
Kai Bai Bo

The next day it was raining. You had talked to Dongwoo on the phone and he had offered to come over to your house with pizza. That wasn’t something you easily said no to. You had gotten a text soon after telling you that he was only 5 minutes away from your apartment. You didn’t bother to change out of your pajamas since it was only Dongwoo who would be coming over. You wore a pair of shorts that were a little bit baggy on you and a loose cropped top.

You heard a knock on the door. You ran over and opened it. Dongwoo looked like a drenched kitten. You let out a small giggle. He was holding a pizza box in his right hand and a bag in the other.

“Are you gonna let me in or what?” Dongwoo muttered out in the rain.

“Come in” you smiled stepping to the side. Dongwoo walked in and kicked his soaking shoes off his feet. With quick small steps he walked in to the living room while you followed him. He sat down on the couch with the pizza in front of him.

“Let’s eat! I’m starving!” he chimed as he opened the box. You went out to the kitchen and grab two water bottles for the two of you. You walked back and sat down beside Dongwoo who had already eaten one of the slices.

“When did you leave the bonfire last night?” you asked as you took a slice of pizza.

“I didn’t stay for too long. I and Hoya was quite tired so we decided to go home about an hour after you had left. The others left around midnight I think” Dongwoo said as he chewed his pizza.

“Does Hoya know why I left?” you asked quietly looking down at the table in front of you.

“I think he kind of realized that when you sent him that text” Dongwoo said. He had stopped eating and was now looking at you. You looked up at him and gave him a small sad smile.

“Don’t worry about it” Dongwoo said placing a hand on your shoulder “Hoya wants you to be happy.” He smiled.

You grabbed the last slice of pizza and took small bites.

“How was yesterday for you then?” Dongwoo winked. You smiled and this time it was a happy one. “That good huh?” Dongwoo laughed.

“Stop it!” you said covering your cheeks that had turned pink.

“Tell me about it then!”

“We ate” you smiled.

“You ate?” Dongwoo was surprised by your answer.

“French fries.”

“Fries” Dongwoo repeated.

“Yeah, they were good” you sighed.

“Is this some sort of code language?” Dongwoo asked.


“Like fries meaning something else” Dongwoo winked.

“Dongwoo!” you said hitting his arm.

“Okay, okay sorry!” Dongwoo laughed, throwing his hands up “continue.”

“We went up on a hill” you smiled.

“A hill” Dongwoo said rolling his eyes.

“Yeah and we danced”

“Now we are getting somewhere” Dongwoo sighed.

“And we were very close to each other” you blushed.


“And that’s it” you said.

“That’s it?” Dongwoo was disappointed in your answer.

“Yeah, Kris called and wanted him to come over so he had to leave”

“Who’s Kris?” Dongwoo looked at you with a confused face.

“Oh right you don’t know him! He’s one of EXO’s friends” you smiled.

“Okay. Haven’t you talked to Kai since last night?”

“Well, he sent me a text last night after I had texted you” you said grabbing your phone from the table to find the text. When you found the text you gave Dongwoo the phone. Dongwoo read the text and then looked over at you, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Stop it” you laughed.

“What did you answer?” Dongwoo seriously said.

“That’s the thing…I didn’t”

“________...” Dongwoo said with a soft voice.

“I know, I know! I will tell him” you sighed.

“Okay, just one more question…”Dongwoo sighed.


“Are you going to finish that pizza?” Dongwoo said pointing at the half pizza slice you were holding in your hand.

“Here” you reached out the pizza slice.

“Thank you!” Dongwoo chimed as he took the slice from you and ate it as quickly as possible.



Kai’s point of view

It was Monday morning and ______ had still not answered my text.

“She doesn’t like you” Chanyeol sing songed as he placed an arm around my shoulders. I had told Chanyeol what had happened that night and he was the one who convinced me to actually send the text. He was also the only one who had mocked me when she didn’t answer. I knew that he was only joking but I was still worried about _______’s feelings for me.

We were on our way to school and every step got heavier the closer I got. I was afraid about how ______ would act when she saw me. Chanyeol seemed to feel me tensing up.

“Hey! Relax, it will be fine” he smiled tightening his grip around my shoulders. I smiled back at him. Even tho he behaves like a child sometimes I know I can always count on him when I feel nervous or bad about something.

As we entered the school doors Chanyeol took his arm off me. The nervous feeling was back. We were walking through the corridor when I saw her. She was at the other side of the corridor, looking at me. She took a deep breath before she started to walk towards me. Her eyes were looking at everything except me as she was walking down the hall. She was getting closer and was still not looking at me. Her eyes were set behind me.

As she walked passed me without saying a word my heart stopped. The thing that got it to beat again was when I felt something being pushed into my hand. I looked down at my right hand. A note. I slowly opened it and once again my heart stopped.


I like you too.



So what did you think of Dongwoo and Chanyeol? I wanna make Dongwoo appear more often if that is even possible ^^

I'm not quite sure of what will happen next but hopefully I will come up with something soon so I can continue writing!!

Anyway! Off to bed now!!

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Chapter 13: Hahahaha , EXO boys were so funny in this chap . Yeah , im a new subbie ~~ ^_^
Chapter 48: Was that the ending?.. kind of.. well i thought she will be with kai.. i was expecting that.. haixt!.. anyway this was a nice story though.. :)
Chapter 35: I want Hoya
Chapter 31: I am not getting with hoya aren't I
BlueBang #5
Chapter 41: lol the gif is funny x3
Chapter 49: Nawww dongwoo I feel for you but ruining relationships is selfish :(
Lol I had this wierd hope that Kris would scoop her away from kai nd hoya lolol
Nice fic though
BlueBang #7
Chapter 28: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
BlueBang #8
Chapter 19: I also smile like an idiot whenever I watch anything related to kpop xD ~
BlueBang #9
Chapter 16: I gussed it was Hoya :D ~
yay I was right xP
Chapter 48: :'( why Dongwoo why?? :'(