Torn to Pieces (Part 2)

Our Love Is Beyond My Imagination



I woke up and feels pain all over my body. My head hurts so much and I feel that my face is burning and I even feel so weak. I try to recall what happened last night and my head just keep hurting so much. I think I have a fever. I feel my lips swollen. I grabbed a hand mirror on the table and look at my face. I have scratches on my check and there is bruises on my lips. He hit me so hard last night. He must’ve been really mad at me. I am so sad seeing our relationship have gone this way. With my swollen face, I think I cant go to filming. People might wandering and I cant  ruined his reputation. I feel my throat dried. I think I need to drink. I collect my energy and walk slowly out from the room and go to the kitchen slowly. It feels so pain. But I cant fgo on with this weak feelings. I must be strong. I take out a glass from the cabinet and pour some plain water. I drink the water and suddenly I feel a heavy headache. I cant take it no more and I think I just collapsed to the floor. The glass break into pieces.



Kangin was in Heechul’s room when he heard a sounds of glass breaking in the kitchen. He rushed into the kitchen and saw _______ on the floor.

“____-ah!” He holds _____’s head and put it in his lap. “________-ah! Kwaenchana?” He touches her faces.

“Ka..Kangin” She muttered almost whispering.

“Aish! Hyung! She is burning! Her fever is high!” Kangin almost shouted to Heechul.

“Lets bring her to the hospital hyung!” Siwon appeared from nowhere.

“No.”She said in between her breath. “I;m fine.. I am okay..” She tried to stand up. Kangin helped her.

“How could you said you are fine when you’re sweating like hell?!” Heechul raised his voice.

“If I the hospital..people might..know..please..” She look Heechul into his eyes.

Heechul feels so bad for her. “Aishh..whatever.” He go out from the kitchen.

“_____-ah, are you sure you are okay?” Siwon asked again.

“Ne. I just need some rest. Oppa.. I wanna go to the couch.” She said to Kangin. Kangin just nodded and helped her walks to the couch.

Kangin came last night when he heard what happened. He almost break the door when he came. He feels so mad with what had Leeteuk done to _______. He never thought that his beloved hyung would do something this harshed to a girl that have distributed a lot to himself and his dongsaengs.

Kangin help her to lay on the couch and asked Ryeowook to cooked her some porridge. He thought she must be hungry by now.

“Oppa..where is he?” She asked full of concerned.

“Why would you asked? He did this to you. Why would you care?” Kyuhyun said.

“Chokyu-ah.. He was drunk yesterday. It’s not his fault..” She coughed then. She really look sick.

“______-ah! Drunk or not, he doesn’t have any rights to did all of this to you!” Donghae suddenly appeared and raised his voice.

“Please.. Don’t say anything if you don’t want to answer my question..” Her voice cracked. She feels so sad.

“Look, I am sorry. I didn’t meant too. He is in his sister’s apartment. Sungmin hyung sent him there last night. Don’t worry okay?” Donghae caressed her hair.

“He hates me right?”

“_____ just rest okay. Atleast until you feel better, okay?” Kyuhyun consoled her.




It has been three days now and _______’s fever hasn’t dropped down yet. She still having fever. She didn’t go to work and just lay down on her bed. Her famous question everyday to all the Super JUnior members are ‘Where is him?’ ‘Did he come back home?’ ‘Did you guys called him?’ All the members just give her positive reactions and answer telling that he is fine. She didn’t eat a lot and everytime she eats, she keep on vomiting it back. All the members have been worried about her but she refused to go to hospital and keep telling them not  to tell BigBang about this. She still backing up Leeteuk no matter what. They feel sad looking she in this condition and they even called Lea to consoled her but even Lea failed. No matter what happened they still taking turns to take care of her eventhough she said that she is fine.

“________-ah, wake up. I bought you some food.” Kyuhyun wakes her up. She opens her eyes and look at Kyuhyun and give him a weak smiles.

“ChoKyu-ah..Is Leeteuk oppa here?” She still asked about him although she is still weak.

“No. but I think he will be back soon.” A lie that Kyuhyun didn’t have to tell.

“Can you please wake me up when he is back?”

“Okay, but you eat first okay?”

“I have no appetite..”

“_______.. come on, you didn’t eat like for two days..”

“_______-ah!” Suddenly Yesung enters the room. “Lea told me to tell you something.”

“What oppa?” She asked weakly still laying on her bed.

“Actually tomorrow you have Star King recording along with Donghae, Eunhyuk and Shindong. But if you still not feeling well, she want to cancel it.” Yesung explained.

“Star King?!” She tried to sit on her bed. Kyuhyun helps her. “Leeteuk oppa will be there too right?” She look at Kyuhyun and then look at Yesung. Yesung heavily nodded.

