Beach Battle



Kaiya and Yutaka rushed out of the forest and onto the beach. 
Yutaka (looking for some kind of sign for Raitrious): "Knowing Raitrious, he doesn't stay down."
Kaiya (looking at Yutaka): "I think it's best if we search for Summi."
Yutaka (looking at Kaiya): "But how will we find him? It's not like he has a sign that points to where he's located."
Kaiya (pointing the ground): "I'm an Earth Manipulator."
Yutaka (crossing arms): "And?"
Kaiya (digging finger in the sand): "I can sense if there are any life signs or even better chi."
Yutaka (crossing arms and squatting): "Let's see. I'm dubious."
Kaiya closed her eyes and than when she opened them back up, she entered her Elemental Possession state. Her eyes were black with a tint of grey. 
She saw everything and everyone on the island.  She scanned the entire circumference of the village (which is where the beach is located) and couldn't feel anything. 
Kaiya (existing Elemental Possession State): "I couldn't sense any demonic chi."
Yutaka got up and looked around for anything out of place. 
Yutaka (looks around): “Eh, nothing. It’s like Summi knows we want to hunt him and destroy him.”
Kaiya (looking up at Yutaka): “Maybe, I’m not trying hard enough.”
Yutaka nodded. 
This time, Kaiya’s eye glowed the same color and she slammed both palms onto the ground. She scanned the entire island and found two interesting items. 
Kaiya (getting up and existing Elemental Possession): “I found Summi.”
Yutaka (punching the air above his head): “That’s great! Where is he?”
Kaiya (pointing down to the sand): “Below my feet.”
Yutaka (looking at Kaiya’s feet): “Well, what’re you waiting for? Unearth it.”
Kaiya (looking at Yutaka): “I can’t.”
Yutaka (gripping Kaiya’s shoulders): “Why not?”
Kaiya (looking aside): “Raitrious is on his way.”
Yutaka (looking at the woods): “That bastard.”
Before Kaiya can say something, Raitrious created an entrance by blasting a part of the forest with his electrical abilities. 
Raitrious (lightning snaking out of his clawed finger nails and pale white hand): “GIVE ME SUMMI NOW!”
Kaiya (creating a fist made of rock): “We don’t have him.”
Yutaka formed his hands into a straight, dagger like manner, and fire jumped from his wrists and set his hands on fire.
Raitrious (preparing to attack): “It seems that this beach is about to have a stand off against good and evil.” 
Yutaka (raising fiery hands in a fighting position): “So it seems.”
Kaiya (lowering rocky hands and arms): “This time, I’m going to be the one to kill you.”
Yutaka (moving his left foot, raising his [left] ankle and left it hovering above the ground): “This is a vendetta. And this time, you won’t escape, or leave this island alive.” 
Raitrious (bashing electrified fists together): “It’s only me versus Hisujiya Yutaka and Tsuchiki Kaiya.” 
Kaiya didn’t waste anytime, she punched the ground. 
Kaiya (entering her Elemental Possession state): “Juu Inu no Suna!” (10 Dogs of Sand) 
Raitrious (holding hand out to face Kaiya’s chest): “Dogs? Is that the best you can do?”
Kaiya (cracking rocky knuckles): “If you underestimate a Tsuchiki Clan Member, than you get bitten by one of our secret techniques: 10 Dogs of Sand. 
Raitrious (snickering and crossing arms): “I know every single Tsuchiki technique ever created. This is only a pitiful version of the most secret technique in your arsenal. The 100,000 Furred Mammals Made of Earth.”
Yutaka (looking at Kaiya): “Have you ever heard of it?”
Kaiya nodded, than she looked at Yutaka. 
Kaiya: “It’s a forbidden technique that consumes all of your chi and renders you in a near-death state. Even in Elemental Possession, you have a risk of dying, along with your Element Sign.”
Yutaka was speechless. 
Kaiya was silent than she threw her right hand into the air and threw it to point to Raitrious. 
Kaiya (pointing finger at Raitrious): “My ten dogs… KILL RAITRIOUS!!!” 
The ten dogs, with their granite colored eyes and sand colored fur, rushed for Raitrious. 
One dog leapt into the air, brought out his claws and before he could slash Raitrious’ mask off, Raitrious kicked him in the stomach. The dog dissolved. 
Yutaka (thinking): He’s cutting them down with only his left foot. And with relative ease. I have to be careful when I’m fighting him.  
Kaiya watched as each dog was cut down by Raitrious’ foot. 
Raitrious (placing his foot back down to the sand0: “Anymore I can cut down?”
Kaiya bit her lower lip. 
Yutaka (entering Elemental Possession): “If your finished, than I’m going to take your place.”
Raitrious (sending electricity to snake out of his sharp nailed fingers): “The son of Hiroshi and Kasa. The younger brother of Kiyoshi. The new member of the Hisujiya Clan is going to fight me. I’m terrified.” 
He bared his demonic fangs. 
Yutaka made a fist and fire erupted from his wrists and took the shape of his fists. 
Kaiya (clapping her hands together): “I’m not going to let you take him down by yourself.”
Yutaka threw out his fiery hand in front of Kaiya.
Yutaka (looking into Kaiya’s eyes): “Stay out of it.”
She nodded and back away. 
Raitrious (cracking knuckles): “Yutaka. Your nothing but a bother to my plans and I just started my search.”
Yutaka (erupting more fire from his wrists): “That was the plan: destroy the relics and then kill you.”
Raitrious (crushing more electricity out of his hands): “You bastard.”
Yutaka (pushing off the sand and charging for Raitrious): “From here on out … we FIGHT!”
Raitrious (pushing off the sand and charging for Yutaka): “FINE BY ME!” 
They clashed and a huge grey and fiery colored dome exploded from the two elementalists. Yutaka and Raitrious leapt out of  grey cloud and skidded on the sand. 
Yutaka (stopping himself and thinking): That didn’t work. But how do I do damage to him? 
Raitrious (stopping himself, as well, and thinking): That bastard though he could pull the same move Tobias pulled. Heh. That’s not going to help you, Yutaka. 
To Be Continued…
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please update authornim.....
luckyxstarz #2
it's a orginal story like he said on the top
...this isn't a fanfic.
Sonicman0123456789 #4
Nice...nice. Oh btw I'm waiting for the rest of the post so keep em comin :)