The Rest Of Them

Kai Bai Bo

“Seems like Tao has found himself a new friend” one of the guys said breaking the silence. You stared

at the four guys you’ve never seen before. The one who made the comment about Tao and you had

blonde side swept hair. He had the most adorable face you’ve ever seen before. The second guy had

darker hair. He was a little bit shorter than the rest of them. The thirds guy had dark brown hair and

a pointy face. The last guy had a really round face. You remembered him being the one who wanted

buns from Kris.  Kai finally spoke up.

“What the hell is going on? And why do you call her bbuing bbuing girl?”

“Tao and I met her at your competition”


“We were seated next to each other…”

“…and she helped me get a new purse!” Tao chimed as he lifted up his bag so everyone could see.

Kris sighed.

“But why bbuing bbuing?”

“Because that’s how she convinced Kris to buy it for me!” Tao said happily. Kai looked over at you

with his mouth hanging open.

“I’ve never seen you do bbuing bbuing” Kai said. Before you could say anything Tao cut in.

“You should! She’s really good! Do it now!”

You looked at Tao and then Kai then back to Tao.

“What?” you said with shaky voice.

“Stop embarrassing the girl! Let’s go down stairs” Kris saved you. The four guys who hadn’t said a

thing the entire time turned around and started to walk downstairs. Tao and Kris soon followed. You

looked at Kai and he gave you a reassuring smile, holding out his hand. You grabbed it and together

you walked downstairs. You let go of Kai’s hand as soon as you saw the guys. They were in the living

room, standing up looking at you. It was still quiet.

“So…what did we miss?” Suho asked.

Kris told the rest of the guys how you had done bbuing bbuing and Kris had to buy the purse to Tao.

“What a small world!” the guy with the beautiful face said “I’m Luhan”

“And I’m Xiumin!” the bun boy said.

“Chen here” the shorter guy said.

“I’m Lay” the last guy said.

You greeted them.  It grew quieter again.

“_______, can you cook?” Luhan asked.

“I think so”

“Good enough for me” Luhan smiled “Do you wanna join me and Chen in the kitchen?”

You didn’t really wanna leave Kai but it was better to be with two new guys then the rest of them so

you nodded. Luhan smiled.

“Follow me” Chen said. Before you walked after Chen you looked over at Kai who still seemed to be

in shock. You smiled at his state and walked in to the kitchen.

The kitchen was really big. It was more than twice the size of your own. You stood in the doorway looking around.

“Do you wanna cut the vegetables?” Chen asked looking over at you.

“Sure” you smiled. You walked over to the chopping board that Chen had put there for you and started to chop.

“How do you know each other?” you asked.

“We are in the same dance group” Luhan answered.

“What? But you weren’t in the competition” you said really confused by Luhan’s answer.

“No but we’re usually together” Luhan smiled at you.

“Oh okay” you said.

“How do you know them?” Chen asked.

You didn’t know if you should tell them about Kai wanting your number or if you should skip that bit.

“We go to the same school” you said after a lot of quick thinking. The two guys nodded.

“Did you all go to the same school before?” you asked.

“Yea, everyone except Luhan” Chen answered. You looked over at Luhan.

“I went to Yonsei University” Luhan smiled.

“Really? My friend is thinking about starting there next year”

“You can tell your friend it is an amazing school!” Luhan chimed.

“I’ll tell her that” you smiled.

You started to feel really comfortable with the two guys. You learned that both of them like singing and that they wrote a song together.

“I wanna hear it!”

“Someday you maybe will” Luhan laughed.

“Do you need help with anything?” Kai asked as he and Kris entered the kitchen. You immediately smiled when you saw him.

“Yeah, you can set the table” Chen said. Kai nodded and walked to set the table while Kris stayed.

“Chen, Luhan can you help Kai?” Kris asked.

The two guys were just about to contradict when Kris shot them a glare.

“Yeah…sure” Luhan said. Chen and Luhan left the kitchen. Kris walked up to the counter and hopped up on it looking at you, who were standing a few steps away from him.

“You like him, huh?”

You looked up at Kris, acting confused.

“Don’t act like you don’t know. I saw how you smiled when he walked in to the kitchen” Kris smiled.

You sighed and nodded.

“It’s just complicated”

“Why?” Kris said hopping off the counter to stand next to you. Before you could answer him Kai came running in.

“I…just…need some napkins” Kai said stuttering as he saw how close Kris was standing to you. Kris chuckled and stepped away from you. Kai took really long time trying to find the napkins, you thought that it was his intension to. He didn’t want to leave you alone with Kris. When Kai had his back towards you Kris bent down and whispered in your ear.

“He feels the same way”

You looked up at Kris to see if he was joking but he was dead serious. You looked over at Kai who had now turned around. He was looking at the two of you as he dropped the napkins on the ground.

“Come _______, I need help with the table” Kai said dragging you out of the kitchen.

You couldn’t get the words Kris had said to you out of your mind. He feels the same way.



Seems like all of you liked Tao, haha I like him too ^^ Maybe you start liking Kris now aswell ^^ I have an idea for next chapter but I'm not sure if I should use that idea in another chapter!

Also! I have started a new fanfic! It's with SHINee's Jonghyun! So if you want to check it out you can do so here:

See you in next chapter!!

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Chapter 13: Hahahaha , EXO boys were so funny in this chap . Yeah , im a new subbie ~~ ^_^
Chapter 48: Was that the ending?.. kind of.. well i thought she will be with kai.. i was expecting that.. haixt!.. anyway this was a nice story though.. :)
Chapter 35: I want Hoya
Chapter 31: I am not getting with hoya aren't I
BlueBang #5
Chapter 41: lol the gif is funny x3
Chapter 49: Nawww dongwoo I feel for you but ruining relationships is selfish :(
Lol I had this wierd hope that Kris would scoop her away from kai nd hoya lolol
Nice fic though
BlueBang #7
Chapter 28: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
BlueBang #8
Chapter 19: I also smile like an idiot whenever I watch anything related to kpop xD ~
BlueBang #9
Chapter 16: I gussed it was Hoya :D ~
yay I was right xP
Chapter 48: :'( why Dongwoo why?? :'(