∞ Please, Papa! 난 너의 [ 첫째 아이 ]. [011016]


Birthname : 최혜진, choi hyejin
Nickname/s :

  ('hye') ​just a shortened version of her name that her sisters, colleagues and friends call her.
 피터팬 ('peter pan') translated into "peter pan", it's a common nickname that a lot of people playfully refer her to due to their similar personalities and remaining a child at heart. this nickname is mostly used when they want to , but hyejin likes the nickname as much as she likes the movie.

Age : 26 (27 in korea)
Birthdate : 27 august 1990
Faceclaim : 박보영, actress
Back-up : 송지은, secret
Appearance : hyejin is someone who tends to go all natural with her makeup and hair, having the basic bb cream, eyeliner and a bit of mascara most of the time. her brown hair, which is naturally black, that falls past her shoulders tends to be on the wavier side towards the end, whilst maintaining the straightness midway. she also has light fringes that she rolls up every morning. on some days they'll hang about her eyebrows, while other times they'll blend in with her hair to the side. she has doe-shaped, dark brown eyes with a button nose and a round face. although her height os on the fairly shorter side, 164cm, she's happy with herself since her weight of 50kg; a healthy body for her. hyejin is happy with her appearance and looks, even despite what others said as a child.

Style : starting in her early high school years, hyejin's style became on that gives people a good first impression. before she entered high school, she always went for comfort rather than style, but because high school is a place where first impressions are important, she began to do just that. from that point on, it because a rare sight that you'll see her dressed down or lazy and if she does, she's probably just pulling off a sporty look. but whenever she's at home or going to bed, she looks her worst. at those times, she's never bothered to dress nicely, but who cares? the public won't see her at home or heading to bed. but if she's going out, of course, she'll try to look her very best.
History :
 hyejin was the first child born into the choi family in seoul, south korea. growing up, she loved her life. she was free to do what she wanted, when she wanted, and she played around with the neighborhood kids and her sisters often. she just lived her life to the fullest and didn't care about what the public thought of her. however, it all changed once she hit high school.
 at the age of fifteen, hyejin started high school. she thought that she would love it, just like how she loved middle/secondary and elementary, however, high school was completely different from what she expected. because she was fond of wearing baggy jeans and baggy shirts, in addition with her mother's old clothes, she was teased for what she wore. yes, high school, for her, was a game of "who looks prettier" or "who looks more handsome". it was like a beauty pageant, and hyejin only realized that a week after starting high school.
 a month or so after high school began, she threw away practically all her clothes for new ones. she kept a few plain shirts and skirts, but anything that she deemed "unpleasant" was thrown away for new ones. she didn't want to be teased for looking like a homeless person, so she completely changed her fashion style and began to take first impressions seriously. because of the fact she threw her clothes away rather than giving it to her younger sisters or to charity, this was the first time her father ever got angry with her. why? because hyejin wasn't thinking about others when she was throwing away her clothes; she just thought of herself, which is something that her father was strongly against.
 a year after her fight with her father, she began dating a third-year student by the name of sangwoo when she was a sophomore/second-year. no one thought that they'd be dating, or knowing each other for that matter. hyejin was someone who was prim and proper, intelligent and a good girl. sangwoo, on the other hand, was the total opposite of her; a go with the flow guy with average grades who's all for sports. no one saw this coming, but sangwoo and hyejin fell in love someway, somehow. the two knew each other through mutual friends, and had began to take a liking for one another from that point on. hyejin had even helped him with his schoolwork when his grades were plumetting, which was someone no coach of his wanted. however, a year later, sangwoo graduated from high school. although he did take a year off from school, which led him to starting when he was twenty, they broke it off two years into their relationship. why? because they didn't want to be a burden to each other when they were going to become even busier with school. so, they broke it off on mutual terms. despite being complete opposites, everyone thought that they'd last longer than two years; they brought the best out of one another, they sincerely cared for each other— everyone admired their love life, despite being in different grades. but, alas, they broke up due to studies and distance (he was going to suwon for college), even if it wasn't that far.
 bit distance and studies wasn't the only reason, no. the other reason? hyejin's father. when sangwoo and her father met for the first time at her house for her birthday, hyejin's father disapproved of him. why? because back then, sangwoo only cared for sports while grades were second place for him. he wanted his first daughter to date and marry someone with a better background, caring about their grades and having a set plan for the future. sangwoo wanted to become a member of the national olympic team for wrestling, which wasn't something that hyejin's father liked. it wasn't a set goal, a set occupation; it was just a dream that could be shattered at any moment. although he never spoke out about it, it was evident that he wasn't fond of sangwoo, and when he found out from hyejin that they broke up on mutual terms, her father told her: "that's upsetting, but now you can meet someone better with a nicer background, yes?" because of what her father said, hyejin kept quiet about her dating life, being scared over the fact he won't approve of someone she truly loves.
