to gain money for her mother and her well-being, she's known to be a workaholic with her parttime jobs and spending time out rather than in. jooyeon is known to be one place and then disappear to another in a matter of seconds, only to do more work. not only that, but jooyeon is very close-minded as she's not one to have her own opinion and usually has a narrow outlook on subjects, which stems from the fact she's a kind soul, always accepting others' opinions, and her pure self, not knowing where to go from  in situations she's uncomfortable with. on top of being hardworking and feeling the need to do better, she strives for perfection that seems unrealistic in people's eyes. why? because she desperately wants to make a good impression on herself, and that's what she tries to do: aim for perfection and only perfection. due to her idealism getting the best of her, she tends to be very dominant over everyone. she still takes people's works into consideration, but, because she's not used to working with others for long periods at a time that she has to treat like family (as she was born an only child), she tends to be bossy and stern towards everyone. even despite this, everyone knows she means well and only does this for the sake of being seen as "good".


• jooyeon grew up in a single-parent family after her father had filed for a divorce with her mother. the reason being is left unknown for jooyeon, but she was told that he left when she was a young age due to not being financially stable to have a child just yet (though that was true, as her mother was the breadwinner of the family, the other reason was because her father was an alcoholic and had an affair another woman when jooyeon was one; this reason still remains unknown to jooyeon, and her mother doesn't wish to tell her just yet). however, even despite not growing up with a father, she was allowed to freely be herself and hang with her schoolmates whenever she wanted to as long as she doesn't drink or do drugs. why? because her mother didn't want to lock jooyeon up all the time and wanted her to experience the life that she lived when she was younger, but also didn't want her to end up like her father. however, jooyeon still drank, but, because of the people she hung out with, jooyeon knew her limit and only drank whenever necessary since her group of friends weren't fond of drinking for hours upon hours. so, jooyeon never became an alcoholic and, luckily, didn't follow in her father's footsteps. overall, jooyeon lived a good life that was enjoyable for her and everyone around her until her mother fell ill and was admitted into the hospital.

• jooyeon was walking around, trying to keep her mind at peace as she began to feel lonely due to the fact her mother is now in the hospital until further notice and her friends began to drift away due to a difference in majors and lifestyles. jooyeon felt as if she didn't have a reaosn to live besides her mother, and that was when someone approached her late at night when jooyeon went to visit a cafeé for tea. that person, who told her that he was the ceo of "allusion entertainment", offered her a full ride into the company and would be able to gain a lot of money out of this. the catch? she had to get an idol to fall in love with her and then break their heart. at first, jooyeon was wary about this and thought that it was fake. she thought that an entertainment who just wanted to run a so-called "project" to break hearts seemed so out of the ordinary and not like jooyeon, but, unknowingly, she accepted the offer. why? because jooyeon needed money to pay for their family debt that exceeded millions and for her mother's medical bills. her parttime jobs weren't cutting it, and it was difficult for jooyeon to find a steady job as she was still in her final years when this all happened. that's the only reason; no selfish motif, no wanting to meet people— she did it for her family.
• her life in allusion entertainment was pretty gruesome. as she doesn't have any background in performing and was only recruited due to her so-called "beautiful face and great proportions", she was an outcast with the other girls. however, jooyeon was known as the leader of them all as she focused on helping the girls and giving her all when she knew she was struggling. because of this, she started to work out and eat healthier in order to portray everything the way that they wanted and to impress them. though she struggled with rapping, she was a pretty good singer and dancer, though not one of the top ones but certainly could be a lead. she was one of the more fitter and healthier girl as her diet consisted of a lot of healthy foods and water (with the occassional green tea on her better days). jooyeon was known to go to run early in the morning and go to the gym every other night, depending on her schedule. in addition, she always visited her mother whenever she could, usually after going to the gym or over the weekeneds when she didn't have anything else to do. but, overall, jooyeon was just training to get the money to help her family out. when the other girls talked about why they did it, many had selfish motives, with the exception of a few who wanted the money to pay off either debts or for other people. jooyeon was one of the few who did it for her mother, and not many know that her mother was currently in the hospital and jooyeon was currently the breadwinner.


