❊ ARORA ❊ #06 ❊ 잉, YING ❊ [240616]




 안수잉 ("an su ing") how her chinese name translates into in korean, therefore it's her korean name that she goes by
 ("kkoch") means 'flower' in korean; since her name means 'beautiful flower' her friends and members would call her this constantly. she also tends to do the flower pose often for pictures and has a love for flowers as well.
 작은 이루마 ("jag-eun iluma") means 'little yiruma' in korean; since she was classically trained to play the piano and many say she plays fantastically for a sixteen year old, she constantly gets compared to yiruma, a renowned korean pianist, whenever she plays.
쿼카 ("kwoka") an australian marsupial that's known to the public as 'the happiest animal in the world', the quokka is what xiuying is most alike in appearance and personality. xiuying is always smiling and will appear all sunshine and lollipops. but when you mess with people she loves, she won't hesitate to go all hulk on you. plus, she really likes quokkas.
language spoken:
chinese (10/10) it's her native language
korean (9/10) she had been living in korea for five years so she can speak it, however her pronunciaton is something she's working on with the help of her members and labelmates
 english (6/10) she's currently learning from her classmate (mark from nct) for chinese tutoring in return because mark wants to be able to speak to his chinese members and chinese fans
 despite not being full korean, she fits that korean stereotype of both 'pretty' and 'cute'. she's fairly tall for her age and she has a healthy weight. not only that, but she has a cutesy smile that can melt anyone and everyone's heart with just one glance. i guess you can say it comes from the genes; her beauty comes from her mother's side. xiuying has a pale complection, rather chubby cheeks, a rounded face— a total cutie package.

 xiuying's fashion is the typical style; simple clothes, simple accessories, and a style that just screams 'innocence'. xiuying is always seen wearing simple colors, with the occassional pink since she just has a thing for that color. she rarely wears blinding colors, like neon or yellow, unless she's told to by a stylist or she's balancing out with maybe a denim jacket or dark-colored sweater. her clothes are always fitting her, though she occassionally wears baggy clothes around the dorm or whenever she's lazy. as for her bottoms, she'll wear basically anything; shorts, skirts, leggings, jeans— her wardrobe has a decent amount of everything. however, she tends to wear jeans most of the time. her typical hairstyle is usually down. however, because of her cute appearance, stylists tend to give her a bun or two which she doesn't mind since that style just makes her feel at home (as a child her mother would put her hair in a bun or two). she never thought of getting rid of her bangs, so she's had her bangs since a very young age and doesn't imagine herself without them.



birthdate: dec 31, 1999
BIRTHPLACE: shenzen, china
ethnicity: chinese
FACE CLAIM: omg's 아린 + tumblr, tumblr
b/u face claim: ioi's 도연 + tumblr
HEIGHT: 168 cm (but still growing like holy ; she was told that she'll end up being 173cm when she's )

