The Kitchen

Kai Bai Bo

You woke up the next day feeling bad. You had caught a cold. You had a runny nose, a headache and a sore throat and you definitely had a fever. It was probably because you and Kai had been out in the rain yesterday. When you thought back on what had happened yesterday you felt all bubbly inside. Kai made you feel a curtain way about yourself that no one else did. It was a long time since you could let everything go and just enjoy the moment. Kai made you stop worrying about the future or the past. He made you live in the moment.

After much thinking about it you decided to stay at home today. You grabbed your phone and started to type.


 To: Hoya

I won’t be coming to school today, I’ve got a cold.


Feeling really exhausted, you fell asleep.

You woke up by someone banging on the door. You looked over at your clock, it was 12PM. The banging on the door grew louder. You slowly crept out of bed, you put your slippers on and started walking towards the door.  By now the banging wouldn’t stop. As you reached the door you opened it.

The sun hit your face, you had to close your eyes to not be blinded. You held up your hand to cover your eyes from the sun. You started to see the contours of a person in front of you. As your eyes got used to the light you saw who it was standing in front of you.


Hoya’s point of view.

I was just entering the school when I got a text.


From: ________

I won’t be coming to school today, I’ve got a cold.


I was sad that wouldn’t be able to see ______. I really wanted to apologize for everything that had happened yesterday. I was just being stupid and didn’t think about what I was saying.

“Hey! Hamlet, why so sad?” I heard Dongwoo’s voice say. I looked up and saw him grinning, I rolled my eyes. Dongwoo had always been my best friend and I loved him to bits but sometimes he was just being annoying.

“______ isn’t coming to school today. She’s sick.” I simply answered, still looking at the text.

“I’m guessing that you’re feeling bad over what happened yesterday” Dongwoo said. Somehow Dongwoo always knew when something was bothering me, sometimes it was nice and sometimes not. I nodded.

“If you want to make up for it maybe you should go over to her place with some food” Dongwoo said smiling as he left me alone. I didn’t want to take Donwoo’s advice but he was right. I should at least try.

I decided to go at lunch time. My lunch started at 11:30. I went to get some ramen, drinks and cookies. As I walked to _______’s apartment something felt wrong. I ignored the feeling and kept on walking. As I started to walk on her street I saw someone walking in the opposite direction as me. The person turned and walked up to ______’s door. I froze at my spot. It was Kai.

________, please don’t open.

But she did. She looked really happy to see him.


________’s point of view

“Hi” Kai smiled.

“What are you doing here?” you said not even caring about hiding your smile.

“I heard that you were sick so I thought that you maybe needed some company” Kai answered looking down at the ground. Your smile grew wider. You stepped to the side so Kai could enter. Kai was looking around in your living room. You just stood there and looked at him. Kai turned to you and smiled.

“I’ve got something for you”

You raised your brow and smiled. Kai took off his backpack and sat down on your couch. You sat down beside him trying to see what was in his backpack but Kai pulled the bag away from you.

“No peeking”. Kai chuckled when you started to pout.

“Kai finally found what he was looking for.

“Here you go” Kai said holding out his hands with a dvd in them. You looked at it and immediately looked back at Kai smiling.

“You bought this?”

Kai nodded.

“Thank you! I’ll put it on now!” you said as you walked up to the tv, starting the movie. When the movie started you read what it stood on the screen out loud.

“Dancing in the rain”

“I knew you would like it” Kai smiled as you sat down beside him again.

“I can’t believe you bought it”

“I’ve got some more things with me” Kai grinned. You raised your brow once again. Kai dug in to his backpack again, he took out two packages of ramen.

“I hope you’re hungry” he smiled.

Kai walked in to the kitchen and prepared the ramen. You still sat on your couch as you hugged your legs, resting your head on your knees looking at the movie. Kai came in after a while with a pot full of ramen. He sat down beside handing you your chopsticks. You began to eat.

When the movie ended, the both of you had finished the ramen. Kai once again dug in his backpack, this time he pulled out a package of cookies.

“Cookie?” he said holding out the package to you.

“I’m full” you said laid down on your back. You had your head on the end of the couch looking at Kai, who were sitting on the other side. Kai put the cookie packages on the table.

“Why are you here?” you asked. Kai looked at you with a confused look.

“I’m not meaning to be rude! I really appreciate that you are here” you smiled “but don’t you have school?”

Kai chuckled.

“Don’t worry about that. I kind of feel guilty about you being sick today”

“And you shouldn’t worry about that” you laughed, Kai smiled back at you. After that you remained silent. You noticed that Kai was staring at you the whole time but you didn’t look back. You were afraid that it would get awkward and that was the last thing you wanted. Kai suddenly moved closer to you. You were so surprised that you stood up.

