Running Man! x)

Our Love Is Beyond My Imagination


A boring chapter ahead. i lost my mind! i cant think anything! *sorry* >____<



Actually today they have to filming some variety show together. Running Man Hallyu Star. Since they have 50 people in totals, they were 5 people in a group who were mixed randomly. So there are 10 groups. First round is a group competition. The losing group will be eliminated at the first round.


_______’s group consist of Leeteuk, TOP, Dongho and Mir.  The first round the have to separate to 3:2 and the 3 members have to carry one member and buy some things at the market. While the other two have to finished 5 bowls of ramen before their teammates arrived. So, Mir and Dongho decided to eat that 5 bowls of ramen.


“Yah! Not fair. Our group have all guys! Big guys! How could we carry one of us!” Jonghyun doesn’t feel satisfied since his group full with guys. Chansung, Daesung, Eli and GO.

“Yeah~ We too!” Said Kiseop poiting at his group members, Siwon, Minho, Nichkhun and Doojoon.

There were about 4 groups that have the same fate. No girls in their group. So the race started. Leeteuk was about to ask ______ to get on his back to piggyback her but TOP was the one offered her and she just agree. Leeteuk just hold himself since they were filming and the media still have no clue about his new relationship with ______.

“______-ah, hold me tight. Im gonna run as fast as I can.” TOP said.

“Arasso oppa!” ______ joikingly gripped around his neck.

“Yah! I’m choking!”

“Haha.”_______ just chuckled. She turns to Leeteuk then. “Teukie-oppa, you have to run as fast as you can too! Okay?” She make a OK sign to Leeteuk. Leeteuk just nodded.

“Yeah! Uri team, fighting!” _______ shouted. Leeteuk and TOP shouted ‘Fighting’ back. “Mir! Dongho! Fighting!” She shouted to Mir and Dongho as soon as TOP started to run. Leeteuk run from their back. He actually tried to look out for ______ as he afraid that _______ might fall from TOP and he will be able to catch her up if that’s really happened.

For the first round, ________’s team won the third place and two other teams were eliminated. They moved to the next place where the mission is stated. Now they have to used a triple bicycle and double bicycle and cycling around the park while finishing the mission on time. Leeteuk tried to paired up with _____ on the double bicycle but she suddenly already on the triple bicycle with Mir and TOP. She was in the middle as both of Mir and TOP said that she didn’t have to cycle and let them be the only two to cycle. Leeteuk and Dongho already dazed off first at the front while urging ______, TOP and Mir to moves fast.

“Oppa! Ppaliiiii!!” She has the determination to win but Mir who cycling at the front of the bicycle cant cope with it and the she urges TOP.

“Yah! Bang Cheolyong! Do you know how to cycle or not?!” She off the bicycle and not really serious mad at Mir.

“Mir-ah!” TOP also didn’t believe they still stuck at the starting point because of Mir.

Dongho and Leeteuk had to turn back to starting point because they need to cycle together with other members according to the rules.

“Dongho! You lead him. Teukie-oppa with me and TOP oppa.” ______ like giving a command to her teammates.

“Arasso noona!” Dongho said.

So TOP lead the triple bicycle with Leeteuk at the end. They almost eliminated since they came out at fifth place. Three teams were eliminated at this stage.

“Okay. For the next mission we better do it properly okay!” said TOP who was driving the car.

“Ne!!” ______, Dongho and Mir just shouted from the back passenger seats.

“Yah, Mir-ah. I kill you if you make more mistakes.” _______ threatening him without realizing the camera’s set up in the car were recording.

“Yah! This noona so brutal!”Mir almost whining.

“______-ah you cant said that while filming.” Leeteuk chuckled.

“Yeah~ noona. I bet you have to learn more on appearing on variety shows. Hyung, you have to teach her.” Dongho pointed at Leeteuk.

“Haha. But she is actually brutal. Don’t get fooled by her innocent look!” TOP giggled.

