⋮「 ✕ WE GOT A BABY! 」⋮ 송미화's Eomma! 김수진 [220816]


kim sujin
"nothing worth having comes easy"
FULL NAME : 김수진; kim sujin
 jin 2.0  despite technically being her brother's senior in the industry, she was always seen as jin's younger sister. everyone she comes across, especially those who know of her brother, always compare the two in terms of appearance and personality. many call her 'jin', unless her brother's in the same room then she's called 'jin 2.0' or just 'sujin'. since her brother's more known than her, despite her being in the industry longer as a child actress, she'll always get questions along the lines of "you're bts' jin's sister, right?" she sometimes gets annoyed with these sort of questions because of the fact she wants to be known as just kim sujin rather than linking her name to others, but she just lets it slide and answers truthfully.
 su  a shorten version of her name which many of her family and close friends call her 'su' (seokjin being the first to do so), and she's grown to love that nickname.

​​BIRTHDAY : 28.september.1996 (19; 20 in korea)
ETHNICITY : korean
BIRTH PLACE : gwacheon, south korea
HOMETOWN : incheon, south korea
 korean (seoul dialect)  fluent, native language
 english  semi-fluent, she started to learn the language for the sake of acting, however she began to love the difficulty and continues to learn it in order to talk to international fans in person and on sns

what does mom look like?
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blackpink's jisoo — gallery
actress lee yubi — gallery
sujin is on the taller side, standing at 169cm with the weight of 54kg. however, she's the shortest in her family. her overall build isn't on the athletic side, however she's able to maintain that "perfect body" that most, if not all, actors and actresses have. as of now, her hair color is of a dark brown shade and usually dyes it within that color scheme (i.e. light brown, black, etc.). she doesn't style her hair all too much as sujin likes keeping it either long or of mid-length (as of now, it's on the longer side, reaching past her chest). her eyecolor is the basic dark brown, however her eyesight isn't all that grand. so, usually, she wears her contacts or her glasses (glasses only in school or at home). unless it's a special occassion, sujin will never put makeup on. the only daily makeup she'll put is bb cream or sunblock, depending on the weather that day. as for permanent scars or birthmarks, she's not known to have any. however, she's mentioned before that she had a scar on her left arm from a shooting when she was younger. however, it had already healed by 2015 and it was barely noticeable.

growing up, sujin wasn't all that interested in fashion and it's proven through what's in her closet, even despite being an actress. in addition, sujin doesn't have a particular type of fashion taste. she usually bases her fashion on either her mood or whatever she sees online/magazines. usually, she wears clothes that aren't too revealing, like a normal t-shirt or sweater. some of the clothes can be a bit showy, especially due to her acting career ranging from revealing clothes to completely covered, but she makes sure it's of her style. sujin prefers clothes that are comfortable and loose, but not too loose to the point it slips down her shoulders. yes, her clothing sense doesn't make sense in words, but in looks, it's reasonable.
as for accessories, sujin is mostly seen in caps or sometimes even flower crowns, depending on her outfit that day. sometimes she carries around a tote bag for her things and a few hairties around her wrist for when she chooses to tie her hair. as for the things in her bag, it usually has her wallet, bandages, lipbalm, her phone, her earphones, and necessities for her 'child'. her most important accessory is her glasses, however she's usually seen wearing her contacts. in not because she hates her glasses, she actually prefers her glasses over her contacts, but it's because it's recommended that she wears her contacts when working.
in regards to her makeup, sujin doesn't cake her face and usually goes for a natural look. although, sometimes, she'll need to wear a ton of makeup for ceremonies or on set, but she usually goes bare face onscreen; the fact she goes bareface on screen is what many people like about her when she's acting— she's all natural. when she does her own makeup, be it for a friend's party or family gathering, she'll put the basic eyeliner, mascara and bb cream with maybe a touch of lipstick/lip balm.