• ballad and indie music, both korean and american
• healthy food such as fruits, her favorite being oranges/tangerines
• green tea

• when things don't go her way or aren't perfect in her eyes
• uptight and ignorant people
• spicy food, for example, she won't eat kimchi by itself as she chooses to only eat it in a traditional wrap

• working out
• performing (dancing and singing the most)
• cooking and baking
• listening to music

• she has a habit of staying completely quiet when either things don't go her way or she's extremely angered by something/someone; she tends to put her earbuds in and listen to music, trying her best to ignore everything
• she bites the inside of her cheeks when she's in deep thought or is focused on a specific thing

• she has a fear of her mother dying on her when jooyeon isn't with her at her last moments (a reason why she tends to visit her mother every other day or at least over the weekend)

• she's proud to say that she owns a set of "11-line" abs and has maintained them ever since she was taken in by the company
• jooyeon actually had quite a few parttime jobs growing up that range from bust girl, waitress, and florist
• she graduated from university of seoul in 2015 and currently has her bachelor's degree in business administration
• jooyeon is ambidextrous, but chooses to perform tasks with her right hand
• she has a driver's license and currently drives her mother's car while her mother is in the hospital
• she actually has a high alcohol tolerance, but the last time she drank was when she was in college, before her mother was diagnosed with sarcoidosis; however, after probably an hour or two drinking, she'll start to show symptoms and eventually pass out (a reason why she tends to only drink when she's with friends or at the same bars/clubs she goes to where she trusts and knows the staff, as many of the staff members tend to be her old classmates from college/high school)
• she honestly, 100%, doesn't know how works and what it is along with how children are made despite going through high school health and anatomy; the reason she doesn't know of this is because she overworked herself so much and would continuously forget what it is, what happens, etc. as she has a terrible memory about her high school life (plus, her mother didn't want a child who would turn out "erted" and wanted to keep her "clean", whatever that meant...)
• she never dated nor kissed anyone of the opposite gender, however, she was asked out countless of times as a college student, but always declined their offers as she wanted to focus on school and family

• she's one of the few members to wake up early in the morning, always waking up at 5am in order to go for a quick run if she can and/or cook breakfast when her members want it


remplace with love interest 120*120
kang solbin 53 (54 in korea) ex-lawyer, currently hospitalized
supportive, independent, emotionally fragile 8 out of 10 fc: yoon yeojung, actress
• as a child, mari was always attached to her mother, but that was only because her father had left her mother at a very young age. but, even so, her mother was able to fill in the gaps of a missing father for jooyeon growing up by allowing her to spend time outside with her friends and allowing her to participate in various activities. they equally helped one another through everything and were always there for one another, and, basically, her mother shaped her to be the person she is today. but once it came out that her mother was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and had to stay at an intensive care unit at the hospital for the time being, it was hard for jooyeon to make ends meet and make longlasting mother-daughter moments for awhile.


• "honestly, i feel really bad about going through with this," jooyeon let out a heavy breath and shook her head. she knew that it was wrong, or in her mind, at least, but she desperately needed the money, and it was a pretty good amount, too. "i'm not the type to deceive and break hearts, that's the complete opposite of me, but... i need the money, and that's the only reason i'm doing this."

What is love to you?

• she began to hesitate, trying to conjure up a good enough explanation, "love to me is... love to me is when the other loves you for you rather than a fake version of you. when both people, no matter what gender it is, they love each other and are willingly to be comfortable in each other's presence. it's a kind of vague explanation, but that's... that's how i interpret it."

How do you feel about YOUR "target"?

• "i'm actually not familiar with my target on a personal level, but i've heard of his group through hearing their music play at my old parttime jobs. they were pretty popular back then, but, besides their music, i don't know of my targer or his group."

What is your ideal type and ideal date?

• "mm," jooyeon began to think. she never really thought of an ideal type or ideal date, but she's not one to back down from a question. "i like people who are open to being themselves and work hard at what they do and love it. i don't mind height, but i'm a fan of those with pretty smiles. as for an ideal date, i don't... i don't have a certain kind in particular, but i'm big on being active, so anything that has to do with thrill-seeking ventures or working out is the type of date i'd enjoy the most."

How do you feel about the other girls?

• "honestly speaking, i'm not fond of some of the girls. i mean, some of them are nice and all, but some of them can come off pretty... b*tchy, i guess? i've known them for a few years now, and a lot of them have selfish motives forgoing along with our "company"'s request. i, for one, am not a huge fan for people who're only doing it for their own benefits rather than helping others, but i'm not one to call them out for it. but, they're all okay, i guess. i don't want to get into any conflicts, so i tend to mind my own business and just help them when they need it rather than bring them all down."


love interest lee howon/hoya, infinite
back up love interest kim jonghyun, shinee


 angel wings  hardworking, diligent, levelheaded
shy at times, cocky, overachiever  and devil horns 

