Manage My Love


Soo-Yun’s POV


“Sure. I’m going to bed.” I place my book on the night stand alongside with my spectacles and went to sleep…



I woke up the next morning finding Jinki still asleep. I looked at the clock and it was still early, 5am. I closed my eyes, trying to fall back asleep but failed. I sat up and took a long shower. When I was done, it was only 5.45am. I then strolled down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Even though I’m not happy marrying Jinki, I still have to fulfill my role as a wife to him.


I didn’t know what he likes so I decided to make an easy dish, Gimbap. When I was done, I sat down, drinking my milk. I heard footsteps and looked up, seeing Jinki in the cleaner’s uniform which I hung outside the closet door.


“It seems like you suit the cleaners outfit. Maybe you are suitable to be one.” I continued to sip my milk. Breakfast was not a thing for me, so I stick to my cup of milk which I take every morning.


“Suit yourself. I don’t want to quarrel with you early in the morning.” He sat down sipping his coffee. However, the coffee was piping hot and he took a sip, causing himself to scald his tongue.


“You’re really trying to kill yourself.” I said while continuing sipping my milk. He stuffed the Gimbap in his mouth and walked out of the door. It seems like he’s mad. I couldn’t be bothered so I washed the cups and plate and headed back to my individual room. I took my jacket and wore it since it’s not that warm.


When I got downstairs, Omma was sitting in the kitchen. “You make good Gimbap.” She said after finishing her breakfast. I could only smile as it was an obvious compliment. “I don’t think I need to teach you anything more since you’re already good at cooking.” She said.


“However, there’s one thing I need to teach you. How to be a good wife. Cooking itself is not enough. You must know how to treat him so that he won’t get tired of you.” She pulled me to the living room and we sat on the couch.


“I know you still don’t like Jinki. But both of you must try to care for each other. You will end up loving each other.” She pats my hands and I looked at her. “Even small actions like taking his coat when he returned home; asking him about his day, even cooking a nice dinner for him can mean a lot. Since you have a chef, you make not cook for him all the time. However, you have to give him home cooked food on some days. He will definitely be happy.” She looked at me and smile.


Maybe I should heed her advice. I don’t want to love Jinki or have him love me back. Cooking for him is of no problem. When she left me to do something, I headed to my own room. I lay on our shared bed in case Omma comes finding for me. Since it’s his first day of work, I shall cook dinner. I can ask Omma what he likes to eat.


I heard my phone ring and jumped. It was Appa he wanted me to go down to the office for a while. I agreed and changed into something more formal and headed to the office. As I headed to the office, I got off at the wrong floor, getting many whispers and wolf whistles. I turned around and apparently they were not afraid. One guy was so bold that he came up to me trying to flirt. I smirked and barged into the manager’s office. I dragged the guy in with me. “Tell me his name.” I pointed at him with one hand while another one was clutching his collar. “Kim Dae-sun.” He gulped.


“Ok. You know who am I?” I asked the manager and he nodded. “Miss Park Soo-Yun, Daughter of CEO of this company.”


“Good.” I looked back at the guy who had a shocked expression pinned on his face. I dragged him back out and let go of his collar causing him to ‘fly’ to his seat. “Get ready to be fired.” I said and started walking to the lift. I stopped at the door. “My father has his rules and I have mine and I’m married.” I turned back and said. Although I don’t like Jinki. I respect him as my husband and I do not want him to think that I’m not respecting his as a wife.


I went up to my father’s office and the secretary ‘announced’ my arrival. She led me to his office. I sat down on the couch, waiting for him to speak. “How’s living with Jinki?”


“It has only been a day how would I know?”


“One day is still a day.”


“You asked me here to ask me this?”


“Is there a problem with asking my own daughter to my office for a talk?”


“It is not when I had to be taken as some single woman by your employees.” I stood up and left his office, huffing. I reach the lobby and saw a number of male employees looking at me. However, they seemed to be more aware of the things happening as they greeted me with respect that I deserve. “Miss Park.” However, since my marriage was not officially announced, I will thus be known as Miss Park.


When I reached home, Omma was sitting in the living room watching television. I took off my shoes and went to sit down beside her. “Omma, I have something to ask you.”


“Yes dear?”


“What does Jinki likes to eat, I would like to cook dinner for him to relax after a hard day of work.”


“Daktoritang. Our Jinki loves Daktoritang.”


“Ok. Thank you Omma.” I headed up the stairs and changed to casual clothing before heading to the kitchen to prepare. I told the chef to go home early since I’m cooking. He excused himself and headed home.


I finished cooking. The only part left was waiting for it to be done and it takes around 45 more minutes. I asked Omma to help me look out for it as I headed to shower. In half an hour’s time, Jinki will be home. He ends at 6pm as what he said a few days ago.


After I was done showering, the soup was almost done. I looked at the clock and it was about 6.30pm. Jinki should be home soon. When the soup was done, I turned off the fire and sat in the living room with Omma, waiting for Jinki to return.


An hour and a half past and Jinki was still not back. “Soo-Yun ah, Why isn’t Jinki Home yet?” Omma asked. I then called him, but his phone was on the coffee table. I was cursing in my mind. What was he trying to do? Omma asked me to look for him and I followed her orders. I went to my room to change and left in my red convertible.