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who is mom?
 positive  hardworking, confident, caring, youthful
childish, quirky, sensitive, anxious 
 green light  sujin is almost, if not completely, alike to her older brother when it comes to their personality. when it comes to her job, she's always working hard and doing her best. she always puts 110% into her characters and it shows through everytime, even if she's completely drained from it all. sujin also has a ton of confidence in herself and even puts full faith in others, even if they believe it's wrong. she never wishes to put anyone down, so she radiates with confidence that many want to have. because of the fact she can put full faith in others, she's a very caring person towards everyone, even if it's someone who hates her (i.e. haters, knetizens, etc.). no matter who it is, she's putting others before herself. and no matter what is said about her, she always stays positive and always shows a warm heart. despite her being in her 20's, she continues to appear youthful and young towards those around her. it's as if she never ages, both in looks and in personality, and that's something many like about her.
 red light  she's happy. she's kind. she's loving. but deep down inside, she holds internal struggles that not many but her close friends know about her. sujin tends to be childish. although that can be seen as a good thing, but to sujin it's the complete opposite. yes, she's youthful, but when her child switch turns on, she tends to become bratty and uptight; just like any other child. in addition, she tends to use a baby voice, which can be seriously annoying for everyone. however, she's fixing her childish ways as she's reaching her adult years. because of her childish demeanor, she can appear quirky at times. it's not particularly a bad thing, but such traits make her appear odd or peculiar since it doesn't really match the rest of her personality that cameras always catch (but she's slowly embracing this trait of hers). since sujin started her career at a young age, she was always sensitive and anxious because of being away from home for long periods at a time to work. even after her family moved closer to seoul in order for both seokjin and sujin to become who they are today, she still gets homesickness since she rarely goes home to see her parents. she's good at hiding her anxiety and sensitivity to the public, but once she knows there's no more cameras, she'll cry her eyes out. however, when it comes to her fears, she'll immediately wail and close her eyes at that very moment.
born september 28, 1996 in a gwacheon, south korea, sujin was the youngest of her family. although she was the last born, she was seen as a pure gem in the eyes of her parents and even her older brother. she lived a fairly normal life with her parents and her brother, however, her parents were rarely home due to their busy schedules. the bakery shop her mother owned was gaining a lot of customers. her father was busy working overttime at the animal clinic. so, that just left her brother and her at home, but they always watched out for one another. the two were seen as the ultimate brother-sister duo; they helped each other when needed, they supported each other in their ventures— they were what people would've thought siblings were like. however, it all changed in 2004.
when sujin was six (2002), her and her brother had started taking an interest in singing from listening to kballads and kindie music. they both took an interest in those kinds of music and ever since then, sujin had wanted to become a singer. she joined her school's choir and would always practice with her brother at home. however, in 2004 (sujin was then eight), she started taking an interest in acting. how? she had watched jun jihyun on tv when she was flipping through, waiting for a music show to appear. sujin then found herself falling in love with jihyun's acting, how she could potray different emotions and making it look realistic. at that moment, sujin suddenly had a change of heart— she wanted to become an actress, just like jun jihyun. because of her change of heart, she had to abandon seokjin most of the time in order to join her school musicals and plays. seokjin, at that moment, felt betrayed since they both shared a love for singing and vowed to become great singers in the future. but sujin suddenly went into acting. sujin wasn't aware of her brother's feelings, but they continued to support one another, regardless.
when sujin was ten (2006), she chose to audition for an acting company. although, yes, sujin was still a bit rusty on acting, she thought that auditioning would allow her to gain more experience and those watching her could give pointers on how to become better. little did she know that when she would audition, they would love her performance and would think it was absoultely perfect, regardless of her young age. so, at the age of ten, she was finally signed with sidus hq.
sujin became the ultimate teen actress, alongside yoojung (2003), sohyun (2008) and saeron (2009). the four of them became the kim-tresses since all four of them had the surname 'kim'. however, sujin had only met sohyun, but she hoped to meet the other two of the kim-tresses in the near future. around 2013, her brother had finally debuted as a member of the group bts. sujin congratulated her brother on his debut during an interview and had even advertised for his group every now and then. seokjin had even done the same, even sending a food truck to each of her sets since his debut. just like when they were younger, they continued to support each other through everything.
skip ahead two years, and sujin's contract had finished under sidus hq. how? she chose her contract to be up until she turned eighteen, (supposed) legal age in korea. once she made the final decision of not returning, joongki, a good acting friend of hers, took her into blossom entertainment in 2015. sidus hq was disappointed that she chose to leave for blossom entertainment, but they wished her the best of luck with everything. also around 2015, she gained attention for a scandal with joongki, however, she didn't take it to heart and continued to do what she does best— acting.

