Best birthday ever

All Because of You



Eli’s Pov


I stood there staring at her smile go ear to ear. I’m glad I trusted Kiseop and Kevin to buy her a dress and Yumi noona did a great job on her hair. _____ ran up to me and jumped into my arms wrapping her around my neck. We haven’t seen each other in a day but I guess that was my fault for Pops In Seoul then going out early to quickly plan this day.

I spun her around then put her back on her feet to gaze in her eyes.

“Oppa… I missed oppa…” She said.

“Happy birthday baby,” I kissed her lips tasting the cherry lip gloss. I felt her smile against my lips and then started laughing, stopping the moment.

“So, why are we dressed up today?” She asked.

“Love, it’s your birthday. You’re the princess and you have the spotlight.”

“Hehe, arasso~” She pecked my lips again. “Where are you taking me? Out to eat?”

“It’s actually not much. I didn’t have much time to plan it but I wanted it to be romantic and to be something we both can remember,” I said and took her hand. “Let’s go sweetheart.”

“We’re walking?”

“It’s not far…and I want to show you off to the world. These people out here have to see how wonderful you look today.”

“Oppa~” She pouted. “You’re making me blush~”

I chuckled and pulled her close. “Let’s start walking princess,”


So many people were glaring at us. Some must had been our fans since they were giving _____ dirty looks. At times, I’d look at them straight in the eyes and kiss the top of _____’s head just because I felt like it. I love my girlfriend and being an idol won’t stop me from showing that I do.

Finally, we took this pathway that led us near our destination. And just in time too…the sun is starting to set.

I put my hands over her eyes and guided her to her surprised. “We’re almost there love. Just a little bit more…” I whispered in her ear. She giggled and nodded.


Just a few more steps…and here we are! I removed my hands from her eyes and looked at her expression. She gasped and started blushing, grabbing a hold of my hand and squeezing it.

There before us was the sun setting over the horizon. And don’t let me forget, the small picnic I was able to set up.

“Omo…” Her eyes started to tear up.

I laughed, “What are you crying about?”


“Yes princess?”


“What is it princess?”

“I love you so much …”

“I love you too baby and that’s why we’re here. Happy birthday,”

I carefully walked her over to the blanket and sat us down near the basket. The first thing I grabbed was the wine glasses to us both some.

“I still can’t believe this….” She mumbled. “I wasn’t expecting a date on my birthday!”

“Well, you know I’m very busy lately and I’ve always wanted to take you out to do something like this…”

She flashed me the sweetest smile in the world then asked the most random question. “If I dated one of the other members, who would you’d think I’d rather be with and who would I not be with?”

I would choose myself for that question, but I think she’s expecting one of the others.

“I’d have to say that you wouldn’t be with Kevin or Dongho. Kevin is more…girly and Dongho has his own personality. And to be with would most likely be either Kiseop or Soohyun hyung. Those two would treat you well…”

She nodded. “Why do you ask all of a sudden?” I asked.

“Oh, I was just wondering…”

“You better not be thinking of leaving me for one of them, eh…?”


“Good, because I’ll never leave you…now here, let me see your glass,” She smiled and held the glass in front of me to pour wine in her cup. “I heard from Alexander hyung that this is your favorite kind of wine…”

After I was done pouring her glass, she took a sip and smiled. “Yup, this is it~”

I poured me some too but not too much. “I heard you forgot about today,”

“Yeah, I had a lot on my mind lately. You pretty much cleared it up though.”


We ate and talked for that whole time until she pointed out, “Is it starting to rain?”

I put out my hand and in five seconds, felt a drop of rain. F. M. L.

“Eli~ it’s raining~” She whined. I stood up and grabbed her arm to pull her up carefully.

“Come on.” I said. The rain started pouring harder and at this point, we were soaked in our hair and our clothes. I laughed at how slow she was attempting to run and just got down to put her on my back. From there, I ran. Splashing in every puddle, passing every person, and laughing every mile….I ran.


When I came across this hotel place, I thought it would be best to stay there for the night. I don’t know about _____, but I’m pretty cold and we need get out of these wet clothes.

After getting our room key…we practically made out the whole way up to the room. On the fourth floor, the elevator right seemed extra long. Her hands ran through my wet hair and my hands roamed her back, caressing it. We didn’t even get into the room yet…

I attempted to kiss and at her neck while opening the door. And guess what, it’s a pretty hard thing to do but I’m Eli. What can’t I do?

“Eli~” She groaned. I smiled and looked at her flushed face then kissed those soft lips again. My mission tonight was to give her the best birthday ever…and that mission is definitely not over until the next morning. Xander hyung will understand that we won’t be arriving at home tonight.



-Meanwhile, on the balcony of Super Junior’s house…-

Sungmin’s Pov


I walked up to the balcony where Kyuhyun was. He leaned on it, gazing at the sunset. I watched a few inches down from him and waited for him to talk, knowing he had something to say.

“How is she…?” He started talking.

“She’s…doing great,”

He sighed softly. “…I miss her…” I looked at the young man as if he was out of his mind. Does he even have the right to say that?

“What about Hye Rim? Aren’t you with her now?”

He didn’t reply right away. But when he did, he put his head down. “She forgave me…but I can’t see her until she comes back from America.”

“Shouldn’t you be missing her instead? ______ is in better hands now. She probably won’t even care to think or see you.”

He stayed quiet. “When I went over there to tell her how I felt…she understood my situation and talked to me. We were so close though…if I could, I’d live over there, just to be with her. It looks like Eli and her are practically married now…”

“…Are you done…? Ever since the day she left…I’ve been nothing but destroyed. Now you’re up here, telling me how much of a screw up I am—which I already know—and making the knife go deeper through the heart. Hyung… I regret everything. I’m sorry for taking away your—our love…goodnight…”

He walked passed me and left the balcony. Rain started to fall as I started to think…Kyuhyun has been pretty quiet. In fact, this whole place had been quiet. ______ had a place in all of our hearts and unfortunately…..never left….




Sorry for this late update T.T

Writers block kills~ anyway thank you for commenting!


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 47: I loved it hehe
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha that song nobody from wonder girls is my ringtone too hehe ^_^ we have something in comment
Lets be friends if you want too I love you're story so far
All my bias are here! 8D
belovedkpop #4
Chapter 47: I just love your story ! :)
Great story
Wow... superb combination!!
minee26 #7
nice story.. dbsk plus suju plus ukiss... yeah! all my favorites here!!! HWAITTING to you!! :)
:) cOOl! Story`!!
Rirumu #9
Nice story! Everybody got a happy ending :)
I like this story ! So cute! Eli is my favorite!