300th Day!

Our Love Is Beyond My Imagination


I walk along the empty beach area with Kevin and Eli following me from the back. I know they are Kevin and Eli but they keep on denying it. So annoying. ‘Miss, I am not Kevin.’ ‘How many times I wanna told you that I am not Eli?’ Ughh! I keep on staring the red paper that Jungsoo wrote to me while holding Jungsoo’s white shirt in the other hand. Then around a corner behind some rocks, I saw another 3 figures. 2 guys and a girl. Wearing a mask. One of the guy wearing a white wife beater and the other one wears sleeveless t-shirts. The guy who is wearing that wife beater hair coloured is almost yellow. I think I knew him. I walk near to them as Kevin and Eli guided me. Oh, I forgot! They are ‘NOT’ Kevin and Eli.

“Yah! Lee Hyukjae! Wjat are you doing here?” I raised my voice to the yellow-hair guy.

“Ex..exe..cuse me, Miss. I don’t understand Hangul. Please..speak..in English.” He stuttered in his slang. “Lee..Hyuk..Jae?”

“You cant speak English very well and yet you wanna fool me. Aishhh this Anchovy!” I hit his head lightly while the others are chuckling at him. He looks mad at me but keep holding himself.

“Miss, please.” He pointed his ginger to me.

“Yeah~ whatever. What now?” I asked.

“Here Miss, Please read this letter.” The girl who wear half-mask gives me a pieces of baby blue paper. Then she smiles at me as soon as I take the paper from me.

“Tiffany-unnie? Am I right? Your smiles is enough for me to recognized you unnie.” I speaks in English with her since all of them still speaks in English to me.

She scratched her head. I am right.

“Miss, Please just read the letter.” The other guy pointed at the letter while Kevin and Eli were just standing behind me.

“Fine, Mr Nichkhun.” I knew him from his voice. I don’t get it why they still pretending.

“How could she be so sharped?”

I heard Kevin whispering to Eli from my back. I grinned and just read the letter.

Page 2

Baby, those 3 people have something to give you. Ask them politely and just do whatever they want.

*p/s : I LOVE YOU

I grinned looking at the p/s. “Err, so, what is it?” I ask three of them.

“You have to answer 3 simple questions and if you failed, you have to be punish.” Nichkhun tell me.

“Okay.” I just nodded.

“Number 1. Who..is..the..most handsome..in Super Junior..”

He didn’t finished his words and I cut him. “Choi Siwon ofcourse!”

“No..no.. no..Choi Siwon no. I give you..clue.”

I just wished Eunhyuk just speaks I Korea with me. He is trying so hard speak in English.

“He is, World Myeolchi..eh, ani..eh!” He copped his mouth. The others just giggled with his reaction.

“Aisshhh. Enough. Just move to next question, unnie.” I look at Tiffany.

So Tiffany and Nichkhun gives me another two simple questions but Eunhyuk still forcing me to do the punishment since I was wrong in the first question he said. When he look at me getting annoyed he quickly make a jokes by saying he actually wanna ask who is the most handsome anchovy. After that Nichkhun gives me a jar. On top of the jar have one big hand written number ‘1’. It was a transparent not too big jar consist of colourful paper cranes. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3597/3435573886_e7df2e18ca.jpg i suddenly remember the moment when I saw many jars in Shindong’s room and also when the time I caught both Donghae and Eunhyuk were folding paper cranes. Is this the paper cranes? Oh my. I started to smile to myself while hugging the jar. Then Nickhun pass me another 3 pieces of letters. As I read the letters, I grinned to my self again. Full of Leeteuk’s cheesy words. ‘Baby,you are the one.’ ‘My all is in you’ ‘I cant stop thinking bout U girl’ He wrote that all in English. But, heyy.. isn’t that words came from Super Junior’s lyrics. Hehe. So cute. I put the letters together according to their sequences.

My hands are full now. Holding the jar, the letters and also Jungsoo’s white shirt. He supposed to be cold now since I have his shirt with me but I still have no idea where is he. Asking these 5 people also have no use. They are too secretive. They just follow me from the back. Suddenly I feel cold since it’s almost near to the dusk. I put on Leeteuk’s shirt on me.