─ ballad music, both american and korean ballads
─ food, however she doesn't eat most fruit (minus bananas and oranges)
─ coffee, especially lattes and frappes
─ roadtrips and travelling in general
─ watching kdramas and webshows that either her acting friends are in, of jun jihyun or herself (though she faces second hand embarrassment when she watches herself)

─ fruit, minus bananas and oranges
─ insects, especially bees and wasps (see fears)
─ thunder and lightening (see fears)
─ bullies, harrassers and everything inbetween
─ knetizens and saesangs
— alcoholic drinks and smoking

acting (a given, obviously lol)
─ singing (usually ballad, r&b, ost, kpop), but not many know this about her (only her close friends and family know this)
─ cooking and baking

─ bites her bottom lip when she's focusing on something, be it memorizing or monitoring her acting
─ takes at least three deep breaths with her eyes closed before every shoot she has or before heading on stage to present or (possibly) perform
─ is a heavy sleeper and when someone tries to wake her up, she'll hum and stir to the other side of the bed; however, she's known to wake up early (around 6-7am)
— when she's bored, she actually cleans around the place or learns to cook new food; she once learn how to make pad thai when she was sixteen because she didn't have homework or work to do

fear of insects (entomophobia, insectophobia); usually only bees and wasps
─ fear of thunder and lightening (brontophobia)

 graduated from school of performing arts (sopa) in 2015 and is known to be the classmate of kim minjae (actor); she was accepted into seoul national university and will major in acting starting september 2016
— she said that her first kiss was with lee minho ('93 lee minho), on the drama 'grudge: the revolt of gumiho (2010)'

— since she turned eighteen, she's been living in her own apartment; she previously stayed with her manager when she couldn't manage to go home, but this was seen poorly (the fact an underage was staying with someone of age, despite her manager being a woman)
─ originally wanted to become an idol (or at least a singer), but had watch jun jihyun acting in 'my sassy girl (2001)' and 'windstruck (2004)' and immediately fell in love with acting; sujin continuously mentions how jun jihyun had inspired her to go into acting

 owns an iphone 6s and has various social media sites: twitter (sjnkim), instagram (sjnkim), snapchat (sjnkim), kakaotalk which is private/only for close friends (kimsujnk)
─ has a pet dog named 
진수 (jinsu) that stays at her apartment (since 2015 as a graudation present from her manager); when she's away for long periods, she brings him to either her parents or joongki to watch over (usually ends up being joongki since jin's dog, jjangu, usually ends up fighting with jinsu for no apparent reason)
─ describes her ideal type as someone who's caring, looks at only her, and is someone who her brother and joongki approve of; has previously mentioned park bogum (2013) and nam joohyuk (2015)
— has gotten comments from fans and knetizens about how she looks like a younger moon chaewon (actress) and a younger kim yewon (ex-idol, jewelry) and she always says that she's "thankful for the comparison towards two gorgeous women, but wants to be known as kim sujin rather than looking like someone's younger self"
— although she's technically of age (since she's 20 in korea), she's never drank or had gone to a club, however she's mentioned that she'll try it for the first time with either a close friend or a significant other
who is close to mom?
 older brother  김석진, kim seokjin | 23 (23 in korea) | idol, bts | self-confident, kind, protective; reserved, short-tempered, violent at times | 10/10
→ after a long day, these two are always the first to contact one another about how it was, even if they know the other person may possibly still be busy. they text each other about everything and anything; sujin once texted seokjin to complain about a piece of litter on the road ("jin! there's litter on the road!" "su, just let it be jfc"). although, sometimes, their conversations are weird, it's what the two do almost all the time. when they meet, they have the weirdest conversations, but the two mean well. the two try to spend quality sibling time when they're free of their schedules, be it hanging out at home or spending a day out eating. they look after one another and always support each other when it comes to their seperate careers.

 mother  김채원, kim chaewon | 49 (50 in korea) | bakery shop owner | supportive, caring, hardworking; quiet, clumsy, forgetful at times | 7/10
→ growing up, sujin was always attached to her mother when not around seokjin, even if her mother was busy at the bakery. she gets along with her mother more than her father, though it's only because her father has tight schedules. when they meet, they always end up talking about the basics; how their days were, if they ate yet— a typical conversation between a mother and daughter. sometimes when her mother isn't busy and sujin has a day off, they would go sightseeing or even shopping. however, because of sujin's popularity growing, she isn't able to do this as often as she wishes to. the moments with her mother are what she cherishes the most.