Personality :
positive friendly, energetic, observant, social
poor practical skills, overthinker, emotional, childish negative
 all her adaptability and spotaneity comes together in order to form a person who is approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and altruistic spirit and friendly, emphathetic disposition. hyejin gets along with, well, pretty much everyone, making her circle of friends stretch far and wide. as they observe, forming new connections and ideas, she won't hold her tongue as she's excited about her findings, sharing them with anyone who's willing to listen. this infectious enthusiasm has the dual benefit of giving her a chance to make even more social connections, and giving her a new source of information and experience as she fits her new friends' opinions into their existing ideas. hyejin believes that there are no irrelevant actions, that every shift in sentiment, every move and every idea is part of a bigger picture. in order to satisfy her curiosity, she tries to notice all of these things, and to never miss out on a single moment. it's a good thing, however, that hyejin has such strong people skills, or else they'd never be able to express such ideas. hyejin enjoys both small talk and deep, meaningful conversations, which are just two sides of the same coin for them, and are adept at steering conversations towards their desired subjects in ways that feel completely natural and unforced.
 when it comes to conceiving ideas and starting projects, especially involving other people, hyejin has exceptional talent. but their skills with upkeep, administration and follow-through on those porjects struggles. without more hands-on people to help push day-to-day things along, her ideas are likely to remains, well, just ideas. because of this, hyejin doesn't take things at face value as she looks for underlying motives in even the simplest of things. it's not uncommon for her to lose a bit of sleep asking themselves  why someone did what they did, what it might mean, and what to do about it. while emotional expression is healthy and natural, even viewing it as a core part of their identity, it can come out strongly enough to cause problems for this personality type. particularly when uder stress, criticism or conflict, it's likely that she'll experience emotional bursts that are counter-productive at best. because of her emotional side getting the best of her, hyejin can be seen as someone who's childish to those who don't know her all too well. although being childish can be seen as a good thing, especially when it comes to being youthful, people will only see her immature and silly demeanor rather than her youthful appearance. her childish ways is the biggest struggle for hyejin, and it's something she won't be able to fix as she grows older.
Trivia :
likes animals (especially cats), baked goods, flowers, music (especially ballad and r&b), coffee, animated movies
➳ dislikes disrespect, unwashed clothes, green tea, when people don't like her first impression
 hobbies ​cooking/baking, helping others, writing letters, reading, listening to music
 habits ​shivers when cold or frightened, scratches the tip of her nose when she's nervous
 fears horror shows/movies, not hearing from her husband
➳ hyejin works as a cardiovascular surgeon at seoul national hospital, graduating from seoul national university.
➳ she can speak korean (seoul dialect) fluently and english fluently as well, as she took up an online english class in her last two years of college in order to be a bilingual worker for her hospital.
➳ she's actually a heavy sleeper, but she'll wake up between the hours of 8am-9am.

➳ hyejin always gets compared to peter pan in terms of always being a child at heart and similar personalities. it doesn't help that she also likes the movie as well.
➳ she owns her own cat named 원 ('won') that she got from her boyfriend as a gift for her twenty-first birthday that stays at her apartment.
Daily Routines :
 on the days she has work, she tends to wake up early between the hours of 8am-9am, since she goes to work at 11:30am. she doesn't do anything physical in the morning besides stretching, eating breakfast, and the occassional showering when she hasn't taken one the night before. from 8:30am to 11:30pm, she's seen at the hospital, working long and hard hours. this happens every other day.
 on the days she doesn't have work, which tends to be sundays, she doesn't do much. she does a lot of baking and cooking, with the occassional going out with her friends and family. sometimes, even, she takes vacations to go sightseeing with her family or herself, or even sometimes with her boyfriend when he has a break from work. but besides that, she's not all too active.
 when it comes to family, she's usually never home because of work, unless it's a special occassion will she visit in order to celebrate with them. it's not that she doesn't love her family, she does with all her heart, but it's the fact that she's not committed to commuting late at night after work to her family. she's tired both physically and mentally, which is why she had gotten an apartment a bit closer to her work place (and prior to that, she stayed in a dorm at her university before graduating) so the travel time isn't so far.
