Heat Seeking Eye from the South Lands


Yami Yutaka(laughing manically and walking towards Shukai): "Does this hurt? Does this hurt?!?"

Shukai screamed in horror but the fire stopped flowing from his palms.

Yami Yutaka(looking at his palms and holding them out): "Eh. What the hell?"

Everyone looked up and the fire danced and swirled around Shukai and it followed the smell of cigarettes.

Everyone watched the black flames ride the air and fly into the beginning of a cigarette and it lit itself.

Kumo(having a smile of relief): "Ah. Bakuhatsu. You finally made it."

Bakuhatsu was a slender man in his mid 30s. He was wearing a faded red kimono with faded blue (kimono) trousers. His hair was white and his hair was covering his right eye. He was wearing roped sandals and had a cigarette in his mouth. His left eye had a lazy appearance to it.

Bakuhatsu(taking cigarette out of his mouth): "Was sup? Ah'm late ain't Ah."

Kumo(sighing a sigh of relief): "Bakuhatsu, you know when to come at the right time."

Bakuhatsu took some final breaths of his cigarette, took it out of his mouth, and tossed it aside.

Bakuhatsu (holding up a 'V' with his right hand): "I think it's time tha' the smoka shows ya wha' reel Fire Manipulation realla is."

Kumo(grabbing Kaiya's and Tobias' collars): "He's going to explode so let's get away from him."

Kaiya and Tobias nodded and the three fighters disappeared to where they can watch the fight and be safe.

Yami Yutaka(looking at Bakuhatsu): "It seems that we have an ally."

Bakuhatsu nodded.

Bakuhatsu(looking into Yami Yutaka's eyes): "It seems that Shukai put a demonic creature up in yo body. Hiroshi would be mad as hell if 'e found out that yo got some demon in ya."

Shukai(unleashing his wings): "Bakuhatsu! Yami Yutaka! I challenge both of you to a two on one duel!"

Bakuhatsu(looking sleepy): "Fine buy me. Ah'mma be mad as hell if ya defeat me, yo."

Shukai(creating a razor Tama no Kaze in his palm): "Bakuhatsu, you south island speaking scum! Die!"

He fired the Razor Sharp Tama no Kaze at Bakuhatsu but he just stood in place and it cut his kimono.

Bakuhatsu(looking at the damage): "Tha' suga hona ice tea actually connected. Damn."

Shukai(creating another one): "This time I won't miss!"

He fired it, disappeared but Bakuhatsu put his hair behind his left ear and opened his left eye to reveal an eye that has a orange iris and red sclera.

Bakuhatsu panned onto Shukai's location. He twirled his arm in a circular motion and a ring of fire was following his hand.

Bakuhatsu(looking at the invisible Shukai): "Ring of Fire!"

He threw the "Ring of Fire" and it sliced upward on Shukai's chest.

Blood splattered from an invisible source and than it disappeared into the air.

Bakuhatsu was still locked onto Shukai's location.

Bakuhatsu(keeping his eye on Shukai): "Ah see ya and Ah'mma ---"

Kumo(looking for Bakuhatsu): "Where'd he go?"


The Trio, Kumo and, even Yami Yutaka, shot their heads to the scream and saw that Bakuhatsu's hand was covered in blood.

Yami Yutaka(looking at Bakuhatsu's bloody hand): "What the hell?"

Shukai reappeared and Bakuhatsu had his hand in the former's right . 

Kumo(thinking): (This isn't good. The Heat Seeking Eye, used more and more, can corrupt the user. If that's the case, than Bakuhatsu must of used it recently because the last time I saw him use it, I never saw him attempt to kill anyone.)

Bakuhatsu(putting his left hand on Shukai's left shoulder blade): "Ah'm sorry for dis bu' yo need ta die alreada."

He pulled his hand out of Shukai's chest and turned him around.

Bakuhatsu(balling up his fist): "Dis fo' ma family ya killed 15 years ago."

Shukai looked at Bakuhatsu with a petrified stare in his eyes.

CRACK! Bakuhatsu punched him on his cheek and punched him again. And again. He punched him the face, continuously.

Kumo(watching Shukai get beat up): "Bakuhatsu, when we were growing up, had the greatest accuracy. In fact, he's faster than me and I manipulate Air."

Kaiya coughed a word but no one could make it out.

Bakuhatsu stopped his assault and Shukai, with a black eye and blood dripping from his beak, disappeared.

Bakuhatsu(watching Shukai run away from him): "Ya think yo' can run?  Yo piece o' crap."

He waited for the right moment but before he could get that chance, Raitrious reappeared, with two arms attached and sneered at Bakuhatsu and Shukai under his breath.

He panned his sights to Shukai, who reappeared behind him.

Shukai(pointing to Bakuhatsu): "That-that-that bastard! That bastard has the 'Heat Seeking Eye.' He used it to kick my --"

Raitrious held up his hand.

Raitrious(looking at Shukai): "I'm mad. And what happens when I get mad?"

Shukai(drifting away from Raitrious): "People die?"

Bakuhatsu(looking at Raitrious): "Ah don' care if people die! Ah wan' revenge fo' ma family!"

Kumo appeared behind Bakuhatsu and chopped his neck: knocking him out.

Yami Yutaka was watching the entire episode unfold and decided to make his leave.

Yami Yutaka(walking slowly away from the battle): "I only have an hour to be out until I revert to my normal form."

Kaiya landed on the ground and looked at Yutaka.

Kaiya(looking into the demonic eyes of Yami Yutaka): "Yutaka! Are you in there?!?"

Yami Yutaka grinned evilly.

Kaiya dropped to her knees and Pure Yutaka saw this and he attacked Yami Yutaka.

To Be Continued...

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please update authornim.....
luckyxstarz #2
it's a orginal story like he said on the top
...this isn't a fanfic.
Sonicman0123456789 #4
Nice...nice. Oh btw I'm waiting for the rest of the post so keep em comin :)