Grocery Shopping

Kai Bai Bo

You and Hoya entered the grocery store together. Hoya picked up a basket as you went ahead of him.

“What do you need to buy?” Hoya asked. You turned around and looked at him.

“A lot” you smiled.

“Do you have anything at your apartment?”. You tapped your chin and shook your head.  Hoya chuckled at you.

“Well, we better get started then!”

You and Hoya walked around the store. You picked all the things you wanted to buy and put them into the basket that Hoya carried. Hoya was walking beside you, never leaving your side. You liked this. Being with Hoya. He made you feel safe and calm. The basket was starting to fill up.

“You really don’t have anything, huh?”

“I already told you so” you laughed.

“Well I didn’t think you were this serious!” he laughed as he lifted up the basket to show you all the things you were planning to buy. You just shrugged your shoulders and continued walking. You heard Hoya chuckle before he started to walk after you again. You arrived at the checkout counter. Hoya started to put up the things on the counter while you stood further away looking at some magazines to buy for the girls at home. You grabbed three magazines and put them on the counter as well. You paid for everything and the two of you walked out of the shop.

“I better get going” Hoya said turning to you.

“Thanks for helping me!” you chimed.

“My pleasure” Hoya chuckled. You reached out your hand to take the bag that Hoya was carrying. As soon as you had it in your hand you had to put it down on the ground. It was a lot heavier than what you expected it to be.

“Are you sure you can carry everything?” Hoya asked.

“I’m positive!” you said lifting the two bags up from the ground. It was really heavy but you were determined to carry it by yourself. Hoya looked at you and chuckled.

“I guess I’ll see you later then” Hoya said. You nodded and he turned around. You started to walk the other way. You had a really hard time carrying your groceries. Suddenly you felt someone grabbing one of the bags away from you. You looked to your side and saw Hoya grinning.

“What are you doing?” you asked him.

“I’m helping you!” he said as he took the other bag from you as well.

“Yah! I can carry it myself!”

Hoya looked in one of the bags and took out a bag of apples. He gave it to you and smiled.

“There you go!”

You glared at him. In the end you gave up trying to get the bags back so you continued carrying the apples.

“How did you know I needed help with the bags?” you asked him.

“Because you walked really funny! You didn’t walk straight. It kind of looked like you were drunk” Hoya chuckled. You hit him playfully on his arm.

“Is that what I get for helping you?”  Hoya pouted.



You and Hoya were just outside of your apartment door. Hoya put down the two bags in front of you.

You were about to say thank you to Hoya when your door opened and Hanbyul screamed at you.

“Do you know how we have waited for you!?”

Bongcha came after Hanbyul.

“I’m dying over here!”

“I’m hoping the bags are full with food and not something else!”

You felt really embarrassed over your friends. You looked over at Hoya who looked really amused. Hanbyul and Bongcha looked at what you were looking.

“Hoya! I didn’t see you there” Hanbyul awkwardly laughed. Hoya waved at the girls.

“Well…we are going to unpack all the food…so bye!” Bongcha said while grabbing the bags. Hanbyul closed the door after them. You looked over at Hoya, he still looked amused.

“Sorry about that”.

“No harm done”.

“Do you wanna come in and eat with us?”

“I would like to…but I really need to go home”

“Oh okay” you said, sad that he couldn’t join you.

“But I will see you tomorrow at school right?” Hoya smiled.

“Yeah you will”.

Hoya gave you a hug and walked away leaving you. You turned around opening the door to find Hanbyul and Bongcha looking at you tapping their feet.

“We want an explanation”

“For what?”

“We wanna know where you have been all day!” Bongcha said.

“And why you were with Hoya!” Hanbyul cried.

You rolled your eyes and went in to the kitchen. Bongcha followed you.

“So?” Bongcha asked.

You hopped up on the counter and looked at Bongcha.

“I’ll tell you everything! But where’s Hanbyul?”. Right after you finished your sentence Hanbyul entered the kitchen dragging the two bags after her.

“Did you buy everything in the store?” Hanbyul said. You and Bongcha started to laugh.

“Yah! Aren’t you gonna help your leader?” Hanbyul cried getting annoyed at you and Bongcha. It only made the two of you laugh even more. Hanbyul gave you a death glare which made you stop laughing and went and helped the leader with the bags. When the three of you had unpacked all of the groceries you hopped up on the counter once again while the two other girls sat down on two chairs.

“Tell us everything!”

You told them about your day. Everything from you dancing with Kai, the way Hoya had acted and the two of you going grocery shopping together.

“You’re welcome” Bongcha suddenly said.

Both you and Hanbyul gave her a questioning look.

“I was the one who gave Kai your number therefor I’m the one you should thank!”

“Thank you then” you laughed.



Hope you liked this chapter! I don't have anything to say, so see you in the next one!!

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Chapter 13: Hahahaha , EXO boys were so funny in this chap . Yeah , im a new subbie ~~ ^_^
Chapter 48: Was that the ending?.. kind of.. well i thought she will be with kai.. i was expecting that.. haixt!.. anyway this was a nice story though.. :)
Chapter 35: I want Hoya
Chapter 31: I am not getting with hoya aren't I
BlueBang #5
Chapter 41: lol the gif is funny x3
Chapter 49: Nawww dongwoo I feel for you but ruining relationships is selfish :(
Lol I had this wierd hope that Kris would scoop her away from kai nd hoya lolol
Nice fic though
BlueBang #7
Chapter 28: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
BlueBang #8
Chapter 19: I also smile like an idiot whenever I watch anything related to kpop xD ~
BlueBang #9
Chapter 16: I gussed it was Hoya :D ~
yay I was right xP
Chapter 48: :'( why Dongwoo why?? :'(