“I’ll go. Please tell Lea that I’ll go..”

“______, you haven’t still recovered yet. Please.” Kyuhyun actually don’t like the idea that she wanted to go there just to see Leeteuk that didn’t care about her at all.

“Please..” She grabbed Kyuhyun’s hands and look at Yesung. Begging for permission.

“Kyuhyun, I think it will be okay since Hyukjae, Donghae and Shindong will be there too.” Yesung said to Kyuhyun.

“Fine. But you have to finished this first.” He pointed at the food.




The next morning ________ still feels dizzy and pain. But she still trying to act like she is okay infront of the others. She prepared herself and went to SBS building with Donghae, Eunhyuk and Shindong. Three of them becoming so protective and really taking care of ______. They even requested to have the same waiting room with her. Since they are Super Junior, ofcourse their request been approved. They never neglected to make sure she eat all the food prepared and also make sure that she take her medicines. Kyuhyun and Siwon also keep on calling to check on her. How concerned the members are since they always thought that ________ is part of their family now. They try to explain to Leeteuk many times but he wont listen and they are tired convincing someone like him that never listened to any of their explainations. Kangin almost hit him the other day. Imagine how Kangin that always backing Leeteuk get mad really mad at Leeteuk. Heechul starts to ignoring Leeteuk. Leeteuk keep saying that s unregretful members since they are on ______’s side and not him.

The hairstylist is adjusting _____’s hair when Leeteuk arrived. He actually didn’t know that ________ would be there. He just thought that he will be sharing the room with s but surprisingly ______ is there too. Although her face is already touched up but she still look pale since she still feel weak. She saw Leeteuk enter the room and she keep on staring at Leeteuk hoping that he will look at her too but Leeteuk is being ignorant and pretend that she is not there. He just sit in front of the mirror opposite _____ and wait for his stylist. _______ saw his reflection in the mirror and still hoping that Leeteuk would even glanced at him but still Leeteuk just pretends to check on his iPad.

_____ stands and walk near to him. She sit on the chair next to Leeteuk. Leeteuk didn’t even glanced at her.

“Jungsoo-ah.. I miss you so much. I am sorry..” She tries to touched his arm. Leeteuk quickly moves his arms.

“Jungsoo-ah..” Her voice sounds so weak. “Please believe in me. I didn’t do anything..”

By that time, there are only Donghae, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk and ______ in that room. Shindong went to the toilet while the other stylists having their lunch break. Eunhyuk and Donghae decided to just see what will happened first before taking any actions or say anything.

“Jungsoo.. please. I begged you..” She try to grabbed his hand this time but he pulled away.

“Yah! Don’t you understand? I hate you and I even hit you why you still begging me, huh?” Leeteuk raised his voice. Donghae tried to say something but Eunhyuk stopped him.

“You was drunk. I understand. I know it’s not you to do that.. I..”

“Yah! Even if I am not drunk, I still..” He didn’t finished his words. “Leave me alone. You don’t need me. Go find some other guy to play with. You should be done with me. What else you want from me? All my dongsaengs and I already apart. What is your game now, huh? Please just go ing and throw that innocent looks to someone else. I am not interested in your games anymore.”

His words like a knife to _______ and makes _______ almost cried but suddenly she feel something. She doesn’t deseved all of this. Why she have to begged for someone that not appreciated her at all. He his the one who get the wrong idea and why she is the one who begged for forgiveness? This is not her at all. She realized that with his ego right now, no matter what she said, she still the one Jungsoo will keep on blaming. There is no use talking to him right now.

“Fine. You dare me, Jungsoo. You are right. There is use if I keep on this ‘game’ with you. I am tired begging and apologizing for something that I am not. Maybe I should stop gaming on you. I should find another guy that more worth than you. So, I guess, I will leave you alone from now. Thanks for everything. I had so much 'fun'..” She gives her weak smile to Leeteuk and get up from that chair and left Leeteuk that still shocked with her words.




It is time for the recording and all of them acted like nothing happened. Leeteuk talked as MC like nothing happened and try his best to colours the show. While ______ try her best to show her interest in every performances. There are a few times where Boom as the other MCor the other guests teased ________ and Leeteuk but they just give the audience fake laughs. There is one time there are HipHop danced performances. The guy came from the same country as ______. He told them he came to Korea to study since past 5 years ago. His talent is Hip Hop dancing. After he show some skills, Boom suddenly requested _____ to dance with him. First, Donghae, Eunhyuk and Shindong looks worried since she is still not well but _____ already accepted the request. She is already at the center of the stage between Boom and Leeteuk.

“_______-ssi, you know how to dance Hip Hop?” Boom asked her.

“A little bit..” She chuckles.

“Ohh.. okay. So, Leeteuk-ssi, you allowed your girlfriend to dance with other guy?” Boom asked Leeteuk. Leeteuk was about to answer Boom question but ______ cut him without looking at him.