 father  김성일, kim seongil | 52 (53 in korea) | veterinarian | confident, supportive, loving; serious, fastidious, acquisitive | 6.6/10
→ it's not that they're not close, because they are, it's just that her father is always busy at the animal clinic. the only times they meet are when sujin goes to take jinsu for a checkup, which her father personally gives, and they would later spend a few minutes together before sujin has to leave. regardless, sujin loves her father to pieces and always goes to him when he needs those fatherly words only a father could give to their children.

 second brother  송중기, song joongki | 30 (31 in korea) | actor, model, host | caring, social butterfly, intelligent; rough at times, cold at times, cocky | 9/10
→ next to her brother, joongki is the second in line to what sujin would consider a brother. they first met on the filming for sungkyunkwan scandal and were also acquainted through being in the same company (sidus hq). joongki saw her as another sister of his and always took care of her since the beginning. although there's nearly a twelve year , the two get along well together and match pretty well. they bounce their ideas off of one another and are always the first people they think of (next to their own siblings). when they interact, it's one of the cutest sights, which not many see in joongki. they hug, joongki ruffles her hair (causing her to groan afterwards) and they act like brother and sister. sujin trusts joongki with her whole life and so does joongki with her.

 best friend  박지민, park jimin | 20 (21 in korea) | idol, bts | charismatic on stage, kind, friendly; loses his temper easily, childish, emotional at times | 8.9/10
→ out of all the bts members, jimin is the second closest to sujin. no one knows how the two hit it off so quickly, but they assume it's because of their similar 'kind, but childish personalities'. next to joongki, jimin is the person that sujin goes to for a shoulder to cry on or just for a laugh. when the two meet, which is usually only when she visits the bts dorm, they always play around together and tease each other just for the hell of it. sujin isn't aware of this fact, but jimin actually has a crush on her. he described his ideal type as "a nice, cute and charming girl who is smaller" which indirectly refers to seokjin's own sister. he's also mentioned that if he was a girl, he'd date seokjin and sujin is the closest thing to seokjin. not many people people notice jimin's interest in his own member's sister, but he's indirectly stated it on multiple accounts.

 close friend  김소현, kim sohyun | 17 (18 in korea) | actress, host, model, singer | friendly, kindhearted, hardworking; quiet at times, volatile, overprotective | 7.8/10
→ out of all the people she's been with as an actress, sujin is the closest to sohyun, despite the two year and sujin being her senior. the two met on the set of moon embracing the sun and, ever since then, were always spotted hanging out or on each other's sns accounts through pictures. they always try to spend a nice day out with each other just to chill, however, because of sujin's leaving sidus hq for blossom entertainment, the two were rarely seen with each other. however, they continue to contact through kakaotalk and their sns accounts, but they do wish to spend time together in the future.

note: i only included those deemed relevant to the story

what does mom do?

sidus hq (2006-2015); blossom entertainment (2015-present)


각설탕, lump sugar (2006) as young kim shieun
황진이, hwang jinyi (2006) as young hwang jinyi

일지매, iljimae (2008) as young byun eunchae
바람의 화원, painter of the wind (2008) as young shin yunbok
구미호: 여우누이뎐, grudge: the revolt of gumiho (2010) as yeonyi
성균관 스캔들, sungkyunkwan scandal (2010) as young kim yoonhee
해를 품은 달, moon embracing the sun (2012) as young heo yeonwoo
세상 어디에도 없는 착한 남자, the innocent man (2012) as young han jaehee
너의 목소리가 들려, i can hear your voice (2013) as young jang hyesung
앵그리맘, angry mom (2015) as oh ahran
구르미 그린 달빛, love in the moonlight (2016) as hang raon

연애세포, love cells (2014) as nebi
연애세포 2, love cells 2 (2015) as nebi

GONE (2012) by JIN (soloist/lovelyz) as herself
I.Y.A.H (2013) by Boyfriend as herself
다시, Try (2016) by Jimin Park as a store clerk


2012 nintendo: nintendogs and cats with kim sohyun — cf
2013 face for sk telecom, samsung galaxy pop — cf
2016 face for gmarket — cfs