Relation :
ex-boyfriend and best friend
허상우, heo sangwoo : businessman @ heo enterprise
 ➳ back when hyejin was still in high school, she had dated sangwoo who, at the time, was a complete jock whose main focus was always on sports. how and why they got together is a mystery, since hyejin hated sports with a strong passion. but they were seen as one of the sweetest, most loving, couples in the school. however, they suddenly broke it off within two years afterwards. why? because he was going into college while hyejin was still in high school. yes, he was older than her; one year older than her, to be exact. but that wasn't the only reason why (other reason is in history) however, they remained great friends despite the breakup. they contact each other often and hang out as much as any best friends would. although he's now busy running his family's business, hyejin doesn't see him as anything less, considering she's the complete opposite of him. and when he heard that his best friend was now in a relationship with someone else, he wasn't all thrilled about it. why? because deep down inside, he still loves her more than anything; even sports and his family's business. — fc: 송중기, actor
co-worker and best friend
류하늘, ryu haneul : doctor @ seoul hospital
 ➳ no matter what, these two are always with each other both in and out of the hospital. they met back when hyejin was still a newbie to the surgical workforce and, to her luck, haneul was two years her senior and was willing to help her get through the rough hours of the hospital. when hyejin isn't feeling well emotionally, she goes to haneul for help. and being the great friend haneul is, she always knows the right things to do and say to her struggling friend. in return, hyejin would do the same for her, or sometimes even dropping off food for the hardworking doctor. the two are practically sisters, and sometimes they even get mistaken as sisters. but, of course, hyejin doesn't want another sister to add to the already four, no matter how much she wants an older sister. they do everything together and can talk about practically anything, even if it's a weird topic. — fc: 김태연, snsd
Thoughts on...
Papa :
 ➳ hyejin let out a small sigh before shaking her head. she didn't have anything against her father, but his overprotectiveness and perfection is something that she hated about him. hyejin looked up with a small smile before opening to speak, "papa is an amazing guy and - wow - he dealt with all four of us (us meaning his daughters) who have emotional rollercoasters and a number of periods at one time. i look up to him a lot, not only as my father, but as my role model since he shaped me to be who i am today. i never get to say this often to him, but i should really thank him for everything."
Momma :
 ➳ "momma's on a whole 'nother level from papa," she raised her left hand in the air to signify how highly she thinks of her mother; it was pretty high. hyejin brought her hand back down before smiling, "she's such a loving character and i'm so glad that i could call her my mom. a lot of people say that i'm a copy of my mother in terms of looks and personality, and i can honestly say i can see it."

2nd unnie :
 ➳ hyejin crinkled her nose at the thought of daeyoung, "she's the more boyish one out of us four. i mean, there's nothing wrong with that, but momma gets really bothered over the fact that she hangs around a lot of girls rather than boys. i mean, i don't see how that's a bad thing, really. it's her life, and i can't judge her for who she is as a person."
3rd unnie :
 ➳ "the third of the bunch," hyejin tapped her chin before letting out a small laughter, reminiscing about the times she would tease the child over her many boyfriends she's had. "she's more mature than me, but in terms of dating, she can be quite a handful. not everyone knows that, but, because of my observant side getting the best of me, i know all about it. but i really can't change who she is as a person in terms of her love life, so i tend to just encourage her to find someone great."
Maknae :
 ➳ "our cute little baby," hyejin clapped her hands together with a bright smile. out of all her younger sisters, she loved the youngest the most, especially since she took care of her when their mother was busy. "she's honestly the cutest and i always feel extremely motherly towards her. because she's still a teen, she's unaware about the whole 'dating' situation in the family. so, i always give her caution about it, giving her advice from when i dated at her age."
Would you tell Papa about your love life/introduce your lover to him?
 ➳ she let out a sigh, remembering about the time she fought with her father about her last boyfriend, "i really can't. as much as i want to, i don't want a repeat of my first relationship happening to my lover."
What would you do if Papa finds out that you're secretly disobeying him?