“I’m gonna do the dishes!” you said, grabbing everything from the table taking it with you to the kitchen leaving Kai alone on the couch. When you reached the kitchen-sink you tapped up the water. You placed your hands on the counter, leaning onto it.

Was he staring at me? Why did he move in closer? You thought to yourself.

You snapped out of your thought and started doing the dishes. When you were half way done you heard Kai entering the kitchen. You didn’t look at him, you just kept on doing the rest of the dishes. You were panicking inside. You didn’t know why. You had never felt this way around Kai or anyone before. You weren’t sure if it was a good or bad thing. Suddenly you felt Kai standing behind you.

“Do you need help?” Kai said in a low husky voice. He was bending down so his face was by your ear. You dropped the plate you were holding back in to the sink. You heard him chuckle quietly.

“You can dry the dishes” you said trying to steady your voice as much as possible.

“Okay” Kai answered moving to your side to dry the dishes. It turned quiet again. You stood really close to Kai. His arm was touching yours. It sent sparks through your body. When you were done you helped Kai putting everything back to its right place. You were putting back a plate in one of the cabinet, it was too far up for you to reach but you didn’t want to ask Kai for his help. Just when you were about to give up you felt Kai standing behind you reaching up for the plate. He took the plate from your hand and put it easily in in its rightful place. As you turned around Kai was standing in front of you. He placed his hands on your sides and lifted you up on the counter. You blushed and remained silent.

“Is something wrong?” Kai asked, trying to get eye contact with you. You looked at him and shook your head.

“Thank you.” you said.

“For what?”

“I don’t know. Everything.”

Kai smiled. The silent grew again.

“What are you doing this Friday?”

“Nothing, why?” you asked, curious about why he asked you that.

“Me and EXO are meeting up some friends and I just wondered if you wanted to come along” Kai said quietly. You smiled. It was weird that he could be so comfortable being so close to you one second and the next one he was nervous asking you about hanging out with his friends and him.

“I’d like that” you smiled. Kai looked up at you and smiled. He grabbed one of your hands and started playing with it with his own hand. The feeling came back. You suddenly heard you phone rang in your bedroom. You looked at Kai. He let go of your hand and nodded.

“Take it”.

You jumped off the counter and ran in to your room.

“Hello?” you answered sitting down on your bed.

“Hey! How are you?” Dongwoo said.

“Oppa! I guess Hoya told you that I was sick. I’m actually better now” you smiled when you thought about your day with Kai.

“As I said, he tells me everything” Dongwoo laughed “Talking about Hoya! Did you approve his apology? It was my idea!”


“Yeah, I sent him over with some food! Didn’t he show up?”

“No, he didn’t” you said sadly.

“Oh, I can talk to him if you…”

“No, I’ll do it” you said before Dongwoo could end his sentence.

“You’re the boss!” Dongwoo chuckled “I guess I’ll see you when you are feeling better then!”

“Yeah, you will.”


“Bye” you said hanging up.

You stayed seated on your bed. You were confused.

Why didn’t Hoya show up?

You heard a knock on the door as Kai stepped in. He had his hands in his pockets.

“I probably should get going” he said looking at you. His eyes looked sad. You stood up and walked him to the door.

“Thank you” you said.

“You’ve already said that” Kai chuckled quietly.

“I know…but thank you” you said seriously.

Kai looked at you. You stood there for a while. Just looking at each other. Kai took a step closer to you and gave you a hug. You could feel the feeling creeping back to you. As he pulled away from you he left a kiss on your cheek for the second time. The feeling was definitely back by now. Kai opened the door, he looked back at you and smiled before he closed the door leaving you alone.

You sat down at the couch in the living room, trying to calm yourself down.

Snap out of it ______!

The feeling started to fade away. You looked at the table and saw Kai’s cookies. The feeling came back.




Hopefully this chapter won't disappear! It's the longest I've written!

I'm writing another fanfiction (SHINee!) but I'm not sure when I'll post it.

The gif of Kai...dead



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Chapter 13: Hahahaha , EXO boys were so funny in this chap . Yeah , im a new subbie ~~ ^_^
Chapter 48: Was that the ending?.. kind of.. well i thought she will be with kai.. i was expecting that.. haixt!.. anyway this was a nice story though.. :)
Chapter 35: I want Hoya
Chapter 31: I am not getting with hoya aren't I
BlueBang #5
Chapter 41: lol the gif is funny x3
Chapter 49: Nawww dongwoo I feel for you but ruining relationships is selfish :(
Lol I had this wierd hope that Kris would scoop her away from kai nd hoya lolol
Nice fic though
BlueBang #7
Chapter 28: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
BlueBang #8
Chapter 19: I also smile like an idiot whenever I watch anything related to kpop xD ~
BlueBang #9
Chapter 16: I gussed it was Hoya :D ~
yay I was right xP
Chapter 48: :'( why Dongwoo why?? :'(