The End

Our Love Is Beyond My Imagination


It has been almost 6 months I am doing my activity as an artist at my own country with my new manager since 2months after I landed in this country lea decided to quit from becoming my manager and migrated to Korea since she said Yesung already porposed her. I am so happy for her. We still contact each other though. However as for me, Leeteuk promised me to come here on our 1st year anniversary but he never did. I assumed that he is very busy right now. I’ve read on the internet that he is now MC of Star King, plus he is on the show Hello Baby with Sistar. He must have been super busy than usual. We still contacting each other. Sometimes through twitter and some times through phone calls but we cant managed to talk longer since he is packed with his own schedules and I have mine also. But I always contact with his dongsaengs though. Maybe because they are less busy. Leeteuk never once mentioned about the promised he had made on our 300th day anniversary. I assumed that he feels guilty maybe or maybe he doesn’t have enough time to explained to me.

But passed around 2 months he kinda worried me. He barely contacted me although sometimes when he tweeted something, I always replied him although his tweets is random but maybe he is too tired to read the mentions I guess. And around this 2 months also I already heard that he is on the new variety show We Got Married. He haven’t told me anything but he is even on the topic trending on twitter with his partner, Kang Sora. I am curious about two things. One, why the media still chose him although they knew I am with him. I mean, usually they always take someone that single, right? Second, why he didn’t even bothered to tell me about this even this is a fake married, but still. Nichkhun had tell me that he actually dated Victoria outside the filming. But I know I van trust Leeteuk but I am still curious why he accepted this job without saying anything to me. I am still his girlfriend and even this is for show, it is about marriage life. I put aside any negative feelings and decided to trust him. Beside he promised me and I promised him too. I keep holding on my promises and his promised words to me so I hope he done the same thing. But now, I feel likes flying to Jorea since I have fre times and beside, I miss the boys so much and ofcourse I miss Leeteuk. I decided that I should go to see him. I must be tolerate since he is busy and I have free times, I should go and see him and also his dongsaengs.

I didn’t informed him about my visit to Korea but I already informed Donghae and the others. On the day I landed on Korea, Siwon and Kyuhyun picked me from the airport. They were so happy to see me and Kyuhyun cant let go of me even for seconds. Keep on clinging on me even in car. They both sure have lots of stories that they cant even wait to tell it at the dorm. They keep on telling me lots of stories but I wondered that none of the stories is about Leeteuk. Sure have a bit but when I come to the main questions like why he haven’t contacted me that much or are he is so busy they keep on avoiding it and pretend not to hear it and tell me other stories. I arrived the dorm later and see that everything still the same. Donghae is the first person to greet and hug me followed by the others. They are so happy to see me. Even Kangin take one day leave.

“So, where is Jungsoo?” I asked them.

“Emm, he is filming right now. But he will be back by dinner. Don’t worry..” Only Sungmin answered me.

“Yeah~ Don’t worry. Now we are going to make special dinner for you. You go to your old room and get some nice rest. No need to help us!” Ryeowook ordered me in a cute way.

“Arasso..” I pouted and walk to the room. the room still haven’t changed a little. They said they still keeping the room for me incase that I come like today.

I rested on the bed and soon I didn’t realized I fall asleep. But soon after one hour I wake up from that little nap and decided to take a shower. I went to the shower leaving the room unlocked. A few minutes later, I’ve done showering and already put some clothes on and get out from the bathroom and saw Leeteuk. He was kinda shocked to see me. I run to him and hugged him tightly.

“Jungsoo-ah! I miss you!” I said to him.

“______-ah, what are you doing here?” He said while pulling me away. “When did you come? Why did other members didn’t tell me anything?” He asked me without showing any happy face or glad to see me.

“I..I decided to make a surprised for you..” I said slowly.

“Why didn’t you tell me first?!” He raised his voice a little.

“You.. didn’t returns any of my calls. I thought you are so”

He cut me. “Yes, I am busy. You know I am busy but still you..”

Why is he acting like this? He don’t wanna see me anymore? He should be happy to see me. Without knowing, a tear flow on my face. I quickly wiped it away so that he cant see  it.

“Fine. I think maybe I should just go back.” You said and started to packed your things. Suddenly he grabbed your wrist.

“Baby.. I am sorry. I shouldn’t said that. Iam just tired. I am sorry..” He pulled me into his embraced. My tears immediately flow right away. I cried on his chest.

“I miss you so badly.. I just wanna see you..” I cried.

“I know.. I am sorry..I didn’t mean to said that. I miss you so much too..” He whispered to my ears. Then he lifted my chin so that he can look at my face. He wiped my tears and kissed my lips. I kissed him back. I miss his kiss so much.

