「Nike 」 The Goddesses Of Victory ⋮ 마리, Mari ⋮ [041016]

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remplace with face claim 120*120
birthname안마리, ahn mari
other names
 mari ahn  her english name growing up in seattle.
 말 ("mar")  a simple nickname that many call her along with the fact that she's intrigued with astronomy and astrology (because "mars"). however, she wishes to be called "mari" rather than "mar", so this nickname in particular is used a lot to .
 블랙 카드 ("black card")  everyone in the company calls her this because she owns a credit card and is always offering to pay for her members and even the staff members that help her. this happens a lot whenever they go out and the account balance seems to be unlimited or whenever people ask for her to pay (she's honestly too kind for this world tbh).
 대너리스 타르가르옌 ("daenerys targaryen")  a character from her favorite american show and the character who resembles her the most. she gets called this name a lot with those who like the show and her friends back home in seattle.
birthday january 29, 1995 (21/22 in korea)
birthplace seattle, washington (1995-2002)
hometown seoul, south korea (2002-present)
ethnicity korean
languages spoken
 english  her first language while still living in america. however, her english is slowly declining due to speaking korean more and leaving america at a young age, only seldomly returning to america for vacations.
 korean (seoul dialect)  growing up, her parents tried to get her used to hearing and speaking korean in america so when they go to korea, it'll come naturally to her. the seoul dialect is her parents' native tongue.
face claim 김도희, ulzzang
back up face claim 최아름, ulzzang
height & weight 166cm & 51kg
mari is someone who tends to go all natural with her makeup and hair, usually having the basic bb cream, eyeliner and a bit of mascara most of the time. her jet black hair is fairly long and naturally wavy, reaching past her mid-back. however, she always likes her hair straightened or up in a ponytail— two of her go-to hairstyles. she has doe-shaped, brown eyes with a button nose and round face. her height is average, but short for her family's background at 166cm, but she's happy with herself since her weight is 51kg— a healthy bmi for her. mari is happy with her appearance from her milky white skin and pink-tinted lips.
personality traits here
 positive  tolerant, reliable, altruistic, kindhearted
sensitive, selfless, fluctuating self-esteem, idealistic  negative 
tolerant mari is a true team player, and she recognizes that it means listening to other people's opinions, even when they contradict her own. she admits that she doesn't have all the answers, and are often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive.
reliable the only thing that bugs her the most is the idea of leeting down a person or cause that she truly believes in. if it's possible, she'll always be counted on to see it through, even if she's not considered the leader.
altruistic uniting all the qualities is her unyielding desire to do good in and for her community, be it in her own home or the global stage. being genuinely warm and selfless, mari believes that if she can just bring people together, she can do a world of good.
kindhearted mari loves helping others and is known to be caring and protective over practically everyone, even if they don't notice it. she's the kind of girl that will do everything and anything to help and protect others, even if it means risking her own life every once in awhile.
sensitive while receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it's easy for her to take it a little too much to heart. her sensitivity to others means that she sometimes feels problems that aren't her own and try to fix things she can't fix, worrying if she's doing enough.
selfless mari can bury herself in her hopeful promises, feeling others' problems as her own and striving hard to meet her word. if she isn't careful, however, she can spread herself too thin and be left unable to help anyone.
fluctuating self-esteem mari defines her self-esteem by whether she's able to live up to her ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what she could do better. if she fails to meet a certain goal or to help someone she said they'd help, her self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.
idealistic mari can sometimes be caught off guard as she finds that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against her and defy the principles she's adopted, no matter how well-intentioned she may be, she's more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and can earn a reputation of naïveté.
 mari grew up in a rather normal household of three, her being the only child. she was born in seattle, washington, usa on the twenty-nineth day of one of the coldest month of the year in 1995, only to be brought to south korea at the age of nine. mari was born into a wealthy family and her family continues to remain in the high-middle class due to saving a lot from the states and her parents' occupations.