weight: 53 kg


who I am
Personality traits:
✩ positive playful/childish, friendly, caring, ambitious
✩ negative sensitive, uncomfortable with conflict, gullible, timid
✩ positive xiuying is someone who's a child both in age and at heart. no matter who it is, her senior or someone younger than her, she's known to be playful/childish with them. she enjoys playing around and being herself. although being childish can make her seem clingy at times, people enjoy her bright personality. along with being playful with everyone, this gains some friends as well. she's a very friendly person to strangers, and always believed that the more friends you have, the happier you are. though some people can argue with that, she always has a way with words in making others see the beauty in friendship. she cares about the well-being of those around her, making sure they're doing alright and they're not feeling down. even to her fans, she always asks them how they are; she would go up to them, even when she's told not to, just to say hi. once, she even had spent a few minutes talking to a fan on the streets who was going through depression and just helped her through it. you can say that befriending her is a good thing because.. look at xiuying. [insert cutesy laugh] though she can be childish and caring, she's also someone who strives to be the best she can. her ambition is greater than anything, and her mother is to thank for this. her mother always told her to strive to achieve her goals, but also be happy with whatever happens.
✩ negative most of her traits stems from the fact that she's an only child. her sensitivity and timidness are something that she always grew up with. because she was an only child and would rarely see her parents during school days, she's prone to sensitivity and is someone who cries easily, especially when talking about her parents. she has a hard time with criticism, so people are always wary about what they say around her. xiuying is also someone who doesn't do well when in a crisis, which stems from (again) being an only child. because she was an only child growing up, she never really faced any conflicts that needed to be resolved. she never fought with her parents, she doesn't have a sibling to fight with, and she's someone who's too friendly to even start a fight with. since she's inexperienced with solving things by herself, she usually goes to a member, friend, or sometimes even her parents for advice/help. lastly, xiuying is a very gullible person, emphasis on the gullible. because of her caring and friendly nature, she believes everything that's said to her. though it can be a good thing, it's 98% a bad thing. why? because she's usually the one that most people would pull pranks on, i.e. hidden cameras. it's not that she doesn't like the pranks, she actually loves them because of her playful side, but if it's a prank that involves a conflict of some sort or she's being threatened, she'll believe every word.
✩ before xiuying way before xiuying was even born, her mother was a model and her father was a police officer. how did they meet? well, her father was actually her mother's security guard for a short period. back then, her mother was someone on the rebellious side, always doing things her father disapproved of. so, a security guard was hired to watch after her. funny thing, though, is that she hated his guts from the moment they laid eyes on each other. but her mother enjoyed his company and they later began to date, but on the downlow since her mother's father wanted her to date someone in the modelling industry. years after, her mother had a sudden unplanned pregnancy which cost her her whole modelling career and her father's trust. so, she was fired from her job and was officially disowned by her father. but, thankfully, they had enough money to buy an apartment and care for their child. who was that child, you may ask? yeah, that's right. it was an xiuying.
✩ birth when xiuying was born, she was the literal princess of the household. her parents took care of her carefully with watchful eyes. however, her father was always gone to work long hours. he was basically the bread winner of the family while her mother was the caretaker and chef. as for xiuying, she was just another task for her mother. when she was born, they had to pay for hospital bills and baby necessities. having a child was a hastle, however her mother did all she could to keep her child well fed and safe.
✩ shenzen, china growing up in china to an ex-model was hard for xiuying. she would go to school and be teased on because her mother had made headlines years before for being 'fired by her own father for bearing a child'. she was always called a 'mistake' or a 'life ruiner', and xiuying couldn't handle it anymore. but her family didn't have enough money to transfer her to another school, so she was left to be a prey to the predators. she would spend nights crying her eyes out and she would sometimes not go to school the next day. the worse part? she was only six when she was a victim of bullying. at six, she was verbally bullied. at seven, she was physically bullied. at eight, she had thoughts of ending her life then and there. but she didn't want to upset her parents anymore than she already did with her emotions and depression. that was when she began to put her feelings into music. at age eight, her mother bought a piano with the extra money left over from her modelling career. luckily her mother knew a thing or two about playing the piano, and soon enough, xiuying became a pro at it. even though she continued to go to school, she would rarely do her homework because she would always play the piano. piano was her escape from reality, and she loved it more than her own life.
✩ seoul, south korea at age eleven, their family had moved to seoul, south korea. why? her father had been transferred to korea due to a shortage of police officers. how? they were able to make amends with her mother's father and use his private jet to get there with all their stuff. but that was the first and last time xiuying saw her grandfather because he told her mother: "this is the only time i'm helping. after this, i don't want to deal with you anymore." however, that didn't affect xiuying's life all too greatly. as a matter of fact, she was glad to have left shuzen and move to a place where no one judged her based on her mother's modelling career. in korea, she was treated like any other kid would be— kindly. that made her so happy to the point her depression completely went away and she became someone of a brighter and happier personality. her father had made it big in the force, soon becoming the chief of police. her mother, on the other hand, stayed at home caring for xiuying. xiuying always felt bad for her mother because she would only leave the house to buy food or buy clothes for xiuying. her mother's world revolved only around xiuying and her father, but i guess that comes with being a mother and wife.
✩ big hit when xiuying was thirteen and entering her last year of middle/secondary school, her group of friends were talking about idols and auditions. her friends were all about kpop and auditioning for companies, especially the popular yg, jyp and sm. but one that stood out to xiuying in particular was big hit. she found out about big hit through searching up other companies and she was also quite the fan of 2am, 8eight and glam, who at the time were active as big hit idols. lucky enough, they were holding auditions in her area around the time of school closing. so, xiuying tried her luck and played '너도 나처럼 (i wonder if you hurt like me)' by 2am, and played the piano herself. even at such a young age, she was told that she was able to display the emotions well and was signed as a trainee almost immediately after her audition (or more like a month after...). originally, she wanted to be signed as a composer or a pianist, however because of her singing abilities, she was trained to perform (i.e. singing, dancing, etc.).
animals esp rabbits, dogs, and marsupials (i.e. koalas and quokkas)
music esp kpop, kindie, and chinese ballads
flowers esp roses and cherry blossoms
cherry rose pink is her favorite color