• hoya is the kind of guy that everyone wants to befriend for both his personality and talent. whatever he sets his mind to, he'll always put 110% and his whole heart into the task, always keeping up with everything and maintaining his own status quo. most of the time, he's pretty calm and sensible towards his job and close friends/family, however, he tends to be extremely cocky and makes casual, sometimes rude, jokes about s and friends. most of the time, he says things just to tease them or go along with the crowd, but his jokes can be interpreted rather abruptly/wrongly. however, around girls is when hoya makes a complete 180. hoya's not the type to be necessarily open and forward with girls, always keeping to himself and not talking to them unless he's familiar with them (but even then he'll still be wary over the things that come out of his mouth). sometimes, even, people interpret it as if he likes certain girls as he's more distant with those said girls, but that's never the case. he just doesn't want to make a terrible impression on them with his goofy, somewhat mean, personality. but, if the girl is to approach him first, he'll try his best to not make a fool out of himself.

love story

• having no background on dating or even asking people out, she didn't know how to approach hoya. at first, all she did was glance at hoya every now and then whenever he was in the same general area as her, but never totally approached him personally. however, they soon finally started talking after their groups were introduced to them (as rookies tend to introduce themselves to sunbaes around their debut time or whenever they meet on stage). but, even after this, they still remained complete and utter strangers to each other.
• after awhile of various glances being made from jooyeon, articles started to erupt as they made it seem as if they were exes as jooyeon continuously distanced herself from him and would steal glances from time to time. this rumor spread like rapid fire and, eventually, caught the attention of hoya and s because it's unlikely for there to be rumors of ex-girlfriends of any sort within woollim. so, when hoya was asked about it on live tv, he dismissed the rumors saying that he never personally met jooyeon and doesn't have any sort of relationship rather than the usual sunbae-hoobae sort-of relationship. however, he has mentioned that he was a fan of the group and hoped to personally meet jooyeon when the time is right (which is odd to hear from hoya as he's not the type to talk about girls).
• after awhile, the two eventually meet up again through either a show the two are one or one of them mc-ing the others' group. through this, jooyeon and hoya were able to get closer and become more comfortable with one another. at that time, jooyeon didn't want to quickly get hoya wrapped around her finger as she felt as if that kind of plan would be too sudden. so, she decided to lead him on and just let nature take its course. it took awhile for there to be any real and juicy interactions between the two, but hoya eventually started to like jooyeon for her personality and talent.
• give or take a few months and, soon enough, hoya was completely and utterly in love with the younger girl. not only was she unique in her own way, but she fit his ideal standards of the "perfect girl". she was someone who wasn't like any other, and hoya could only focus on her whenever her group performed or they were in the same general area. by this time, hoya and jooyeon had already exchanged numbers and were talking on a daily basis (hoya being the first to text jooyeon a month or so back). through texting and the occassional video chats every now and then, they started to meet up ever-so often as jooyeon's hometown is in mapo, the same district woollim entertainment is located. when jooyeon would head back to her home in order to help around her mother's house and watch over her mother at the mapo hospital, hoya would call her over to spend time together. of course, jooyeon would accept the offer for the reason being to accomplish her "company"'s ultimate goal, but also because she's too kind to decline especially considering she's in the same district. by this time, they aren't dating, but hoya is completely infatuated with her and is intrigued by her, wanting to know more.
• hoya and jooyeon tend to initiate skinship through simple high fives and playful pokes/nudges when in public while meeting up in mapo in private. hoya, by this time, knows of the fact her mother is in the hospital and began to volunteer a lot of his time in helping jooyeon obtain money and visit her mother at the hospital whenever jooyeon isn't able to. jooyeon's mother knows of hoya through this and, shockingly, jooyeon's mother sees hoya as a son-in-law, not knowing that jooyeon is only leading him on in order to get money to pay for their family debt with the house and hospital. hoya is extremely caring over both jooyeon and her mother and, in return, jooyeon always supports hoya every step of the way. after quite some time, jooyeon starts to realize that she may possibly be in love with him, but will she really sacrifice the money just to be with him, or will she really break his heart?


• hoya knows about jooyeon through being involved in that rumor of the fact they are "exes" and eventually met her at music shows, tv shows, etc., soon falling in love with her dancing and singing
• hoya's ideal type matches jooyeon: he favors kindhearted girls who know a foreign language (finds it charming), but can also appear y and is different from other girls

• s called him out for watching fancams of jooyeon on multiple occassions and this immediately led to various articles towards hoya "liking" jooyeon; jooyeon was revealed to previously have hoya as her lockscreen as a trainee (this was sort of a ploy by the company prior to telling jooyeon who her target was in order to get his attention and cause rumors in the future)
• (after jooyeon tells him of her family situation) hoya starts to raise some money from his events, acting, etc. and personally sending it to the hospital jooyeon's mother is in to help pay for the extensive bills (jooyeon doesn't know about this until she was told or asked as to why some things were paid off when she received the monthly bill); hoya sometimes even visits jooyeon's mother whenever jooyeon is unable to as he keeps up with her schedule through fancafé(s) and promotion length
• (once they kiss) hoya is jooyeon's first kiss

• i can imagine that they're partnered up for some sort of dance together and that's how they eventually get comfortable (rec. dances: anything from 1million dance studio tbh)
• a possible kissing scene of someshort (how it happens is completely up to you!)
• matching attire/objects (ex. jewelry, hats, etc.) maybe??
• jooyeon finds out that hoya visits her mother and helps pay for the hospital bills (this is when jooyeon realizes that hoya is extremely kind and considerate, thus starting to fall for him).