 mari's parents wanted to best for her, so, they pushed her into entering a business school when she graduated high school. why? because her parents wanted to continue the tradition of their family raising them to become a lawyer or part of the police force. but that wasn't what mari wanted. growing up, mari was introduced to kpop and music, and one night she had gone to a karaoke room with her high school friends. that was when mari found a love for singing. but that wasn't what her parents wanted.
 because of her parents, she was forced into a business school to become a lawyer after graduating early from high school at the age of seventeen (eighteen in korea) due to skipping a grade back in elementary school. but, of course, mari still wanted to sing and didn't think of anything else, but that. so, she decided to go around to local parks to sing for money. her parents didn't know that she was doing this over the weekends, but then again, they didn't know about her love for singing.
 early last year (2015), her best friend, hanbin, had talked to her about there being an audition for the company that he was signed under. but mari didn't want to audition as she was focusing more on passing the semester. singing, to her, was became of a hobby rather than something she wanted in life. she forgot about her dream of becoming a singer and started to focus more on making her parents proud. however, in late 2015, she was recruited by a blue moon entertainment when she was singing in the park. mari didn't make her decision of joining until a few months later (december).
 in early 2016, mari had finally completed school and earned her J.D. degree in law. her parents wanted her to continue, but after hearing her sing korea's national anthem at the ceremony (since she was asked by the university's dean to sing), that was when she told her parents of her being recruited by an entertainment agency and had already started training since december. at first they weren't all for her doing this, stopping with a bachelor's degree and going into singing, but they wanted her daughter to be happy and smiling. that was when they made a compromise: she was allowed to join blue moon entertainment as long as she would take her Lawyer Admission Test in the following month (april). and, of course, mari said yes.
• she's qualified to practice law in korea and is eligible to be a lawyer since she earned her J.D degree in law and passed her admission test with flying colors; she earned her J.D degree and passed her admission test from seoul national university law school. (education information)
• she has an obsession with the show "game of thrones", her favorite character being daenerys targaryen, who she's most linked to by her friends in seattle.
• she's into astrology and astronomy, but not the study of it; she likes seeing different constellations and reading about the universe and planets.
• she can't swim, and she has a fear of drowning because of it.
• during her high school years, she would do volunteer work at local animal shelters and soup kitchens since she wanted to give back and feel good about herself; she enjoys doing acts of kindness, even to this day.
• she owns a black card, which is mostly used for emergencies; she has another card, which is usually used to pay for personal expenses or when no one else has money to pay; usually it ends up being her paying, but she doesn't mind.
• she has a twitter and instagram: @/maranhx; she mostly uses her twitter, only posting on instagram when she feels the need to.
• she can play the guitar through learning it from her father who would play the guitar at home whenever they would have a holiday together or just for fun.
• mari is actually a huge fan of got7 and ikon, and is slowly getting into bts and monsta x as well; although she doesn't look like it, she's actually into khiphop, krap, along with r&b and kballads because of her friends.
• she can't stand spicy food, but she'll eat it if she mixes it with something of a less spicier value (like kimchi and lettuce, with water or milk, etc.).
• she can cook both american and korean food as she learned how to by her parents (her mother taught her overall, but her father taught her how to properly cook meat).
remplace with love interest 120*120
   dad         mom   
안경준, ahn kyungjun 48 (49 in korea) chief police officer
supportive, stern, overly-protective 8 out of 10
when her mother isn't available, she'll go to her father whenever he's at home, which is usually during the late night hours due to his job. but when they do talk, they talk about the usual "how's your day", "have you eaten", etc. although kyungjun wasn't home most of the time, he still somehow can relate to mari because mari is more alike to her father than her mother. so, kyungjun understands mari more than anyone and always offers his shoulder to cry on. however, when it comes to mari's love life and future plans, her father won't hesitate to interrogate her. but mari knows that he's acting this way for his one and only daughter to have a great future.