piano and keyboard
food. every kind of food. all the food.
insects and she suffers from entomophobia (fear of insects)

 sweat. everything about it; the smell, the feeling, the taste (don't ask), but she'll deal with it anyway
her loved ones getting hurt either physically or mentally
bullies, harassers, and everything inbetween
knetizens and saesangs because they always invade idols' personal space/s
judgemental people because they never look at themselves before talking trash about others
eating (but honestly, who doesn't??)
listening to music
says fangirling over kpop groups/idols is a 'hobby'
playing the piano (ex, ex)

playing games on her phone, and lately she's been obsessed with piano tiles and tsumtsum like omfg
always smiling no matter what the situation is
when she's embarrassed, she hides her face with her hair or her hands, depnding on her hairstyle that day
sticks her tongue out alot when she's tired but happy at the same time (mostly happens during stages and concerts)
she always plays around with her members, be it through skinship (hugging, holding hands, etc.) or making faces at them

when she has fluids in from a drink, she puffs her cheeks out before swallowing
she originally wanted to become a pianist because of her love for the piano; she was taught by her mother and soon self taught herself, in addition, she can play songs by ear especially of kpop songs (ex smyang)
wherever she goes, she carries around the same stuffed animal with her for comfort and as a pillow for when she's travelling
xiuying is a heavy sleeper, however she's the first one to wake up to make breakfast for herself and her members

as a trainee, she would constantly do volunteer/charity work because she wants to give back (wow, she has a heart who knew); she still sometimes does volunteer/charity work when promotions finish
she's currently a second grader in school of performing arts (sopa) in seoul, south korea
 she owns an iphone6s in space grey — lockscreen (pretend it's arora omf) + homescreen
she's actually a hardcore carat (seventeen fandom), but she won't admit it... but her members will (it's obvious af though because her homescreen,, my goD); she'll only admit that she's a bts and snsd fan
she idolizes snsd's taeyeon for being herself despite what others say (so basically taeyeon is her role model and god)

sh!t xiuying says
no language is a barrier when you're as cute as me! (insp)
@haters: i'm going to put some cute stickers on your rotting corpse xoxo
@her own picture: oh my god! who's that cutie?? oh wait ... it's me. ;)
walking to the fridge is already a workout enough
@like, everyone: we had something going on, right? we had a thing, right? (insp)
you don't have long until you die, so just enjoy life.. unless you're like me who'll live [cue bts] YOUNG FOREVER.

sh!t arora does to xiuying
when they're talking about something that's more on the inappropriate side, they tend to cover xiuying's ears
when they're watching a movie or a video with a kissing scene in it, even if it's just a quick peck, they cover xiuying's eyes and say "no! you're too young to watch this!"
because of her age, her members always look out for her and when she's not home, they usually text her to see if she's okay/where she is

when they're asked about who their favorite groups/idols are, her members would always point towards xiuying and say "she's into seventeen! she likes dino!"
 xiuying: *curses for the first time* members: nO. YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT. YOU'RE NOT REBELLING NOW. NOT EVER. (insp)



(fc: 杨映江)  mother 美麗, an meili (42/43 in korea) / housewife, ex-model / affectionate, supportive, loving / 8.5 out of 10
→ when they meet, the two always talk in chinese. why? because her mother find it more comfortable to talk in her native language since she's not strong in speaking korean, unlike her daughter and husband. however, they always try to go out and spend mother-daughter moments whenever xiuying is free. they always talk about their individual days and if they've been alright. meili always expresses her love towards her daughter and supports her in every decision because you never know when you'll stop seeing them.
meili: 女儿 (daughter)!
xiuying: 妈妈 (mama)!
meili: 我爱你 (i love you)!
xiuying: 我也爱你 (i love you, too)!