I drove around the area to find him in a bus stop not far from our house. I got down and stood in front of him. He looked up at me. “Why are you here?” I asked him with my hands on my hips.


“I took the wrong bus.” He said softly.


“Do you know how worried your Omma was?” I pulled him up and we drove back home. When I opened the door, Omma came up to him and pulled him into a hug. “My son, I thought what happened to you.” He only smiled weakly at her while Omma ushered him to shower and come downstairs for dinner.


When he headed up to shower, I reheated the stew. He came down when it was done and he inhaled deeply. “It smells good” I heard him saying from the dining room. I asked the maid to bring out the stew as the rice had already been set up a while ago. He ate dinner happily. Omma said it was made by me. He smiled and I just nodded in approval.


I was so tired, however, I had something to do. When Jinki fell asleep, I crawled out of bed and headed to my room and started writing something. When I was finally done, it was already 2am. I yawned and took the paper and stuck it to the closet where his clothes for work was placed. I headed to bed and fell asleep instantly.


End of Soo-Yun’s POV


Jinki’s POV


When I woke up the next morning, I found Soo-Yun still asleep. I got off the bed quietly even though my body was aching badly. I headed to shower before going down to find breakfast made by the chef. I was a little disappointed as yesterday it was made by Soo-Yun. Even though I was not happy when I left the house, I was happy that she bothered to make breakfast.


When I went back up to change for work, I saw a piece of paper above my uniform. It was a list of places which different buses go. Those bus services written were the ones present at the stop which is in front of the hotel. I smiled and know why she was still sleeping. At least she’s still concerned about me. I grabbed my bag, not forgetting my phone this time and left for work.


End of Jinki’s POV


Soo-Yun’s POV


When I woke up, the other side of the bed was already empty. I looked at the clock and it was already 10am. Maybe I was really too tired. I looked at the closet to find the paper already not there. At least he was not blind to not notice it.


I went to shower and headed down to find Omma already up and watching television. I ate my breakfast and joined her in watching television. She then decided to make dinner today. She said she intends to leave in another day or 2, seeing the both of us adapting to life so well. I decided to head out to have a cup of coffee and relax. I drove to the nearest coffee house and ordered a cup of espresso since I was still sleepy.


I spend my whole day there. I went home at 5pm to see Omma still cooking. I headed to my room and took a shower before coming down. Omma was sitting on the couch waiting for Jinki. It seems like he’s up to some trouble again as it was already 7pm and he was not home. I called his phone and he picked up after 3 rings. “Yoboseyo” He answered in a very sleepy voice.


“Where are you?” I asked.


“I slept in the bus. I missed my stop. I don’t know where am I at.” His voice seemed flustered. He told me the bus service number he took and I headed out to my car and drove off in search of him. Apparently he was not that far away. I picked him up and we headed home. If I have to do this every day, I think I will die.


We had a scrumptious dinner and went to the bed room. He kept on pressing his shoulder in pain as he yelped a few times. “I’ll help you.” I said as he removed his hands from his shoulder. I then smelt the smell of medicated plaster. I massaged his shoulder for him and I could feel his muscle loosen up. However. When he lay on the bed, getting ready to sleep, he groaned in pain. I asked him to sit up and he lifted his shirt as I ordered him to do so. He had several plasters on his body. Too many to be exact.


“I think you’d better stop being a cleaner or you’ll die of pain.” He wore back his shirt and it was silent…



They seem closer now.

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Chapter 39: Wah, I'm finally able to catch up on this story again. It's been so long since I last read it and I miss it so much. ;^; Really excited about what I missed in the next chapters! And I can see Jaejoong and Soo-Yun getting closer to each other, eeep. Ah~ I'm so not up-to-date.
Crystalbone #2
Chapter 52: Oh my gosh, cliffhanger!!! update soon~ ^~^
Crystalbone #3
Chapter 48: Poor Yoora and Haemin... They have no idea why Sooyun left... Update soon~ ^~^
Crystalbone #4
Chapter 46: Sigh, poor Jaejoong and Sooyun!!! The two of them miss each other way too much... Hehe, update soon~ ^~^
Crystalbone #5
Chapter 44: I wouldn't mind Sooyun and Jinki as friends, but as a couple I definitely prefer Sooyun and Jaejoong :) hehe, update soon~ ^~^
Crystalbone #6
Chapter 42: Poor Jaejoong and Sooyun!!! Please let them get back together!!! :'( update soon~ ^~^
Crystalbone #7
Chapter 40: Hi!!! New reader here ^.^ haha, your story is really interesting!!! Hehe, update soon~ ^~^
Chapter 38: I finally got the time to catch up on your story. I missed it so much. Even though Soo-Yun and Jinki are cute together, I hope she'll stay with Jaejoong. They are perfect for each other, and Jaejoong's so sweet. I'm glad that Haemin finally explained Eunhyuk the relationship between her and Donghae and that they are all fine now. (:
aiRa21 #9
jaejoong and sooyun should be together..:)
Aw, it was really sweet how Jaejoong and Soo-Yun got together. :') The boys with their truth or dare, hehe. I always feel so sorry for Eunhyuk, he's so full of emotions. ;~; Why would he think Haemin would leave him? She would never leave you, Hyukkie. ;~; I really enjoyed the updates. ^-^