안지혜, ahn jihye 46 (47 in korea) lawyer
loving, nurturing, independent 8 out of 10
as a child, mari was always attached to her mother, but that was only because her father wasn't around most of the time due to his occupation. however, back in america, her mother was always busy, which would cause her to have a baby sitter early in the morning until the late afternoon hours. in korea, however, her mother has more free time as she's not all too busy with her job and is usually busy only on the weekends. but, all in all, mari would always go to her mother whenever worst comes to shove, or if she needed advice about something. the only downside is that her mother was very independent, always relying on her words based on first-person experiences. although that can be helpful, sometimes it keeps mari down from doing things her way. but, of course, her love for her mother overreigns anything.
remplace with love interest 120*120
      best friend      
김한빈, kim hanbin 19 (20 in korea) idol, ikon
charismatic, cunning, mischievous 9 out of 10
→ the two know each other through living in the same neighborhood ever since mari had moved to seoul from seattle. and ever since, they've done practically everything together. the two would go to school together, do homework together— they practically spend their whole childhood days together. heck, their parents even invite each other's parents to spend dinner together; that's how close they were. they even supported each other through their ventures and struggles and even inspired one another to get into music. when hanbin became an idol, however, they slowly parted ways due to his busy overseas schedules. but they still continue to contact each other through their personal kakaos and video chat every once in awhile. they try to meet when they can, be it privately or at either of their houses, but, of course, being a friend with an idol has its downfalls (i.e. rumors/scandals, etc.).
remplace with love interest 120*120
 childhood friend 
jennie chan 19 (20 in korea) washington state university art major
humorous, loveable, altruistic 8.5 out of 10
→ even though the last time they saw each other in person was when mari was only eight, but to this day, they still keep in touch with each other. be it through text or video call, they try their best to keep in touch no matter what the distance is. mari depends on jennie as much as she trusts hanbin as jennie knows mari because of their childhood together.
Stagename 마리, mari
personahera (goddess of marriage; queen of the gods) — because of her caring personality, she's seen as a very motherly and patient person. she cares for everyone and everything, and would rarely get angered since her patience is practically made of steel. mari can be sensitive and unsure of herself, but her motherly side overpowers practically everything. and since the concept of the group is 'goddesses', this was the persona that she went with from learning about hera through astrology. because of this persona of hers, mari is usually labeled as the "nation's wife" or "nation's daughter-in-law".
 — other persona(s): "mama bear", "mother", "wife", "daughter-in-law"
talent twin
singing — 크리스탈, f(x)
dancing — 크리스탈, f(x)
rapping — none
acting — 아이린, red velvet
mcing — 아이린, red velvet
variety — 아이린, red velvet
talking — 크리스탈, f(x)
trainee life
 she was recruited to join blue moon entertainment in august of 2015, but not through being in another company. the ceo was walking around seoul where she met mari, who was surrounded by a group of people listening to her sing and play the guitar. the ceo loved her singing and the fact that she can play the guitar, thus asking her afterwards if she wanted to join an entertainment company. mari was skeptical at first since her father had taught her to not trust anyone who just randomly comes up to you and asks you for a deed, but the ceo had given her a business card and was told to call when she had made a decision.
 in december of 2015 she called the ceo and told her that she was interested, thus starting her training life in mid-december. but the worst part? her parents didn't know about this. when she told her parents at her graduation in april of 2016, they were shocked over the fact their own flesh and blood had lied to her about her whereabouts since december. but, because mari was so extremely happy about training, her parents let her slide and continue on.
 her trainee life was like what many say it would be. school in the morning, training in the afternoon and homework late at night. this cycle would continue everyday and, to mari, was very gruesome as the trainers pushed her far, especially in dancing. since mari had no history in dancing, she was struggling in that field. but, in the end, she was able to dance and is known as one of the hardest working trainees in blue moon.
pre debut
 she was involved in a scandal with hanbin in april 2016 because there was a picture surfacing with him at a graduation, meeting with a girl and her family afterwards. that girl turned out to be mari, but no one knew of her name or who she was back then. however, hanbin was dragged into a dating scandal while his other members were in a scandal before as well. but hanbin had to clarify at one of his concerts that he was single and the rumors weren't true. he said that it was just his neighborhood best friend who was graduating from law school and invited him to celebrate.