(fc: 梁朝偉 father 健, an jian (44/45 in korea) / police officer / supportive, humorous, protective / 8.6 out of 10
→ when her mother isn't available, she always goes to her father whenever he's home, which is usually during the wee hours of the night because of his job. but when they do talk, they talk about the usual 'how's your day', 'have you eaten', etc. jian understands xiuying the best because he had taken care of her most as a child while her mother was gone modelling. so, jian understands xiuying more than anyone and always offers his shoulder to cry on. however, when it comes to xiuying's love life, her father won't hesitate to interrogate her.
xiuying: pa! *runs at full speed*
jian: did someone hurt you? do i need to arrest someone??!
xiuying: i just... came to say hi.
jian: oh... well... hi, my child!



(fc: 김태형 "brother", trainee friend 김태형, kim taehyung/뷔, v (20/21 in korea) / idol, bts / humorous, friendly, caring / 9 out of 10
→ never leave these two alone. period. it's just pure chaos when they're with each other because they always end up acting all crazy and goofy. despite the four year of the two, because of their friendly personality and around about the same time, they automatically became friends. taehyung looked out for xiuying as both a younger sister and friend. as much as people want them to not cause trouble, it's hard to pull the two away. they'll cause ruckus together, whether you like it or not.
taehyung: oi, yin!
xiuying: yung!
taehyung: i told you to call me yang,,
xiuying: you're more yin than yang though
* yin usually refers to a female while yang refers to a male


(fc: 이미소 "miso soup", mentor 이미소, lee miso (20/21 in korea) / ex-idol, glam / quiet, kindhearted, caring / 7.5 out of 10
→ before glam disbanded back in 2014, xiuying had looked up to miso because of her unique singing and unbelievable skills as an idol and person overall. they met back when miso would watch over trainees and saw that xiuying was new and struggling. xiuying reminded her of back when she was starting out in the company and since then, she would always visit xiuying to work on her singing and dancing. even after glam's disbandment, miso would call to check up on xiuying and, if need be, visit her at a cafe or her house. xiuying would always call her 'miso soup' while in return, miso would call her 'tofu'.
miso: how's that idol life treating you, tofu?
xiuying: it's been grand, miso soup!
miso: be eyeful of your members, okay? i don't want to hear anything bad.
xiuying: if anything, i'll be the one causing problems.. but for the better!
miso: *pinches her cheeks* you're so silly, tofu!


(fc: 이민형 "english subtitles", classmate 이민형, lee minhyung/마크, mark (16/17 in korea) / idol, nct / quiet, humorous, friendly / 7 out of 10
→ the only time they see each other is during school, but it's rarely any fun. why? because all mark wants to do is learn chinese from xiuying. whenever they sit together, which is basically every school day because they're seatmates, mark would try out the chinese words and phrases he's taught by either xiuying or his chinese members. even though xiuying hates it, she's learned to cope with it and talk to him in the few english words he taught her in return. however, they're usually things taken from a kdrama or sound like they're rough english translations. so, xiuying would call him 'english subtitles'.
mark: *literally a minute after learning fifty words* teach me another!
 ...痴 (baichi)
mark: 白...痴? what's that?
mark: wait... doesn't that mean idiot?? YING!
xiuying: *hears the school bell* gotta blast bYE