NOMINATED (2006) best new actress for lump sugar
WON (2008) best young actress for painter of the wind and iljimae

WON (2010) best young actress for grudge: the revolt of gumiho

WON (2012) best young actress for moon embracing the sun

WON (2012) best young actress for moon embracing the sun
WON (2015) teen star award for angry mom

NOMINATED (2014) trend choice best actress

NOMINATED (2015) awesome teen award
note: since she's an actress, i just included filmography/awards for more information :')

none — there's no major drama that has kim sujin's name written all over it, or at least with another person, since she doesn't want major conflicts to arise when her popularity is slowly increasing. however, feel free to have sujin get into some kind of conflict in the future if you wish. :')

 housing (2010-2014)  as she was gaining popularity through the many films and shows she was one, either playing as someone younger or a lead, so it was difficult for her to go back to her home in gwacheon. because of this, sujin would stay at her manager (lim seolbin)'s apartment when sujin couldn't take the trip back. netizens found out about this back in 2008, however, it was not made into an official article until four years later. when that article came out, sujin received a bit of hate from adults because of the fact that she was underaged and staying with someone who was older than the age of twenty. however, the article stated that sujin was still continuing this task up until 2014, but sujin had actually moved into her own apartment at the age of 18 since that was the (supposedly) legal age to own your own place. both her manager and sujin herself had to speak out about this, explaining her whole situation as to why she did that and the fact that she recently got her own place. — true to an extent
 dating (2015)  because of her close relationship with joongki through both being in sidus hq before blossom entertainment and being in a few shows together, people began to speculate their actual relationship. dispatch had once caught to two at a café together on a date months after joongki's discharge from the military and later left in joongki's car together, heading to (supposedly) sujin's apartment. knetizens began to bash sujin and joongki due to the large of almost nearly twelve years as well as the fact that they weren't completely covered (they were only wearing sweaters, masks and sunglasses and they were out late at night). in addition, sujin was bashed for being under the age of twenty and dating someone over twentyfive. fans of sujin had also noticed how she was put in the 'former artists' portion of wikipedia and taken off the list of artists of sidus hq. after doing research, fans found out about how her name and picture was suddenly placed under blossom entertainment, the same company that joongki is under. the dating rumor became a huge scandal and was a number one search for over a week. because of this, blossom entertainment had to release a statement saying that "sujin and joongki share a brother and sister bond. since joongki had just recently come back from the military, sujin had decided to spend quality bonding time that was lost for two years. joongki later brought her home due to her not having a car and for it being late at night. to clear up the rumors— no, they are not dating. both sides have been questioned on this topic and gave the same response of having a brother-sister bond. in regards to sujin's transfer to our company, her contract had ended under sidus hq and had decided to join blossom entertainment. please do not misunderstand, thank you." — false
look at me now mom!
송미화, song mihwa

their first meeting with their child is what many would have expected from sujin, not so much from her 'husband'— the local park in seoul. typical of sujin to pick an adventure-esque atmosphere as the first meeting. sujin had even prepared food for the younger and had even asked her 'husband' to bring a blanket and basket in order to have a picnic. when they finally go to meet their child, sujin was, of course, nervous. she had never taken care of someone younger than her and being the youngest of her own family wasn't much experience. however, she does have her own 'child' (her dog) that she takes care of, but it's nothing like taking care of a child.
when they finally meet, sujin was nervous, but she was the first to initiate a conversation with mihwa. sujin tried getting to know mihwa better through playing with her around the park, though gaining some attention for being an adult playing on a playground, and would gradually learn more about mihwa.
as for her 'husband', he was first distant with mihwa at first, but gradually joined in when he noticed the two having a blast on the swings. her 'husband' tried holding mihwa, but mihwa didn't want to be held or touched just yet due to enjoying her time playing. at that moment, her 'husband' felt saddened by it, but he knew that she was only five and would gradually get used to him.
mihwa, at first, didn't like the idea of being taken care of by two strangers. she knew that there was a likely chance that they'll just give her pink dresses and dolls when, in fact, she wants a truck and t-shirts. however, when she heard that there meeting was going to be at a park, she liked the idea. when she first laid eyes on her soon-to-be parents, she first saw the picnic basket and blanket held by the man. she would raise an eye, but just continued to play around. that's when sujin had made the first move in talking to her. although, at first, mihwa didn't talk to them (she only nodded or shook her head), she gradually began to open up to them, especially towards sujin. she was still kind of wary towards her 'father' due to his interest in holding mihwa at least once, but she knew he meant well.