• hoya found out, probably, in the worst way possible: through jooyeon being drunk (around this time, hoya and jooyeon were already a "thing", but not publicly). jooyeon was at a bar for a good two hours and, eventually, asked hoya to meet up with her at a local park near the bar. of course, hoya said yes to this and rushed over to the said park that was a good thirty minutes away by taxi from infinite's dorm. woohyun was pretty skeptical about this since he was told about the ploy of seorin and thought the same would happen to hoya as woohyun began to feel iffy over the group as a whole, but hoya ensured him that he was 90% sure it wasn't going to happen to him. however, it did, and in the worst way possible.
• when hoya met up with jooyeon at the empty park, seeing her just sitting on the ground playing with the grass with only a light sweater, he immediately took off his jacket and put it around her as the weather was chilly. in an instant, jooyeon began to cry and exhale deep breaths, the scent of alcohol hitting hoya's face.

"jooyeon, are you ... drunk? how much did you drink?"
"i'm sorry i lied to you."

• hoya was honestly dumbfounded by her sudden apology. asking why, she immediately told him about how their company isn't real and the group was made with a single goal: to seduce and break an idol's heart. hoya was shocked, especially considering that woohyun was told by seorin the same exact thing. hoya didn't want to believe it, especially since jooyeon was such a kind and honest person. she lied. and she lied big time.
• jooyeon started to just cry into hoya's jacket, not knowing what to do at that moment, her drunken emotions getting the best of her. hoya was still in shock and only looked at jooyeon with wavering eyes, not wanting to believe a single word she said. however, hoya seemed more ... reasonable. he seemed more accepting of the fact that he was being played, only because he had a feeling this ran in the group after what happened to woohyun. plus, he knew someone like her wouldn't truly like him back let alone truthfully date him. not wanting to hear more, hoya just decided to carry jooyeon back to her house, as they were only a few minutes away from her home in mapo and he didn't want to just leave her drunk at practically 1am.
• hoya was going to leave jooyeon alone, deciding to not talk to her again, but jooyeon immediately called out to hoya, still in tears. hoya just didn't want to hear anything else, but deep down in his heart, he just couldn't bring himself to leave her alone. so, he decided to stay until she fell asleep.
• at that moment, jooyeon repeated everything again to him, which only caused hoya to burst out in tears. he still didn't want to believe it, but he still didn't want to let her go. then, jooyeon told him about the reason as to why she decided to accept the offer from the "company" to do this. at that moment, hoya realized that she did this with good intentions. suddenly, hoya didn't feel so confused and attacked. instead, he felt relieved and emotional (in a good way).

"i'm sorry i did this, but i just needed to help my mother."
"i love you, and that's the truth, hoya."


• hoya and jooyeon immediately patch things up with one another and, eventually, revealing to the public their relationship. the public was mostly accepting over this, despite there being rumors of the members of enchantress being "sl*ts", "wh*res", "heartbreakers", etc. however, after seeing how kind and considerate jooyeon was, as she was putting her money towards paying for her mother's bills and sending seperate apologies to their fans on her sns and fancafés, people accepted her more than the others. the public saw her as a genuinely kind person and thought she was a perfect fit for hoya. however, as her group was created to break hearts, since jooyeon didn't technically "break" hoya's heart, she was pulled out from the group (if not, on an indefinite hiatus or some sort of punishment) [if pulled out of the group: she decided to sign with woollim as either a choreographer or potential idol, possibly going solo, or getting a job in business administration] [if on hiatus or getting a punishment: she just continues to help her mother with bills and debts, eventually raising enough money for her mother to get somesort of surgery and get her back home, with the help of hoya].

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment i'm crying over this story's plotline because it's sO UNEXPECTED AND NEW TO ME LIKE WHAT IS THIS WHAT IS AIR - but i honestly love this idea. if i forgot anything or need to revise/add things, don't hesitate to tell me about it!! :")
+ will try to add hangul where it's needed in a future day to come. also i have a tendency to add trivia and other things every now and then, so,,, yeAh!
++ i can somewhat see jooyeon as the leader of the group??? i just wanted to point that out now as i kind of wrote her as one,,, also i see her as a singer/dancer of somesort, so,,, yeah! :"))

password right now, it's actually infinite, but overall, it's bts and dab7 got7 :")




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