“Noona-ah, I mean Miss. Let me help you hold the jar.” Kevin said to me as he saw me a bit struggling while wearing Leeteuk’s shirt.

I hold my laugh as I passed the jar to Kevin. It is not necessarily to continue their act since I knew them already but they are just to devoted.

I walk and walk until near a forest. I turn around and face all 5 of them.

“What’s wrong? Keep on walking..” Eli said.

“You gotta be kidding me. I am not going into that forest.” I said to them.

“Yes, you have to.” Nichkhun said.

“No.. it’s dangerous and I don’t know what’s inside there. So, no.” I refused. Eunhyuk just stared at us as we are having conversation in English. He tried to in but still finding the right words.

“Look, miss. You’re with us. Don’t be afraid. We got your back.” Tiffany gives her smiles as promising to her words.

I just nodded and start walking again. When I am almost entering the forest, suddenly, there are 3 guys appeared from nowhere. I am a bit shocked. Still, they are wearing their mask. I studied the figure and look at them carefully.

“Evening, Miss soon to be Mrs Park.” One of the guy greet me.

“You know, I can still speak in Korean since I bet someone will not understand this conversation?” I glanced at Eunhyuk.

“What? What are you saying to me?” Eunhyuk said. I just giggled.

“We are instructed to guide you in English, so don’t worry. We loves multiracial.” The tallest and toughest guy said.

“Fine, Mr Ok Cat.” I knew it is Taecyeon when he opened his mouth to speak. He is kinda surprised that I knew him but he quickly act like nothing happen.

“Call me whatever you like or I’ll make you suffer.” He jokingly threatening me.

“Whatever. What should I do, Mr Ninja Joon?” I pushed his shoulder lightly.

“Miss, you shouldn’t do that.” He said to me.

“Yeah, I shouldn’t do that.” I imitated him back. “Faster. What’s next? I am tired.”

“Rilex. We are not going to bully  you like others did.” The guy who just keeping his silence said.

I already knew him from the beginning. “Park Sanghyun-ah, why are we doing this? I don’t get it. Jungsoo said it was supposed to be our vacation excluding other people. But why are you guys here and where is him? Is something happening to him?”

Thunder look at me. He seems wanna tell me something but Taecyeon stop him.

“Miss, your boyfriend is fine. If you wanna see him quickly, please do this task.”

“What task?” I am getting annoyed a bit.

“Dance to any Kpop boy group excluding Super Junior.” Joon grinning.

“Huh. Said that you wont bullied me. Ughh.” I groaned.  But I just followed what they asked me to do. I dance to 2PM’s Again and Again and also MBLAQ’s Y. I danced effortlessly.

“What about Ukiss?”

I heard Eli said behind my back and I glanced at him.

“I guess we should just skipped Ukiss then.” He said. Everyone else laughing at his statement.

“Okay, Miss. Although your dancing are kinda, uhmmm.. you know what I mean but we just excused you for only this day.” Joon said.

“So, here. This is for you.” Cheondung passed me another jar of paper cranes labeled 2 and two pages of letters.

“Please count. The paper cranes should be 300 pieces including both jar.” Eunhyuk said in Korean.

“Yah, hyung! You think we have time for that? Aishh.” Taecyeon replied to Eunhyuk in Korean back.

“Araso! I was joking.” He raised his voice a bit to Taecyeon. “_____-ah! I mean Miss ______. Read the.. letter..ppalli! It’s getting..aa,uhmm..dark.” He said in his Korean-Engrish.

 I chuckled a bit then read the letters.

Page 6

As the first time I saw you actually in the your film along with TOP and Jang Keunsuk. I think you are such a pretty girl back then (and still are) and I really wanna see you in person but I have no chance that moment since you belong to someone else at that time. I am so lucky when I heard you are the one who will be joining the Kpop Hallyu Star project. Thankyou to your management and your country for picking you as their representative. Hihihi. As I saw you enter the our meeting room for the first time I was mesmerized and you caught my eyes ever since that moment. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I keep wanna looking at you although there is lots of moments that I feel so jealous with others that getting closer to you. I wanna be closer to you too. But my ego is too much when I keep seeing you with others. To overcome my jealousy, I tried ti treat you bad but I cant helped it everytime I saw your cute face. That is why I keep on doing things you never thought I did. Like kissing your forehead and cheel once. Remember that? You are too cute. I cant resists you.

As I read the letters, it continues to the next page.

Page 7

Why does you have to sleep in between TOP and Kyuhyun. I am so mad and jealous at Kyuhyun at the moment (oh. And ofcourse TOP too.) I keep on blaming you due to my super ego. My jealousy is really unbareable. I keep on thinking why my dongsaengs that not even a group with you can be so closed to you while me, still no progress. I guess I was too shy to approached you back then. When you fainted, I knew it was all because of me since I am the one who forcing you doing a heavy practiced without knowing you have lots of other practices and how hardworking you are. When I see your pale face that night it made me realized how much I had fell for you and I wasted so much time just to get you. And I finally loosing my mind and I kissed you when you are sleeping! GD and Youngbae caught me and they were so mad. I know I am a jerk that moment. Sorry, baby. But trust me that I had love you from the start.

I inhaled my breath deeply. I am so touched reading his letters. I look at them. All of them are staring at me.

“Are you done, Miss?” Nichkhun asked me.

I just nodded.

“Shall we move to the next location guys?” Tiffany look at everyone. All of them nodded and start moving.

“Why do we still have to wear this mask? Aishh..” Kevin said in Korean.

“Yah! Shh.” I heard Cheondung warned Kevin. I just giggled all the way.

We walk deep into the forest. It’s getting dark and suddenly at one point. Nichkhun asked me to stop. Then he whistle a bit. suddenly 3 figures appeared in fron of me. Ofcourse wearing a mask. I cant tell who are they a the moment so I wait for them to speaks out.

“Hello pretty lady.” One of the guy greet.

“And of course you too Tiffany, honey.” One of the guy act cheesy.

“Hey~ don’t be rude to me. You’re still younger than me no matter what.” Tiffany argue.

“Wait, I think I know him unnie. And you too!” I pointed at the first guy who greet me. “Yah! Double Kim Kibum!”

“Yah! How.. how that..” Key stuttered.

“Key, she is genius. She caught all of us. I guess no need to wear this mask anymore.” Eli said to Key.

“But she still haven’t guess me.” The other one guy pouted.

“You.. you are the only Canadian I’ve met, Henry Lau!” I chuckled. So easy to guess his chubby cheeks.

“We better removed this mask. I’m getting annoyed with it.” Kibum said and take off his mask. I am actually happy to see Kibum joined this too.

“Yeah~ try to sit at our place.” Kevin sighed and opened the mask.

“So?” I asked Key, Kibum and Henry.

“So, since it’s getting dark, we wont ask you to do ridiculous things. But we will give you something. Here.”

Kibum passed me a pieces of paper that already have been compiled. i flicked through. It seems like the remaining pages from the love letters that I had before from the others. But this one, it have until 300 pages. I read through some pages. Full of Leeteuk’s cheesy words. But some words are touching though. I continue reading for awhile and feels so touched.

“Err, ______. You can continue read it at home. We should go to the next station I guess.” Henry said to me.

I continue walking with others following me. I feel so tired but finally reached the station they’ve been told. Two guys and a girl stood in front of me.

“Dara unnie!” I quickly hugged the girl. This time none of them wearing any mask. Dara hugged me back.

“You’re finally here.” Dara said to me.

I chuckled a bit. “Im glad to see you are here too~” Then I look at the two guys. “Glad to see you too Doojoon oppa and Yoseob.”

They smile back at me.

“Why aren’t you guys wearing mask?” Eunhyuk asked in Korean.

“Hyung said there is no need to wear it anymore since it’s already dark and he already knew that _____ already guess all of you guys.” Doojoon explained.

“Yeah~ You guys don’t know how to act!” Yoseob said.

“Excuse, do you know who I am? I debuted as Hollywood actor you know.” Joon bragged.

“Ya ya ya.. whatever Joonie-hyung!” Yoseob said.

“Okay..okay..cut it off. Now lets move to the main things.” Dara said.

“Unnie, I hope this is the last. I cant walk anymore.” I seriously feel so tired and hungry! I haven’t eat anything. Jungsoo gonna pay for this. Hehe.

“Don’t worry dear~ Here, take this and count.” Dara chuckled as she passed me a bouquet of roses. So pretty and so big. I started counting like she said.

“Keep on counting this too~” Doojoon passed me another one. I cant managed to hold both of the bouquet and Cheondoong help me to hold it. I keep on counting until I heard Eunhyuk keep on babbling.

“Yah! Just tell her each bouquet have 100 of roses. If she keep on counting, we might sleep here tonight.” Eunhyuk complained.

“Okay.. Hyukjae, calm down. Lets move on now since I already knew the total is 200 of roses right?” I said.

Dara, Doojoon and Yoseob nodded. Then we continue walking deeper and deeper into the forest. I keep on wondering while walking why did jungsoo planned all of this. I cant still get the idea. We walked until I see a light. Suddenly, in the middle of the forest there are some place that have been set up for some kind of celebration. There were decorations everywhere. It was set up so nice and beautiful. As we step in there, suddenly a music is played. Out of nowhere Leeteuk appeared with a bouquet of roses. Then all the K-idols members all out from every side. There are all Girls Generation members, Wonder Girls, 2NE1, f(x), 4minute, Beast, 2PM, Ukiss, Mblaq, Shinee, all the SJ members and even BigBang and even my manager Lea! So many people were invited but I feel like a fool that time still not getting the idea. I try to think deeper and suddenly I remembered. Oh my! It is our 300th days anniversary! That is why the paper cranes is 300, the love letters is 300 and I bet the roses is 300 too! How could I forget!

Leeteuk walk nearer to me while holding the bouquet. I smiled at him.

“Honey.. I am so sorry. I am such a fool. I totally forget our 300th days. I..”

He put his index finger on my lips.

“Shh.. baby, you don’t have to say anything. Your love is enough for me. I wont propose you right now but promised me you will wait for me in (your country) and on our 1st anniversary I will be there and make you as my wife. Thankyou for giving me another chance to prove myself to you. I love you so much and I wanna be there for you always. I wanna wake up everyday with you by my side and..” He leaned a bit to me and whispered to my ears so that others cant hear the words by that time. “..and I wanna have a lovely twins with you, only from you.” Then he speaks in normal tone back as I rolled my eyes after listening that sentences. “I wanna give everything that I had for you. I promised I wont do any stupid mistakes if you promised me to love me all your life because your love is like my oxygen. I cant..”

“Jungsoo..” I cut him. “You talk too much, honey..” I smiled at him leaned closer at him and immediately landed my lips on his lips. He kissed me back. I heard the others were howling and groaling happily. I pulled away from that kiss and whispered to him. “One of the twins probably will talk a lot as you do. But I promised that you’ll be the only man I loved till the end of my life.”

He smiled and kissed my lips again.



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Chapter 50: OMG! OMG! OMG! DAEBAKKKK~ Author-nim *bows* I AM YOUR FAN #1. THIS CHAPTER MADE ME CRY & SOB LIKE A RIVER! JungSoo how could you?!? Anyways to the sequel ->
Chapter 37: Poor Seunghyun :'(
Chapter 29: OK. THIS.IS.THE.BEST.CHAPTER.EVER!! Author-nim you are the best! *applause*
Chapter 24: OMG!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! *fangirling so hard* and i want TOP & her comeback together ... *to the next chapter*
koreaboo_trash #6
hiii!!~ I was wondering if I could like revise this story for you!
and like you can repost each new revised chapter on a new story thing. I'd also like to post this story on quotev, too! ^^
if not, it's ok! I'm not trying to say this story is bad considering english is not your first language, it's great, really also considering it's your first fanfic!
I would have sent this message to you privately on here, but I to be honest, don't know how so yea.. XD
hyo-jin #7
Chapter 50: Love it!!!!
Chapter 50: Thank you for the wonderful story. :)) I will be reading the sequel. ^^
kwangx #9
it amazing
Chapter 50: Omg I can't even. Leeteuk u....
I started out with reading the first 6 ch of the sequel and u said ur English is bad but it's better than the other stories I've read by non fluent English speaking authors
Anyway your story is just amazing