We kissed for a few minutes until we heard Eunhyuk called his for dinner so we get out from the room and have a nice dinner like we used to. We had fun joking around and teasing each other like we used too. After the dinner, we had a long conversations among each other. Yesung also excitedly telling me that in a few months he is going to married Lea and how opened their fans are. He also said that I must be the wedding planner and help Lea and his mom too. I just agreed with whatever he asked me too. After a few hours having a conversation, everyone realized that they had their own schedules next morning so everyone went to sleep. As for me, Leeteuk followed me to the room when the others were teasing him when he said he wanna sleep at his own room. later, he decided to sleep with me as he used too. We laid down on the bed next to each other. I totally missed all these moments.

“Baby..I am so sorry for my respond when I first saw you back then. I am just tired. I hope you understand..” He said to me slowly.

“It’s okay honey.. I understand.. I am sorry too. For not telling you..” I said to him.

“It’s okay now. I am so happy to see you and to be with you now. Laying next to you right now..” He my hair and caressed my cheek and slowly his finger traced my face and down to my lips. “I love you..” He crashed his lips on mine. I did the same thing.

“I love you too..” I whispered to him. Then we kissed again. Deeper and deeper. And more passionately. We cant lied that we truly missed each other so badly.

He pulled away to breathe. Then he look me into my eyes so deep. “Do you trust me, baby?” He said in whispering tone and his voice got deeper.

“I always trust you, honey..” I said.

He kissed me again. More and more. It’s like a drugs for both of us. We kissed more passionately. He moved from my lips to my jawline and kiss my neck and it all started from that. We spend the night together. I gave all my trust to him. I gave him the most important things for me. He is the first man to did this to me because I trust him and I love him so much. The best night ever that we have spent together and I have no worries at all at the moment since everything is so perfect. We fall asleep next to each other after that, cuddling to each other. I am so happy and I know he is too.



The next morning I wake up and saw him already awake sitting at the end of the bed. I crawled and move closer to him. I put my hands around his neck and kiss his cheek. He looks very uneasy and seems worried. I wonder why.

“Honey.. what’s wrong?” I said slowly to him.

He pushed my hands that lingers around him slowly and let out a deep sighed. “I think.. I made a mistake..”

“What mistake?” I don’t get it and I don’t understand.

“We..we shouldn’t do that. Last shouldn’t be happening..”

I rolled my eyes as soon as I heard that. “Wh..Why..?” I stuttered. I feel like torn into pieces at the moment. After what I gave to him how could he said that.

“Nothing..Just forget about it..Just go get dressed now. They probably waiting for us for breakfast.” He stands up.

I stand up and grabbed his hands as he starts to walk out of the room. “Jungsoo.. I need an explaination. Why did you said that? After all that we had been through? What is wrong with you? Have your heart changed? To.. Kang Sora is it?”

“Don’t involved her in this! She had nothing to do about this.” He pointed at me. “ I said it’s nothing! What explaination you need more?! There is nothing to explain. Just forget about that. Is it so hard for you, huh?!” He raised his voice.

This is not what I wanted for this visits. I thought we I come here I can spend some nice and lovey dovey times with him but..

“Jungsoo, what is wrong with you.. Did I do something wrong to you again? You seems different. You always didn’t returned my calls. It seems like you’ve been ignoring me.. Avoiding me..” I cried.

“I told you I am busy! Which part of that you didn’t understand?! Aishhh!” He groaned. “You should’ve wait in your country! Not coming here! Ughh!”

“I’ve waited for you but you didn’t appear at all, Jungsoo. Why..why is this happening, Jungsoo! If you don’t love me anymore, just say it!” I said to him.

“Ughh!” He groaned out loud and walk out through the door. I followed him with my sleeping dress. I ignored the other members who passed by and asking me what is wrong and some of them are kinda shocked. I followed Jungsoo till he reached the main door.

“Jungsoo! Talk to me!” I said to him. He ignored me and smashed the door. I fall right onto the floor and cried so hard.

“_____-ah..what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Siwon help me stands and lead me to the couch. I didn’t answer him and just keep on crying. Some of them come and try to consoled me and asking whether I am okay or not but I just keep on crying.



A few days later I decided to meet him at MBC building since I heard that he have a recording there. He didn’t get back to dorms after that day. I think he is mad at me. Maybe it is my fault. I think I am the one who should apologize to him this time. I don’t wanna loose him. I love him so much. so I don’t mind going to take the first step to apologize to him to make our relationship get better. Besides, I will be back tomorrow morning so I hope I can spend this last moment with him. I make him a homemade kimbab. Just for him. Kyuhyun gives me a ride since he is going to MBC building too. I have a nice talk with this evilmaknae. He doesn’t seems to be ‘evil’ to me like teasing me. He treats me like an oppa always did. Avtually all of them are like that. I am glad although this visits actually kinda messed up, but I actually didn’t messed up all of it. Although Leeteuk and I have a slight misunderstanding but other members still great.

