Two Familiar Faces

Kai Bai Bo


As you walked back to your class you felt relieved that you had been able to talk to Hoya. But you still felt as things wouldn’t go back to normal just because you had this talk. It would probably take some time. You took a deep breath before you entered the classroom.

It was lunch break. You walked in to the cafeteria and got in the line. You were deep in your own thoughts when you felt two arms snake around your waist pulling you in for a back hug.

“Missed me?” a low voice said.

“Yah! Chanyeol!” you said as you released yourself from his grip and turned around to playfully hit his arm.

“What was that for?” Chanyeol cried, rubbing his arm. You rolled your eyes at him.

“Where are the others?” you asked looking behind Chanyeol to see if they were behind him.

“They are already at the table. You wanna sit with us?” Chanyeol smiled. He had the most amazing smile you had ever seen. Every time he smiled you couldn’t help but smile along.

“Yeah sure!”

You and Chanyeol got your food and walked over to EXO’s table. Kai had his eyes on his food and didn’t notice that you were walking over. Suho nudged Kai’s shoulder making him look up. He was giving Suho an angry stare until he saw that you were approaching.

“________!” the maknae yelled, happy to see you.

“Hey Sehun” you smiled.

You looked over at Kai and he was patting the chair beside him as a sign for you to sit beside him. Before you could even move Chanyeol ran towards the chair next to Kai.

“Thank you Kai! That’s very nice of you to save a seat just for me!” Chanyeol grinned as he pinched Kai’s cheek. Kai slapped his hand away and glared at him. The table burst out laughing, everyone except Kai.

“________ you can sit beside me!” Baekhyun offered. You walked over to him and sat down. You were now seated with Baekhyun on one side and on the other D.O. was sitting.

“How has your day been so far?” Suho asked smiling towards you.

“It’s been good. I’ve had a lot to think about” you confessed hoping that Suho would understand. He did. Suho nodded his head.

“You are coming with us tonight right?” Sehun asked.

“Yeah, I am!” Sehun started clapping his hands.

“Calm down” Kai said. Sehun stuck out his tongue at Kai. Suho rolled his eyes at his dongsaengs.

“We are meeting up six other guys right after school” Suho said. You nodded your head.

“How do you know them?”

“The six guys?” Suho asked.

You nodded.

“We went to the same school before we changed to this one”

“And that was a good decision!” Chanyeol winked at you making you laugh.

“Anyways…we are going over to one of the guys’ house and just hang out” Suho smiled.

“He’s really handsome! You will like him!” Chanyeol burst out. Kai shot him a glare.

“I’m sure I will” you said looking over at Kai drinking your water. 



Your last class of the day was done. You were on your way to meet up EXO outside of the school doors. Half way out of the school you saw D.O. walking in the same direction as you just a couple of meters ahead of you.

“D.O.!” you called as you ran to catch up with him. D.O. just nodded at you. You weren’t surprise he had never really said anything to you except when he introduced himself the first time you met each other. Kai had told you not to take it as something bad he wasn’t just much of a talker. As you were walking down the corridor you didn’t say a word. It got kind of awkward. Luckily you were out of the school quite soon.

The rest of EXO was standing outside and as they saw you approaching they started to wave.

“You must have had a really interesting conversation!” Chanyeol laughed. D.O. rolled his big eyes and walked pass him to stand beside Sehun.

“Ready to go?” Suho smiled. All of you nodded your heads as you started to walk. As you usually would you walked with Kai.

“The thing you said earlier…”Kai nervously said.

“What thing?”

“That you think that the guy is handsome”

“How can I know if he’s handsome! I’ve never met the person!” you laughed at his silliness. You answer made Kai loosen up a bit. As you were walking he told you about his day.

“We’re here!” Baekhyun chimed. You were standing in front of a villa with two floors. It was white with blue around the windows. It had a little front porch with a little bench at the side of the door. Baekhyun, Sehun and D.O. ran up to the door and knocked. The door opened.

“Hey! You’re finally here!” you heard a low voice say. The guy who had opened the door hugged the three guys. Chanyeol and Suho went next and gave the guy a hug and entered the house. Kai grabbed your hand and walked up to the guy.

“Hey Kris! It’s been a while!” Kai said as he hugged the guy.

“Yeah, last time must have been when you were in that competition” The guy laughed.

“This is _______” Kai smiled looking at you. You looked at the guy in front of you. You had met him

before. Suddenly it hit you. He was the guy that you convinced to buy his dongsaengs a bag. Kris. He

seemed to remember you too.

“Hey I know you! You are the bbuing bbuing girl!”

“The what?” Kai asked surprised about Kris reaction.

“Tao! Come here!” Kris yelled.

“What is it hyung?” Tao asked as he came out of the house. Tao looked at you, he was quite shocked

to see you.

“It’s the bbuing bbuing girl!” Tao chimed. Kai was really confused by now. He looked at you like he

wanted you to explain everything to him. Before you got a chance to Tao hugged you.

“Thank you! You know I really got the purse!” Tao chimed.

“That’s good” you said slowly.

Kris rolled his eyes.

“Come on! I’ll show you it!” Tao said as he grabbed your wrist and dragged you in to the house

leaving Kai speechless. You only got a quick look on the first floor. It had a big living room and you

spotted a kitchen further away in another room. You saw Chanyeol, Suho and Sehun talking to three

other guys but you never really saw their faces. Tao dragged you up the stairs and in to a room. He

then released his grip.

“This is the bag!” Tao smiled proudly holding out a bag.

“It’s… beautiful” you said grabbing it. You and Tao were looking at the bag when you heard someone

cough in the doorway. You looked over and saw Kris, Kai and four other guys you’d never seen before.

“Seems like Tao has found himself a new friend” one of the guys said breaking the silence.


 Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one!

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Chapter 13: Hahahaha , EXO boys were so funny in this chap . Yeah , im a new subbie ~~ ^_^
Chapter 48: Was that the ending?.. kind of.. well i thought she will be with kai.. i was expecting that.. haixt!.. anyway this was a nice story though.. :)
Chapter 35: I want Hoya
Chapter 31: I am not getting with hoya aren't I
BlueBang #5
Chapter 41: lol the gif is funny x3
Chapter 49: Nawww dongwoo I feel for you but ruining relationships is selfish :(
Lol I had this wierd hope that Kris would scoop her away from kai nd hoya lolol
Nice fic though
BlueBang #7
Chapter 28: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
BlueBang #8
Chapter 19: I also smile like an idiot whenever I watch anything related to kpop xD ~
BlueBang #9
Chapter 16: I gussed it was Hoya :D ~
yay I was right xP
Chapter 48: :'( why Dongwoo why?? :'(