out of the two parents, mihwa is the most comfortable with sujin. not because sujin had made the first move on their meeting day, but because sujin accepted the fact that mihwa wasn't completely girl-y. mihwa tends to hang around sujin more than her 'father' and sujin always listens to mihwa's needs. they always spend a day playing in the living room or having mihwa watch her cook in the kitchen. sujin thought that she wouldn't completely get used to the motherhood life, but she surprisingly got used to it.

although mihwa isn't particularly close to her 'father', it only takes a few days for mihwa to finally get used to him (all because sujin had decided that mihwa and him needed a 'father-daughter' bonding time, so she left them to get groceries alone). he didn't know much about mihwa, besides the fact she's five and doesn't like the typical dolls and and tiaras, so it was harder for him to know what exactly mihwa wanted. however, after asking sujin about mihwa, he slowly became aware of mihwa's wants and needs, keeping each detail in mind.

— sujin and her 'husband' get into a huge argument and suddenly mihwa walks in on them fighting
— sujin being protected by her 'husband' from either thunder/lightning or insects (bees and/or wasps)
— mihwa has a fight with either her father or her mother (recommended: father)
— mihwa gets an allergic reaction to mangoes from either accidentally eating it or being fed it when at a daycare (when both parents have work to do)
— family vacation/outing (recommended: beach, camping, amusement park, resort, etc.)
— mihwa throws a tantrum and the parents have to resort to asking mihwa's actual parents on what to do in a situation like that
— sujin and her 'husband' meet with mihwa's actual parents
— meeting with bts and/or song joongki
  — v plays with mihwa more than anyone
  — jungkook is distant with mihwa at first, but slowly starts playing with her and v
  — jimin being jealous of the fact sujin is 'married' and becomes quiet around her
  — suga sleeping on the couch (hONESTLY)
  — seokjin interrogating sujin's 'husband' or cooking with sujin/by himself for everyone
  — jhope trying to play with mihwa, but v wants her all to himself
  — rapmon just casually watching the kids (aka bts and mihwa)
  — joongki either playing with mihwa, helping the couple, or interrogating the 'husband'
— mihwa meets jinsu (or maybe jinsu starts staying at the house)
— when either sujin or her 'husband' is away for long, they get presents for each other and/or mihwa
— bringing sujin to snu/college when she begins her schooling again in september 2016 (she'll only go to college depending on her schedule, so usually she gets her schedule beforehand, which allows her to get any work she needs beforehand)
— sujin doing and getting her license (when she turns 21 or in 2017)
— meeting with the other families for either a get-together, party, etc.
the dad
Love interest
LOVE INTEREST : 남주혁, nam joohyuk, model/actor, 22 (23 in sk)
BACK UP : 정윤오/재현, jung yoonoh/jaehyun, nct, 19 (20 in sk)

 green light  alike to sujin, joohyuk is caring to everyone and anyone (minus bullies, harrassers, etc.). he's known to watch over those he truly loves and hates to see them get hurt either physically or mentally. in addition to being so kindhearted to those he cares about, he's a very loving and down to earth kind of guy. joohyuk shows how much he appreciates others, especially those close to him, through skinship and complete affection. however, that trait usually appears when he's around his family, best friends, sujin and mihwa. because of his loving and caring personality traits, joohyuk tends to be protective over those he loves. even if it puts him in harm's way, he'll do anything to keep them safe. because people see him in such a harsh way, he wants to showcase this side to him more for those that view him as a bad guy.
 red light  joohyuk tends to have trust issues, so he tends to be reserved towards strangers. however, he'll start to open up to them, but it would take quite some time for him to get used to someone he just met. because of this, joohyuk tends to be very unexpected when it comes to his true colors. when he's put with his closest friends, he always causes a ruckus. he has unexpected mood changes as well, and he always seems different when put into different situations. the worst trait of his possible is the fact he tends to be a tryhard, be it at sports or winning someone's heart. joohyuk tries a little too much at times, causing him to appear this way. because of the fact he wants to showcase the best of his abilities in acting and sports, his tryhard mode gets in the way of people seeing him as someone with a heart.