“You go look for him, first. He might be in the waiting room. I wanna meet the producer to discuss something for a while. I will be right there later, okay?” Kyuhyun gives the okay sign with his hand.

“Arraso, oppa.” I smile at him aand walk to the waiting room with a paper bag that contains the kimbab I made for him.

I walk passed each door searching for his name until I passed by one. ‘Super Junior’s Leeteuk’ His door was slightly opened. I peeked in and pushed the door slowly until it was open half. No one there except..

What did I have to see this. Why they had to do this in front of me. No, this is not for the show. There is no camera anywhere. Just them two. I was right all time. I keep on denying my feelings about his heart already changed but it is actually the truth. All my thoughts are true. None of my thoughts are wrong. But..why? I gave all my love to him.

“When will you tell her? We cant continue being undisclosed like this. I wish to have some public relationship too.” She said to him as he hugged her waist and her hair.

“Please wait dear. I will try to find a way to tell her but not now..” He said.

“But when? We’ve been almost two months now..” She pouted. He gives her a light pecked on her lips.

“Please just wait.. you know I am with you right now. I am all yours.” He said.

“I know.. I love you so much.”

“Me too~”

“You never said ‘I Love You’. You always replied me with that.” She pouted again.

“Arent this enough?” He kissed her on the lips. Again. This time is longer than usual.

I feels like thousand knife are stabbing me right now. why did he do this? Where did I go wrong? I.. I gave him all my love.. Why? Why he choose his viryual ‘wife’, Kang Sora? Why? I hold my tears. I should not cry. I hold my fist. I didn’t noticed that I just dropped the lunch box in the paper bag. They both stopped and shocked to see me.

“______... I can.. I can explain this..” Leeteuk stuttered as he let go of Sora.

“No need. There is nothing left  to explain. You told me that before. So you don’t have to explain anything. I understand. I was right. All the time. This is the reason you didn’t returns any of my calls, right?” I said.

“Look, ______. I know that you..”

I quickly cut him. “No, I am fine. I am glad that I know the truth. I am relief that now I saw this, I know the truth and I can move on.” I chuckled a bit.” Haha.. no wonder your kissed aren’t taste sweet like always. You heart changed. I am fine. But somehow, I feel so stupid right now.”

“I know I shouldn’t..”

“I don’t wanna hear any of your explainations. You said there is nothing to explain, Jungsoo. Thankyou for all this time. I am happy for the time we spent. Thankyou again. Our love is beyond my imagination. I would never thought coming to here and have a relationship with you before..Thanks..” I look at him and then I look at Sora. “Sora-ssi, I hope you can take care of him and his dongsaengs as well. Don’t you ever let him feel lonely. Lonely doesn’t suits him at all. I pray for both of you guys happiness.” I fake a smile.

“Yah! Would you listen to me?” Leeteuk raised his voice a bit.

“What for? All you wanna tell me is you wanna break uo with me right?” I said slowly.

“Yes. But..”

“Hyung! Are you an idiot?!” Suddenly Kyuhyun appeared.

“Oppa..” I turned to look at him. “Oppa, I am done here. Let’s go back!” I smiled at Kyuhyun then I picked the lunch box that I dropped before.

Kyuhyun still starring at Kyuhyun with fiery eyes.

“Oppa.. ppali-yo.. Let’s go and eat this kimbab together. I ‘ll be back soon so lets spend some times together..” I said to him. He still didn’t move. I pulled his hand and forced him to go out from that room. I am glad he followed me.

“_____-ah, are you okay?” He asked me as soon as we hop in the car.

“What? Of course! Let’s call all the members! I wanna spend time with them before I get back tomorrow!” I said happily although..

“______-ah, you should..”

“Be sad?” I cut him. “ Oppa, can you please do me a favour? Don’t talk about this now. I don’t wanna talk about him at the moment.”




I spent the night before I get back with all the other boys. I just wanna erased my memories with him so I asked them to bring me to the amusement park. We played everything in there happily since Siwon rented the place just for us. We play till late at night. They helped me cheered up. The next morning, all of them said they will be escorting me to the airport no matter what. I just cant say no. So, I arrived the airport with all this 13 boys. Excluding Hangeng who is busy in China right now and ofcourse without Leeteuk. Kangin and Heechul who is in the army willingly to take a leave. Lea also are here. I am so touched with all of them. We waited in a VIP room before my plane board.