WHO I'll be
stage name: 잉/ying
Position: visual, lead dancer, lead vocalist (#6)
backup position: lead vocalist, sub rapper (#2)
stage persona: there's not much of a difference in xiuying when she's onstage or off. however, the only difference is that she takes performing quite seriously. sure, she'll still smile afterwards or if the song is one that's upbeat, but she also performs with her all. on stage, she's someone who would radiate with charisma, despite her young age. you can say that she has that 4d personality when she goes on stage and exits.
variety persona: when it comes to variety, xiuying is someone who talks and makes the place fill with laughter. be it over her pronunciation errors, her youthful appearance, or just her humor overall, she always tries to make the place bright and full of smiles. she acts like her usual self and isn't afraid of what others will think of her. then again, that's how xiuying always was; happy, cheerful, and playful.
Production talent: xiuying had always wanted to compose music, especially since she loves playing the piano and would even compose her own piano pieces, like those that she plays by ear and transfers them to sheet music.
talent twins:
 SINGING TWIN lovelyz's 예인 — compilation
RAPPING TWIN omg's 아린 — compilation
 DANCING TWIN omg's 아린 — windy day
training period: 3 years, 8 months
trainee life: xiuying remembers the day she entered into big hit all too clearly, and she never regrets her decision with starting out small. many of the trainees there thought she had the face for sm or maybe should've chosen jyp because they're very multicultural. however, she loved big hit. why? because it was small; it was a company only a few knew of. two years after her move from china, she saw that big hit was holding auditions in her area. so, she auditioned and to her luck, she got in.
her life under big hit are ones that she remembers the most, even despite the language barrier between her and other trainees. as a trainee, she was also still working on her korean, so she would tend to only talk to the few chinese trainees in big hit. but with the help of her classmates and those trainees she hung out with, she was able to completely talk and understand the language and was able to converse in school.
the first few weeks being a trainee under big hit, however, were quite hard. not only was the language barrier a problem, but since she originally didn't want to become a performer, she didn't have any vocal lessons prior to her audition. how she even got in? probably because she performed a self-composed song and sang it on the piano. but with the help of miso, at the time she was a member of glam, and taehyung, at the time was just a trainee, she was able to overcome all obstacles that stood in her path. she soon began to stand out from the other trainees for not only being mentored by miso privately, but also for improving the most in less than a year. xiuying continued to work hard and do her best for both her friends and her family.
Predebut activities:
helped taehyung by playing the piano for his covers of 'someone like you' and '안아줘 (hug me)' — listen + listen
she did the keyboard portion of rm and jk's '알아요 (i know)' — listen
she did the piano portion of bts' 'young forever' (unplugged version) — listen
 as a trainee, xiuying was always close with taehyung because of their childish and friendly personalities. however, there's a picture going around the internet that came from twitter that is supposedly a picture of her and taehyung (picture). fans were outraged over the picture because of the closeness of their faces. however it was later confirmed that it's not of xiuying and taehyung, but rather a couple that just looks like them. plus, neither of them own a personal twitter. — false


WHat i am
Please introduce yourself:
 "꽃!꽃!꽃! (kkoch! kkoch! kkoch!) hello, i'm (arora's) blooming flower, an xiuying!" i put my hands under my chin to mimick a flower-like appearance, tilting my head to the side with a wide smile.
Why have you decided to become an idol? Why have you chosen bighit ENTERtainment?
✩ "oh gosh, well," i tap my chin before folding my hands on my lap, "first i wanted to become a pianist or composer because it's what i love. but when i auditioned, the ones viewing it loved my singing ability at such a young age so — tadah! here i am, trying to make it big as an idol. and as for choosing big hit, i just wanted to enter a company that's small. plus, i was, and still am, a huge fan of 2am along with bts, so... did i explain myself well?" i scratch the back of my head while my eyes curve into an eyesmile.
What, in your opinion, makes arora special? what will make your group stand out among the many groups that debuted in 2015?
 "i would honestly say arora is a group that you wouldn't want to miss. we're hardworking, dedicated, and we also plan to self-produce our own music in the future; like our bts and homme sunbaes!" i clasp my hands together with a wide smile. "though many other groups are all of those things, especially those that debuted last year, we're a unique bunch. but you'll just have to find out about us in the future." i playfully wink at you with a soft laughter into my hand after.
There are some controversies regarding your debut. people are saying arora is trying to ride on the success of bts, and that arora is modelled to be bts' female copy. any thoughts on that?
 "i wouldn't say we're a copy, but i would say we're their sister group. sure, bts is extremely popular now, but riding on their success? oh, no, no, no. if anything we're riding on our own "
Is there anything you'd like to do other than your group activities?
"ah, i always wanted to try mcing. i feel like with my bright personality and friendly image, i can do it well. i also want to try going back to my roots of playing the piano, but i don't know how i can possibly do that." i tap my chin, puffing my cheeks out, while pondering over playing the piano and where. however, nothing comes to mind, causing me to shrug my shoulders.
is there anything else you'd like to add?
i look in another direction, pretending there's a crowd of fans swarming my way, "please anticipate arora's debut and future projects! please give us lots of love and support! oh, and don't forget to do the same with bts and homme! i love you all!" i stand up to make a heart with my arms above my head, a cutesy smile playing on both my lips and eyes (bc my eyesmile is cute af).