 ➳ "i'll probably get my a*s whooped, if anything," hyejin let out a laugh, but one that was evident with fear and sadness. "papa is really strict when it comes to my own dating life, especially since i didn't tell him about my last until i was a year into it. if he ever found out, well, i have to prepare for the worst."
What if Papa wants you to stop meeting your lover?
 ➳ "he can't stop me from meeting my lover," she looked down at her hands that were clutching tightly together in anger. "i can't let that happen. i love my lover, and if he ever tells me to stop, i won't. i'm already nearing the age of getting married, why would he ever want to tell me such harsh words?"
Would you fight for love?
 ➳ hyejin nodded her head with a sigh, "as much as i'll probably be disowned from the family, i have to fight for love. i love my parents, i love my family, but i also equally love my other half. i can't help it, and i can't stop myself from fighting for it."
Pick one! Papa or Him? Reason?
 ➳ "that's probably one of the most hardest and harshest questions i've been asked since school," she lets out a chuckle before looking up with a wide smile, her eyes forming small crescents. "i mean, i love both of them equally, so i can't decide. papa is literal family to me and he's the person who shaped me to become who i am, but my significant other is someone who i love and will die for; someone who's like family to me. i can't pick, i'm sorry."
Do you want to change anything about Papa? If yes, what is it?
 ➳ "his protectiveness and perfection, for sure," she nodded her head firmly, "i know he means well and he's acting the way he is for the sake of his children, but sometimes it gets out of hand and would tend to make him look like a monster."
What would you say to Papa?
 ➳ hyejin has a lot to say to her father, but only two words come to mind for her, "thank you. that's it, just... thank you for everything. although you can be a pain sometimes, you were always there for me and always looked out for me. so, thank you. for everything, really."
His thoughts...
Have you ever heard that she had a deadly strict Papa?
 ➳ he shook his head, "no, she didn't really specify him as 'strict'. all she's told me about him was that he used to be part of the army before retiring about a year ago to spend time with his daughters. but strict? no, hyejin hasn't mentioned that to me."
What do you think after hearing that? Do you want to meet him?
 ➳ "now that i'm hearing that, i'm kind of wary over that fact. i've met strict people, heck, everyone in the military's strict, but deadly strict? that's something new to me," fear was evident in his eyes, but he tried to play it off cool, keeping his expression to a minimum. "but, he is my girlfriend's father, so, i have no choice but to meet him."
What's your thought about him once you meet him in person?
 ➳ "you know those parents who are strict, but appear to not be strict at all? i feel like that'll be the case. so, when i meet him, i'll probably not think he's strict and just try to get closer to him. of course, i have to be wary of what i do, but then again, we both have similar backgrounds so... maybe it'll be okay? maybe."
What would you do if Papa wants you to stay away from his daughter?
 ➳ he let out a small sigh, "if he ever told me that, i'll probably try my very hardest to maintain our relationship. i want him to look at me as someone he can trust with his daughter. i absolutely love hyejin and she's brought out the best of me, so i'll most definitely fight for our relationship to remain the way it is."
Do you want to change him or yourself?
 ➳ "if it comes down to changing," he pursed his lips together tightly, trying to think of a reasonable explanation. "i'd probably try to change myself. i know hyejin will probably hate me for it, but if it means that we can stay together, then i'll have to change. but if i can somehow change her father's mind and outlook on his eldest daughter dating, then there might be a chance."
Name : 조정석, jo jungsuk — fc: 조정석, actor
Age : 28 (29 in korea)
Birthdate : 03 march 1988
Occupation : military lietenant
Back-up : 소지섭, so jisub — fc: 
소지섭, actor
Personality :
positive social, bold, practical, observant
short-tempered, conflict-averse, easily bored, 
confidential negative
 more so than things, jungsuk loves to pay attention to people. he's talkative, witty, and almost never runs out of things to discuss. happiness and satisfaction stem from the time he spends with the people he enjoys being around. jungsuk isn't known to hold back. he wants to experience everything there is to experience, and he doesn't mind stepping out of his comfort zone when no one else is willing to. because of this, junguk thinks that the world is meant to be felt and experiences. truth is stranger than fiction, and he prefers to see and do rather than to think about the "what-ifs". on top of that, will all the focus on the here and now, it makes sense that he's quite natural when it comes to noticing real, tangible things and changes.