“I am so happy! The last moment I spent in Korea would be with you guys! There is nothing more I can asked for.” I said while smiling.

“_____-ah, for the last time I am asking you.. are you okay?” Donghae who sit next to me asked me.

“I am fine oppa.. didn’t I told you before. I said..”

“You know, it is normal to cry after breaking up. Beside we are your oppa, right? You can count on us anything.” Eunhyuk cut me and said that.

“But oppa..”

“_____, you have to let go.. You can tell us anything. We are your brothers right?” Henry squatted down infront of me.

“Oppa..” I feel my face burning up. Yes, I’ve been holding up this feelings. I don’t wanna cry but I cant. Ive been keeping this hurtful feelings inside me and it is really really hurting me. I fake a smile. I fake a laugh but I cant lie. I cant lie to them anymore. I feel a tears drop on my face.

“Oppa…” I cried.”It” I finally let my feelings out. Donghae quickly pulled me into his embraced.

“We are here.. Don’t worry..” He said while patting my head.

“Oppa..why did he did this to me. Where did I go wrong? Am I that bad?” I cried so hard.

“No.. no you are not..” Kyuhyun said while pulling me from Donghae and let me cried on his chest.

“But why..” I cried for a few minutes on Kyuhyun chest.

“I shall not cry anymore. it is pointless and useless to cry over someone that cant appreciate me anymore..” I said.

“Yeah~ You should not. remember what I promised you before?” Heechul asked me.

I shooked my head lightly. “That I will kick his if he had done anything at you?”

“Oppa! No. Please don’t do that. Please. Any of you please don’t do anything to him. He is still your hyung. What he did is to me. Not to you guys..” I said in begging tone. I don’t want Super Junior to breaks up because of me.

“But he didn’t deserved you. How could he did this to my baby sister.” Sungmin moves closer to me and touch my cheek.

“I am fine now thanks to all of you guys..” I said to them.

“______-ah, remember that even you have nothing to do with him, you still have us. You are forever will be part of our family.” Siwon said. I smiled at him.

I heard the announcement that my plane will board soon. I hugged them one by one. All of us end up with teary eyes. We cried together. This is the most upsetting than the first time I am leaving. It feels like I will not see them anymore. I asked Yesung to take care of Lea carefully.  And I asked Lea to bear with whatever randomness Yesung might come out because at the end he will still end up as a sweet lovely guy. I know that. I gave each of them a messages and all they always say to me is to take care of myself. I remind them again and again to not to do anything to Leeteuk.

At the moment I was actually still hoping that if this were a movie, Leeteuk would be running to me and stopped me. He would say sorry and asking me to come back but if this were a movie. In a real life. He doesn’t belongs to me anymore. after all we have been through for this one and half year relationship, he could end up our relationship just like this. How ‘thoughtful’ he is. Well, it is my fault too. I shouldn’t give him any chances at all. By leaving Korea, I will try to leave all the memories here. For me and Leeteuk, everything has come to and end.



Will _____ really wash away her memories with Leeteuk? Find it at th next story!

This is the sequel :

*What a lazy ending! I am so sorry that I haven’t been updating this for a long time. I seriously feel so lazy to write this. And it was kinda rush, and LAZY! X) Sorry. But I hope you guys find out what happened to them in the next sequel! See you there! Thankyou for reading, commenting and subscribing all this time! I love you guys! :D

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Chapter 50: OMG! OMG! OMG! DAEBAKKKK~ Author-nim *bows* I AM YOUR FAN #1. THIS CHAPTER MADE ME CRY & SOB LIKE A RIVER! JungSoo how could you?!? Anyways to the sequel ->
Chapter 37: Poor Seunghyun :'(
Chapter 29: OK. THIS.IS.THE.BEST.CHAPTER.EVER!! Author-nim you are the best! *applause*
Chapter 24: OMG!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! *fangirling so hard* and i want TOP & her comeback together ... *to the next chapter*
koreaboo_trash #6
hiii!!~ I was wondering if I could like revise this story for you!
and like you can repost each new revised chapter on a new story thing. I'd also like to post this story on quotev, too! ^^
if not, it's ok! I'm not trying to say this story is bad considering english is not your first language, it's great, really also considering it's your first fanfic!
I would have sent this message to you privately on here, but I to be honest, don't know how so yea.. XD
hyo-jin #7
Chapter 50: Love it!!!!
Chapter 50: Thank you for the wonderful story. :)) I will be reading the sequel. ^^
kwangx #9
it amazing
Chapter 50: Omg I can't even. Leeteuk u....
I started out with reading the first 6 ch of the sequel and u said ur English is bad but it's better than the other stories I've read by non fluent English speaking authors
Anyway your story is just amazing