“Oppa! I am not!!!” ______ denied it. “Oppa, if this going on air, you are so gonna regret it your whole life!” she gave TOP a sharp look which gained laughter from the whole passenger in that car.

“See! I am right, hyung!” TOP said.

Luckily their team arrived at third place. The next mission they have to find 5 tags that represent their team colour, purple. The place was so big and complicated. The bad things is they cant spilt up. So they walk together. They climbed the stairs and such and search every place. Luckily they managed to find 3 tags before other teams does. Suddenly _______ saw a tags on statue. That statue height almost 3 meter she guess. She tries to climb the statue. Other team members were around but they were busy searching the tags and they didn’t noticed that _______ already found one at the moment. So she still trying climbing the cement statue. It was a bit slippery but she still trying.

“Yah! Noona!”

Suddenly Dongho shouted at her since he was abit shocked a worried seeing her in that state but unluckily it caused ______ shocked and shee trie to balanced herself when she felt like she’s falling down. Mir was the closest person to her quickly try to catch her up. Even the VJ was trying to save her. Thankfully Mir was fast enough and catch her. Not really caught her since they still landed roughly on the ground.

“Awww~” Mir groaned.

“Mir! Sorry~ Err, Thankyou?” she sit on the ground and scratch her head.

“Yah! Why don’t you call one of us?!” Leeteuk almost yelled there but then he realized that they were still on recording.

“Mianhae~” _______ voice cracked. She feels like crying.

“Hyung. It’s okay.” TOP tried to calm Leeteuk. “______-ah, are you okay? Can you stand up?” Suddenly TOP looking at Mir who is almost forgotten. “Mir?”

“I am fine hyung. Noona.. you are heavy though. Loose some weight!” Mir try to punched a joke there.

“Yah!” _____ hit his arms lightly.

“Now, _______ try to stand up.” Leeteuk said.

“Yeah, noona. I am afraid you broke your ankle.” Dongho worries.

“I am fine.” _______ stands up. She still feel pain on certain part of her body but she trying to hold up.

“Next time you’ll be with me. On my side.” Leeteuk grabbed the chance whispered to her secretly when he saw the VJ’s moving away.

“No way! We might get caught!”

The last mission is they have to protect one member of each group and try to tear off other members nametag. So, _______’s team decided to protect her and try to tear off other two groups name tags.

Leeteuk tries his best to stay close with _______ but ______ keep pushing him away. She also whispered to Leeteuk that she’s fine and she can take care of herself. Leeteuk glared at her keeping himself calm. Instead of keeping herself from their opponent, _______ keep trying to tear off other team name tags. Currently she is the only girl there since  the other group that consists of girl already eliminated in the other round. Suddenly Mir’s name tag been teared off by Kiseop. In a rough way.

“Yah! Kiseop-ah! How could you do that to my dongsaeng! Wait there!” _______ shouted to Kiseop. At the moment Leeteuk was the only team member who near with _______.

“Oppa, Let’s go. He is alone right now. You grabbed him and I tear his nametag.” She planned.

She and Leeteuk rushed to Kiseop as planned. Leeteuk caught Kiseop but as when ______ tried to grabbed Kiseop’s name tag, someone tugged her from her back. It was Nichkhun. And she saw Minho and Doojon already struggling with Leeteuk to tear his name tag. ______ tried to get away from Nichkhun too strong for her.

“Oppaaaaaaaa! Let go of me! Let go of Teukie-oppa!”

“_______-ah, let’s do it without any forcing action. Let me tear your nametag and it will be over.”Siwon with his  hands gestures.

“No!” She very eager to win. She knows that once they tearoff her nametag, it will be over for her team.

“TOP oppa!! Dongho ah!!” She tried to call for help.

Suddenly Leeteuk escaped from Minho and Doojoon. He run to ______ and grabbed ______ from Nichkhun and run away all his might from that team. He holds _______’s hands and they run side by side. _______ look at the back for a moment. Siwon and Nichkhun still chasing them. She feels very tired but Leeteuk still holding tight her hand. Suddenly, at one corner when she try to turn left with Leeteuk she bumped to someone. Leeteuk accidentally let go of her hands. Kiseop caught _______ and immediately tear off her nametag. She was still shocked. Then they heard a bell rang. Game over and Kiseop’s team wins. __________ still panting at one side and saw TOP and Dongho walking near to her and Leeteuk who still squatting panting heavily.

