
Kai Bai Bo

Kai’s point of view

”How long have you been together now?” Kris took a sip from his steaming hot coffee.

“I don’t know” I tried to sound as cool as possible. Kris lifted his eyes that were resting on the table to send me a glare.

“One month tomorrow” I blushed avoiding Kris’ eyes.

“That’s more like it” Kris chuckled “So how’s everything going?” Kris changed his tone to a more serious one.

The two of us were seated inside of a café. I had a chocolate milkshake and a brownie in front of me and Kris had a coffee.

“Good” I simply answered and Kris once again shot a glare at me. I let out a sigh and glared back at Kris, hoping he would stop.

“Come on! Tell me!” Kris laughed.

Before I could open my mouth _____ opened the door of the café and stepped in.  A smile quickly grew on my lips. She was looking around, searching for me and Kris. I stood up.

“_____-ah” I said loud enough for her to hear. She turned to us and smiled. She was wearing black jeans, sneakers, a black leather jacket and a hoodie. ________ walked up to Kris, who also was standing up, to give him a hug.

“How are you?” she smiled to Kris.

“Just fine, and you?”

“I’m cold” she laughed before she walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek as she hugged me. We all sat down, ______ beside me. I wrapped an arm around ______ shoulder trying to warm her up.

“I can’t stay too long. I’m meeting Bongcha and Hanbyul in an hour” _______ said.

“That’s okay” Kris smiled “Just wanted to see your face since Kai keeps you to himself all the time” Kris laughed.  I shot Kris a glare which made him laugh more. I looked down at ­­­_______.

”I don’t mind” She said looking up at me. I lifted my head to look a Kris with a victorious smile before I looked back at ______ and kissed her forehead, making her giggle.

The three of us talked and laughed so much we forgot about the time.

______’s phone let out a sound. She took her phone from the table looking at it.

“Omo! I’m half an hour late!” she said standing up. Me and Kris got up as well.

“Can you get there yourself?” I asked worriedly.

“Yes, silly” she laughed. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Just as I were about to pull away ______ placed her hand behind my neck, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. I loved when she did that.

“Ehm…You’re late remember” Kris awkwardly said. ______ pulled away from me and let out a quiet laugh. She was blushing.

“I’ll see you later” she said waving at me and Kris before she turned around and walked out of the café. I was still standing up as she walked out. I turned to Kris, he was already seated looking at me with a grin.


“Nothing” Kris grinned. I rolled my eyes and took a sip from my milkshake.

“So I’m guessing everything is going great” Kris said.

“Yeah” I smiled remembering the kiss. Kris let out a laugh.

“I should probably go home, Tao wanted to watch some drama with me” Kris sighed.

“But you don’t like dramas”

“You know Tao and his aegyo”

“You really need to learn how to resist it” I laughed. Kris didn’t answer instead he stood up and drank the last coffee that was left in the cup.

“I’ll talk to you later” he smiled before he left the café.

I finished my milkshake and ate the last bit of brownie before I grabbed my jacket and headed out. It was raining and since I didn’t have a hood on my jacket I ran home. I opened the door and stepped in, kicking off my wet shoes, before walking inside crashing on the couch.

“Kai is that you?” I heard my mom yell.


My mom walked out of the kitchen with a towel in her hands.

“Where have you been?” she asked, her voice sounded angry. She dried her hands on the towel.

“I’ve been with Kris hyung” I answered looking at the TV.

“Really?” her voice sounded much happier “I always like that kid”

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I wondered if she had to choose between me and Kris if she would choose Kris. She would be mad at me one second but when she saw Kris she would always loosen up.

“I’m making dinner” she added before she walked back to the kitchen.

“I’m not hungry”

“Doesn’t matter! I need to talk to you!”

I let out a sigh and continued watching the TV.

20 minutes later the two of us were seated at the table.

“Are you sure you don’t want to eat?” my mom said as she grabbed the salad bowl. I nodded. I sat with my hands in my lap looking down at them. My mom talked about her day and I responded once in a while with a hum. When she was done eating she placed her chopsticks on the plate looking at me.

“Kai, your father called me today”

“What did he say?” I was more interested in what she was saying now. I missed him a lot.

“He has been promoted” she smiled.

“Really? That’s great!” I smiled back.

“But he has to move to China…”

I didn’t give her a response. I only stared at her.

“…we have to move with him” she continued.

I let out a deep sigh, looking down at my hands in my lap.

“I know you have a lot of friends here but this is really important for you dad”

I didn’t want to hear more. I stood up making my chair fall backwards. I walked with determined steps to my room, shutting it with a loud bang.  I grabbed my hair pulling it slightly. I couldn’t leave, not now when I and _____ were doing so great. I let out an angry scream.

“Kai?” my mom opened my door “Are you okay?”

“I don’t want to talk right now”

“We’ll talk tomorrow then” she said sadly closing the door. I threw myself on my bed and fisted the pillow angrily.

“Why now?” I whispered against the pillow.



A whole chapter from Kai's pov! Tell me what you think!

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Chapter 13: Hahahaha , EXO boys were so funny in this chap . Yeah , im a new subbie ~~ ^_^
Chapter 48: Was that the ending?.. kind of.. well i thought she will be with kai.. i was expecting that.. haixt!.. anyway this was a nice story though.. :)
Chapter 35: I want Hoya
Chapter 31: I am not getting with hoya aren't I
BlueBang #5
Chapter 41: lol the gif is funny x3
Chapter 49: Nawww dongwoo I feel for you but ruining relationships is selfish :(
Lol I had this wierd hope that Kris would scoop her away from kai nd hoya lolol
Nice fic though
BlueBang #7
Chapter 28: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
BlueBang #8
Chapter 19: I also smile like an idiot whenever I watch anything related to kpop xD ~
BlueBang #9
Chapter 16: I gussed it was Hoya :D ~
yay I was right xP
Chapter 48: :'( why Dongwoo why?? :'(