
The student and the rapper

The week had passed quickly for Jane. Everyone at school had heard about the fact that she auditioned for YG and that she had seen THE G-Dragon. If before she was popular amongst the students for being a foreigner, now she was popular for being the foreigner who had been in the same room as BIGBANG’s leader.

“If you think this is bad, wait till they find out that you’re a trainee at YG.” Junghee laughed at Jane the following Monday.

“I’m a trainee at YG? What? How do you know?”  Jane looked at her in shock.

“Relax Jane. I’m just saying that you will be. I’m sure that they want you.” Junghee reassured her.

“I thought you knew something I didn’t.” Jane breathed in relief.

“I thought you said you don’t really care if you get signed or not” the Korean teased.

“I know. I thought I didn’t. But the more time passes, the more nervous I get. I guess it wouldn’t be too bad to be a trainee there” she said her face slightly falling.

“It wouldn’t be bad? It would be great you monkey.  I know you want to be signed. I want you to be signed. And I’m sure you will.” Junghee said trying to reassure her friend. She could only imagine how hard it must be for her. She was pretty much alone in a country half way across the globe from her home. She knew almost no one and people were staring at her as if she was the main attraction at a circus. Not to mention the cultural shock and the fact that she was studying. She had to keep up with Korean students and she was clearly at a disadvantage there, even though her Korean was great. No one had expected her to master Korean that well considering she wasn’t native. Just then Jane’s phone started ringing.

“OH. MY. GOD. It’s a number not in my contacts’ list. It must be them. They must be calling to say I was rejected. What do I do Junghee? What should I do?” Jane panicked.

“Firstly, relax. Secondly, if they rejected you they wouldn’t calling. Now answer the damn phone, before they hang up” Junghee said trying to calm her down.

“Okay. Hello”

“Hello. Is this Jane Welding?”

“Yes, this is she”

“I am Yang Hyunsuk from YG Entertainment. I am calling regarding your audition last week.”

“Yes, I am listening.”

“We are happy to tell you that you were chosen to be a trainee at YG Entertainment.”

“I was?”

“Yes. Now I would like you to come to our headquarters tomorrow to discuss it further and maybe to sign the contract.”

“Of course, I will come. But is it possible for me to come in the afternoon as I have classes in the morning?”

“Most definitely. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Yes, good bye!”

“You got in, didn’t you?” Junghee screamed as soon as Jane put her phone down.

Jane didn’t say anything. She was shocked. She, Jane Welding, a mere girl from London, studying in Korea, had been chosen to be a YG trainee. She had huge chances to be big. All the artists from YG became famous. They were stars with huge fan bases, not only in Korea, but across the globe.  Finally she looked at Junghee and told her numbly:

“I might be signing a contract tomorrow.”

“What?” Junghee screamed loudly.

“Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to YG building to discuss things further. Yang Hyunsuk himself called me right now.” Jane told her.

“Wooooooooooow! I’m so happy for you. I told you that you would be accepted. You’re too good not to be accepted.”

“Thank you Junghee. I wouldn’t have done it without you. I owe you big one.”

“I want my name on your first album, in the thank you area.”


She looked at her phone; it was night-time in the UK so she couldn’t call her mother. She sent a quick text to both her mother and Emma, telling them that she was accepted and that she will call them after the meeting with YG. She wanted to be able to tell them what the real deal was, not just suppositions or assumptions.

The next day she diligently attended all her classes. Even though she went to her classes, she couldn’t wait to go to the YG building. She was excited to talk things through and even to start training. She was sure she still had a lot of things to learn. Even more than that, she had to start training with YG’s trainer, Hwangssabu. Her physical condition was far from the best, even though her body looked good. She was sure she wouldn’t be able to last 2 minutes on stage considering the fact that she rarely exercised.

As soon as the bell rang, she went to her apartment to take a shower and change. She carefully picked a black dress that flowed just above her knees and a pair of black peep toes. Her hair was long and slightly wavy, just like the way she always wore it. She wanted to look good. She was going to be a trainee at company where almost everyone was a fashionista. Besides, if she would start training she wouldn’t be able to dress too fancy. She would have to dress comfortably.

She took a taxi and went straight to the YG building. When she got there, she called YG on the intercom and in 5 minutes he was at the door welcoming her.

“Hello Miss Welding. Nice to see you again.”

“Hello! Nice to see you too. Please call me Jane.”