 in college over the weekends, mari would go to a local park and sing while playing the guitar. the money she raised over a month would be split to go to herself and to a local charity.
goddess 05
trainee years
december 2015 to present

love interest 段宜恩, mark yien tuan, got7
back up love interest 김한빈, kim hanbin, ikon
 positive  optimistic, great in crisis, relaxed
reserved, easily bored, stubborn  negative 
optimistic mark is usually up to his elbows in some project or other. cheerful and good-natured, he rarely gets stressed out and prefers to go with the flow.
great in crisis with hands-on creativity and spontaneity, it's no wonder mark is natural in critical situations. he usually enjoys a little physical risk and he's not afraid to get his hands dirty when the situation calls for it.
relaxed through all this, he's able to stay quite relaxed. he lives in the moment and goes with the flow, refusing to worry too much about what the future holds.
reserved mark is notoriously difficult to get to know. being a true introvert he is, he keeps his personal matters to himself and often just prefers silence over small talk.
easily bored mark enjoys novelty, which makes him an excellent tinkerer, but much less reliable when it comes to focusing on things long-term. once something is understood, he tends to simply move on to something new and more appealing to him.
stubborn as easy as he goes with the flow, he can also ignore it entirely, and usually moves in another direction with little apology or sensitivity. if someone tries to change his habits, lifestyle, or ideas through criticism, he can become quite blunt in his irritation.
love story
 they don't meet until later into mari's debut. however, mari has always been a igot7 (got7 fan) ever since got7's "girls girls girls" era, but she never mentions that (though her members aren't afraid of telling interviewers she stans the group, and mark in particular). in mark's perspective, he only sees mari as another idol. however, as he continues to watch mari perform and interact with other idols, he soon develops a slight crush towards her. mark soon begins to watch variety shows she's on, listen to radio shows she's featured in, learns her group's dances— the eldest member of got7 soon becomes nike obessed. or should i say... mari obsessed.
 when they first interact, be it a special stage, group interview, etc., they would glance at each other from time to time and would just act like themselves. but when they do get the chance to talk to each other, they make it seem awkward for their own members since their members know that they admire each other as both a person and a fellow idol.
 a lot of their fans find out about their love for each of their groups when mari finally comes out clean about stanning got7 and mark in particular. after being forced to either talk to him or sending a video message, mark comes clean as well about him stanning nike when either asked about it or asked to do a group dance and mentions nike as his first choice. both of their groups would call out about how talking about mark and mari and seeing them nervous was a first, which shed some light on what mark and mari could be.
 when it comes to mark confessing to her, he first tries to befriend her, thinking that it'd be best to start as friends before moving into something more. he would ask s how he should go about confessing his true feelings to her since, to him, this was the first time he actually felt sincere love. but when the time is right, he'll make his move and casually ask her out. at first, mari says that she wants to focus on her schedules first, but soon realizes that the simple 'stanning' was actually love. after a few months or years, even, mark asks her again and she finally answers with a 'yes'.
• when people found out that they stan each other, their fans started making ship names for them, "2mar" being the most popular and "west coast couple" (since they're both born in the west coast) being another popular ship name. mark and mari, after getting to know each other, were the ones who made up the "west coast couple" ship name, but it wasn't meant to be taken as an actual ship,,
• when they start dating, they try to keep it a secret at first, only allowing for their members to know. however, knetizens find out about it and it becomes a huge scandal, which only causes their companies to release the dating news. unlike most dating scandals, there's is accepted by almost everyone, only because they were good friends prior to their scandal.
• mari and mark talk through text and their social medias (twitter and instagram, but twitter the most). a lot of their shippers would screenshot their interactions on the sites and would post them up, commenting about it.

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment i hope you like mari! i kind of recycled some of my apps here and there, just so you know. :")

scene requets


password i do like the one that was first mentioned: victorious. it has a good meaning for the group and it makes complete sense to the group name. plus, it can come out as something cheesy like their fans are their trophy and road to victory. :")


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