WHO I love
LOVE INTEREST: 이찬/디노 (lee chan/dino) from seventeen
BACKUP LOVE INTEREST: 徐明浩/디에잇 (xu minghao/the8) from seventeen
positive childish, ambitious, caring
negative tries to act tough, timid, quiet around strangers
 dino has that charisma that makes you think twice as to whether he really is the maknae or not. because of his young age, he's usually childish; always playing around with s and friends and he can be quite the dork sometimes as well. he has a lot of passion for performing, especially dancing, and has an ambition that's unlike anyone else. towards s, he can be someone of a caring nature, and even towards xiuying as well. but under that whole caring and squishy appearance lies a timid and quiet dino. in addition, he tries to act tough in front of his fans and xiuying. but with xiuying, he always fails to appear like a man because she can't look past his 'cute demeanor'.
they don't meet until later on into xiuying's debut. however, xiuying has always been a dino stan ever since seventeen's 'adore u' era, but she never mentions that (though her members aren't afraid of telling interviewers that she stans him hardcore). in dino's perspective, he only sees xiuying as another idol. however, as he continues to watch xiuying perform, he develops a slight crush towards her. dino soon begins to watch variety shows arora is on, listen to radio shows arora is on, learns arora's dances— the seventeen maknae soon becomes arora obsessed. or should i say... xiuying obsessed.
when they first interact, be it a special stage, group interview, etc., they would glance at each other from time to time and would just act like themselves. but when they get the chance to talk to each other, they make it seem awkward for their own members since their members know that they admire each other.
when it comes to dino confessing to her, he would ask s how he should go about doing so. but when the time is right, he'll make his move and casually ask her out. at first, xiuying says that she wants to focus on school and her schedules first. but as she turns twenty (unless you want them to date earlier??), dino asks again and she finally answers with a 'yes'.
status: crushing, admiring, young love
imo, their theme song would most likely be sungjae and joy (bbyu)'s '어린애 (young love)' — listen
when individually interviewed and asked about their favorite groups, xiuying says 'seventeen and bts' and dino says 'arora'; when they're asked about who their favorites are, xiuying says all of them while dino straightup says 'arora's ying'.

when asked, xiuying always cooks for dino and s
when fancams leaked of dino and xiuying glancing at each other, their individual fans started shipping them (xiuno) and to satisfy their  shipper hearts they would make edits (ex, ex, ex)
before they started dating, dino would always use the8 or jun just to talk to her since xiuying's native language is chinese and dino is shy af around her


fanfare ✩ ang

LAST COMMENT: i may or may not add some more things because i can do so much with this character omfg. but for now,,, that's it! i hope you like her and i hope everything is a-okay. if not, i'll fix it asap :)) also i'm actually unsure of the plotlines, since i kept going back and forth on #6 and #2, so you can choose either of them because,, i love both plotlines and i'm indecisive af. :')
+ everything in black/bold are links js :))
scene requests:
dino and xiuying meet :')
bts x arora collab!!

bighit concert or maybe a tv show/series with bts, arora, and homme :')
(cliché af but...) arora has their own reality tv show
more to come later bc,, brain dead oml
PASSWORD:  #cc0066  (cherry rose pink aka her faveee) + '내 이름을 불러줘 (say my name)' by gfriend




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