“You will have to call me sajangnim from now on.” YG said laughing.

“Of course sir.”

He led her to a different part of the building from the one where the audition was held. Everywhere she could see posters of the YG artists. Their music videos were played on huge screens. YG knew what they had and they were shamelessly promoting themselves. Jane suddenly found herself wanting to become big. They entered the elevator and he pressed the button to take them to the 7th floor.

He led her to his office and as she entered a new wave of shock hit her. His office was indeed bear brick themed. Two of the walls were covered in shelves of bearbricks.

“Please take a sit Jane. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go straight to business.”

“Of course.”

“Now, I assume you want to be a part of the YG family, otherwise you wouldn’t have auditioned. Am I right?”

“Yes, you are.”

“Everyone agreed that you have an amazing talent and that we couldn’t let you go away. But don’t let that go to your head. You still have a long way to go. You need a lot of training and a debut is still far and uncertain. Everything depends on how hard you work and how much you evolve.”

“I am aware of that. I know that I still lack some things and there are others that I need to learn. If there is one thing I can assure you though, it is that I will work hard and give my best to not disappoint you.”

“I am glad to hear that. You will have vocal training sessions, dance training, acting lessons and since you’re not Korean, even though your Korean is good, I think you might need some Korean lessons as well.”

“I understand. I will work hard, please take care of me.”

“You said you are still studying, right?”

“Yes, I am still a student. I’m in my first year in university and I have three more left.”

“I see. Now, you cannot quit university. You will continue your studies and we’ll have your training in the afternoon and during weekends.”

“I wasn’t planning on quitting either.”

“I will talk to the dean to see if we could slightly adjust you school schedule so that your activities become manageable. Now, here’s the contract. I want you to read it through and tell me if there is something you don’t understand.”

“Thank you, sajangnim. I’ll start reading it now.”

Jane carefully read the contract. It said she would undergo intense training and that her debut is not definite. If she failed to meet the requirements the contract shall be nullified and she would have to leave the company. She would not receive any money during her training, so she would have to study so as to not lose the scholarship. Also, she was not allowed to make TV appearances, nor would she be able to model, or make any sorts of contracts without the express agreement of YG Entertainment. Jane found all the requirements reasonable and it looked like YG was going to take good care of her.

“Everything seems alright. I will sign the contract now.”

“I’m glad. You will start your training tomorrow at 4 o’clock. I will take you to the reception. You will have a trainee badge made and you will be given the pass code so you can enter the building whenever you have to.”

As they reached the reception, the CEO bid Jane good bye:

“Good luck with your training. I will see you around. Work hard”

“Of course. Thank you again for choosing me . I will work hard”


AN. Hello everyone. I'm back with another chapter. This one was tiring to write for some reason. Maybe it's me who was tired. Anyway, have you seen Seungri's album teaser? :D

On a side note, I received my story image today. Doesn't it look good? Thank you @nomadzs for it. :D There are some grammar mistakes at the top (TOP, get it?), but please ignore them. :D

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I'm currently writing the 27th chapter. Please wait for it patiently! ^^


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tahlima #1
I read this story ages ago and to reread it i spent a whole day to find it. I forgot the title and searched The trainee and the rapper. For quite a while. I read it when i was new to aff so i didnt know how to subscribe.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 40: This story is so good!!! I really like it~
Chapter 40: I really loved this story ☺️☺️☺️
teentopbapshineefx #4
Omg I had to read the title 3 times before realizing it's not aR but a raPPer x)
Ramshey #5
Love the story a read all de 40 chapters in one sitting (thing I never do but I was hock) I wish for more after chapter 39 but good ending, but at the end you pack to much in one chapter and when they went to London you simply imply that they already had but you jump that part in the story and I was surprise because she was a good girl and TOP (well we all now the with him will be incredible a I tink he will be wild and sweet) we will way ultil she is ready so I was sorprice, in your next story don't jump that, but great story wish I was a drama!!! Good job!! chugha!!!
ZNA123 #6
Chapter 17: Your next story should be about after their wedding
Chapter 40: Wordless... I enjoyed it very much. The writing is good, the plot is VERY good and i also loved Jane's character; not to mention that i loved T.O.P's childish moments :).
Looking forward to read your next story with Cass. :)
Chapter 40: yay!!! congratulations!! :DDD
ZNA123 #9
Chapter 40: I can't wait for your next story I loved this story so much uh I'm so excited