“Oppa! Where are you when we need you?! We got attacked by that ‘giant’ team!”

“I was already out okay. Sorry!” TOP look at _____.

“Never mind noona, we still on 2nd place.” Mir said.

“But I still wanna win.”

“Aigoo! It’s only a game ______-ah. Lets go.” TOP offered his hands to _______ to help her stands up. Leeteuk just watch them.

“Oppa. Lets go.” ________ said while looking at _______. He get up and walk along with that group.





“Appaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-yo..” I whined as soon as I step out from the bathroom wearing this

“My body. It hurts everywhere!” I said to Sooyoung.

“Luckily we were eliminated at first round.” Sooyoung said.

“Better than me. I slipped don’t know how shindong oppa rode the bicycle until I fell. Wuaaaaa..” Hyuna  making a sad face.

“Look at those 3. Already sleeping.” Sooyoung pointed at Sohee, Minzy and Sulli who already fell asleep as soon as they reached the dorms.

“I wanna sleep to after I take a shower.” Hyuna heading to the bathroom.

I walk out from the room.

“Where are you going?” Sooyoung asked.

“Meeting my boyfriend. He haven’t text me yet. It’s kinda weird.” Sooyoung just nodded with my answer. Then I walk out my dorm and went to the Super Junior’s dorm. It took them a few minutes to open the door.

“Ouh, ________-ah. Come in.” Shindong with tired face welcoming me.

“Leeteuk-oppa??” I asked him bluntly.

“In his room.” Shindong said. As I walk through the living door, I saw Donghae sleeping on the couch with his mouth open and Eunhyuk lying at the floor with his mouth open too.

“Oppa, why are these two aren’t sleeping at their room?” I asked.

“Too tired maybe. I’ll wake them later on. Don’t worry. Go see hyung. He seems quiet since we got back.” He said.

I knew it. I think my guessing is right. I know why he becoming like that. I didn’t knock his door. I just enter the room. I didn’t see him anywhere but I think he is in the shower. I decide to lay on his bed while log in to my twitter. I update some picture of our team on the Running Man just now. And read some mentions.

“What are you doing there?”

I look at him. His hair still wet covering his face. And yes, he had only a towel around his waist. I feel my hearbeat move faster than before. Should I leave? No. he will locked the door and I will never talk to him. I sit on his bed and look at him.

“What are you doing here?” He repeat his question.

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Chapter 50: OMG! OMG! OMG! DAEBAKKKK~ Author-nim *bows* I AM YOUR FAN #1. THIS CHAPTER MADE ME CRY & SOB LIKE A RIVER! JungSoo how could you?!? Anyways to the sequel ->
Chapter 37: Poor Seunghyun :'(
Chapter 29: OK. THIS.IS.THE.BEST.CHAPTER.EVER!! Author-nim you are the best! *applause*
Chapter 24: OMG!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! *fangirling so hard* and i want TOP & her comeback together ... *to the next chapter*
koreaboo_trash #6
hiii!!~ I was wondering if I could like revise this story for you!
and like you can repost each new revised chapter on a new story thing. I'd also like to post this story on quotev, too! ^^
if not, it's ok! I'm not trying to say this story is bad considering english is not your first language, it's great, really also considering it's your first fanfic!
I would have sent this message to you privately on here, but I to be honest, don't know how so yea.. XD
hyo-jin #7
Chapter 50: Love it!!!!
Chapter 50: Thank you for the wonderful story. :)) I will be reading the sequel. ^^
kwangx #9
it amazing
Chapter 50: Omg I can't even. Leeteuk u....
I started out with reading the first 6 ch of the sequel and u said ur English is bad but it's better than the other stories I've read by non fluent English speaking authors
Anyway your story is just amazing