“I really wanted to danced with Gary-ssi (that Hip Hop guy) since we came from the same country. I insisted.”

Boom nodded. “Ohh.. okay, then. So, Leeteuk-ssi, you can’t say anything since your girlfriend insisted.”

Leeteuk just faked his laughed. "Ne.."

“Okay, ______-ssi, Gary-ssi, you may start.” Leeteuk  queued them.

“Wait, wait.. Leeteuk-ssi..” Boom stopped them. “Why you called her ______-ssi? So formal. It should be jagiya.. baby or something else right? Come on, don’t be so shy at this show! Everyone already know your relationship.” Boom who had no idea what happened trying to teased them.

Leeteuk let out his famous laughed as if he was shy. _____ so sick at his expression but she still covered it. She feel so hateful seeing Leeteuk. She glanced at Eunhyuk, Donghae and Shindong who also have sick expression on their faces but they forced themselves to laugh too.

“You should give her some encourage words and actions too! Kiss her! Come on!” One of the guest give suggestion.

“Baby..” The words is like an electric shots for both Leeteuk himself and ______. He haven’t called her with that names about two weeks since the incident ________ sleep at BigBang’s dorm.

“Baby..” He said that again. “Hwaiting!” Leeteuk awkwardly said. And try to leaned his face closer to _______’s cheek but ________ quickly moves away.

Then the audience and the guests laughs at their actions. They thought that the way they been acting awkward to each other is because they are shy but only both of them along with Shindong, Eunhyuk and Donghae know the truth is. Leeteuk is actually shocked that _______ rejected him since he thought ______ will get along with that fake actions.

So Gary and _______ started to danced together so powerfully along with the music. While they are in the middle in dancing, ________ suddenly feel really dizzy and her head feel really heavy. Suddenly she collapsed in the middle of dancing. The music stops. Donghae, Eunhyuk, Shindong and others quickly rushed to her.

“______-ah!” Donghae touches her face. No response.

“Donghae-ah, lets bring her to the hospital.” Eunhyuk quickly lifted _________ bridal style. Leeteuk followed them out of the set. Eunhyuk lifted her to the parking lot while Shindong tried to called their manager since they came with the van.

“Donghae-ah, take my keys. Use my car.” Leeteuk take out his keys and hand it over to Donghae. Donghae hesitated at first and look at Eunhyuk.

“No need Donghae-ah. Why would he care if ________’s dying? I bet manager-hyung is on his way. Let's just wait for the van.” Eunhyuk said without looking at Leeteuk.

“Yah! Lee Hyukjae! I am your hyung!” Leeteuk raised his voices.

“Then, act like one!” Donghae raised his voices too. “Eunhyuk is right. Why would you care if she is dying right now? You hate her right? You asked her to leave you alone. So just go!” Donghae pulled Leeteuk’s collar and pushed him.

“Yah! Lee Donghae! How could you trust her that you just met for a few months and against me, huh?!” Leeteuk grabbed Donghae’s collar.

“Donghae! Hyung! Stop it!” Shindong stopped them. “Donghae, let’s go. The van is already arrived.” Shindong pulled Donghae and they walk to the van. Eunhyuk already in the van with ______. They left Leeteuk in the car park alone.

“Wuarghhhhhh! Ughhh!” Leeteuk let go his feelings and throw the car keys to somewhere else.



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Chapter 50: OMG! OMG! OMG! DAEBAKKKK~ Author-nim *bows* I AM YOUR FAN #1. THIS CHAPTER MADE ME CRY & SOB LIKE A RIVER! JungSoo how could you?!? Anyways to the sequel ->
Chapter 37: Poor Seunghyun :'(
Chapter 29: OK. THIS.IS.THE.BEST.CHAPTER.EVER!! Author-nim you are the best! *applause*
Chapter 24: OMG!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! *fangirling so hard* and i want TOP & her comeback together ... *to the next chapter*
koreaboo_trash #6
hiii!!~ I was wondering if I could like revise this story for you!
and like you can repost each new revised chapter on a new story thing. I'd also like to post this story on quotev, too! ^^
if not, it's ok! I'm not trying to say this story is bad considering english is not your first language, it's great, really also considering it's your first fanfic!
I would have sent this message to you privately on here, but I to be honest, don't know how so yea.. XD
hyo-jin #7
Chapter 50: Love it!!!!
Chapter 50: Thank you for the wonderful story. :)) I will be reading the sequel. ^^
kwangx #9
it amazing
Chapter 50: Omg I can't even. Leeteuk u....
I started out with reading the first 6 ch of the sequel and u said ur English is bad but it's better than the other stories I've read by non fluent English speaking authors
Anyway your story is just amazing