they actually first met on the set of 'we got a baby'. sujin, however, was fond of joohyuk since his first major acting debut for who are you: school 2015 and since then, she's mentioned how joohyuk was close to his ideal type (was first park bogum, but changed to joohyuk in 2015).
joohyuk, on the other hand, knew of sujin through award ceremonies that he would attend for acting and the major kdramas she was in (moon embracing the sun, i can hear your voice, and love in the moonlight to name a few). he doesn't have a set ideal type, however he believes in love at first sight and likes desirable and attractive people.
although, at first, it was an awkward meeting for the two, they grew closer after getting to know each other for who they are out of their careers.

sujin was actually shocked to see that the one she's mentioned as her ideal type was her 'husband'. at first, she didn't know what to say since she didn't want to look completely stupid in front of him, but she was the first person to start the conversation. she knew of his quiet demeanor and had the feeling he wouldn't start a conversation first, so she did just that.
joohyuk was wary of the fact that sujin was his 'wife'. the reason being because joohyuk only saw her as what she is on tv and movies, never really getting to know her personally. he was also scared of the fact that sujin was known to be close with sohyun, who joohyuk is fairly close to as well. why did sohyun play a part in this? he was fearful over the fact that sujin could ask sohyun anything about joohyuk whenever he did something wrong. however, he was able to not say anything silly in front of sujin.

when the cameras are rolling, they act like any couple would— loving and caring. although the first few days were awkward since it was their first meeting, they gradually starting talking and initiating skinship often. however, most of that skinship was only for show. they knew of the fact that they could gain publicity if they show their caring side to both each other and their child, so they continuously look over one another.

sujin and joohyuk don't know of the hidden cameras around the place, so when they're told that the cameras are now off, they act as if they don't know each other. however, that was only during the first few weeks. during those weeks, joohyuk would usually leave the place for awhile as sujin continued to watch over mihwa while he's gone (usually he leaves to play sports, hang with friends, or go to work). sujin sometimes does the same if joohyuk is willing to stay, however that rarely happens. after a few weeks of the silence and joohyuk's leaves, joohyuk realizes that it's wrong to just leave sujin and mihwa for long periods at a time. so, he begins to stay at the place, sometimes allowing sujin to go out with friends if she wishes, and starts to show his caring side off camera/to the hidden cameras.
after a few months of being parents to mihwa, joohyuk suddenly found himself falling for sujin. it's most evident with the hidden cameras due to the fact he would always intently watch her if she cooks or when she's playing with mihwa. one night, after they put mihwa to sleep, joohyuk had kissed sujin on the lips (how it happened is up to you oho).

— joohyuk and sujin were never a thing, however because of sujin saying joohyuk's her ideal type, their seperate fan bases began to ship them (joojin, suhyuk; joojin is most common). once these shippers of theirs' heard they were going to be 'married with a child', they were completely thrilled. when they began to watch it, some fans would point out how the child (mihwa) looked like the literal love child of sujin and joohyuk's in terms of appearance. this made their happiness for the two skyrocket.
— they've never formally met face to face, however they would occassionally see each other at award ceremonies (explained above). although they have never done a shoot together, they hope to possibly film a movie or tv show together.
— after getting to know each other through the show, joohyuk began to give sujin his sweaters and shirts when they're at the house or whenever she's cold. he began doing this quite a lot, first off camera then on. in return sujin would set up his favorite food (chicken and fruits (even though sujin hates fruit)) on the table and would occassionally give him massages if he comes back from a long day at work or playing basketball.
— joohyuk is the only one that drives since sujin didn't get her license yet, so joohyuk personally got a car seat for mihwa. sujin plans on doing her written test and get her license when she's 21 (korean age) or next year (2017).
i may add more stuff in possibly a few hours or so since i couldn't think of good nicknames, trivia, etc., so look out for that! :') also yes, i'll marry you bc why not, ohohooh??!
+ a lot of the filmography and awards are based off of kim sohyun and kim yoojung (some are from other actresses, but it's mostly those two), just putting that out there. :)

i don't have any questions or suggestions, but when i do, i'll surely add them!

PASSWORD : panda


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