The Meeting

Kai Bai Bo

Kai’s point of view

I was standing where I had met _____ the other night with her friends. I had told _____ to meet me here at 1 o´clock. I had already been here for a half hour and it was still 10 minutes before she would come. I was standing shuffling my feet and rocking back and forth. My morning had been chaotic. I had been up all night thinking about how I would say hi to her and what I would wear. It had ended up with me sleeping on the floor. It was Suho that had woken me up this morning. I had panic but Suho had helped me calm down but I soon panicked again when I remembered that I hadn’t chosen any clothes. Suho had taken out a pair of light washed jeans and a white t-shirt with blue pattern on it. I had started to calm down and Suho did what he could to boost my confidence. I was now trying to remind myself of the words he had said.

“I can do this. I am a dude. I am a hunky dude! I'm a badass hunky dude!” I said to myself.

“Who are you talking to?” I knew that voice. It was _______’s voice. I turned around. She was standing a few meters away from me. She was wearing a yellow highwaisted skirt with a white top. She had a brown bag hanging on one of her shoulders. She looked absolutely beautiful.

“Uh, no one” I stuttered. She gave me a warm smile.

“So what are we gonna do?” She asked looking at the ground.

“I won’t tell you” I smirked. She looked up from the ground giving me a confused look.

“But I can show you” I said as I turned her around, placing my hands on her shoulder and led her to the location we were going to.


_______ Point of view

Kai had removed his hands from your shoulders after a while and was now walking beside you. You had been walking for a half hour, your feet started to hurt. You were praying that the place you were going to had somewhere to sit.

“We have arrived!” Kai said happily, pointing at a sign on the wall of the building. You looked at the sign.

“Dance studio” you read out loud “what are we doing here?”

“We are going to dance!” Kai chimed. Your mouth was hanging open.

“Close your mouth or else you might catch a fly” He said nudging your side. “Come on! Let’s go inside!” Kai led you in to the building. You went by a reception; you took an elevator to the fifth floor. When you got out you walked through a long corridor. By the end of the corridor was a door which led to a dance hall. It had mirrors on three on the walls. On forth wall there were windows with the view of the city. You walked up to the windows looking out while Kai went up to a cd player in one of the corners of the room. He put in a cd and pressed play. Music started to play.

“Are you a good dancer?” Kai asked you as he walked up to you to stand beside you and look out the windows.

“No, I ” you simply answered. Kai chuckled at your answer. The two of you stood there for a couple of minutes. You didn’t say anything, you just enjoyed the view. To your surprise it wasn’t awkward, it was actually quite nice. The stereo had played three songs already, when the fourth song started to play you immediately recognized it (EXO K – Baby Don’t Cry). It was the song that you had heard that night when you first saw EXO perform. You looked over at Kai and suddenly it hit you.

“Have you danced to this song?”

“Yeah, I had a solo to this song. It was at a show before the competition” Kai smiled. You were still looking at him, which seemed to make him uncomfortable.


“I didn’t know it was you”

“It was me?” Kai was really confused by now.

“I went to that show, but I didn’t know it was you who danced to this song”

“You were there?”

“Yeah, I and….a couple of friends went together” you said, not wanting to tell him that Infinite wanted to check out their competition.

“Do you wanna learn it?” Kai asked looking over at you.

“Learn what?”

“The dance to this song! What else?” Kai laughed. You suddenly felt really stupid.

“I shouldn’t” you said, knowing how bad you were at dancing.

“Come on, how bad can you be?” Kai said as he grabbed your wrist dragging you to the center of the room. You have no idea, you thought to yourself.



Did you guys notice the line from ‘She’s the man’? That movie is so good! If you haven’t seen it yet go and see it now!

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed it!

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Chapter 13: Hahahaha , EXO boys were so funny in this chap . Yeah , im a new subbie ~~ ^_^
Chapter 48: Was that the ending?.. kind of.. well i thought she will be with kai.. i was expecting that.. haixt!.. anyway this was a nice story though.. :)
Chapter 35: I want Hoya
Chapter 31: I am not getting with hoya aren't I
BlueBang #5
Chapter 41: lol the gif is funny x3
Chapter 49: Nawww dongwoo I feel for you but ruining relationships is selfish :(
Lol I had this wierd hope that Kris would scoop her away from kai nd hoya lolol
Nice fic though
BlueBang #7
Chapter 28: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
BlueBang #8
Chapter 19: I also smile like an idiot whenever I watch anything related to kpop xD ~
BlueBang #9
Chapter 16: I gussed it was Hoya :D ~
yay I was right xP
Chapter 48: :'( why Dongwoo why?? :'(