"Her Choice"

So We Meet Again

     "Is Hyun Woo gone yet?" Your mom asked, walking into your room. She squinted and looked around in disbelief. "Oi, Jung Meenah! It's been a while since I've been in your room but when did you put all these new posters up?!" She complained, walking up to a SS501 poster and closely stared at it. 

     "I brought Hyun Woo to his hotel early in the morning and, I bought the posters using Minwoo oppa's money." You sighed. You were on your stomach, scrolling through Tumblr on your laptop. There were random wrappers all over the bed and on the floor. Everything was a mess and your mom looked worried. She sat down beside you and observed your Tumblr dashboard. 

     "Why do you seem so down, my daughter? I heard that you had a date with Dongho today. He should be back soon any minute now!" Your mom poked your arm and pouted. You sighed and slammed your laptop shut. You buried your face in your hands and fell onto your mom's lap. 

     "But I'm tired! I don't want to go anywhere today." You whined.

     "That's what you get for being locked up in a dark room all day. Hurry up and get ready before I cancel your trip to Australia!" Your mom threatnened, slapping your bottom.

     "Ugh!" You grunted, rolling off the bed. You let out a deep breath and crawled around, finding the essential items to make your mom approve. You randomly grabbed a white v-neck, skinny jeans, and a black cardigan. You ran into the bathroom and quickly changed into the clothes. You paired the outfit with a long random necklace and your transition lense glasses. You dabbed concealer under your eyes to cover up the obvious dark circles and stood in front of your mom with your arms open. 

     "Well?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Your mom put a finger on her chin and tilted her head. She inspected you from head to toe and nodded her head. 

     "Not bad, my daughter. It seems like you've done this before." Your mom said, still looking at your outfit. You rolled your eyes and stood in front of the full sized mirror next to your closet. You took your hair in both hands and looked at them with dissatisfaction. You twirled the locks of your hair around your fingers and puffed out your cheeks. Sighing, you rummaged around your closet, searching for the curling iron.

     You made your mom curl your hair for you since you were too lazy to do it yourself. She took a section of hair in the back and clamped down on it with the curling iron, twisting it around the burning hot rod. Your mom mentally counted to ten and slowly let go of the section of hair. It twisted out and fell graciously back onto her head in a delicate curl. 

     She did that for the rest of your hair until all of it was perfectly curled and volumized. Both of you smiled at it satisfactorily. Your mom quickly pinched your cheeks and left the room without another word. You smiled once more and stared at yourself in the mirror. "I wonder if Dongho will insult me if I look like this or not." You thought. 


     "Sunbae! Did Meenah ask Dongho?" Chelsea asked, pouncing on Kimchi. Kimchi slightly raised the corner of his mouth and nodded. 

     "I saw from the corner. Don't worry." He plainly said. Kimchi leaned against the window and blankly stared outside. He absentmindedly wrote your name on the window with his finger. Kimchi sighed and rubbed it away with his sleeve. Chelsea stared at Kimchi with pity. "I should probably go back to the dorm now." Kimchi randomly said. He turned around and headed for the door.

     "Kimchi sunbae. If you really want to be with Meenah, I can help you with that. I really care for her and if Dongho keeps on acting like that for any longer, I'll definitely never let Meenah be with him. In my opinion, you would be a better match for her." Chelsea blurted out. Kimchi abruptly stopped. Slowly turning around, he put on a serious face. 

     "I don't think I would ever challenge Dongho sunbae though. Even though I'm older and I have feelings for Meenah, it's her choice. I don't think she sees me in that way." He replied. Chelsea was taken aback at his reply and she frowned. She shook her head and blinked. 

     Kimchi turned back towards the door and walked out. Chelsea stood there, staring at the place where Kimchi once stood. "I still don't like Dongho. Anyone would be better than him!" She harshly muttered. 

GOTTA QUICKLY GO TO SLEEP T^T No comment replies today >______>






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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 61: Holy mother of bananas I read your fic in just two days NO sleeps seriously its amazing can't wait to read the sequel but I'll sleep first hahahah
Hay there I'm stalking you.
Love you trang <3
animednila #3
Omg! I luv ur story. And I've only read the forward.
I realize my last comment had a silly typo... I mean such a good job xD
Anyway, I really like the story. Even if it was a little dragged. Nonetheless, I felt the emotions.
C: good job!
Aishhhhh.. Chapter 25 and I'm more than ever ;u;
I really like it, you did a good job.
It takes a lot to catch my attention.
Okay I'll comment right now, I just started and now on chapter 11
I really like this ;~; I'll make future comments too c:
omg! this story is sooooo good i read it all in 2 days! :D
i-b2uty #8
This story is the first story I ever read on this site and i love it! :D
Th pic is hilarious hahahahaha
Naomiixx #10
Start the sequel soon!!!!! D: