Chapter 5

Our Love Is Beyond My Imagination




Suddenly someone play the music. It was 4Minute's Hot Issue. She just dance like... I dont know. She just dance. I dont know how to describe her. She keep on dancing until..




Omg. She fell. She slipped i guess. She tripped and fell. I was so shocked. She didnt say anything or even moving! I looked at all the audience. All of them were shocked and do nothing! She still not moving. I went near to her. Checking whether she is okay or not.


"Yah. You're Okay? Yah.. Why is everyone forcing her?!" I keep on asking her but she didnt answer.


I hold her. But she still not facing me or even the audience. She just keep her head down. I keep on asking her.


"Yah! ________-ah. Are you okay?!"


She lift her head. I guess she was shocked looking at me. Maybe not as she expected maybe.




I finally lift my head. It was Leeteuk. I was too surprised. He hates me right?


I looked around me. Their face was like O____O or =O. I dont know what to do. Leeteuk still holding my arms. I still feel embarassed that I just fell. So I decided to....


"Hahahhahahahahhahahahahaaa!" I laughed out loud. "I'm so stupid and clumsy! Serve me right! Hahaha."


Everyone was weird with my expression.


Leeteuk suddenly let go of my arm. "Are you THAT stupid?! Why you're just do whatever people forced you?! Just say no if you cant! Stupid!"

I look at Leeteuk right through his eyes. He call me stupid. I know I was a little kinda stupid but hearing someone calling me stupid is kinda hurt me alot. That word even from my biased! T________T


"I'm... I'm.. sorrrryyyyyyy..." I stuttered.


"Whatever." He left me and walk through the door.


Is whatever his favourite word or something?


"_______-ah. We are sorry." Taecyeon help me get up.


"Ani..yo.. It's okay.. Hehe." I chuckled.


I went to my seat and I guess we start discussing. We start discussing without Leeteuk. I feel so bad and keep blaming myself for his absence. Because of my stupidity he left. I keep on saying sorry to my other teammates until Donghae whisper something to me.

“______-ah, don’t feel sorry. Leeteuk-hyung is always like that because…. He is OLD!”

I know DOnghae try to calm me with his jokes. I faked smile to him. I know why Leeteuk act that way. He hates me! T__________T Congratulations for me for having someone hate me now. He is even MY BIASED. FML.



We still need to sleep together at the studio tonight. As usual, I went there together with the girls. I wear my pink pajama that my manager packed for me. But why this pajama? Whyyyyy? Why pink?! I am so thankful that she packed for me but *sigh

Ouh. And why she left me here alone when she said she will be with me all the time?? Unfair. But I guess she have some work to do. I will try to contact her later on when I am free. Ouh, Lea unnie… bogoshippeoooooo..

We walk through the door bringing our blanket and pillow. They said that mattresses have been prepared.  The boys seems like discussing something. So we went to a corner and sit together there.

I sweared I am so nervous right now. I mean, I still don’t know whom will be I sleep with. If it is BigBang I’ll be super glad! Well, I am scared since I have a bad habits if I sleep beside a person. I tend to cuddle to the person next to me. Aigooo.. ottokhae? I mean, if I cuddle to someone I just met for sure they think I am a weirdo or even worst. They might thought I am a ERT! T____T

I’ll be the happiest person if I can sleep with all the girls. Seriously.

“Unnie…. I don’t want to sleep with them. Help meeee~” Hyuna keep whining and cling to me.

“Me too~ If I can sleep beside Daesung oppa I think I am okay but if with others...ottokhae??” Minzy said.

“Sulli and Sooyoung unnie must be less worried. They are closed to Shinee and Super Junior.. What about me?” Sohee seems like about to cry.

“What? Sohee unnie gotta be kidding me. I wanna sleep beside you guys. The boys snores and they kick people while they are sleeping. Like a BEAST! Oh, how?? Unnie…” Sulli cling to the other side of me.

“Ah, Sooyoung.. why not you..” I was about to tell Sooyoung something but she stopped me.

“______-ah, don’t even dare to ask me to tell them that we wanna sleep together. They already planned to have one girls in one group and even Mr.Kim agrred!”

Let me tell you guys something since I don’t wanna you guys to have erted mind! Well sleeping together is not like sleeping like…. Hmmm.. u-know-what-I-mean. Each person will sleep in a mattresses but the mattresses are placed next to each other. Side by side. Like in Family Outing when they sleep together at night. Ahaaa..That’s what it is actually mean. Ahh, and I heard that with need to this activity once a week! ONCE A WEEK! To create bonding?! This Mr.Kim gotta be kidding me.

“OK! We have discussed!” I think that is Junsu’s talking.

“We let you girls pick! One person one group!” Jonghyun continued.

“But there is 7 group and we have 6 here..” Sooyoung pointed at us.

“Yep, ofcourse. The group that nobody’s picked, will be the first group to wake up and prepare the breakfast! Yeah~~” Yoseob said confidentantly.

“Faster pick girls! Pick who you want to sleep with!” Eli sounds like ert. Ouh. Eli? He talked? Hehe

“I.. I choose Shinee..” Sulli slowly said.

Then Shinee members went wild. Clapping as they winning GDA or something.

“Hmm.. I choose Beast!” Hyuna smile so bright! She have what she want. Lucky her. And so we heard “yeah” and “wooo” from Beast.

“I want to be with… 2PM.” Sohee said but..

“Eyhh. Jinnja? I thought I want to choose 2PM but it’s okay then.” Sooyoung said to Sohee.

“Ahh, jinjja unnie? Never mind…” Sohee stopped because someone interrupt her.

“Girls, no need to fight over the HOTTEST guy here. Cmon.” Chansung with his cheesy words. But those words received him a hit on his head by Wooyoung and Nichkhun.

“Unnie you go with 2PM. I just picked Ukiss then.” Sohee said without hesitating. I guess she must be closed with Kiseop since they are teammates.

Upnext is Minzy. “ I’ll go with BigBang!”

Wait, did she just said BigBang?! What about me. Wuaaaaa… T_____T Wait, what’s left? Oh! Mblaq and Super Junior?! What should I choose…



comments are loved!

and thanks for my subscribers and those who comments! love you guys! I will update soon! heart

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Chapter 50: OMG! OMG! OMG! DAEBAKKKK~ Author-nim *bows* I AM YOUR FAN #1. THIS CHAPTER MADE ME CRY & SOB LIKE A RIVER! JungSoo how could you?!? Anyways to the sequel ->
Chapter 37: Poor Seunghyun :'(
Chapter 29: OK. THIS.IS.THE.BEST.CHAPTER.EVER!! Author-nim you are the best! *applause*
Chapter 24: OMG!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! *fangirling so hard* and i want TOP & her comeback together ... *to the next chapter*
koreaboo_trash #6
hiii!!~ I was wondering if I could like revise this story for you!
and like you can repost each new revised chapter on a new story thing. I'd also like to post this story on quotev, too! ^^
if not, it's ok! I'm not trying to say this story is bad considering english is not your first language, it's great, really also considering it's your first fanfic!
I would have sent this message to you privately on here, but I to be honest, don't know how so yea.. XD
hyo-jin #7
Chapter 50: Love it!!!!
Chapter 50: Thank you for the wonderful story. :)) I will be reading the sequel. ^^
kwangx #9
it amazing
Chapter 50: Omg I can't even. Leeteuk u....
I started out with reading the first 6 ch of the sequel and u said ur English is bad but it's better than the other stories I've read by non fluent English speaking authors
Anyway your story is just amazing