 jungsuk has a temper that no one should mess with. his unit witnessed his temper first-hand when they continuously did something wrong, at which jungsuk had no choice but to scream and pull the ends of his hair. hyejin has witnessed this before they dated and has never seen his short-tempered self since then. because of his temper, he tends to ignore and avoid conflict entirely. he tries to say and do what's needed in order to get out of such situations, then moving on to something more fun. but when it comes to those he loves and his country, he'll do his best to overcome that conflict in the safest way possible. without constant excitement, he finds ways to create it themselves. risky behaviour, self-indulgence, and the pleasures of the moment over long-term plans are all things he gets into a little too often. his worst trait, however, is his confidentiality. jungsuk is known to carry around a lot of secrets, which he usually only hides from hyejin. however, he only holds secrets in order to protect hyejin from danger, especially considering he isn't supposed to tell her about what he does in work. but, hyejin is trying to get him to be more honest than when they first started dating.
Interaction :
 when it comes to the two, their interactions are one of the cutest for their age. as hyejin is known to be a complete and utter child and jungsuk is a total gentleman to everyone, in addition to their matching nature, they tend to initiate skinship often. but, of course, they try to minimize it as much as possible when it comes to hyejin's father. but they're completely and utterly comfortable with one another to the point that holding hands, kissing, and everything in that nature is normal.
 besides her sisters, no one else in her family knows that they're dating, so they tend to only meet at hyejin's apartment or at a local restaurant/shop that hyejin knows her parents don't go to. they always start conversations with a cheesy "i've missed you", especially when jungsuk has been away due to his conflicting schedules, followed by the typical "how are you", "are you okay", etc. kind of talks. they care about each other and don't want to tarnish their relationship, even if it means going behind her parents' backs, especially her father's.
Story :
 their first meeting wasn't all too magical. as a matter of fact, they hated each other's guts from the moment they laid eyes on each other. why? no one exactly knew, but people thought it was because they were two completely different people back then. hyejin was a new surgeon who was helping with runs throughout the clinic while jungsuk was a patient with a cut along his stomach from helping someone out of a gang fight. hyejin hated jungsuk because she believed that he was part of a gang, which is the opposite of what he was actually injured for. but, nevertheless, hyejin helped him get stitched up and just sent him on his merry way.
 a week after, they bumped into each other because jungsuk had to get a weekly checkup for his stitches. and who had to check? hyejin herself. why? because jungsuk personally asked for hyejin. hyejin still saw him as a gang member, but after talking over lunch since she was heading to her lunch break, she learned that he was just helping a college student out of a gang fight that he won (said in a bragging way, of course). from then on, jungsuk would visit her at work out of boredom and would sometimes take her out to eat when she was off from work.
 how they got together is a mystery to everyone, and only the two of them know the real story. it was one night in september 2015, a few weeks after her birthday, where jungsuk had decided to invite her out to eat. she thought it was some kind of prank or a way to get her involved in a fight, but it actually turned out to be a date, or "hangout" as hyejin would call it (since she believes you have to be a couple to call it a date when they weren't a couple just yet). since that day, their "hangouts" turned into "dates" by the end of the year. since then, they've been spending time with one another, be it during hyejin's lunch break at the hospital or outside. sometimes, even, jungsuk would pick up hyejin from the hospital when she finishes up in order to get a latenight snack or just bring her back home. ever since they began to date, they were all smiles and laughter, not once arguing over a petty think like hyejin once did nearly a year ago. they were two different people from when they first met.
 early the following year, jungsuk was called back to work for a few months, which meant that hyejin had to deal with a long distance and not seeing him for a long period at a time. although they've been through this before the previous year, this time was longer. but they were able to figure out a way to keep in contact. since he doesn't have service where he is, since the nearest town is kilometers away, they decided to send each other letters filled with love, pictures, and little gifts when they can. they continued to do this until he was scheduled to come back for his military leave.
Questions/Suggestions :
➳ i just wanted to put it out there that i kind of combined a few of my apps that either haven't been reviewed yet or haven't been put into a story yet since i didn't want any of them to go to waste. :")
no major questions or suggestions, but i wish you all the best with this amazing story!11!1 also, js, i might add a few more stuff so,, just warning you ahead of time ! :")
Scene Request :
➳ i don't have any in mind as of now, but i'll definitely add some when i have ideas! :')


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